#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ SAT: a jabber client Copyright (C) 2009 Jérôme Poisson (goffi@goffi.org) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ from twisted.application import internet, service from twisted.internet import glib2reactor, protocol, task glib2reactor.install() from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid, xmlstream, error from twisted.words.xish import domish from twisted.internet import reactor import pdb from wokkel import client, disco, xmppim from sat_bridge.DBus import DBusBridge import logging from logging import debug, info, error import signal, sys import os.path from tools.memory import Memory from glob import glob ### logging configuration FIXME: put this elsewhere ### logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(message)s') ### class SatXMPPClient(client.XMPPClient): def __init__(self, jid, password, host=None, port=5222): client.XMPPClient.__init__(self, jid, password, host, port) self.factory.clientConnectionLost = self.connectionLost self.__connected=False def _authd(self, xmlstream): print "SatXMPPClient" client.XMPPClient._authd(self, xmlstream) self.__connected=True print "********** CONNECTED **********" self.streamInitialized() def streamInitialized(self): """Called after _authd""" self.keep_alife = task.LoopingCall(self.xmlstream.send, " ") #Needed to avoid disconnection (specially with openfire) self.keep_alife.start(180) def isConnected(self): return self.__connected def connectionLost(self, connector, unused_reason): print "********** DISCONNECTED **********" try: self.keep_alife.stop() except AttributeError: debug("No keep_alife") class SatMessageProtocol(xmppim.MessageProtocol): def __init__(self, host): xmppim.MessageProtocol.__init__(self) self.host = host def onMessage(self, message): debug (u"got_message from: %s", message["from"]) for e in message.elements(): if e.name == "body": self.host.bridge.newMessage(message["from"], e.children[0]) self.host.memory.addToHistory(self.host.me, jid.JID(message["from"]), self.host.me, "chat", e.children[0]) break class SatRosterProtocol(xmppim.RosterClientProtocol): def __init__(self, host): xmppim.RosterClientProtocol.__init__(self) self.host = host def rosterCb(self, roster): for jid, item in roster.iteritems(): info ("new contact in roster list: %s", jid) #FIXME: fill attributes self.host.memory.addContact(jid, {}, item.groups) self.host.bridge.newContact(jid, {}, item.groups) def requestRoster(self): """ ask the server for Roster list """ debug("requestRoster") self.getRoster().addCallback(self.rosterCb) def removeItem(self, to): """Remove a contact from roster list""" to_jid=jid.JID(to) xmppim.RosterClientProtocol.removeItem(self, to_jid) #TODO: check IQ result def addItem(self, to): """Add a contact to roster list""" to_jid=jid.JID(to) xmppim.RosterClientProtocol.addItem(self, to_jid) #TODO: check IQ result class SatPresenceProtocol(xmppim.PresenceClientProtocol): def __init__(self, host): xmppim.PresenceClientProtocol.__init__(self) self.host = host def availableReceived(self, entity, show=None, statuses=None, priority=0): info ("presence update for [%s]", entity) ### we check if the status is not about subscription ### #FIXME: type is not needed anymore #TODO: management of differents statuses (differents languages) status = statuses.values()[0] if len(statuses) else "" self.host.memory.addPresenceStatus(entity.full(), "", show or "", status or "", int(priority)) #now it's time to notify frontends pdb.set_trace() self.host.bridge.presenceUpdate(entity.full(), "", show or "", status or "", int(priority)) def unavailableReceived(self, entity, statuses=None): #TODO: management of differents statuses (differents languages) status = statuses.values()[0] if len(statuses) else "" self.host.memory.addPresenceStatus(entity.full(), "unavailable", "", status or "", 0) #now it's time to notify frontends self.host.bridge.presenceUpdate(entity.full(), "unavailable", "", status or "", 0) def subscribedReceived(self, entity): debug ("subscription approved for [%s]" % entity) def unsubscribedReceived(self, entity): debug ("unsubscription confirmed for [%s]" % entity) def subscribeReceived(self, entity): #FIXME: auto answer for subscribe request, must be checked ! debug ("subscription request for [%s]" % entity) self.subscribed(entity) def unsubscribeReceived(self, entity): debug ("unsubscription asked for [%s]" % entity) class SAT(service.Service): def __init__(self): #self.reactor=reactor self.memory=Memory() self.server_features=[] #XXX: temp dic, need to be transfered into self.memory in the future self._iq_cb_map = {} #callback called when ns is found on IQ self._waiting_conf = {} #callback called when a confirmation is received self._progress_cb_map = {} #callback called when a progress is requested (key = progress id) self.plugins = {} self.bridge=DBusBridge() self.bridge.register("connect", self.connect) self.bridge.register("disconnect", self.disconnect) self.bridge.register("getContacts", self.memory.getContacts) self.bridge.register("getPresenceStatus", self.memory.getPresenceStatus) self.bridge.register("sendMessage", self.sendMessage) self.bridge.register("setParam", self.setParam) self.bridge.register("getParam", self.memory.getParam) self.bridge.register("getParams", self.memory.getParams) self.bridge.register("getParamsCategories", self.memory.getParamsCategories) self.bridge.register("getHistory", self.memory.getHistory) self.bridge.register("setPresence", self.setPresence) self.bridge.register("addContact", self.addContact) self.bridge.register("delContact", self.delContact) self.bridge.register("isConnected", self.isConnected) self.bridge.register("confirmationAnswer", self.confirmationAnswer) self.bridge.register("getProgress", self.getProgress) self._import_plugins() #self.connect() def _import_plugins(self): """Import all plugins found in plugins directory""" #TODO: manage dependencies plug_lst = [os.path.splitext(plugin)[0] for plugin in map(os.path.basename,glob ("plugins/plugin*.py"))] for plug in plug_lst: plug_path = 'plugins.'+plug __import__(plug_path) mod = sys.modules[plug_path] plug_info = mod.PLUGIN_INFO info ("importing plugin: %s", plug_info['name']) self.plugins[plug_info['import_name']] = getattr(mod, plug_info['main'])(self) def connect(self): if (self.isConnected()): info("already connected !") return print "connecting..." self.me = jid.JID(self.memory.getParamV("JabberID", "Connection")) self.xmppclient = SatXMPPClient(self.me, self.memory.getParamV("Password", "Connection"), self.memory.getParamV("Server", "Connection"), 5222) self.xmppclient.streamInitialized = self.streamInitialized self.messageProt = SatMessageProtocol(self) self.messageProt.setHandlerParent(self.xmppclient) self.roster = SatRosterProtocol(self) self.roster.setHandlerParent(self.xmppclient) self.presence = SatPresenceProtocol(self) self.presence.setHandlerParent(self.xmppclient) self.xmppclient.startService() def disconnect(self): if (not self.isConnected()): info("not connected !") return info("Disconnecting...") self.xmppclient.stopService() def startService(self): info("Salut à toi ô mon frère !") self.connect() def stopService(self): info("Salut aussi à Rantanplan") def run(self): debug("running app") reactor.run() def stop(self): debug("stopping app") reactor.stop() def streamInitialized(self): """Called when xmlstream is OK""" SatXMPPClient.streamInitialized(self.xmppclient) debug ("XML stream is initialized") self.xmlstream = self.xmppclient.xmlstream self.me = self.xmppclient.jid #in case of the ressource has changed self.roster.requestRoster() self.presence.available() #FIXME:tmp self.xmlstream.addObserver("/iq[@type='set' or @type='get']", self.iqCb) """ ###FIXME: tmp disco ### #self.discoHandler = disco.discoHandler() self.memory.registerFeature("http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info") self.disco(self.memory.getParamV("Server", "Connection"), self.serverDisco) #we now send our presence status # add a callback for the messages #reactor.callLater(2,self.sendFile,"goffi2@jabber.goffi.int/Psi", "/tmp/fakefile") """ def sendMessage(self,to,msg,type='chat'): #FIXME: check validity of recipient debug("Sending jabber message to %s...", to) message = domish.Element(('jabber:client','message')) message["to"] = jid.JID(to).full() message["from"] = self.me.full() message["type"] = type message.addElement("body", "jabber:client", msg) self.xmlstream.send(message) self.memory.addToHistory(self.me, self.me, jid.JID(to), message["type"], unicode(msg)) self.bridge.newMessage(message['from'], unicode(msg), to=message['to']) #We send back the message, so all clients are aware of it def setParam(self, name, value, namespace): """set wanted paramater and notice observers""" info ("setting param: %s=%s in namespace %s", name, value, namespace) self.memory.setParam(name, value, namespace) self.bridge.paramUpdate(name, value, namespace) def failed(self,xmlstream): debug("failed: %s", xmlstream.getErrorMessage()) debug("failed: %s", dir(xmlstream)) def isConnected(self): try: if self.xmppclient.isConnected(): return True except AttributeError: #xmppclient not available pass return False ## jabber methods ## def disco (self, item, callback, node=None): """XEP-0030 Service discovery Feature.""" """disco=client.IQ(self.xmlstream,'get') disco["from"]=self.me.full() disco["to"]=item disco.addElement(('http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info', 'query')) disco.addCallback(callback) disco.send()""" def setPresence(self, to="", type="", show="", status="", priority=0): """Send our presence information""" if not type in ["", "unavailable", "subscribed", "subscribe", "unsubscribe", "unsubscribed", "prob", "error"]: error("Type error !") #TODO: throw an error return to_jid=jid.JID(to) #TODO: refactor subscription bridge API if type=="": self.presence.available(to_jid, show, status, priority) elif type=="subscribe": self.presence.subscribe(to_jid) elif type=="subscribed": self.presence.subscribed(to_jid) elif type=="unsubscribe": self.presence.unsubscribe(to_jid) elif type=="unsubscribed": self.presence.unsubscribed(to_jid) def addContact(self, to): """Add a contact in roster list""" to_jid=jid.JID(to) self.roster.addItem(to_jid.userhost()) self.setPresence(to_jid.userhost(), "subscribe") def delContact(self, to): """Remove contact from roster list""" to_jid=jid.JID(to) self.roster.removeItem(to_jid.userhost()) self.bridge.contactDeleted(to) ## callbacks ## def add_IQ_cb(self, ns, cb): """Add an IQ callback on namespace ns""" debug ("Registered callback for namespace %s", ns) self._iq_cb_map[ns]=cb def iqCb(self, stanza): info ("iqCb") debug ("="*20) debug ("DEBUG:\n") debug (stanza.toXml().encode('utf-8')) debug ("="*20) #FIXME: temporary ugly code uri = stanza.firstChildElement().uri if self._iq_cb_map.has_key(uri): self._iq_cb_map[uri](stanza) #TODO: manage errors stanza def serverDisco(self, disco): """xep-0030 Discovery Protocol.""" for element in disco.firstChildElement().elements(): if element.name=="feature": debug ("Feature dectetee: %s",element["var"]) self.server_features.append(element["var"]) elif element.name=="identity": debug ("categorie= %s",element["category"]) debug ("features= %s",self.server_features) ## Generic HMI ## def askConfirmation(self, id, type, data, cb): """Add a confirmation callback""" if self._waiting_conf.has_key(id): error ("Attempt to register two callbacks for the same confirmation") else: self._waiting_conf[id] = cb self.bridge.askConfirmation(type, id, data) def confirmationAnswer(self, id, accepted, data): """Called by frontends to answer confirmation requests""" debug ("Received confirmation answer for id [%s]: %s", id, "accepted" if accepted else "refused") if not self._waiting_conf.has_key(id): error ("Received an unknown confirmation") else: cb = self._waiting_conf[id] del self._waiting_conf[id] cb(id, accepted, data) def registerProgressCB(self, id, CB): """Register a callback called when progress is requested for id""" self._progress_cb_map[id] = CB def removeProgressCB(self, id): """Remove a progress callback""" if not self._progress_cb_map.has_key(id): error ("Trying to remove an unknow progress callback") else: del self._progress_cb_map[id] def getProgress(self, id): """Return a dict with progress information data['position'] : current possition data['size'] : end_position """ data = {} try: self._progress_cb_map[id](data) except KeyError: pass #debug("Requested progress for unknown id") return data application = service.Application('SàT') service = SAT() service.setServiceParent(application) #app.memory.save() #FIXME: not the best place #debug("Good Bye")