view INSTALL @ 2169:f472179305a1

tools(templates): workflow improvments: - template theme can be specified in parenthesis: (some_theme)path/to/template.html. Withtout parenthesis, "default" is used - static content are supposed to be in [theme]/static, error pages in [theme]/error/[err_code].html - default page are used in some case (2 for now): if error page with specified code doesn't exists, a base page is used, and if a page doesn't exist for a theme, the same one for default theme is looked for - CSS files are automatically found for HTML pages - CSS files can be split, the'll be added in the template according to the page requested. - theme CSS file is looked for, and if not found the default theme equivalent is looked for. - each element of a path can be associated to a CSS file, and styles.css is always there. For instance if blog/articles.html is requested, the following CSS can be included: "styles.css", "blog.css", "blog_article.css". They all must be in /static - if the automatic finding of CSS files is not wanted, css_files arguments can be used instead, with full relative path (i.e. including theme) - CSS files can be merged and included inline with css_inline argument - root_path can be specified, it will be used as a prefix for static files - requested theme (which may differ from actual theme, e.g. if the template is not found and default one is used instead) is available in template with "theme" variable - added getThemeAndRoot method to retrieve theme and theme root path from template
author Goffi <>
date Sun, 05 Mar 2017 23:41:10 +0100
parents 1128feb54180
children e7bd2945518f
line wrap: on
line source

You can install SàT automatically using easy_install or pip, and it is available in several GNU/Linux distributions. The full instructions are available on the wiki:
Below is are installation instructions, but please check the wiki which may be more up-to-date.


You can automatically install SàT and its dependencies using easy_install or pip. You will however need to install Python's headers (needed to build some packages), WxPython which is available in most Gnu/Linux distributions, PyGObject and developments version of libxml2 and libxslt (to compile lxml python library).

The environment variable SAT_INSTALL customises the installation, it contains flags separated by spaces:
	- "nopreinstall" skips all preinstallation checks
	- "autodeb" automatically installs missing packages on Debian-based distributions
	- "nox" disables installation of X-based packages (WxWidgets), this is useful for servers

PyGobject is automatically installed on Debian-based distributions if "autodeb" option is set. Indeed, on Debian-based distribution, you can type (with the root account):

# apt-get install python-pip python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
# SAT_INSTALL=autodeb pip install .

On a *buntu, same commands with sudo:

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
$ sudo SAT_INSTALL=autodeb pip install .

After installing SàT, you need to install the media:

$ mkdir -p ~/sat/media/destination/path
$ cd ~/sat/media/destination/path
tar -jxvf sat_media.tar.bz2

then, create a ~/.sat.conf file which contains:

### sat.conf ###
### end sat.conf ###

Of course, replace ~/sat/media/destination/path with the actual path you want to use.
Check the wiki for more information about this configuration file:

You should now be able to launch sat:
	- to launch the backend, enter
$ sat
	- to stop the backend, enter:
$ sat stop
	- to launch Primitivus, enter:
$ primitivus
	then create a profile.
	- to use jp, follow its help:
$ jp --help

For Libervia, the web interface, check

If you need help, come the SàT official XMPP room: