view @ 853:c2f6ada7858f

core (sqlite): automatic database update: - new Updater class check database consistency (by calculating a hash on the .schema), and updates base if necessary - database now has a version (1 for current, 0 will be for 0.3's database), for each change this version will be increased - creation statements and update statements are in the form of dict of dict with tuples. There is a help text at the top of the module to explain how it works - if we are on a development version, the updater try to update the database automaticaly (without deleting table or columns). The Updater.generateUpdateData method can be used to ease the creation of update data (i.e. the dictionary at the top, see the one for the key 1 for an example). - if there is an inconsistency, an exception is raised, and a message indicate the SQL statements that should fix the situation. - well... this is rather complicated, a KISS method would maybe have been better. The future will say if we need to simplify it :-/ - new DatabaseError exception
author Goffi <>
date Sun, 23 Feb 2014 23:30:32 +0100
parents d40306d1da70
children 12cfa23c6ab9
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# SAT: a jabber client
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011  Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from distribute_setup import use_setuptools
from setuptools.command.install import install
from setuptools import setup
from distutils.file_util import copy_file
import os
import sys
import subprocess
from stat import ST_MODE

NAME = 'sat'

class MercurialException(Exception):

def module_installed(module_name):
    """Try to import module_name, and return False if it failed
    @param module_name: name of the module to test
    @return: True if successful"""
    except ImportError:
        return False
    return True

class CustomInstall(install):

    def custom_auto_options(self):
        """Change options for twistd in the shell script
        Mainly change the paths"""
        sh_buffer = ""
        run_dir = os.path.dirname(self.sh_script_path)
        with open(self.sh_script_path, 'r') as sh_file:
            for ori_line in sh_file:
                if ori_line.startswith('DAEMON='):
                    dest_line = 'DAEMON=""\n'  # we want to launch sat as a daemon
                elif ori_line.startswith('TAP_PATH='):
                    dest_line = 'TAP_PATH="%s/"\n' % run_dir
                elif ori_line.startswith('PYTHON='):
                    dest_line = 'PYTHON="%s"\n' % sys.executable
                    dest_line = ori_line
                sh_buffer += dest_line

        with open(self.sh_script_path, 'w') as sh_file:

    def custom_create_links(self):
        """Create symbolic links to executables"""
        # the script which launch the daemon
        links = [(self.sh_script_path, LAUNCH_DAEMON_COMMAND)]
        for source, dest in links:
            dest_name, copied = copy_file(source, os.path.join(self.install_scripts, dest), link='sym')
            assert (copied)
            # we change the perm in the same way as in the original install_scripts
            mode = ((os.stat(dest_name)[ST_MODE]) | 0555) & 07777
            os.chmod(dest_name, mode)

    def run(self):
        sys.stdout.write('running post installation stuff\n')
        self.sh_script_path = os.path.join(self.install_lib, 'sat', '')
        self.primitivus_path = os.path.join(self.install_lib, 'sat_frontends', 'primitivus')

def preinstall_check():
    """Check presence of problematic dependencies, and try to install them with package manager
    This ugly stuff is necessary as distributions are not installed correctly with setuptools/distribute
    Hope to remove this at some point"""

    #modules_tocheck = ['twisted', 'twisted.words', 'twisted.web', 'wx', 'urwid']
    modules_tocheck = ['wx', 'gobject']  # XXX: wx is the only one to be really difficult to install, python-gobject is not up-to-date in PyPi

    package = {'twisted': 'python-twisted-core',
               'twisted.words': 'python-twisted-words',
               'twisted.web': 'python-twisted-web',
               'wx': 'python-wxgtk2.8',
               'urwid': 'python-urwid',
               'gobject': 'python-gobject',
               'mercurial': 'mercurial'}  # this dict map dependencies to packages names for debian distributions

    sys.stdout.write("Running pre-installation dependencies check\n")

    # which modules are not installed ?
    modules_toinstall = [mod for mod in modules_tocheck if not module_installed(mod)]
    """# is mercurial available ?
    hg_installed ='which hg', stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), shell=True) == 0
    if not hg_installed:
        modules_toinstall.append('mercurial')"""  # hg can be installed from pypi

    if modules_toinstall:
        # are we on a distribution using apt ?
        apt_path = subprocess.Popen('which apt-get', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()[0][:-1]
        not_installed = set()
        if apt_path:
            # we have apt, we'll try to use it
            for module_name in modules_toinstall:
                package_name = package[module_name]
                sys.stdout.write("Installing %s\n" % package_name)
                success ='%s -qy install %s' % (apt_path, package_name), shell=True) == 0
                if not success:
            not_installed = set(modules_toinstall)

        if not_installed:
            # some packages can't be automatically installed, we print their name for manual installation
            sys.stdout.write("You should install the following dependencies with your distribution recommanded tool before installing %s:\n" % NAME)
            for module_name in not_installed:
                sys.stdout.write("- %s (Debian name: %s)\n" % (module_name, package[module_name]))

if sys.argv[1].lower() in ['egg_info', 'install']:
    # we only check dependencies if egg_info or install is used
    install_opt = os.environ.get("SAT_INSTALL", "")
    if not "nopreinstall" in install_opt:  # user can force preinstall skipping

      description=u'Salut à Toi multi-frontend XMPP client',
      long_description=u'Salut à Toi (SàT) is a XMPP client based on a daemon/frontend architecture. Its multi-frontends (desktop, web, console interface, CLI, etc) and multi-purposes (instant messaging, microblogging, games, file sharing, etc).',
      author='Goffi (Jérôme Poisson)',
      classifiers=['Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
                   'Environment :: Console',
                   'Environment :: X11 Applications :: GTK',
                   'Framework :: Twisted',
                   'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later (AGPLv3+)',
                   'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux',
                   'Topic :: Communications :: Chat'],
      package_dir={'sat': 'src', 'sat_frontends': 'frontends/src'},
      packages=['sat', '', 'sat.bridge', 'sat.plugins', 'sat.test', 'sat.core', 'sat.memory',
                'sat_frontends', 'sat_frontends.bridge', 'sat_frontends.quick_frontend', '',
                'sat_frontends.primitivus', 'sat_frontends.wix', ''],
      package_data={'sat': ['sat.tac', ''],
                    'sat_frontends': ['wix/COPYING']},
      data_files=[(os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES'), ['i18n/fr/LC_MESSAGES/']),
                  ('share/doc/%s' % NAME, ['CHANGELOG', 'COPYING', 'INSTALL', 'README', 'README4TRANSLATORS']),
      scripts=['frontends/src/jp/jp', 'frontends/src/primitivus/primitivus', 'frontends/src/wix/wix'],
      dependency_links=['', ''],
      install_requires=['twisted', 'wokkel >= 0.7.1', 'progressbar', 'urwid >= 1.1.0', 'urwid-satext', 'pyfeed', 'xe', 'mutagen', 'PIL', 'lxml'],
      cmdclass={'install': CustomInstall},
      )  # XXX: wxpython doesn't work, it's managed with preinstall_check