view misc/_li @ 4309:b56b1eae7994

component email gateway: add multicasting: XEP-0033 multicasting is now supported both for incoming and outgoing messages. XEP-0033 metadata are converted to suitable Email headers and vice versa. Email address and JID are both supported, and delivery is done by the gateway when suitable on incoming messages. rel 450
author Goffi <>
date Thu, 26 Sep 2024 16:12:01 +0200
parents 7b888a488474
line wrap: on
line source

#compdef li libervia-cli li_dev jp jp_dev
# Libervia CLI: Command Line Interface for Libervia
# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

#TODO: - caching (see _store_cache en _retrieve_cache)
#      - filtering imposibles arguments
#      - arguments (jids, files)


local optionals subcommands arguments
local context state state_descr line
typeset -A val_args

_li() {
	eval `/usr/bin/env $PYTHON 2> /dev/null <<- PYTHONEND
	import re
	from subprocess import check_output
	# import sys
	# words_raw="li_dev " + ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) # for debugging in a script
	words_raw="$words" # $words is the command line currently completed
	words_all = words_raw.split()
	prog_name = words_all[0]
	words_no_opt = [word for word in words_all if not word.startswith('-')] # command line without optional arguments
	choices_cache = {}
	ARG = r'[-a-z0-9_]' # charset accepted for an argument name
	subcommands_re = re.compile(r"^ +{((?:" + ARG + r"+)(?:," + ARG + r"+)*)}", re.MULTILINE)
	optionals_re = re.compile(r"^ {2,}(--?" + ARG + r"+(?: [A-Z_0-9]+)?(?:, --" + ARG + r"+(?: [A-Z_0-9]+)?)?)\n? {2,}(.*(?:\n {4,}.*)*$)", re.MULTILINE)
	arguments_re = re.compile(r"^ {2,}([a-z_]" + ARG + r"*) {2,}(.*$)", re.MULTILINE)
	clean_re = re.compile(r"(?P<prefix_spaces>^ +)|(?P<double_spaces> {2,})|(?P<newline>\n)|(?P<quote>')|(?P<suffix_spaces> +$)", re.MULTILINE)
	def _clean(desc):
	    def sub_clean(match):
	        matched_dict = match.groupdict()
	        matched = {matched for matched in matched_dict if matched_dict[matched]}
	        if matched.intersection(('prefix_spaces', 'suffix_spaces')):
	            return ''
	        elif matched.intersection(('double_spaces', 'newline')):
	            return ' '
	        elif matched.intersection(('quote',)):
	            return r"'\''"
	            raise ValueError
	    return clean_re.sub(sub_clean, desc)
	def parse_help(jp_help):
	    # parse the help returning subcommands, optionals arguments, and mandatory arguments
	    subcommands = subcommands_re.findall(jp_help)
	    subcommands = {subcommand:"" for subcommand in subcommands[0].split(',')} if subcommands else {}
	    optionals = dict(optionals_re.findall(jp_help))
	    arguments = dict(arguments_re.findall(jp_help))
	    for subcommand in subcommands:
	        subcommands[subcommand] = arguments.pop(subcommand, '')
	    return subcommands, optionals, arguments
	def get_choice(opt_choice):
	    choices = choices_cache.get(opt_choice)
	    if choices is not None:
	        return choices
	    if opt_choice == 'PROFILE':
	        profiles = check_output([prog_name, 'profile', 'list'])
	        choices = ":profile:(%s)" % ' '.join(profiles.split('\n'))
	    if choices:
	        choices_cache[opt_choice] = choices
	        return choices
	        return ""
	def construct_opt(opts, desc):
	    # construct zsh's _arguments line for optional arguments
	    arg_lines = []
	    for opt in opts.split(', '):
	            opt_name, opt_choice = opt.split()
	        except ValueError:
	            # there is no argument
	            opt_name, opt_choice = opt, None
	        # arg_lines.append("'()%s[%s]%s'" % (opt_name+('=' if opt_name.startswith('--') else '+'),
	        arg_lines.append("'()%s[%s]%s'" % (opt_name,
	                                           "%s" % get_choice(opt_choice) if opt_choice else ''
	    return ' '.join(arg_lines)
	current_args = []
	while True:
	    # parse li's help recursively until words_no_opt doesn't correspond anymore to a subcommand
	        jp_help = check_output(current_args + ['--help'])
	        # print "jp_help (%s):\n%s\n\n---\n" % (' '.join(current_args), jp_help) # for debugging
	        subcommands, optionals, arguments = parse_help(jp_help)
	        if words_no_opt[0] not in subcommands:
	    except IndexError:
	# now we fill the arrays so zsh can use them
	env.append("optionals=(%s)" % ' '.join(construct_opt(opt, desc) for opt, desc in optionals.items()))
	env.append("subcommands=(%s)" % ' '.join(["'%s[%s]'" % (subcommand, _clean(desc)) for subcommand, desc in subcommands.items()]))
	env.append("arguments=(%s)" % ' '.join(["'%s[%s]'" % (argument, _clean(desc)) for argument, desc in arguments.items()]))
	print ";".join(env) # this line is for eval
	if [  -n "$optionals" ]; then
		_values optional $optionals
	if [  -n "$subcommands" ]; then
		_values subcommand $subcommands
	if [ -n "$arguments" ]; then
		#_values argument $arguments

_li "$@"