view src/plugins/ @ 2169:f472179305a1

tools(templates): workflow improvments: - template theme can be specified in parenthesis: (some_theme)path/to/template.html. Withtout parenthesis, "default" is used - static content are supposed to be in [theme]/static, error pages in [theme]/error/[err_code].html - default page are used in some case (2 for now): if error page with specified code doesn't exists, a base page is used, and if a page doesn't exist for a theme, the same one for default theme is looked for - CSS files are automatically found for HTML pages - CSS files can be split, the'll be added in the template according to the page requested. - theme CSS file is looked for, and if not found the default theme equivalent is looked for. - each element of a path can be associated to a CSS file, and styles.css is always there. For instance if blog/articles.html is requested, the following CSS can be included: "styles.css", "blog.css", "blog_article.css". They all must be in /static - if the automatic finding of CSS files is not wanted, css_files arguments can be used instead, with full relative path (i.e. including theme) - CSS files can be merged and included inline with css_inline argument - root_path can be specified, it will be used as a prefix for static files - requested theme (which may differ from actual theme, e.g. if the template is not found and default one is used instead) is available in template with "theme" variable - added getThemeAndRoot method to retrieve theme and theme root path from template
author Goffi <>
date Sun, 05 Mar 2017 23:41:10 +0100
parents 33c8c4973743
children 545a1261ac3b
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# SAT plugin for managing xep-0077
# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from sat.core.i18n import _
from sat.core.constants import Const as C
from sat.core import exceptions
from sat.core.log import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream import IQ
from import xml_tools

from wokkel import data_form, compat

NS_REG = 'jabber:iq:register'

    C.PI_NAME: "XEP 0077 Plugin",
    C.PI_IMPORT_NAME: "XEP-0077",
    C.PI_TYPE: "XEP",
    C.PI_PROTOCOLS: ["XEP-0077"],
    C.PI_MAIN: "XEP_0077",
    C.PI_DESCRIPTION: _("""Implementation of in-band registration""")

class XEP_0077(object):

    def __init__(self, host):"Plugin XEP_0077 initialization")) = host
        self.triggers = {}  # used by other protocol (e.g. XEP-0100) to finish registration. key = target_jid
        host.bridge.addMethod("inBandRegister", ".plugin", in_sign='ss', out_sign='s',

    def _regOk(self, answer, client, post_treat_cb):
        """Called after the first get IQ"""
            query_elt = answer.elements(NS_REG, 'query').next()
        except StopIteration:
            raise exceptions.DataError("Can't find expected query element")

            x_elem = query_elt.elements(data_form.NS_X_DATA, 'x').next()
        except StopIteration:
            # XXX: it seems we have an old service which doesn't manage data forms
            log.warning(_("Can't find data form"))
            raise exceptions.DataError(_("This gateway can't be managed by SàT, sorry :("))

        def submitForm(data, profile):
            form_elt = xml_tools.XMLUIResultToElt(data)

            iq_elt = compat.IQ(client.xmlstream, 'set')
            iq_elt['id'] = answer['id']
            iq_elt['to'] = answer['from']
            query_elt = iq_elt.addElement("query", NS_REG)
            d = iq_elt.send()
            d.addCallback(self._regSuccess, client, post_treat_cb)
            d.addErrback(self._regFailure, client)
            return d

        form = data_form.Form.fromElement(x_elem)
        submit_reg_id =, with_data=True, one_shot=True)
        return xml_tools.dataForm2XMLUI(form, submit_reg_id)

    def _regErr(self, failure, client):
        """Called when something is wrong with registration""""Registration failure: %s") % unicode(failure.value))
        raise failure

    def _regSuccess(self, answer, client, post_treat_cb):
        log.debug(_(u"registration answer: %s") % answer.toXml())
        if post_treat_cb is not None:
            post_treat_cb(jid.JID(answer['from']), client.profile)
        return {}

    def _regFailure(self, failure, client):"Registration failure: %s") % unicode(failure.value))
        if failure.value.condition == 'conflict':
            raise exceptions.ConflictError( _("Username already exists, please choose an other one"))
        raise failure

    def _inBandRegister(self, to_jid_s, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        return self.inBandRegister, jid.JID(to_jid_s, profile_key)

    def inBandRegister(self, to_jid, post_treat_cb=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        """register to a target JID"""
        client =
        log.debug(_(u"Asking registration for [%s]") % to_jid.full())
        reg_request = IQ(client.xmlstream, 'get')
        reg_request["from"] = client.jid.full()
        reg_request["to"] = to_jid.full()
        reg_request.addElement('query', NS_REG)
        d = reg_request.send(to_jid.full()).addCallbacks(self._regOk, self._regErr, callbackArgs=[client, post_treat_cb], errbackArgs=[client])
        return d