view doc/installation.rst @ 4231:e11b13418ba6

plugin XEP-0353, XEP-0234, jingle: WebRTC data channel signaling implementation: Implement XEP-0343: Signaling WebRTC Data Channels in Jingle. The current version of the XEP (0.3.1) has no implementation and contains some flaws. After discussing this on xsf@, Daniel (from Conversations) mentioned that they had a sprint with Larma (from Dino) to work on another version and provided me with this link: . I have used it for my implementation. This implementation reuses work done on Jingle A/V call (notably XEP-0176 and XEP-0167 plugins), with adaptations. When used, XEP-0234 will not handle the file itself as it normally does. This is because WebRTC has several implementations (browser for web interface, GStreamer for others), and file/data must be handled directly by the frontend. This is particularly important for web frontends, as the file is not sent from the backend but from the end-user's browser device. Among the changes, there are: - XEP-0343 implementation. - `file_send` bridge method now use serialised dict as output. - New `BaseTransportHandler.is_usable` method which get content data and returns a boolean (default to `True`) to tell if this transport can actually be used in this context (when we are initiator). Used in webRTC case to see if call data are available. - Support of `application` media type, and everything necessary to handle data channels. - Better confirmation message, with file name, size and description when available. - When file is accepted in preflight, it is specified in following `action_new` signal for actual file transfer. This way, frontend can avoid the display or 2 confirmation messages. - XEP-0166: when not specified, default `content` name is now its index number instead of a UUID. This follows the behaviour of browsers. - XEP-0353: better handling of events such as call taken by another device. - various other updates. rel 441
author Goffi <>
date Sat, 06 Apr 2024 12:57:23 +0200 (11 months ago)
parents 3f59a2b141cc
children 810f2b80146b
line wrap: on
line source
.. _installation:


These are the instructions to install Libervia using Python.
Note that if you are using GNU/Linux, Libervia may already be present on your distribution.

Libervia is made of one backend, and several frontends. To use it, the first thing to do is to install the backend.

We recommand to use development version for now, until the release of 0.9.

Development version

*Note for Arch users: a pkgbuild is available for your distribution on
AUR, check libervia-backend-hg (as well as other libervia-\* packages).*

You can install the latest development version using pip. You need to
have the following dependencies installed first:

-  Python 3 with development headers
-  Python 3 "venv", which may already be installed with Python 3
-  Mercurial
-  libcairo 2 with development header
-  libjpeg with development headers
-  libgirepository 1.0 with development headers
-  libdbus-1 with development headers
-  libdbus-glib-1 with development headers
-  libxml2 with development headers
-  libxlt2 with development headers
-  D-Bus x11 tools (this doesn't needs X11, it is just needed for dbus-launch)
-  cmake
-  Python GPG package (and its GPG dependencies), those are needed to use all OpenPGP
   related features. We need to use the system package as package version needs to match
   system GPG version.

On Debian and derivatives, you can get all this with following command::

  $ sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-venv python3-wheel mercurial libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libcairo2-dev libjpeg-dev libgirepository1.0-dev libdbus-1-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev dbus-x11 cmake python3-gpg

Installation With pipx

If you have `pipx`_ installed, you can easily install the development version of the
backend by entering the following command:

.. code-block:: bash

   $ pipx install --system-site-packages hg+[SVG]

Installation With Virtual Environment And pip

Alternatively, you can install a virtual environment, clone the repository, and pip
install from there.

Go in a location where you can install Libervia, for instance your home directory::

  $ cd

And enter the following commands (here we install Libervia with SVG support, which is needed to
display SVG avatars on some frontends)::

  $ python3 -m venv --system-site-packages libervia
  $ source libervia/bin/activate
  $ pip install -U pip wheel
  $ hg clone
  $ cd libervia-backend
  $ pip install -e .

Don't worry if you see the following message, Libervia should work anyway::

  Failed building wheel for <some_package_name>

Post Installation

After installing Libervia, you need to install the media (you may skip this if you don't
plan to use any graphical frontend)::

  $ cd
  $ hg clone

then, create the directory ``~/.config/libervia``::

  $ mkdir -p ~/.config/libervia

and the file ``~/.config/libervia/libervia.conf`` containing:

.. sourcecode:: cfg

  media_dir = ~/libervia-media

Of course, replace ``~/libervia-media`` with the actual path you have used.

You can check :ref:`configuration` for details


To launch the Libervia backend, enter::

  $ libervia-backend

…or, if you want to launch it in foreground::

  $ libervia-backend fg

You can stop it with::

  $ libervia-backend stop

To know if backend is launched or not::

  $ libervia-backend status

**NOTE**: if ``misc/org.libervia.Libervia.service`` is installed correctly (which should
be done during the installation), the backend is automatically launched when a frontend
needs it.

You can check that Libervia is installed correctly by trying jp (the backend need to be
launched first, check below)::

  $ li --version
  Libervia CLI 0.8.0D « La Cecília » (rev 184c66256bbc [M] (default 2021-06-09 11:35 +0200) +524) Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Jérôme Poisson, Adrien Cossa
  This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.

If you have a similar output, Libervia is working.

.. note::

  You may see an error message indicating that D-Bus is not launched or that its
  environment variable is not set, this usually happens when launching Libervia on a
  server, without graphic interface like or Wayland (otherwise D-Bus service should
  be launched automatically). In this case please follow instructions below.

Launching D-Bus (on servers)

  You can launch the D-Bus service by creating a shell script with the following content
  in a file named ````:

  .. sourcecode:: sh



    if [ ! -e $DBUS_PATH ]; then
            dbus-launch --sh-syntax > $DBUS_PATH
            chmod 400 $DBUS_PATH

    cat $DBUS_PATH

  Then run it before the backend or frontend by entering::

    $ eval $(/path/to/

  This will launch the D-Bus daemon if necessary, and set the appropriate environment
  variable. If you use a new shell, be sure to launch the script again in an ``eval``
  statement to have the environment variable set. You can put this in your ``.zshrc`` (or
  whatever you're using) to make it automatic.

  If you don't want to use D-Bus, you can use another bridge, e.g. ``pb`` is a good
  choice, by updating your :ref:`configuration` ``[DEFAULT]`` section with ``bridge =


So far, the following frontends exist and are actively maintained:

Libervia Desktop (aka Cagou)
  desktop/mobile (Android) frontend

Libervia Web
  the web frontend

Libervia TUI (aka Primitivus)
  Text User Interface

Libervia CLI (aka jp or li)
  Command Line Interface

To launch Libervia TUI, just type::

  $ libervia-tui

then create a profile (XMPP account must already exist).

To use Libervia CLI, follow its help (``li`` is a shortcut for ``libervia-cli``)::

  $ li --help

There are some other frontends:

  based on Qt, a rich desktop frontend (currently on hold)

  former desktop frontend based on WxWidgets (deprecated with version 0.6.0)

  Emacs frontend developed by a third party (development is currently stalled)

.. _pipx: