[build-system] requires = ["hatchling"] build-backend = "hatchling.build" [project] name = "libervia-backend" dynamic = ["version"] description = "Libervia: A feature-rich XMPP client showcasing diverse frontends, uniting instant messaging, blogging, file sharing, and ActivityPub-XMPP interactions seamlessly." readme = "README.md" license = "AGPL-3.0-or-later" requires-python = ">=3.11" authors = [ { name = "Libervia Dev Team", email = "contact@goffi.org" }, ] classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Environment :: Console", "Framework :: Twisted", "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux", "Topic :: Communications :: Chat", "Topic :: Internet :: XMPP" ] dependencies = [ "aiosqlite", "alembic", "babel < 3", "cryptography >= 41.0.1", "dbus-python < 1.3", "emoji ~= 2.8", "html2text < 2020.2", "jinja2 >= 3.1.2", "langid < 2", "lxml ~= 5.2", "lxml_html_clean >= 0.1.1", "markdown >= 3.0", "miniupnpc < 2.1", "mutagen < 2", "netifaces < 0.12", "oldmemo >= 1.0.0, < 2", "omemo >= 1.0.0, < 2", "pillow >= 6.0.0", "progressbar2 < 3.54", "pydantic ~= 2.4", "pygments < 3", "pygobject ~= 3.48", "pyopenssl ~= 24.1", "python-dateutil >= 2.8.1, < 3", # currently disabled due to incompatibility, OTR feature may be removed in # the close future # "python-potr < 1.1", "pyxdg < 0.30", "pyyaml < 7.0.0", "python-xlib ~= 0.33", "prompt_toolkit ~= 3.0", "rich ~= 13.5", "sat_tmp @ hg+https://repos.goffi.org/sat_tmp#egg=sat_tmp", "setuptools_scm", "shortuuid ~= 1.0.11", "sqlalchemy >= 1.4", "treq < 23.0.0", "twisted[tls] >= 22.10", "twomemo >= 1.0.0, < 2", "txdbus", "urwid >= 1.2.0, < 3", "urwid-satext @ hg+https://repos.goffi.org/urwid-satext#egg=urwid-satext", "wokkel >= 18.0.0, < 19.0.0", "xmlschema", ] keywords = [ "XMPP", "chat", "instant_messaging", "blogging", "photo albums", "ActivityPub", "file sharing", "events" ] [project.optional-dependencies] SVG = [ "CairoSVG", ] GUI = [ "PyQt6" ] TUI = [ "term-image ~= 0.7.1" ] remote-control = [ "cbor2" ] conferences = [ "autobahn ~= 23.6" ] all = [ "libervia-backend[SVG]", "libervia-backend[GUI]", "libervia-backend[TUI]", "libervia-backend[remote-control]", "libervia-backend[conferences]" ] [project.scripts] jp = "libervia.cli.base:LiberviaCli.run" li = "libervia.cli.base:LiberviaCli.run" libervia-backend = "libervia.backend.core.launcher:Launcher.run" libervia-cli = "libervia.cli.base:LiberviaCli.run" libervia-tui = "libervia.tui.base:LiberviaTUIApp.run" primitivus = "libervia.tui.base:LiberviaTUIApp.run" sat = "libervia.backend.core.launcher:Launcher.run" [project.urls] Homepage = "https://libervia.org" Documentation = "https://libervia.org/documentation" Repository = "https://repos.goffi.org/libervia-backend/" Roadmap = "https://libervia.org/roadmap" [tool.hatch.build.targets.wheel] packages = ["libervia", "twisted"] [tool.hatch.envs.default] # we need system-package for GPG system-packages = true features = ["all"] [tool.hatch.envs.dev] dependencies = [ "ipdb", "pudb", "pytest", "pytest-twisted", "aiosmtpd" ] [tool.hatch.version] path = "libervia/backend/__init__.py" [tool.hatch.build] artifacts = [ "*.ini", "*.yaml" ] [tool.hatch.build.targets.wheel.shared-data] "i18n/fr/LC_MESSAGES/libervia_backend.mo" = "share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/libervia_backend.mo" CHANGELOG = "share/doc/libervia-backend/CHANGELOG" COPYING = "share/doc/libervia-backend/COPYING" INSTALL = "share/doc/libervia-backend/INSTALL" README = "share/doc/libervia-backend/README" README4TRANSLATORS = "share/doc/libervia-backend/README4TRANSLATORS" "misc/org.libervia.Libervia.service" = "share/dbus-1/services/org.libervia.Libervia.service" [tool.hatch.metadata] allow-direct-references = true