version: "3.6" services: prosody: build: prosody_e2e image: salutatoi/prosody_e2e depends_on: # we need to depend on sat to get IP address of the container for conf - sat tmpfs: /var/lib/prosody tmpfs: /var/log/prosody networks: default: aliases: - server1.test - server2.test - server3.test db: image: postgres environment: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: test_e2e POSTGRES_DB: pubsub tmpfs: /var/lib/postgresql/data pubsub: build: pubsub image: salutatoi/sat_pubsub depends_on: - db - prosody environment: PGHOST: db PGUSER: postgres PGPASSWORD: test_e2e SAT_PUBSUB_RHOST: server1.test SAT_PUBSUB_JID: pubsub.server1.test SAT_PUBSUB_XMPP_PWD: test_e2e sat: build: backend_e2e image: salutatoi/sat_e2e