view frontends/src/primitivus/ @ 853:c2f6ada7858f

core (sqlite): automatic database update: - new Updater class check database consistency (by calculating a hash on the .schema), and updates base if necessary - database now has a version (1 for current, 0 will be for 0.3's database), for each change this version will be increased - creation statements and update statements are in the form of dict of dict with tuples. There is a help text at the top of the module to explain how it works - if we are on a development version, the updater try to update the database automaticaly (without deleting table or columns). The Updater.generateUpdateData method can be used to ease the creation of update data (i.e. the dictionary at the top, see the one for the key 1 for an example). - if there is an inconsistency, an exception is raised, and a message indicate the SQL statements that should fix the situation. - well... this is rather complicated, a KISS method would maybe have been better. The future will say if we need to simplify it :-/ - new DatabaseError exception
author Goffi <>
date Sun, 23 Feb 2014 23:30:32 +0100
parents 1fe00f0c9a91
children b70fb2ac5997
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Primitivus: a SAT frontend
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from sat.core.i18n import _
import urwid
from urwid_satext import sat_widgets
from logging import debug, info, warning, error
from xml.dom import minidom
from import xmlui

class PrimitivusEvents(object):
    """ Used to manage change event of Primitivus widgets """

    def _event_callback(self, ctrl, *args, **ktkwargs):
        """" Call xmlui callback and ignore any extra argument """

    def _xmluiOnChange(self, callback):
        """ Call callback with widget as only argument """
        urwid.connect_signal(self, 'change', self._event_callback, callback)

class PrimitivusEmptyWidget(xmlui.EmptyWidget, urwid.Text):

    def __init__(self, parent):
        urwid.Text.__init__(self, '')

class PrimitivusTextWidget(xmlui.TextWidget, urwid.Text):

    def __init__(self, parent, value):
        urwid.Text.__init__(self, value)

class PrimitivusLabelWidget(xmlui.LabelWidget, PrimitivusTextWidget):

    def __init__(self, parent, value):
        super(PrimitivusLabelWidget, self).__init__(parent, value+": ")

class PrimitivusJidWidget(xmlui.JidWidget, PrimitivusTextWidget):

class PrimitivusDividerWidget(xmlui.DividerWidget, urwid.Divider):

    def __init__(self, parent, style='line'):
        if style == 'line':
            div_char = u'─'
        elif style == 'dot':
            div_char = u'·'
        elif style == 'dash':
            div_char = u'-'
        elif style == 'plain':
            div_char = u'█'
        elif style == 'blank':
            div_char = ' '
            warning(_("Unknown div_char"))
            div_char = u'─'

        urwid.Divider.__init__(self, div_char)

class PrimitivusStringWidget(xmlui.StringWidget, sat_widgets.AdvancedEdit, PrimitivusEvents):

    def __init__(self, parent, value):
        sat_widgets.AdvancedEdit.__init__(self, edit_text=value)

    def _xmluiGetValue(self):
        return self.get_edit_text()

class PrimitivusPasswordWidget(xmlui.PasswordWidget, sat_widgets.Password, PrimitivusEvents):

    def __init__(self, parent, value):
        sat_widgets.Password.__init__(self, edit_text=value)

    def _xmluiGetValue(self):
        return self.get_edit_text()

class PrimitivusTextBoxWidget(xmlui.TextBoxWidget, sat_widgets.AdvancedEdit, PrimitivusEvents):

    def __init__(self, parent, value):
        sat_widgets.AdvancedEdit.__init__(self, edit_text=value, multiline=True)

    def _xmluiGetValue(self):
        return self.getValue()

class PrimitivusBoolWidget(xmlui.BoolWidget, urwid.CheckBox, PrimitivusEvents):

    def __init__(self, parent, state):
        urwid.CheckBox.__init__(self, '', state = state)

    def _xmluiGetValue(self):
        return "true" if self.get_state() else "false"

class PrimitivusButtonWidget(xmlui.ButtonWidget, sat_widgets.CustomButton, PrimitivusEvents):

    def __init__(self, parent, value, click_callback):
        sat_widgets.CustomButton.__init__(self, value, on_press=click_callback)

class PrimitivusListWidget(xmlui.ListWidget, sat_widgets.List, PrimitivusEvents):

    def __init__(self, parent, options, flags):
        sat_widgets.List.__init__(self, options=options, style=flags)

    def _xmluiSelectValue(self, value):
        return self.selectValue(value)

    def _xmluiGetSelectedValues(self):
        return [option.value for option in self.getSelectedValues()]

class PrimitivusAdvancedListContainer(xmlui.AdvancedListContainer, sat_widgets.TableContainer, PrimitivusEvents):

    def __init__(self, parent, columns, selectable='no'):
        options = {'ADAPT':()}
        if selectable != 'no':
            options['HIGHLIGHT'] = ()
        sat_widgets.TableContainer.__init__(self, columns=columns, options=options, row_selectable = selectable!='no')

    def _xmluiAppend(self, widget):

    def _xmluiAddRow(self, idx):

    def _xmluiGetSelectedWidgets(self):
        return self.getSelectedWidgets()

    def _xmluiGetSelectedIndex(self):
        return self.getSelectedIndex()

    def _xmluiOnSelect(self, callback):
        """ Call callback with widget as only argument """
        urwid.connect_signal(self, 'click', self._event_callback, callback)

class PrimitivusPairsContainer(xmlui.PairsContainer, sat_widgets.TableContainer):

    def __init__(self, parent):
        options = {'ADAPT':(0,), 'HIGHLIGHT':(0,)}
        if self._xmlui_main.type == 'param':
            options['FOCUS_ATTR'] = 'param_selected'
        sat_widgets.TableContainer.__init__(self, columns=2, options=options)

    def _xmluiAppend(self, widget):
        if isinstance(widget, PrimitivusEmptyWidget):
            # we don't want highlight on empty widgets
            widget = urwid.AttrMap(widget, 'default')

class PrimitivusTabsContainer(xmlui.TabsContainer, sat_widgets.TabsContainer):

    def __init__(self, parent):

    def _xmluiAppend(self, widget):

    def _xmluiAddTab(self, label):
        list_box = super(PrimitivusTabsContainer, self).addTab(label)
        if hasattr(PrimitivusVerticalContainer, "_PrimitivusVerticalContainer__super"): # workaround for Urwid's metaclass baviour
                del PrimitivusVerticalContainer._PrimitivusVerticalContainer__super
        return list_box

class PrimitivusVerticalContainer(xmlui.VerticalContainer, urwid.ListBox):

    def __init__(self, parent):
        urwid.ListBox.__init__(self, urwid.SimpleListWalker([]))

    def _xmluiAppend(self, widget):

class WidgetFactory(object):

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        if attr.startswith("create"):
            cls = globals()["Primitivus" + attr[6:]] # XXX: we prefix with "Primitivus" to work around an Urwid bug, WidgetMeta in Urwid don't manage multiple inheritance with same names
            cls._xmlui_main = self._xmlui_main
            return cls

class XMLUI(xmlui.XMLUI, urwid.WidgetWrap):
    widget_factory = WidgetFactory()

    def __init__(self, host, xml_data, title = None, flags = None):
        self.widget_factory._xmlui_main = self
        self._dest = None
        xmlui.XMLUI.__init__(self, host, xml_data, title, flags)
        urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, self.main_cont)

    def constructUI(self, xml_data):
        def postTreat():
            assert self.main_cont.body

            if isinstance(self.main_cont.body[0],sat_widgets.TabsContainer):
                self._main_cont = self.main_cont.body[0] #xxx: awfull hack cause TabsContainer is a BoxWidget, can't be inside a ListBox

            if self.type == 'form':
                buttons = []
                if not 'NO_CANCEL' in self.flags:
                max_len = max([len(button.get_label()) for button in buttons])
                grid_wid = urwid.GridFlow(buttons,max_len+4,1,0,'center')
            elif self.type == 'param':
                buttons = []
                max_len = max([button.getSize() for button in buttons])
                grid_wid = urwid.GridFlow(buttons,max_len,1,0,'center')

        super(XMLUI, self).constructUI(xml_data, postTreat)
        urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, self.main_cont)

    def show(self, show_type=None, valign='middle'):
        """Show the constructed UI
        @param show_type: how to show the UI:
            - None (follow XMLUI's recommendation)
            - 'popup'
            - 'window'
        @param valign: vertical alignment when show_type is 'popup'.
                       Ignored when show_type is 'window'.

        if show_type is None:
            if self.type in ('window', 'param'):
                show_type = 'window'
            elif self.type in ('popup', 'form'):
                show_type = 'popup'

        if show_type not in ('popup', 'window'):
            raise ValueError('Invalid show_type [%s]' % show_type)

        self._dest = show_type
        decorated = sat_widgets.LabelLine(self, sat_widgets.SurroundedText(self.title or ''))
        if show_type == 'popup':
  , valign=valign)
        elif show_type == 'window':

    def _xmluiClose(self):
        if self._dest == 'window':