view frontends/src/quick_frontend/ @ 1596:b7ee113183fc

jp: better profile commands: - new "profile/default" command - info doesn't show password anymore by default, need to be explicitly requested - info and modify don't need to connect anymore - modify can now set default profile. As use_profile is set, at least a profile session need to be started when it would not be mandatory technicaly (if just setting the profile as default is needed). But this option should not be used often, and it's not a big side effect, so I don't feel the need to create a new dedicated command, or to do complicated checks to avoid the session start.
author Goffi <>
date Sat, 14 Nov 2015 19:18:10 +0100 (2015-11-14)
parents 641cfd2faefe
children e2ed8009e66e
line wrap: on
line source
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# helper class for making a SAT frontend
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from sat.core.log import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)

from sat.core.i18n import _
from sat.core import exceptions
from import trigger

from import jid
from sat_frontends.quick_frontend import quick_widgets
from sat_frontends.quick_frontend import quick_menus
from sat_frontends.quick_frontend import quick_blog
from sat_frontends.quick_frontend import quick_chat, quick_games
from sat_frontends.quick_frontend.constants import Const as C

import sys
from collections import OrderedDict

    # FIXME: to be removed when an acceptable solution is here
    unicode('')  # XXX: unicode doesn't exist in pyjamas
except (TypeError, AttributeError):  # Error raised is not the same depending on pyjsbuild options
    unicode = str

class ProfileManager(object):
    """Class managing all data relative to one profile, and plugging in mechanism"""
    host = None
    bridge = None
    cache_keys_to_get = ['avatar']

    def __init__(self, profile):
        self.profile = profile
        self.whoami = None = {}

    def __getitem__(self, key):

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):[key] = value

    def plug(self):
        """Plug the profile to the host"""
        # we get the essential params
        self.bridge.asyncGetParamA("JabberID", "Connection", profile_key=self.profile,
                                   callback=self._plug_profile_jid, errback=self._getParamError)

    def _plug_profile_jid(self, jid_s):
        self.whoami = jid.JID(jid_s)  # resource might change after the connection
        self.bridge.asyncGetParamA("autoconnect", "Connection", profile_key=self.profile,
                                   callback=self._plug_profile_autoconnect, errback=self._getParamError)

    def _plug_profile_autoconnect(self, value_str):
        autoconnect = C.bool(value_str)
        if autoconnect and not self.bridge.isConnected(self.profile):
  , callback=lambda dummy: self._plug_profile_afterconnect())

    def _plug_profile_afterconnect(self):
        # Profile can be connected or not
        # we get cached data[], ProfileManager.cache_keys_to_get, profile=self.profile, callback=self._plug_profile_gotCachedValues, errback=self._plug_profile_failedCachedValues)

    def _plug_profile_failedCachedValues(self, failure):
        log.error(u"Couldn't get cached values: {}".format(failure))

    def _plug_profile_gotCachedValues(self, cached_values):
        # add the contact list and its listener
        contact_list =[self.profile] = contact_list

        for entity, data in cached_values.iteritems():
            for key, value in data.iteritems():
                contact_list.setCache(jid.JID(entity), key, value)

        if not self.bridge.isConnected(self.profile):
  , '', profile=self.profile)


            #The waiting subscription requests
            self.bridge.getWaitingSub(self.profile, callback=self._plug_profile_gotWaitingSub)

    def _plug_profile_gotWaitingSub(self, waiting_sub):
        for sub in waiting_sub:
  [sub], sub, self.profile)

        self.bridge.getRoomsJoined(self.profile, callback=self._plug_profile_gotRoomsJoined)

    def _plug_profile_gotRoomsJoined(self, rooms_args):
        #Now we open the MUC window where we already are:
        for room_args in rooms_args:
  *room_args, profile=self.profile)

        self.bridge.getRoomsSubjects(self.profile, callback=self._plug_profile_gotRoomsSubjects)

    def _plug_profile_gotRoomsSubjects(self, subjects_args):
        for subject_args in subjects_args:
  *subject_args, profile=self.profile)

        #Presence must be requested after rooms are filled, callback=self._plug_profile_gotPresences)

    def _plug_profile_gotPresences(self, presences):
        def gotEntityData(data, contact):
            for key in ('avatar', 'nick'):
                if key in data:
          , key, data[key], self.profile)

        for contact in presences:
            for res in presences[contact]:
                jabber_id = ('%s/%s' % (jid.JID(contact).bare, res)) if res else contact
                show = presences[contact][res][0]
                priority = presences[contact][res][1]
                statuses = presences[contact][res][2]
      , show, priority, statuses, self.profile)
  , ['avatar', 'nick'], self.profile, callback=lambda data, contact=contact: gotEntityData(data, contact), errback=lambda failure, contact=contact: log.debug(u"No cache data for {}".format(contact)))

        #Finaly, we get the waiting confirmation requests
        self.bridge.getWaitingConf(self.profile, callback=self._plug_profile_gotWaitingConf)

    def _plug_profile_gotWaitingConf(self, waiting_confs):
        for confirm_id, confirm_type, data in waiting_confs:
  , confirm_type, data, self.profile)

        # At this point, profile should be fully plugged
        # and we launch frontend specific method

    def _getParamError(self, ignore):
        log.error(_("Can't get profile parameter"))

class ProfilesManager(object):
    """Class managing collection of profiles"""

    def __init__(self):
        self._profiles = {}

    def __contains__(self, profile):
        return profile in self._profiles

    def __iter__(self):
        return self._profiles.iterkeys()

    def __getitem__(self, profile):
        return self._profiles[profile]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._profiles)

    def plug(self, profile):
        if profile in self._profiles:
            raise exceptions.ConflictError('A profile of the name [{}] is already plugged'.format(profile))
        self._profiles[profile] = ProfileManager(profile)

    def unplug(self, profile):
        if profile not in self._profiles:
            raise ValueError('The profile [{}] is not plugged'.format(profile))

        # remove the contact list and its listener
        host = self._profiles[profile].host
        del host.contact_lists[profile]

        del self._profiles[profile]

    def chooseOneProfile(self):
        return self._profiles.keys()[0]

class QuickApp(object):
    """This class contain the main methods needed for the frontend"""
    MB_HANDLE = True # Set to false if the frontend doesn't manage microblog

    def __init__(self, create_bridge, xmlui, check_options=None):
        """Create a frontend application

        @param create_bridge: method to use to create the Bridge
        @param xmlui: xmlui module
        @param check_options: method to call to check options (usually command line arguments)
        self.xmlui = xmlui
        self.menus = quick_menus.QuickMenusManager(self) = self
        self.profiles = ProfilesManager()
        self.ready_profiles = set() # profiles which are connected and ready
        self.signals_cache = {} # used to keep signal received between start of plug_profile and when the profile is actualy ready
        self.contact_lists = {}
        self.widgets = quick_widgets.QuickWidgetsManager(self)
        if check_options is not None:
            self.options = check_options()
            self.options = None

        # widgets
        self.selected_widget = None # widget currently selected (must be filled by frontend)

        # listeners
        self._listeners = {} # key: listener type ("avatar", "selected", etc), value: list of callbacks

        # triggers
        self.trigger = trigger.TriggerManager()  # trigger are used to change the default behaviour

        ## bridge ##
            self.bridge = create_bridge()
        except exceptions.BridgeExceptionNoService:
            print(_(u"Can't connect to SàT backend, are you sure it's launched ?"))
        except exceptions.BridgeInitError:
            print(_(u"Can't init bridge"))
        ProfileManager.bridge = self.bridge
        self.registerSignal("actionResultExt", self.actionResultHandler)
        self.registerSignal("roomJoined", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("roomLeft", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("roomUserJoined", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("roomUserLeft", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("roomUserChangedNick", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("roomNewSubject", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("chatStateReceived", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("psEvent", iface="plugin")

        # FIXME: do it dynamically

        self.current_action_ids = set() # FIXME: to be removed
        self.current_action_ids_cb = {} # FIXME: to be removed
        self.media_dir = self.bridge.getConfig('', 'media_dir')

    def current_profile(self):
        """Profile that a user would expect to use"""
            return self.selected_widget.profile
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
            return self.profiles.chooseOneProfile()

    def visible_widgets(self):
        """widgets currently visible (must be implemented by frontend)"""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def alerts_count(self):
        """Count the over whole alerts for all contact lists"""
        return sum([len(clist._alerts) for clist in self.contact_lists.values()])

    def registerSignal(self, function_name, handler=None, iface="core", with_profile=True):
        """Register a handler for a signal

        @param function_name (str): name of the signal to handle
        @param handler (instancemethod): method to call when the signal arrive, None for calling an automatically named handler (function_name + 'Handler')
        @param iface (str): interface of the bridge to use ('core' or 'plugin')
        @param with_profile (boolean): True if the signal concerns a specific profile, in that case the profile name has to be passed by the caller
        if handler is None:
            handler = getattr(self, "{}{}".format(function_name, 'Handler'))
        if not with_profile:
            self.bridge.register(function_name, handler, iface)

        def signalReceived(*args, **kwargs):
            profile = kwargs.get('profile')
            if profile is None:
                if not args:
                    raise exceptions.ProfileNotSetError
                profile = args[-1]
            if profile is not None:
                if not self.check_profile(profile):
                    if profile in self.profiles:
                        # profile is not ready but is in self.profiles, that's mean that it's being connecting and we need to cache the signal
                        self.signals_cache.setdefault(profile, []).append((function_name, handler, args, kwargs))
                    return  # we ignore signal for profiles we don't manage
            handler(*args, **kwargs)
        self.bridge.register(function_name, signalReceived, iface)

    def addListener(self, type_, callback, profiles_filter=None):
        """Add a listener for an event

        /!\ don't forget to remove listener when not used anymore (e.g. if you delete a widget)
        @param type_: type of event, can be:
            - avatar: called when avatar data is updated
                args: (entity, avatar file, profile)
            - nick: called when nick data is updated
                args: (entity, new_nick, profile)
            - presence: called when a presence is received
                args: (entity, show, priority, statuses, profile)
            - menu: called when a menu item is added or removed
                args: (type_, path, path_i18n, item) were values are:
                    type_: same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.importMenu]
                    path: same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.importMenu]
                    path_i18n: translated path (or None if the item is removed)
                    item: instance of quick_menus.MenuItemBase or None if the item is removed
            - gotMenus: called only once when menu are available (no arg)
        @param callback: method to call on event
        @param profiles_filter (set[unicode]): if set and not empty, the
            listener will be callable only by one of the given profiles.
        assert type_ in C.LISTENERS
        self._listeners.setdefault(type_, OrderedDict())[callback] = profiles_filter

    def removeListener(self, type_, callback):
        """Remove a callback from listeners

        @param type_: same as for [addListener]
        @param callback: callback to remove
        assert type_ in C.LISTENERS

    def callListeners(self, type_, *args, **kwargs):
        """Call the methods which listen type_ event. If a profiles filter has
        been register with a listener and profile argument is not None, the
        listener will be called only if profile is in the profiles filter list.

        @param type_: same as for [addListener]
        @param *args: arguments sent to callback
        @param **kwargs: keywords argument, mainly used to pass "profile" when needed
        assert type_ in C.LISTENERS
            listeners = self._listeners[type_]
        except KeyError:
            profile = kwargs.get("profile")
            for listener, profiles_filter in listeners.iteritems():
                if profile is None or not profiles_filter or profile in profiles_filter:
                    listener(*args, **kwargs)

    def check_profile(self, profile):
        """Tell if the profile is currently followed by the application, and ready"""
        return profile in self.ready_profiles

    def postInit(self, profile_manager):
        """Must be called after initialization is done, do all automatic task (auto plug profile)

        @param profile_manager: instance of a subclass of Quick_frontend.QuickProfileManager
        if self.options and self.options.profile:

    def profilePlugged(self, profile):
        """Method called when the profile is fully plugged, to launch frontend specific workflow

        /!\ if you override the method and don't call the parent, be sure to add the profile to ready_profiles !
            if you don't, all signals will stay in cache

        @param profile(unicode): %(doc_profile)s

        # profile is ready, we can call send signals that where is cache
        cached_signals = self.signals_cache.pop(profile, [])
        for function_name, handler, args, kwargs in cached_signals:
            log.debug(u"Calling cached signal [%s] with args %s and kwargs %s" % (function_name, args, kwargs))
            handler(*args, **kwargs)

        self.callListeners('profilePlugged', profile=profile)

    def asyncConnect(self, profile, callback=None, errback=None):
        if not callback:
            callback = lambda dummy: None
        if not errback:
            def errback(failure):
                log.error(_(u"Can't connect profile [%s]") % failure)
                if failure.module.startswith('twisted.words.protocols.jabber') and failure.condition == "not-authorized":
                    self.launchAction(C.CHANGE_XMPP_PASSWD_ID, {}, profile=profile)
                    self.showDialog(failure.message, failure.fullname, 'error')
        self.bridge.asyncConnect(profile, callback=callback, errback=errback)

    def plug_profiles(self, profiles):
        """Tell application which profiles must be used

        @param profiles: list of valid profile names
        for profile in profiles:

    def plugging_profiles(self):
        """Method to subclass to manage frontend specific things to do

        will be called when profiles are choosen and are to be plugged soon

    def unplug_profile(self, profile):
        """Tell the application to not follow anymore the profile"""
        if not profile in self.profiles:
            raise ValueError("The profile [{}] is not plugged".format(profile))

    def clear_profile(self):

    def addContactList(self, profile):
        """Method to subclass to add a contact list widget

        will be called on each profile session build
        @return: a ContactList widget
        return NotImplementedError

    def newWidget(self, widget):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def connectedHandler(self, profile, jid_s):
        """Called when the connection is made.

        @param jid_s (unicode): the JID that we were assigned by the server,
            as the resource might differ from the JID we asked for.
        self.profiles[profile].whoami = jid.JID(jid_s)

    def disconnectedHandler(self, profile):
        """called when the connection is closed"""
        self.setPresenceStatus(C.PRESENCE_UNAVAILABLE, '', profile=profile)

    def actionNewHandler(self, action_data, id_, profile):
        self.actionManager(action_data, profile=profile)

    def newContactHandler(self, jid_s, attributes, groups, profile):
        entity = jid.JID(jid_s)
        _groups = list(groups)
        self.contact_lists[profile].setContact(entity, _groups, attributes, in_roster=True)

    def newMessageHandler(self, from_jid_s, msg, type_, to_jid_s, extra, profile):
        from_jid = jid.JID(from_jid_s)
        to_jid = jid.JID(to_jid_s)
        if not self.trigger.point("newMessageTrigger", from_jid, msg, type_, to_jid, extra, profile=profile):

        from_me = from_jid.bare == self.profiles[profile].whoami.bare
        target = to_jid if from_me else from_jid

        chat_type = C.CHAT_GROUP if type_ == C.MESS_TYPE_GROUPCHAT else C.CHAT_ONE2ONE
        contact_list = self.contact_lists[profile]

        chat_widget = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, target, type_=chat_type, on_new_widget=None, profile=profile)

        self.current_action_ids = set() # FIXME: to be removed
        self.current_action_ids_cb = {} # FIXME: to be removed

        if not from_jid in contact_list and from_jid.bare != self.profiles[profile].whoami.bare:
            #XXX: needed to show entities which haven't sent any
            #     presence information and which are not in roster

        # we display the message in the widget
        chat_widget.newMessage(from_jid, target, msg, type_, extra, profile)

        # ContactList alert
        visible = False
        for widget in self.visible_widgets:
            if isinstance(widget, quick_chat.QuickChat) and widget.manageMessage(from_jid, type_):
                visible = True
        if not visible:
            contact_list.setAlert(from_jid.bare if type_ == C.MESS_TYPE_GROUPCHAT else from_jid)

    def sendMessage(self, to_jid, message, subject='', mess_type="auto", extra={}, callback=None, errback=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        if callback is None:
            callback = lambda dummy=None: None # FIXME: optional argument is here because pyjamas doesn't support callback without arg with json proxy
        if errback is None:
            errback = lambda failure: self.showDialog(failure.fullname, failure.message, "error")

        if not self.trigger.point("sendMessageTrigger", to_jid, message, subject, mess_type, extra, callback, errback, profile_key=profile_key):

        self.bridge.sendMessage(unicode(to_jid), message, subject, mess_type, extra, profile_key, callback=callback, errback=errback)

    def newAlertHandler(self, msg, title, alert_type, profile):
        assert alert_type in ['INFO', 'ERROR']
        self.showDialog(unicode(msg), unicode(title), alert_type.lower())

    def setPresenceStatus(self, show='', status=None, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def presenceUpdateHandler(self, entity_s, show, priority, statuses, profile):

        log.debug(_(u"presence update for %(entity)s (show=%(show)s, priority=%(priority)s, statuses=%(statuses)s) [profile:%(profile)s]")
                  % {'entity': entity_s, C.PRESENCE_SHOW: show, C.PRESENCE_PRIORITY: priority, C.PRESENCE_STATUSES: statuses, 'profile': profile})
        entity = jid.JID(entity_s)

        if entity == self.profiles[profile].whoami:
            if show == C.PRESENCE_UNAVAILABLE:
                self.setPresenceStatus(C.PRESENCE_UNAVAILABLE, '', profile=profile)
                # FIXME: try to retrieve user language status before fallback to default
                status = statuses.get(C.PRESENCE_STATUSES_DEFAULT, None)
                self.setPresenceStatus(show, status, profile=profile)

        self.callListeners('presence', entity, show, priority, statuses, profile=profile)

    def roomJoinedHandler(self, room_jid_s, room_nicks, user_nick, profile):
        """Called when a MUC room is joined"""
        log.debug(u"Room [%(room_jid)s] joined by %(profile)s, users presents:%(users)s" % {'room_jid': room_jid_s, 'profile': profile, 'users': room_nicks})
        room_jid = jid.JID(room_jid_s)
        chat_widget = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, room_jid, type_=C.CHAT_GROUP, profile=profile)
        self.contact_lists[profile].setSpecial(room_jid, C.CONTACT_SPECIAL_GROUP)

    def roomLeftHandler(self, room_jid_s, profile):
        """Called when a MUC room is left"""
        log.debug(u"Room [%(room_jid)s] left by %(profile)s" % {'room_jid': room_jid_s, 'profile': profile})
        room_jid = jid.JID(room_jid_s)
        chat_widget = self.widgets.getWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, room_jid, profile)
        if chat_widget:

    def roomUserJoinedHandler(self, room_jid_s, user_nick, user_data, profile):
        """Called when an user joined a MUC room"""
        room_jid = jid.JID(room_jid_s)
        chat_widget = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, room_jid, type_=C.CHAT_GROUP, profile=profile)
        log.debug(u"user [%(user_nick)s] joined room [%(room_jid)s]" % {'user_nick': user_nick, 'room_jid': room_jid})

    def roomUserLeftHandler(self, room_jid_s, user_nick, user_data, profile):
        """Called when an user joined a MUC room"""
        room_jid = jid.JID(room_jid_s)
        chat_widget = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, room_jid, type_=C.CHAT_GROUP, profile=profile)
        log.debug(u"user [%(user_nick)s] left room [%(room_jid)s]" % {'user_nick': user_nick, 'room_jid': room_jid})

    def roomUserChangedNickHandler(self, room_jid_s, old_nick, new_nick, profile):
        """Called when an user joined a MUC room"""
        room_jid = jid.JID(room_jid_s)
        chat_widget = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, room_jid, type_=C.CHAT_GROUP, profile=profile)
        chat_widget.changeUserNick(old_nick, new_nick)
        log.debug(u"user [%(old_nick)s] is now known as [%(new_nick)s] in room [%(room_jid)s]" % {'old_nick': old_nick, 'new_nick': new_nick, 'room_jid': room_jid})

    def roomNewSubjectHandler(self, room_jid_s, subject, profile):
        """Called when subject of MUC room change"""
        room_jid = jid.JID(room_jid_s)
        chat_widget = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, room_jid, type_=C.CHAT_GROUP, profile=profile)
        log.debug(u"new subject for room [%(room_jid)s]: %(subject)s" % {'room_jid': room_jid, "subject": subject})

    def chatStateReceivedHandler(self, from_jid_s, state, profile):
        """Called when a new chat state (XEP-0085) is received.

        @param from_jid_s (unicode): JID of a contact or C.ENTITY_ALL
        @param state (unicode): new state
        @param profile (unicode): current profile
        log.debug(_(u"Received new chat state {} from {} [{}]").format(state, from_jid_s, profile))
        from_jid = jid.JID(from_jid_s) if from_jid_s != C.ENTITY_ALL else C.ENTITY_ALL
        contact_list = self.contact_lists[profile]
        for widget in self.widgets.getWidgets(quick_chat.QuickChat):
            if profile != widget.profile:
            to_display = C.USER_CHAT_STATES[state] if (state and widget.type == C.CHAT_GROUP) else state
            if widget.type == C.CHAT_GROUP and from_jid_s == C.ENTITY_ALL:
                for occupant in [jid.newResource(, nick) for nick in widget.occupants]:
                    contact_list.setCache(occupant, 'chat_state', to_display)
            elif from_jid.bare ==  # roster contact or MUC occupant
                contact_list.setCache(from_jid, 'chat_state', to_display)

    def psEventHandler(self, category, service_s, node, event_type, data, profile):
        """Called when a PubSub event is received.

        @param category(unicode): event category (e.g. "PEP", "MICROBLOG")
        @param service_s (unicode): pubsub service
        @param node (unicode): pubsub node
        @param event_type (unicode): event type (one of C.PUBLISH, C.RETRACT, C.DELETE)
        @param data (dict): event data
        service_s = jid.JID(service_s)

        if category == C.PS_MICROBLOG and self.MB_HANDLE:
            if event_type == C.PS_PUBLISH:
                if not 'content' in data:
                    log.warning("No content found in microblog data")
                if 'groups' in data:
                    _groups = set(data['groups'].split() if data['groups'] else [])
                    _groups = None

                for wid in self.widgets.getWidgets(quick_blog.QuickBlog):
                    wid.addEntryIfAccepted(service_s, node, data, _groups, profile)

                    comments_node, comments_service = data['comments_node'], data['comments_service']
                except KeyError:
                    self.bridge.mbGet(comments_service, comments_node, C.NO_LIMIT, [], {"subscribe":C.BOOL_TRUE}, profile=profile)
            elif event_type == C.PS_RETRACT:
                for wid in self.widgets.getWidgets(quick_blog.QuickBlog):
                    wid.deleteEntryIfPresent(service_s, node, data['id'], profile)
                log.warning("Unmanaged PubSub event type {}".format(event_type))

    def _subscribe_cb(self, answer, data):
        entity, profile = data
        type_ = "subscribed" if answer else "unsubscribed"
        self.bridge.subscription(type_, unicode(entity.bare), profile_key=profile)

    def subscribeHandler(self, type, raw_jid, profile):
        """Called when a subsciption management signal is received"""
        entity = jid.JID(raw_jid)
        if type == "subscribed":
            # this is a subscription confirmation, we just have to inform user
            # TODO: call self.getEntityMBlog to add the new contact blogs
            self.showDialog(_("The contact %s has accepted your subscription") % entity.bare, _('Subscription confirmation'))
        elif type == "unsubscribed":
            # this is a subscription refusal, we just have to inform user
            self.showDialog(_("The contact %s has refused your subscription") % entity.bare, _('Subscription refusal'), 'error')
        elif type == "subscribe":
            # this is a subscriptionn request, we have to ask for user confirmation
            # TODO: use sat.stdui.ui_contact_list to display the groups selector
            self.showDialog(_("The contact %s wants to subscribe to your presence.\nDo you accept ?") % entity.bare, _('Subscription confirmation'), 'yes/no', answer_cb=self._subscribe_cb, answer_data=(entity, profile))

    def showDialog(self, message, title, type="info", answer_cb=None, answer_data=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def showAlert(self, message):
        pass  #FIXME

    def dialogFailure(self, failure):
        log.warning(u"Failure: {}".format(failure))

    def updateAlertsCounter(self):
        """Update the over whole alerts counter


    def paramUpdateHandler(self, name, value, namespace, profile):
        log.debug(_(u"param update: [%(namespace)s] %(name)s = %(value)s") % {'namespace': namespace, 'name': name, 'value': value})
        if (namespace, name) == ("Connection", "JabberID"):
            log.debug(_(u"Changing JID to %s") % value)
            self.profiles[profile].whoami = jid.JID(value)
        elif (namespace, name) == ('General', C.SHOW_OFFLINE_CONTACTS):
        elif (namespace, name) == ('General', C.SHOW_EMPTY_GROUPS):

    def contactDeletedHandler(self, jid_s, profile):
        target = jid.JID(jid_s)
        self.contact_lists[profile].removeContact(target, in_roster=True)

    def entityDataUpdatedHandler(self, entity_s, key, value, profile):
        entity = jid.JID(entity_s)
        if key == "nick":  # this is the roster nick, not the MUC nick
            if entity in self.contact_lists[profile]:
                self.contact_lists[profile].setCache(entity, 'nick', value)
                self.callListeners('nick', entity, value, profile=profile)
        elif key == "avatar":
            if entity in self.contact_lists[profile]:
                def gotFilename(filename):
                    self.contact_lists[profile].setCache(entity, 'avatar', filename)
                    self.callListeners('avatar', entity, filename, profile=profile)
                self.bridge.getAvatarFile(value, callback=gotFilename)

    def askConfirmationHandler(self, confirm_id, confirm_type, data, profile):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def actionResultHandler(self, type, id, data, profile):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def actionManager(self, action_data, callback=None, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
            xmlui = action_data.pop('xmlui')
        except KeyError:
            ui = self.xmlui.create(self, xml_data=xmlui, callback=callback, profile=profile)
        if action_data:
            raise exceptions.DataError(u"Not all keys in action_data are managed ({keys})".format(keys=', '.join(action_data.keys())))

    def launchAction(self, callback_id, data=None, callback=None, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        """ Launch a dynamic action

        @param callback_id: id of the action to launch
        @param data: data needed only for certain actions
        @param callback(callable, None): will be called with the resut
            if None, self.actionManager will be called
            else the callable will be called with the following kw parameters:
                - data: action_data
                - cb_id: callback id
                - profile: %(doc_profile)s
        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s

        if data is None:
            data = dict()

        def action_cb(data):
            if callback is None:
                self.actionManager(data, profile=profile)
                callback(data=data, cb_id=callback_id, profile=profile)

        self.bridge.launchAction(callback_id, data, profile, callback=action_cb, errback=self.dialogFailure)

    def disconnect(self, profile):"disconnecting")
        self.callListeners('disconnect', profile=profile)

    def onExit(self):
        """Must be called when the frontend is terminating"""
        to_unplug = []
        for profile in self.profiles:
            if self.bridge.isConnected(profile):
                if C.bool(self.bridge.getParamA("autodisconnect", "Connection", profile_key=profile)):
                    #The user wants autodisconnection
        for profile in to_unplug: