view src/plugins/ @ 853:c2f6ada7858f

core (sqlite): automatic database update: - new Updater class check database consistency (by calculating a hash on the .schema), and updates base if necessary - database now has a version (1 for current, 0 will be for 0.3's database), for each change this version will be increased - creation statements and update statements are in the form of dict of dict with tuples. There is a help text at the top of the module to explain how it works - if we are on a development version, the updater try to update the database automaticaly (without deleting table or columns). The Updater.generateUpdateData method can be used to ease the creation of update data (i.e. the dictionary at the top, see the one for the key 1 for an example). - if there is an inconsistency, an exception is raised, and a message indicate the SQL statements that should fix the situation. - well... this is rather complicated, a KISS method would maybe have been better. The future will say if we need to simplify it :-/ - new DatabaseError exception
author Goffi <>
date Sun, 23 Feb 2014 23:30:32 +0100
parents 38bc9abd6722
children 1a759096ccbd
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# SAT plugin for Ad-Hoc Commands (XEP-0050)
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from sat.core.i18n import _, D_
from logging import debug, info, warning, error
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import error as xmpp_error
from twisted.words.xish import domish
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
from wokkel import disco, iwokkel, data_form, compat
from sat.core import exceptions
from sat.memory.memory import Sessions
from uuid import uuid4
from import xml_tools

from zope.interface import implements

    from twisted.words.protocols.xmlstream import XMPPHandler
except ImportError:
    from wokkel.subprotocols import XMPPHandler

from collections import namedtuple

    from collections import OrderedDict # only available from python 2.7
except ImportError:
    from ordereddict import OrderedDict

IQ_SET = '/iq[@type="set"]'
ID_CMD_LIST = disco.DiscoIdentity("automation", "command-list")
ID_CMD_NODE = disco.DiscoIdentity("automation", "command-node")
CMD_REQUEST = IQ_SET + '/command[@xmlns="' + NS_COMMANDS + '"]'

SHOWS = OrderedDict([('default', _('Online')),
                     ('away', _('Away')),
                     ('chat', _('Free for chat')),
                     ('dnd', _('Do not disturb')),
                     ('xa', _('Left')),
                     ('disconnect', _('Disconnect'))])

    "name": "Ad-Hoc Commands",
    "import_name": "XEP-0050",
    "type": "XEP",
    "protocols": ["XEP-0050"],
    "main": "XEP_0050",
    "handler": "yes",
    "description": _("""Implementation of Ad-Hoc Commands""")

class AdHocError(Exception):

    def __init__(self, error_const):
        """ Error to be used from callback
        @param error_const: one of XEP_0050.ERROR
        assert(error_const in XEP_0050.ERROR)
        self.callback_error = error_const

class AdHocCommand(XMPPHandler):

    def  __init__(self, parent, callback, label, node, features, timeout, allowed_jids, allowed_groups, allowed_magics, forbidden_jids, forbidden_groups, client):
        self.parent = parent
        self.callback = callback
        self.label = label
        self.node = node
        self.features = [disco.DiscoFeature(feature) for feature in features]
        self.allowed_jids, self.allowed_groups, self.allowed_magics, self.forbidden_jids, self.forbidden_groups = allowed_jids, allowed_groups, allowed_magics, forbidden_jids, forbidden_groups
        self.client = client
        self.sessions = Sessions(timeout=timeout)

    def getName(self, xml_lang=None):
        return self.label

    def isAuthorised(self, requestor):
        if '@ALL@' in self.allowed_magics:
            return True
        forbidden = set(self.forbidden_jids)
        for group in self.forbidden_groups:
        if requestor.userhostJID() in forbidden:
            return False
        allowed = set(self.allowed_jids)
        for group in self.allowed_groups:
            except exceptions.UnknownGroupError:
                warning(_("The groups [%(group)s] is unknown for profile [%(profile)s])" % {'group':group, 'profile':self.client.profile}))
        if requestor.userhostJID() in allowed:
            return True
        return False

    def getDiscoInfo(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
        identities = [ID_CMD_LIST if self.node == NS_COMMANDS else ID_CMD_NODE]
        return [disco.DiscoFeature(NS_COMMANDS)] + self.features

    def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
        return []

    def _sendAnswer(self, callback_data, session_id, request):
        """ Send result of the command
        @param callback_data: tuple (payload, status, actions, note) with:
            - payload (domish.Element) usualy containing data form
            - status: current status, see XEP_0050.STATUS
            - actions: list of allowed actions (see XEP_0050.ACTION). First action is the default one. Default to EXECUTE
            - note: optional additional note: either None or a tuple with (note type, human readable string),
                    note type being in XEP_0050.NOTE
        @param session_id: current session id
        @param request: original request (domish.Element)
        @return: deferred
        payload, status, actions, note = callback_data
        assert(isinstance(payload, domish.Element) or payload is None)
        assert(status in XEP_0050.STATUS)
        if not actions:
            actions = [XEP_0050.ACTION.EXECUTE]
        result = domish.Element((None, 'iq'))
        result['type'] = 'result'
        result['id'] = request['id']
        result['to'] = request['from']
        command_elt = result.addElement('command', NS_COMMANDS)
        command_elt['sessionid'] = session_id
        command_elt['node'] = self.node
        command_elt['status'] = status

        if status != XEP_0050.STATUS.CANCELED:
            if status != XEP_0050.STATUS.COMPLETED:
                actions_elt = command_elt.addElement('actions')
                actions_elt['execute'] = actions[0]
                for action in actions:

            if note is not None:
                note_type, note_mess = note
                note_elt = command_elt.addElement('note', content=note_mess)
                note_elt['type'] = note_type

            if payload is not None:

        if status in (XEP_0050.STATUS.COMPLETED, XEP_0050.STATUS.CANCELED):
            del self.sessions[session_id]

    def _sendError(self, error_constant, session_id, request):
        """ Send error stanza
        @param error_constant: one of XEP_OO50.ERROR
        @param request: original request (domish.Element)
        xmpp_condition, cmd_condition = error_constant
        iq_elt = xmpp_error.StanzaError(xmpp_condition).toResponse(request)
        if cmd_condition:
            error_elt = iq_elt.elements(None, "error").next()
            error_elt.addElement(cmd_condition, NS_COMMANDS)
        del self.sessions[session_id]

    def onRequest(self, command_elt, requestor, action, session_id):
        if not self.isAuthorised(requestor):
            return self._sendError(XEP_0050.ERROR.FORBIDDEN, session_id, command_elt.parent)
        if session_id:
                session_data = self.sessions[session_id]
            except KeyError:
                return self._sendError(XEP_0050.ERROR.SESSION_EXPIRED, session_id, command_elt.parent)
            if session_data['requestor'] != requestor:
                return self._sendError(XEP_0050.ERROR.FORBIDDEN, session_id, command_elt.parent)
            session_id, session_data = self.sessions.newSession()
            session_data['requestor'] = requestor
        if action == XEP_0050.ACTION.CANCEL:
            d = defer.succeed((None, XEP_0050.STATUS.CANCELED, None, None))
            d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.callback, command_elt, session_data, action, self.node, self.client.profile)
        d.addCallback(self._sendAnswer, session_id, command_elt.parent)
        d.addErrback(lambda failure, request: self._sendError(failure.value.callback_error, session_id, request), command_elt.parent)

class XEP_0050(object):
    STATUS = namedtuple('Status', ('EXECUTING', 'COMPLETED', 'CANCELED'))('executing', 'completed', 'canceled')
    ACTION = namedtuple('Action', ('EXECUTE', 'CANCEL', 'NEXT', 'PREV'))('execute', 'cancel', 'next', 'prev')
    NOTE = namedtuple('Note', ('INFO','WARN','ERROR'))('info','warn','error')
                                 'FORBIDDEN', 'ITEM_NOT_FOUND', 'FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED', 'INTERNAL'))(('bad-request', 'malformed-action'),
                                 ('bad-request', 'bad-action'), ('bad-request', 'bad-locale'), ('bad-request','bad-payload'),
                                 ('bad-request','bad-sessionid'), ('not-allowed','session-expired'), ('forbidden', None),
                                 ('item-not-found', None), ('feature-not-implemented', None), ('internal-server-error', None)) # XEP-0050 §4.6 Table 5

    def __init__(self, host):
        info(_("plugin XEP-0050 initialization")) = host
        self.requesting = Sessions()
        self.answering = {}
        host.bridge.addMethod("requestCommand", ".plugin", in_sign='ss', out_sign='s',
        self.__requesting_id = host.registerCallback(self._requestingEntity, with_data=True)
        host.importMenu((D_("Service"), D_("commands")), self._commandsMenu, security_limit=4, help_string=D_("Execute ad-hoc commands"))

    def getHandler(self, profile):
        return XEP_0050_handler(self)

    def profileConnected(self, profile):
        self.addAdHocCommand(self._statusCallback, _("Status"), profile_key=profile)

    def profileDisconnected(self, profile):
            del self.answering[profile]
        except KeyError:

    def _items2XMLUI(self, items):
        """ Convert discovery items to XMLUI dialog """
        # TODO: manage items on different jids
        form_ui = xml_tools.XMLUI("form", submit_id=self.__requesting_id)

        form_ui.addText(_("Please select a command"), 'instructions')

        options = [(item.nodeIdentifier, for item in items]
        form_ui.addList("node", options)
        return form_ui

    def _commandsAnswer2XMLUI(self, iq_elt, session_id, session_data):
        Convert command answer to an ui for frontend
        @param iq_elt: command result
        @param session_id: id of the session used with the frontend
        @param profile_key: %(doc_profile_key)s

        command_elt = iq_elt.elements(NS_COMMANDS, "command").next()
        status = command_elt.getAttribute('status', XEP_0050.STATUS.EXECUTING)
        if status in [XEP_0050.STATUS.COMPLETED, XEP_0050.STATUS.CANCELED]:
            # the command session is finished, we purge our session
            del self.requesting[session_id]
            return None
        remote_session_id = command_elt.getAttribute('sessionid')
        if remote_session_id:
            session_data['remote_id'] = remote_session_id
        data_elt = command_elt.elements(data_form.NS_X_DATA, 'x').next()
        form = data_form.Form.fromElement(data_elt)
        return  xml_tools.dataForm2XMLUI(form, self.__requesting_id, session_id=session_id)

    def _requestingEntity(self, data, profile):
        request and entity and create XMLUI accordingly
        @param data: data returned by previous XMLUI (first one must come from self._commandsMenu)
        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
        @return: callback dict result (with "xmlui" corresponding to the answering dialog, or empty if it's finished without error)

        # TODO: cancel, prev and next are not managed
        # TODO: managed answerer errors
        # TODO: manage nodes with a non data form payload
        if "session_id" not in data:
            # we just had the jid, we now request it for the available commands
            session_id, session_data = self.requesting.newSession(profile=profile)
            entity = jid.JID(data[xml_tools.SAT_FORM_PREFIX+'jid'])
            session_data['jid'] = entity
            d = self.requestCommandsList(entity, profile)

            def sendItems(xmlui):
                xmlui.session_id = session_id # we need to keep track of the session
                return {'xmlui': xmlui.toXml()}

            # we have started a several forms sessions
                session_data = self.requesting.profileGet(data["session_id"], profile)
            except KeyError:
                warning ("session id doesn't exist, session has probably expired")
                # TODO: send error dialog
                return defer.succeed({})
            session_id = data["session_id"]
            entity = session_data['jid']
                node = session_data['node']
                # node has already been received
            except KeyError:
                # it's the first time we know the node, we save it in session data
                node = session_data['node'] = data[xml_tools.SAT_FORM_PREFIX+'node']

            client =
            if not client:
                raise exceptions.ProfileUnknownError

            # we request execute node's command
            iq_elt = compat.IQ(client.xmlstream, 'set')
            iq_elt['to'] = entity.full()
            command_elt = iq_elt.addElement("command", NS_COMMANDS)
            command_elt['node'] = session_data['node']
            command_elt['action'] = XEP_0050.ACTION.EXECUTE
                # remote_id is the XEP_0050 sessionid used by answering command
                # while session_id is our own session id used with the frontend
                command_elt['sessionid'] = session_data['remote_id']
            except KeyError:

            command_elt.addChild(xml_tools.XMLUIResultToElt(data)) # We add the XMLUI result to the command payload
            d = iq_elt.send()
            d.addCallback(self._commandsAnswer2XMLUI, session_id, session_data)
            d.addCallback(lambda xmlui: {'xmlui': xmlui.toXml()} if xmlui is not None else {})

        return d

    def _commandsMenu(self, menu_data, profile):
        """ First XMLUI activated by menu: ask for target jid
        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s

        form_ui = xml_tools.XMLUI("form", submit_id=self.__requesting_id)
        form_ui.addText(_("Please enter target jid"), 'instructions')
        return {'xmlui': form_ui.toXml()}

    def _statusCallback(self, command_elt, session_data, action, node, profile):
        """ Ad-hoc command used to change the "show" part of status """
        actions = session_data.setdefault('actions',[])

        if len(actions) == 1:
            # it's our first request, we ask the desired new status
            status = XEP_0050.STATUS.EXECUTING
            form = data_form.Form('form', title=_('status selection'))
            show_options = [data_form.Option(name, label) for name, label in SHOWS.items()]
            field = data_form.Field('list-single', 'show', options=show_options, required=True)

            payload = form.toElement()
            note = None

        elif len(actions) == 2:
            # we should have the answer here
                x_elt = command_elt.elements(data_form.NS_X_DATA,'x').next()
                answer_form = data_form.Form.fromElement(x_elt)
                show = answer_form['show']
            except KeyError, StopIteration:
                raise AdHocError(XEP_0050.ERROR.BAD_PAYLOAD)
            if show not in SHOWS:
                raise AdHocError(XEP_0050.ERROR.BAD_PAYLOAD)
            if show == "disconnect":
      , profile_key=profile)

            # job done, we can end the session
            form = data_form.Form('form', title=_(u'Updated'))
            form.addField(data_form.Field('fixed', u'Status updated'))
            status = XEP_0050.STATUS.COMPLETED
            payload = None
            note = (self.NOTE.INFO, _(u"Status updated"))
            raise AdHocError(XEP_0050.ERROR.INTERNAL)

        return (payload, status, None, note)

    def _requestCommandsList(self, to_jid_s, profile_key):
        d = self.requestCommandsList(jid.JID(to_jid_s), profile_key)
        d.addCallback(lambda xmlui: xmlui.toXml())
        return d

    def requestCommandsList(self, to_jid, profile_key):
        """ Request available commands
        @param to_jid: the entity answering the commands
        @param profile_key: %(doc_profile)s

        client =
        d = client.disco.requestItems(to_jid, NS_COMMANDS)
        return d

    def addAdHocCommand(self, callback, label, node="", features = None, timeout = 600, allowed_jids = None, allowed_groups = None,
                        allowed_magics = None, forbidden_jids = None, forbidden_groups = None, profile_key="@NONE@"):

        Add an ad-hoc command for the current profile

        @param callback: method associated with this ad-hoc command which return the payload data (see AdHocCommand._sendAnswer), can return a deferred
        @param label: label associated with this command on the main menu
        @param node: disco item node associated with this command. None or "" to use autogenerated node
        @param features: features associated with the payload (list of strings), usualy data form
        @param timeout: delay between two requests before canceling the session (in seconds)
        @param allowed_jids: list of allowed entities
        @param allowed_groups: list of allowed roster groups
        @param allowed_magics: list of allowed magic keys, can be:
                               @ALL@: allow everybody
                               @PROFILE_BAREJID@: allow only the jid of the profile
        @param forbidden_jids: black list of entities which can't access this command
        @param forbidden_groups: black list of groups which can't access this command
        @param profile_key: profile key associated with this command, @ALL@ means can be accessed with every profiles
        @return: node of the added command, useful to remove the command later
        # FIXME: "@ALL@" for profile_key seems useless and dangerous

        node = node.strip()
        if not node:
            node = "%s_%s" % ('COMMANDS', uuid4())

        if features is None:
            features = [data_form.NS_X_DATA]

        if allowed_jids is None:
            allowed_jids = []
        if allowed_groups is None:
            allowed_groups = []
        if allowed_magics is None:
            allowed_magics = ['@PROFILE_BAREJID@']
        if forbidden_jids is None:
            forbidden_jids = []
        if forbidden_groups is None:
            forbidden_groups = []

        for client in
            #TODO: manage newly created/removed profiles
            _allowed_jids = (allowed_jids + [client.jid.userhostJID()]) if '@PROFILE_BAREJID@' in allowed_magics else allowed_jids
            ad_hoc_command = AdHocCommand(self, callback, label, node, features, timeout, _allowed_jids,
                                          allowed_groups, allowed_magics, forbidden_jids, forbidden_groups, client)
            profile_commands = self.answering.setdefault(client.profile, {})
            profile_commands[node] = ad_hoc_command

    def onCmdRequest(self, request, profile):
        request.handled = True
        requestor = jid.JID(request['from'])
        command_elt = request.elements(NS_COMMANDS, 'command').next()
        action = command_elt.getAttribute('action', self.ACTION.EXECUTE)
        node = command_elt.getAttribute('node')
        if not node:
            raise exceptions.DataError
        sessionid = command_elt.getAttribute('sessionid')
            command = self.answering[profile][node]
        except KeyError:
            raise exceptions.DataError
        command.onRequest(command_elt, requestor, action, sessionid)

class XEP_0050_handler(XMPPHandler):

    def __init__(self, plugin_parent):
        self.plugin_parent = plugin_parent

    def connectionInitialized(self):
        self.xmlstream.addObserver(CMD_REQUEST, self.plugin_parent.onCmdRequest, profile=self.parent.profile)

    def getDiscoInfo(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
        identities = []
        if nodeIdentifier == NS_COMMANDS and self.plugin_parent.answering.get(self.parent.profile): # we only add the identity if we have registred commands
        return [disco.DiscoFeature(NS_COMMANDS)] + identities

    def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
        ret = []
        if nodeIdentifier == NS_COMMANDS:
            for command in self.plugin_parent.answering.get(self.parent.profile,{}).values():
                if command.isAuthorised(requestor):
                    ret.append(disco.DiscoItem(self.parent.jid, command.node, command.getName())) #TODO: manage name language
        return ret