view src/plugins/ @ 832:c4b22aedb7d7

plugin groupblog, XEP-0071, XEP-0277, text_syntaxes: manage raw/rich/xhtml data for content/title: Implementation should follow the following formal specification: "title" and "content" data can be passed in raw, xhtml or rich format. When we receive from a frontend a new/updated microblog item: - keys "title" or "content" have to be escaped (disable HTML tags) - keys "title_rich" or "content_rich" have to be converted from the current syntax to XHTML - keys "title_xhtml" or "content_xhtml" have to be cleaned from unwanted XHTML content Rules to deal with concurrent keys: - existence of both "*_xhtml" and "*_rich" keys must raise an exception - existence of both raw and ("*_xhtml" or "*_rich") is OK As the storage always need raw data, if it is not given by the user it can be extracted from the "*_rich" or "*_xhtml" data (remove the XHTML tags). When a frontend wants to edit a blog post that contains XHTML title or content, the conversion is made from XHTML to the current user-defined syntax. - plugin text_syntaxes: added "text" syntax (using lxml)
author souliane <>
date Wed, 05 Feb 2014 16:36:51 +0100
parents 8f335c03eebb
children c5a8f602662b
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# SAT plugin for managing Radiocol
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from sat.core.i18n import _
from logging import debug, info, warning, error
from twisted.words.xish import domish
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
from twisted.internet import threads, defer
from sat.core import exceptions
import os.path
import copy
import time
from os import unlink
from mutagen.oggvorbis import OggVorbis, OggVorbisHeaderError

RADIOC_TAG = 'radiocol'

    "name": "Radio collective plugin",
    "import_name": "Radiocol",
    "type": "Exp",
    "protocols": [],
    "dependencies": ["XEP-0045", "XEP-0249", "ROOM-GAME"],
    "main": "Radiocol",
    "handler": "yes",
    "description": _("""Implementation of radio collective""")

# Number of songs needed in the queue before we start playing
# Maximum number of songs in the queue (the song being currently played doesn't count)

class Radiocol(object):

    def inheritFromRoomGame(self, host):
        global RoomGame
        RoomGame = host.plugins["ROOM-GAME"].__class__
        self.__class__ = type(self.__class__.__name__, (self.__class__, RoomGame, object), {})

    def __init__(self, host):
        info(_("Radio collective initialization"))
        RoomGame._init_(self, host, PLUGIN_INFO, (NC_RADIOCOL, RADIOC_TAG),
                          game_init={'queue': [], 'upload': True, 'playing': None, 'playing_time': 0, 'to_delete': {}}) = host
        host.bridge.addMethod("radiocolLaunch", ".plugin", in_sign='asss', out_sign='', method=self.prepareRoom)
        host.bridge.addMethod("radiocolCreate", ".plugin", in_sign='sass', out_sign='', method=self.createGame)
        host.bridge.addMethod("radiocolSongAdded", ".plugin", in_sign='sss', out_sign='', method=self.radiocolSongAdded, async=True)
        host.bridge.addSignal("radiocolPlayers", ".plugin", signature='ssass')  # room_jid, referee, players, profile
        host.bridge.addSignal("radiocolStarted", ".plugin", signature='ssasais')  # room_jid, referee, players, [QUEUE_TO_START, QUEUE_LIMIT], profile
        host.bridge.addSignal("radiocolSongRejected", ".plugin", signature='sss')  # room_jid, reason, profile
        host.bridge.addSignal("radiocolPreload", ".plugin", signature='sssssss')  # room_jid, timestamp, filename, title, artist, album, profile
        host.bridge.addSignal("radiocolPlay", ".plugin", signature='sss')  # room_jid, filename, profile
        host.bridge.addSignal("radiocolNoUpload", ".plugin", signature='ss')  # room_jid, profile
        host.bridge.addSignal("radiocolUploadOk", ".plugin", signature='ss')  # room_jid, profile

    def __create_preload_elt(self, sender, song_added_elt):
        preload_elt = copy.deepcopy(song_added_elt) = 'preload'
        preload_elt['sender'] = sender
        preload_elt['timestamp'] = str(time.time())
        # attributes filename, title, artist, album, length have been copied
        # XXX: the frontend should know the temporary directory where file is put
        return preload_elt

    def radiocolSongAdded(self, referee, song_path, profile):
        """This method is called by libervia when a song has been uploaded
        @param referee: JID of the referee in the room (room userhost + '/' + nick)
        @song_path: absolute path of the song added
        @param profile_key: %(doc_profile_key)s"""
        #XXX: this is a Q&D way for the proof of concept. In the future, the song should
        #     be streamed to the backend using XMPP file copy
        #     Here we cheat because we know we are on the same host, and we don't
        #     check data. Referee will have to parse the song himself to check it
        client =
        if not client:
            raise exceptions.NotConnectedProfileError(_("Can't access profile's data"))
            song = OggVorbis(song_path)
        except OggVorbisHeaderError:
            #this file is not ogg vorbis, we reject it
            self.deleteFile(song_path)  # FIXME: same host trick (see note above)
            return"Uploaded file is not Ogg Vorbis song, only Ogg Vorbis songs are acceptable"))
        attrs = {'filename': os.path.basename(song_path),
                 'title': song.get("title", ["Unknown"])[0],
                 'artist': song.get("artist", ["Unknown"])[0],
                 'album': song.get("album", ["Unknown"])[0],
                 'length': str(
        radio_data =[jid.JID(referee).userhost()]  # FIXME: referee comes from Libervia's client side, it's unsecure
        radio_data['to_delete'][attrs['filename']] = song_path  # FIXME: works only because of the same host trick, see the note under the docstring

        # XXX: avoid deferToThread which is causing testing troubles. When using deferToThread,
        # the callbacks that are added (by the test) to the Deferred instance returned by this
        # method are not run. And if you run d.callback again, you get a AlreadyCalledError.
        d = defer.Deferred()
        d.addCallback(self.send, ('', 'song_added'), attrs, profile=profile)
        return d

    def playNext(self, room_jid, profile):
        """"Play next song in queue if exists, and put a timer
        which trigger after the song has been played to play next one"""
        #TODO: songs need to be erased once played or found invalids
        #      ==> unlink done the Q&D way with the same host trick (see above)
        radio_data =[room_jid.userhost()]
        if len(radio_data['players']) == 0:
            debug(_('No more participants in the radiocol: cleaning data'))
            radio_data['queue'] = []
            for filename in radio_data['to_delete']:
                self.deleteFile(filename, radio_data)
            radio_data['to_delete'] = {}
        queue = radio_data['queue']
        if not queue:
            #nothing left to play, we need to wait for uploads
            radio_data['playing'] = None
        song = queue.pop(0)
        filename, length = song['filename'], float(song['length'])
        self.send(room_jid, ('', 'play'), {'filename': filename}, profile=profile)
        radio_data['playing'] = song
        radio_data['playing_time'] = time.time()

        if not radio_data['upload'] and len(queue) < QUEUE_LIMIT:
            #upload is blocked and we now have resources to get more, we reactivate it
            self.send(room_jid, ('', 'upload_ok'), profile=profile)
            radio_data['upload'] = True

        reactor.callLater(length, self.playNext, room_jid, profile)
        #we wait more than the song length to delete the file, to manage poorly reactive networks/clients
        reactor.callLater(length + 90, self.deleteFile, filename, radio_data)  # FIXME: same host trick (see above)

    def deleteFile(self, filename, radio_data=None):
        Delete a previously uploaded file.
        @param filename: filename to delete, or full filepath if radio_data is None
        @param radio_data: current game data
        @return: True if the file has been deleted
        if radio_data:
                file_to_delete = radio_data['to_delete'][filename]
            except KeyError:
                error(_("INTERNAL ERROR: can't find full path of the song to delete"))
                return False
            file_to_delete = filename
        except OSError:
            error(_("INTERNAL ERROR: can't find %s on the file system" % file_to_delete))
            return False
        return True

    def room_game_cmd(self, mess_elt, profile):
        from_jid = jid.JID(mess_elt['from'])
        room_jid = jid.JID(from_jid.userhost())
        nick =["XEP-0045"].getRoomNick(room_jid.userhost(), profile)

        radio_elt = mess_elt.firstChildElement()
        radio_data =[room_jid.userhost()]
        if 'queue' in radio_data:
            queue = radio_data['queue']

        from_referee = self.isReferee(room_jid.userhost(), from_jid.resource)
        to_referee = self.isReferee(room_jid.userhost(), jid.JID(mess_elt['to']).user)
        is_player = self.isPlayer(room_jid.userhost(), nick)
        for elt in radio_elt.elements():
            if not from_referee and not (to_referee and == 'song_added'):
                continue  # sender must be referee, expect when a song is submitted
            if not is_player and ( not in ('started', 'players')):
                continue  # user is in the room but not playing

            if in ('started', 'players'):  # new game created and/or players list updated
                players = []
                for player in elt.elements():
                signal = if == 'started' else
                signal(room_jid.userhost(), from_jid.full(), players, [QUEUE_TO_START, QUEUE_LIMIT], profile)
            elif == 'preload':  # a song is in queue and must be preloaded
      , elt['timestamp'], elt['filename'], elt['title'], elt['artist'], elt['album'], profile)
            elif == 'play':
      , elt['filename'], profile)
            elif == 'song_rejected':  # a song has been refused
      , elt['reason'], profile)
            elif == 'no_upload':
      , profile)
            elif == 'upload_ok':
      , profile)
            elif == 'song_added':  # a song has been added
                #FIXME: we are KISS for the proof of concept: every song is added, to a limit of 3 in queue.
                #       Need to manage some sort of rules to allow peoples to send songs
                if len(queue) >= QUEUE_LIMIT:
                    #there are already too many songs in queue, we reject this one
                    #FIXME: add an error code
                    self.send(from_jid, ('', 'song_rejected'), {'reason': "Too many songs in queue"}, profile=profile)

                #The song is accepted and added in queue
                preload_elt = self.__create_preload_elt(from_jid.resource, elt)

                if len(queue) >= QUEUE_LIMIT:
                    #We are at the limit, we refuse new upload until next play
                    self.send(room_jid, ('', 'no_upload'), profile=profile)
                    radio_data['upload'] = False

                self.send(room_jid, preload_elt, profile=profile)
                if not radio_data['playing'] and len(queue) == QUEUE_TO_START:
                    # We have not started playing yet, and we have QUEUE_TO_START
                    # songs in queue. We can now start the party :)
                    self.playNext(room_jid, profile)
                error(_('Unmanaged game element: %s') %

    def getSyncDataForPlayer(self, room_jid_s, nick):
        game_data =[room_jid_s]
        elements = []
        if game_data['playing']:
            preload = copy.deepcopy(game_data['playing'])
            current_time = game_data['playing_time'] + 1 if self.testing else time.time()
            preload['filename'] += '#t=%.2f' % (current_time - game_data['playing_time'])
            play = domish.Element(('', 'play'))
            play['filename'] = preload['filename']
        if len(game_data['queue']) > 0:
            if len(game_data['queue']) == QUEUE_LIMIT:
                elements.append(domish.Element(('', 'no_upload')))
        return elements