view src/plugins/ @ 2489:e2a7bb875957

plugin pipe/stream, file transfert: refactoring and improvments: this is a big patch as things had to be changed at the same time. - changed methods using profile argument to use client instead - move SatFile in a new module, has it should be part of core, not a plugin - new IStreamProducer interface, to handler starting a pull producer - new FileStreamObject which create a stream producer/consumer from a SatFile - plugin pipe is no more using unix named pipe, as it complicate the thing, special care need to be taken to not block, and it's generally not necessary. Instead a socket is now used, so the plugin has been renomed to jingle stream. - bad connection/error should be better handler in jingle stream plugin, and code should not block anymore - jp pipe commands have been updated accordingly fix bug 237
author Goffi <>
date Thu, 08 Feb 2018 00:37:42 +0100
parents 0046283a285d
children 67cc54b01a12
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# SAT plugin for Jingle (XEP-0261)
# Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from sat.core.i18n import _
from sat.core.constants import Const as C
from sat.core.log import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)
from wokkel import disco, iwokkel
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.words.xish import domish
import uuid

    from twisted.words.protocols.xmlstream import XMPPHandler
except ImportError:
    from wokkel.subprotocols import XMPPHandler

NS_JINGLE_IBB = 'urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ibb:1'

    C.PI_NAME: "Jingle In-Band Bytestreams",
    C.PI_IMPORT_NAME: "XEP-0261",
    C.PI_TYPE: "XEP",
    C.PI_PROTOCOLS: ["XEP-0261"],
    C.PI_DEPENDENCIES: ["XEP-0166", "XEP-0047"],
    C.PI_MAIN: "XEP_0261",
    C.PI_HANDLER: "yes",
    C.PI_DESCRIPTION: _("""Implementation of Jingle In-Band Bytestreams""")

class XEP_0261(object):
    NAMESPACE = NS_JINGLE_IBB # used by XEP-0260 plugin for transport-replace

    def __init__(self, host):"plugin Jingle In-Band Bytestreams")) = host
        self._j = host.plugins["XEP-0166"] # shortcut to access jingle
        self._ibb = host.plugins["XEP-0047"] # and in-band bytestream
        self._j.registerTransport(NS_JINGLE_IBB, self._j.TRANSPORT_STREAMING, self, -10000) # must be the lowest priority

    def getHandler(self, client):
        return XEP_0261_handler()

    def jingleSessionInit(self, client, session, content_name):
        transport_elt = domish.Element((NS_JINGLE_IBB, "transport"))
        content_data = session['contents'][content_name]
        transport_data = content_data['transport_data']
        transport_data['block_size'] = self._ibb.BLOCK_SIZE
        transport_elt['block-size'] = unicode(transport_data['block_size'])
        transport_elt['sid'] = transport_data['sid'] = unicode(uuid.uuid4())
        return transport_elt

    def jingleHandler(self, client, action, session, content_name, transport_elt):
        content_data = session['contents'][content_name]
        transport_data = content_data['transport_data']
        if action in (self._j.A_SESSION_ACCEPT,
        elif action in (self._j.A_SESSION_INITIATE, self._j.A_TRANSPORT_REPLACE):
            transport_data['sid'] = transport_elt['sid']
        elif action in (self._j.A_START, self._j.A_PREPARE_RESPONDER):
            peer_jid = session['peer_jid']
            sid = transport_data['sid']
            stream_object = content_data['stream_object']
            if action == self._j.A_START:
                block_size = transport_data['block_size']
                d = self._ibb.startStream(client, stream_object, peer_jid, sid, block_size)
                d = self._ibb.createSession(client, stream_object, peer_jid, sid)
            log.warning(u"FIXME: unmanaged action {}".format(action))
        return transport_elt

class XEP_0261_handler(XMPPHandler):

    def getDiscoInfo(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
        return [disco.DiscoFeature(NS_JINGLE_IBB)]

    def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
        return []