view libervia/frontends/quick_frontend/ @ 4180:b86912d3fd33

plugin IP: fix use of legacy URL + coroutine use: An https:/ URL was used to retrieve external IP, but it's not valid anymore, resulting in an exception. This feature is currently disabled. Also moved several methods from legacy inline callbacks to coroutines.
author Goffi <>
date Sat, 09 Dec 2023 14:30:54 +0100
parents 26b7ed2817da
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# helper class for making a SAT frontend
# Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

    # FIXME: to be removed when an acceptable solution is here
    str("")  # XXX: unicode doesn't exist in pyjamas
except (
):  # Error raised is not the same depending on pyjsbuild options
    str = str

from libervia.backend.core.log import getLogger
from libervia.backend.core.i18n import _, language_switch

log = getLogger(__name__)
from libervia.frontends.quick_frontend.constants import Const as C
from collections import OrderedDict

## items ##

class MenuBase(object):
    ACTIVE = True

    def __init__(self, name, extra=None):
        @param name(unicode): canonical name of the item
        @param extra(dict[unicode, unicode], None): same as in [add_menus]
        self._name = name

    def canonical(self):
        """Return the canonical name of the container, used to identify it"""
        return self._name

    def name(self):
        """Return the name of the container, can be translated"""
        return self._name

    def set_extra(self, extra):
        if extra is None:
            extra = {}
        self.icon = extra.get("icon")

class MenuItem(MenuBase):
    """A callable item in the menu"""

    CALLABLE = False

    def __init__(self, name, name_i18n, extra=None, type_=None):
        @param name(unicode): canonical name of the item
        @param name_i18n(unicode): translated name of the item
        @param extra(dict[unicode, unicode], None): same as in [add_menus]
        @param type_(unicode): same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.import_menu]
        MenuBase.__init__(self, name, extra)
        self._name_i18n = name_i18n if name_i18n else name
        self.type = type_

    def name(self):
        return self._name_i18n

    def collect_data(self, caller):
        """Get data according to data_collector

        @param caller: Menu caller
        assert self.type is not None  # if data collector are used, type must be set
        data_collector = QuickMenusManager.get_data_collector(self.type)

        if data_collector is None:
            return {}

        elif callable(data_collector):
            return data_collector(caller,

            if caller is None:
                log.error("Caller can't be None with a dictionary as data_collector")
                return {}
            data = {}
            for data_key, caller_attr in data_collector.items():
                data[data_key] = str(getattr(caller, caller_attr))
            return data

    def call(self, caller, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        """Execute the menu item

        @param caller: instance linked to the menu
        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
        raise NotImplementedError

class MenuItemDistant(MenuItem):
    """A MenuItem with a distant callback"""

    CALLABLE = True

    def __init__(self, host, type_, name, name_i18n, id_, extra=None):
        @param host: %(doc_host)s
        @param type_(unicode): same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.import_menu]
        @param name(unicode): canonical name of the item
        @param name_i18n(unicode): translated name of the item
        @param id_(unicode): id of the distant callback
        @param extra(dict[unicode, unicode], None): same as in [add_menus]
        MenuItem.__init__(self, name, name_i18n, extra, type_) = host = id_

    def call(self, caller, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        data = self.collect_data(caller)
        log.debug("data collected: %s" % data), data, profile=profile)

class MenuItemLocal(MenuItem):
    """A MenuItem with a local callback"""

    CALLABLE = True

    def __init__(self, type_, name, name_i18n, callback, extra=None):
        @param type_(unicode): same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.import_menu]
        @param name(unicode): canonical name of the item
        @param name_i18n(unicode): translated name of the item
        @param callback(callable): local callback.
            Will be called with no argument if data_collector is None
            and with caller, profile, and requested data otherwise
        @param extra(dict[unicode, unicode], None): same as in [add_menus]
        MenuItem.__init__(self, name, name_i18n, extra, type_)
        self.callback = callback

    def call(self, caller, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        data_collector = QuickMenusManager.get_data_collector(self.type)
        if data_collector is None:
            # FIXME: would not it be better if caller and profile where used as arguments?
            self.callback(caller, self.collect_data(caller), profile)

class MenuHook(MenuItemLocal):
    """A MenuItem which replace an expected item from backend"""


class MenuPlaceHolder(MenuItem):
    """A non existant menu which is used to keep a position"""

    ACTIVE = False

    def __init__(self, name):
        MenuItem.__init__(self, name, name)

class MenuSeparator(MenuItem):
    """A separation between items/categories"""

    SEP_IDX = 0

    def __init__(self):
        MenuSeparator.SEP_IDX += 1
        name = "___separator_{}".format(MenuSeparator.SEP_IDX)
        MenuItem.__init__(self, name, name)

## containers ##

class MenuContainer(MenuBase):
    def __init__(self, name, extra=None):
        MenuBase.__init__(self, name, extra)
        self._items = OrderedDict()

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._items)

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item.canonical in self._items

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._items.values())

    def __getitem__(self, item):
            return self._items[item.canonical]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError(item)

    def get_or_create(self, item):
            "MenuContainer get_or_create: item=%s name=%s\nlist=%s"
            % (item, item.canonical, list(self._items.keys()))
            return self[item]
        except KeyError:
            return item

    def get_active_menus(self):
        """Return an iterator on active children"""
        for child in self._items.values():
            if child.ACTIVE:
                yield child

    def append(self, item):
        """add an item at the end of current ones

        @param item: instance of MenuBase (must be unique in container)
        assert isinstance(item, MenuItem) or isinstance(item, MenuContainer)
        assert item.canonical not in self._items
        self._items[item.canonical] = item

    def replace(self, item):
        """add an item at the end of current ones or replace an existing one"""
        self._items[item.canonical] = item

class MenuCategory(MenuContainer):
    """A category which can hold other menus or categories"""

    def __init__(self, name, name_i18n=None, extra=None):
        @param name(unicode): canonical name
        @param name_i18n(unicode, None): translated name
        @param icon(unicode, None): same as in MenuBase.__init__
        log.debug("creating menuCategory %s with extra %s" % (name, extra))
        MenuContainer.__init__(self, name, extra)
        self._name_i18n = name_i18n or name

    def name(self):
        return self._name_i18n

class MenuType(MenuContainer):
    """A type which can hold other menus or categories"""


## manager ##

class QuickMenusManager(object):
    """Manage all the menus"""

    _data_collectors = {
        C.MENU_GLOBAL: None
    }  # No data is associated with C.MENU_GLOBAL items

    def __init__(self, host, menus=None, language=None):
        @param host: %(doc_host)s
        @param menus(iterable): menus as in [add_menus]
        @param language: same as in [i18n.language_switch]
        """ = host = host
        self.language = language
        self.menus = {}
        if menus is not None:

    def _get_path_i_1_8_n(self, path):
        """Return translated version of path"""
        path_i18n = [_(elt) for elt in path]
        return path_i18n

    def _create_categories(self, type_, path, path_i18n=None, top_extra=None):
        """Create catogories of the path

        @param type_(unicode): same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.import_menu]
        @param path(list[unicode]):  same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.import_menu]
        @param path_i18n(list[unicode], None):  translated menu path (same lenght as path) or None to get deferred translation of path
        @param top_extra: extra data to use on the first element of path only. If the first element already exists and is reused, top_extra will be ignored (you'll have to manually change it if you really want to).
        @return (MenuContainer): last category created, or MenuType if path is empty
        if path_i18n is None:
            path_i18n = self._get_path_i_1_8_n(path)
        assert len(path) == len(path_i18n)
        menu_container = self.menus.setdefault(type_, MenuType(type_))

        for idx, category in enumerate(path):
            menu_category = MenuCategory(category, path_i18n[idx], extra=top_extra)
            menu_container = menu_container.get_or_create(menu_category)
            top_extra = None

        return menu_container

    def add_data_collector(type_, data_collector):
        """Associate a data collector to a menu type

        A data collector is a method or a map which allow to collect context data to construct the dictionnary which will be sent to the bridge method managing the menu item.
        @param type_(unicode): same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.import_menu]
        @param data_collector(dict[unicode,unicode], callable, None): can be:
            - a dict which map data name to local name.
                The attribute named after the dict values will be getted from caller, and put in data.
                e.g.: if data_collector={'room_jid':'target'}, then the "room_jid" data will be the value of the "target" attribute of the caller.
            - a callable which must return the data dictionnary. callable will have caller and item name as argument
            - None: an empty dict will be used
        QuickMenusManager._data_collectors[type_] = data_collector

    def get_data_collector(type_):
        """Get data_collector associated to type_

        @param type_(unicode): same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.import_menu]
        @return (callable, dict, None): data_collector
            return QuickMenusManager._data_collectors[type_]
        except KeyError:
            log.error("No data collector registered for {}".format(type_))
            return None

    def add_menu_item(self, type_, path, item, path_i18n=None, top_extra=None):
        """Add a MenuItemBase instance

        @param type_(unicode): same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.import_menu]
        @param path(list[unicode]):  same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.import_menu], stop at the last parent category
        @param item(MenuItem): a instancied item
        @param path_i18n(list[unicode],None):  translated menu path (same lenght as path) or  None to use deferred translation of path
        @param top_extra: same as in [_create_categories]
        if path_i18n is None:
            path_i18n = self._get_path_i_1_8_n(path)
        assert path and len(path) == len(path_i18n)

        menu_container = self._create_categories(type_, path, path_i18n, top_extra)

        if item in menu_container:
            if isinstance(item, MenuHook):
                container_item = menu_container[item]
                if isinstance(container_item, MenuPlaceHolder):
                elif isinstance(container_item, MenuHook):
                    # MenuHook must not be replaced
                        "ignoring menu at path [{}] because a hook is already in place".format(
                    log.error("Conflicting menus at path [{}]".format(path))
            log.debug("Adding menu [{type_}] {path}".format(type_=type_, path=path))
  "menu", type_, path, path_i18n, item)

    def add_menu(
        """Add a menu item

        @param type_(unicode): same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.import_menu]
        @param path(list[unicode]):  same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.import_menu]
        @param path_i18n(list[unicode], None):  translated menu path (same lenght as path), or None to get deferred translation
        @param extra(dict[unicode, unicode], None): same as in [add_menus]
        @param top_extra: same as in [_create_categories]
        @param id_(unicode): callback id (mutually exclusive with callback)
        @param callback(callable): local callback (mutually exclusive with id_)
        if path_i18n is None:
            path_i18n = self._get_path_i_1_8_n(path)
        assert bool(id_) ^ bool(callback)  # we must have id_ xor callback defined
        if id_:
            menu_item = MenuItemDistant(
      , type_, path[-1], path_i18n[-1], id_=id_, extra=extra
            menu_item = MenuItemLocal(
                type_, path[-1], path_i18n[-1], callback=callback, extra=extra
        self.add_menu_item(type_, path[:-1], menu_item, path_i18n[:-1], top_extra)

    def add_menus(self, menus, top_extra=None):
        """Add several menus at once

        @param menus(iterable): iterable with:
            id_(unicode,callable): id of distant callback or local callback
            type_(unicode): same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.import_menu]
            path(iterable[unicode]):  same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.import_menu]
            path_i18n(iterable[unicode]):  translated menu path (same lenght as path)
            extra(dict[unicode,unicode]): dictionary of extra data (used on the leaf menu), can be:
                - "icon": icon name
        @param top_extra: same as in [_create_categories]
        # TODO: manage icons
        for id_, type_, path, path_i18n, extra in menus:
            if callable(id_):
                    type_, path, path_i18n, callback=id_, extra=extra, top_extra=top_extra
                    type_, path, path_i18n, id_=id_, extra=extra, top_extra=top_extra

    def add_menu_hook(
        self, type_, path, path_i18n=None, extra=None, top_extra=None, callback=None
        """Helper method to add a menu hook

        Menu hooks are local menus which override menu given by backend
        @param type_(unicode): same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.import_menu]
        @param path(list[unicode]):  same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.import_menu]
        @param path_i18n(list[unicode], None):  translated menu path (same lenght as path), or None to get deferred translation
        @param extra(dict[unicode, unicode], None): same as in [add_menus]
        @param top_extra: same as in [_create_categories]
        @param callback(callable): local callback (mutually exclusive with id_)
        if path_i18n is None:
            path_i18n = self._get_path_i_1_8_n(path)
        menu_item = MenuHook(
            type_, path[-1], path_i18n[-1], callback=callback, extra=extra
        self.add_menu_item(type_, path[:-1], menu_item, path_i18n[:-1], top_extra)"Menu hook set on {path} ({type_})".format(path=path, type_=type_))

    def add_category(self, type_, path, path_i18n=None, extra=None, top_extra=None):
        """Create a category with all parents, and set extra on the last one

        @param type_(unicode): same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.import_menu]
        @param path(list[unicode]):  same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.import_menu]
        @param path_i18n(list[unicode], None):  translated menu path (same lenght as path), or None to get deferred translation of path
        @param extra(dict[unicode, unicode], None): same as in [add_menus] (added on the leaf category only)
        @param top_extra: same as in [_create_categories]
        @return (MenuCategory): last category add
        if path_i18n is None:
            path_i18n = self._get_path_i_1_8_n(path)
        last_container = self._create_categories(
            type_, path, path_i18n, top_extra=top_extra
        return last_container

    def get_main_container(self, type_):
        """Get a main MenuType container

        @param type_: a C.MENU_* constant
        @return(MenuContainer): the main container
        menu_container = self.menus.setdefault(type_, MenuType(type_))
        return menu_container