changeset 1523:0209f8d35873

plugin XEP-0166: (jingle) first draft. Not all actions are managed yet
author Goffi <>
date Fri, 25 Sep 2015 19:19:12 +0200 (2015-09-25)
parents 7d7e57a84792
children 7b0fcefd52d4
files src/plugins/
diffstat 1 files changed, 673 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/plugins/	Fri Sep 25 19:19:12 2015 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# SAT plugin for Jingle (XEP-0166)
+# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Jérôme Poisson (
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+from sat.core.i18n import _, D_
+from sat.core.constants import Const as C
+from sat.core.log import getLogger
+from import xml_tools
+log = getLogger(__name__)
+from sat.core import exceptions
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
+# from twisted.words.protocols import jabber
+# from twisted.words.xish import domish
+from twisted.internet import defer
+# from wokkel import disco, iwokkel, data_form, compat
+from wokkel import disco, iwokkel, compat
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import error
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import xmlstream
+# from sat.core import exceptions
+# from sat.memory.memory import Sessions
+# from uuid import uuid4
+# from import xml_tools
+from collections import namedtuple
+import uuid
+import time
+from zope.interface import implements
+IQ_SET = '/iq[@type="set"]'
+NS_JINGLE = "urn:xmpp:jingle:1"
+JINGLE_REQUEST = IQ_SET + '/jingle[@xmlns="' + NS_JINGLE + '"]'
+INITIATOR = "initiator"
+RESPONDER = "responder"
+CONFIRM_TXT = D_("{entity} want to start a jingle session with you, do you accept ?")
+    "name": "Jingle",
+    "import_name": "XEP-0166",
+    "type": "XEP",
+    "protocols": ["XEP-0166"],
+    "main": "XEP_0166",
+    "handler": "yes",
+    "description": _("""Implementation of Jingle""")
+TransportData = namedtuple('TransportData', ('namespace', 'handler', 'priority'))
+class XEP_0166(object):
+    REASON_SUCCESS='success'
+    REASON_DECLINE='decline'
+    REASON_FAILED_APPLICATION='failed-application'
+    REASON_FAILED_TRANSPORT='failed-transport'
+    A_SESSION_INITIATE = "session-initiate"
+    A_SESSION_ACCEPT = "session-accept"
+    A_SESSION_TERMINATE = "session-terminate"
+    # non standard actions
+    A_PREPARE_INITIATOR = "prepare-initiator" # initiator must prepare tranfer
+    A_PREPARE_RESPONDER = "prepare-responder" # responder must prepare tranfer
+    A_ACCEPTED_ACK = "accepted-ack" # session accepted ack has been received from initiator
+    A_START = "start" # application can start
+    def __init__(self, host):
+"plugin Jingle initialization"))
+ = host
+        self._applications = {} # key: namespace, value: application data
+        self._transports = {} # key: namespace, value: transport data
+        # we also keep transports by type, they are then sorted by priority
+        self._type_transports = { XEP_0166.TRANSPORT_DATAGRAM: [],
+                                  XEP_0166.TRANSPORT_STREAMING: [],
+                                }
+    def profileConnected(self, profile):
+        client =
+        client.jingle_sessions = {}  # key = sid, value = session_data
+    def getHandler(self, profile):
+        return XEP_0166_handler(self)
+    def _delSession(self, client, sid):
+        try:
+            del client.jingle_sessions[sid]
+        except KeyError:
+            log.debug(u"Jingle session id [{}] is unknown, nothing to delete".format(sid))
+        else:
+            log.debug(u"Jingle session id [{}] deleted".format(sid))
+    ## helpers methods to build stanzas ##
+    def _buildJingleElt(self, client, session, action):
+        iq_elt = compat.IQ(client.xmlstream, 'set')
+        iq_elt['from'] = client.jid.full()
+        iq_elt['to'] = session['to_jid'].full()
+        jingle_elt = iq_elt.addElement("jingle", NS_JINGLE)
+        jingle_elt["sid"] = session['id']
+        jingle_elt['action'] = action
+        return iq_elt, jingle_elt
+    def sendError(self, error_condition, sid, request, profile):
+        """Send error stanza
+        @param error_condition: one of twisted.words.protocols.jabber.error.STANZA_CONDITIONS keys
+        @param sid(unicode,None): jingle session id, or None, if session must not be destroyed
+        @param request(domish.Element): original request
+        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
+        """
+        client =
+        iq_elt = error.StanzaError(error_condition).toResponse(request)
+        if error.STANZA_CONDITIONS[error_condition]['type'] == 'cancel' and sid:
+            self._delSession(client, sid)
+            log.warning(u"Error while managing jingle session, cancelling: {condition}".format(error_condition))
+        client.xmlstream.send(iq_elt)
+    def terminate(self, reason, session, profile):
+        """Terminate the session
+        send the session-terminate action, and delete the session data
+        @param reason(unicode, list[domish.Element]): if unicode, will be transformed to an element
+            if a list of element, add them as children of the <reason/> element
+        @param session(dict): data of the session
+        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
+        """
+        client =
+        iq_elt, jingle_elt = self._buildJingleElt(client, session, XEP_0166.A_SESSION_TERMINATE)
+        reason_elt = jingle_elt.addElement('reason')
+        if isinstance(reason, basestring):
+            reason_elt.addElement(reason)
+        else:
+            for elt in reason:
+                reason_elt.addChild(elt)
+        self._delSession(client, session['id'])
+        d = iq_elt.send()
+        return d
+    ## errors which doesn't imply a stanza sending ##
+    def _iqError(self, failure, sid, client):
+        """Called when we got an <iq/> error
+        @param failure(failure.Failure): the exceptions raised
+        @param sid(unicode): jingle session id
+        @param profile: %(doc_client)s
+        """
+        log.warning(u"Error while sending jingle <iq/> stanza: {failure}".format(failure=failure.value))
+        self._delSession(client, sid)
+    def _jingleErrorCb(self, fail, sid, request, client):
+        """Called when something is going wrong while parsing jingle request
+        The error condition depend of the exceptions raised:
+            exceptions.DataError raise a bad-request condition
+        @param fail(failure.Failure): the exceptions raised
+        @param sid(unicode): jingle session id
+        @param request(domsih.Element): jingle request
+        @param client: %(doc_client)s
+        """
+        log.warning("Error while processing jingle request")
+        if isinstance(fail, exceptions.DataError):
+            self.sendError('bad-request', sid, request, client.profile)
+        else:
+            log.error("Unmanaged jingle exception")
+            self._delSession(client, sid)
+            raise fail
+    ## methods used by other plugins ##
+    def registerApplication(self, namespace, handler):
+        """Register an application plugin
+        @param namespace(unicode): application namespace managed by the plugin
+        @param handler(object): instance of a class which manage the application.
+            May have the following methods:
+                - requestConfirmation(session, desc_elt, client):
+                    - if present, it is called on when session must be accepted.
+                    - if it return True the session is accepted, else rejected.
+                        A Deferred can be returned
+                    - if not present, a generic accept dialog will be used
+                - jingleSessionInit(self, session, content_name[, *args, **kwargs], profile): must return the domish.Element used for initial content
+                - jingleHandler(self, action, session, content_name, transport_elt, profile):
+                    called on several action to negociate the application or transport
+        """
+        if namespace in self._applications:
+            raise exceptions.ConflictError(u"Trying to register already registered namespace {}".format(namespace))
+        self._applications[namespace] = handler
+    def registerTransport(self, namespace, transport_type, handler, priority=0):
+        """Register a transport plugin
+        @param namespace(unicode): the XML namespace used for this transport
+        @param transport_type(unicode): type of transport to use (see XEP-0166 §8)
+        @param handler(object): instance of a class which manage the application.
+            Must have the following methods:
+                - jingleSessionInit(self, session, content_name[, *args, **kwargs], profile): must return the domish.Element used for initial content
+                - jingleHandler(self, action, session, content_name, transport_elt, profile):
+                    called on several action to negociate the application or transport
+        @param priority(int): priority of this transport
+        """
+        assert transport_type in (XEP_0166.TRANSPORT_DATAGRAM, XEP_0166.TRANSPORT_STREAMING)
+        if namespace in self._transports:
+            raise exceptions.ConflictError(u"Trying to register already registered namespace {}".format(namespace))
+        transport_data = TransportData(namespace=namespace, handler=handler, priority=priority)
+        self._type_transports[transport_type].append(transport_data)
+        self._type_transports[transport_type].sort(key=lambda transport_data: transport_data.priority)
+        self._transports[namespace] = transport_data
+        log.debug(u"new jingle transport registered")
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def initiate(self, to_jid, contents, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Send a session initiation request
+        @param to_jid(jid.JID): jid to establith session with
+        @param contents(list[dict]): list of contents to use:
+            The dict must have the following keys:
+                - app_ns(unicode): namespace of the application
+            the following keys are optional:
+                - transport_type(unicode): type of transport to use (see XEP-0166 §8)
+                    default to TRANSPORT_STREAMING
+                - name(unicode): name of the content
+                - app_args(list): args to pass to the application plugin
+                - app_kwargs(dict): keyword args to pass to the application plugin
+        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
+        """
+        assert contents # there must be at least one content
+        client =
+        initiator = client.jid
+        sid = unicode(uuid.uuid4())
+        # TODO: session cleaning after timeout ?
+        session = client.jingle_sessions[sid] = {'id': sid,
+                                                 'state': STATE_PENDING,
+                                                 'initiator': initiator,
+                                                 'to_jid': to_jid,
+                                                 'started': time.time(),
+                                                 'contents': {}
+                                                }
+        iq_elt, jingle_elt = self._buildJingleElt(client, session, XEP_0166.A_SESSION_INITIATE)
+        jingle_elt["initiator"] = initiator.full()
+        contents_dict = session['contents']
+        for content in contents:
+            # we get the application plugin
+            app_ns = content['app_ns']
+            try:
+                application_handler = self._applications[app_ns]
+            except KeyError:
+                raise exceptions.InternalError(u"No application registered for {}".format(app_ns))
+            # and the transport plugin
+            transport_type = content.get('transport_type', XEP_0166.TRANSPORT_STREAMING)
+            try:
+                transport_handler = self._type_transports[transport_type][0].handler
+            except IndexError:
+                raise exceptions.InternalError(u"No transport registered for {}".format(transport_type))
+            # we build the session data
+            content_data = {'application': application_handler,
+                            'transport': transport_handler,
+                            'creator': INITIATOR,
+                            }
+            try:
+                content_name = content['name']
+            except KeyError:
+                content_name = unicode(uuid.uuid4())
+            else:
+                if content_name in contents_dict:
+                    raise exceptions.InternalError('There is already a content with this name')
+            contents_dict[content_name] = content_data
+            # we construct the content element
+            content_elt = jingle_elt.addElement('content')
+            content_elt['creator'] = content_data['creator']
+            content_elt['name'] = content_name
+            # then the description element
+            app_args = content.get('app_args', [])
+            app_kwargs = content.get('app_kwargs', {})
+            app_kwargs['profile'] = profile
+            desc_elt = yield application_handler.jingleSessionInit(session, content_name, *app_args, **app_kwargs)
+            content_elt.addChild(desc_elt)
+            # and the transport one
+            transport_elt = yield transport_handler.jingleSessionInit(session, content_name, profile)
+            content_elt.addChild(transport_elt)
+        d = iq_elt.send()
+        d.addErrback(self._iqError, sid, client)
+        yield d
+    def contentTerminate(self, session, content_name, reason=REASON_SUCCESS, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Terminate and remove a content
+        if there is no more content, then session is terminated
+        @param session(dict): jingle session
+        @param content_name(unicode): name of the content terminated
+        @param reason(unicode): reason of the termination
+        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
+        """
+        contents = session['contents']
+        del contents[content_name]
+        if not contents:
+            self.terminate(reason, session, profile)
+    ## defaults methods called when plugin doesn't have them ##
+    def jingleRequestConfirmationDefault(self, session, desc_elt, profile):
+        """This method request confirmation for a jingle session"""
+        log.debug(u"Using generic jingle confirmation method")
+        return  xml_tools.deferConfirm(, _(CONFIRM_TXT).format(entity=session['to_jid'].full()), _('Confirm Jingle session'), profile=profile)
+    ## jingle events ##
+    def _onJingleRequest(self, request, profile):
+        """Called when any jingle request is received
+        The request will the be dispatched to appropriate method
+        according to current state
+        @param request(domish.Element): received IQ request
+        @para profile: %(doc_profile)s
+        """
+        client =
+        request.handled = True
+        jingle_elt = request.elements(NS_JINGLE, 'jingle').next()
+        # first we need the session id
+        try:
+            sid = jingle_elt['sid']
+            if not sid:
+                raise KeyError
+        except KeyError:
+            log.warning(u"Received jingle request has no sid attribute")
+            self.sendError('bad-request', None, request, profile)
+            return
+        # then the action
+        try:
+            action = jingle_elt['action']
+            if not action:
+                raise KeyError
+        except KeyError:
+            log.warning(u"Received jingle request has no action")
+            self.sendError('bad-request', None, request, profile)
+            return
+        to_jid = jid.JID(request['from'])
+        # we get or create the session
+        try:
+            session = client.jingle_sessions[sid]
+        except KeyError:
+            session = client.jingle_sessions[sid] = {'id': sid,
+                                                     'state': STATE_PENDING,
+                                                     'initiator': to_jid,
+                                                     'to_jid': to_jid,
+                                                     'started': time.time(),
+                                                    }
+        else:
+            if session['to_jid'] != to_jid:
+                log.warning(u"sid conflict ({}), the jid doesn't match. Can be a collision, a hack attempt, or a bad sid generation".format(sid))
+                self.sendError('service-unavailable', sid, request, profile)
+                return
+            if session['id'] != sid:
+                log.error(u"session id doesn't match")
+                self.sendError('service-unavailable', sid, request, profile)
+                raise exceptions.InternalError
+        if action == XEP_0166.A_SESSION_INITIATE:
+            self.onSessionInitiate(client, request, jingle_elt, session)
+        elif action == XEP_0166.A_SESSION_TERMINATE:
+            self.onSessionTerminate(client, request, jingle_elt, session)
+        elif action == XEP_0166.A_SESSION_ACCEPT:
+            self.onSessionAccept(client, request, jingle_elt, session)
+        else:
+            raise exceptions.InternalError(u"Unknown action {}".format(session['state']))
+    ## Actions callbacks ##
+    def _parseElements(self, jingle_elt, session, request, client, new=False, creator=INITIATOR):
+        """Parse contents elements and fill contents_dict accordingly
+        after the parsing, contents_dict will containt handlers, "desc_elt" and "transport_elt"
+        @param jingle_elt(domish.Element): parent <jingle> element, containing one or more <content>
+        @param contents_dict(dict): session data for contents, the key is the name of the content
+        @param new(bool): if new the content is new and must be created,
+            else the content must exists, and session data will be filled
+        @param creator(unicode): only used if new is True: creating pear (see § 7.3)
+        @raise exceptions.CancelError: the error is treated the calling method can cancel the treatment (i.e. return)
+        """
+        contents_dict = session['contents']
+        content_elts = jingle_elt.elements(NS_JINGLE, 'content')
+        for content_elt in content_elts:
+            name = content_elt['name']
+            if new:
+                # the content must not exist, we check it
+                if not name or name in contents_dict:
+                    self.sendError('bad-request', session['id'], request, client.profile)
+                    raise exceptions.CancelError
+                content_data = contents_dict[name] = {'creator': creator}
+            else:
+                # the content must exist, we check it
+                try:
+                    content_data = contents_dict[name]
+                except KeyError:
+                    log.warning(u"Other peer try to access an unknown content")
+                    self.sendError('bad-request', session['id'], request, client.profile)
+                    raise exceptions.CancelError
+            # application
+            desc_elt = content_elt.description
+            if not desc_elt:
+                self.sendError('bad-request', session['id'], request, client.profile)
+                raise exceptions.CancelError
+            if new:
+                # the content is new, we need to check and link the application_handler
+                app_ns = desc_elt.uri
+                if not app_ns or app_ns == NS_JINGLE:
+                    self.sendError('bad-request', session['id'], request, client.profile)
+                    raise exceptions.CancelError
+                try:
+                    application_handler = self._applications[app_ns]
+                except KeyError:
+                    log.warning(u"Unmanaged application namespace [{}]".format(app_ns))
+                    self.sendError('service-unavailable', session['id'], request, client.profile)
+                    raise exceptions.CancelError
+                content_data['application'] = application_handler
+            else:
+                # the content exists, we check that we have not a former desc_elt
+                if 'desc_elt' in content_data:
+                    raise exceptions.InternalError(u"desc_elt should not exist at this point")
+            content_data['desc_elt'] = desc_elt
+            # transport
+            transport_elt = content_elt.transport
+            if not transport_elt:
+                self.sendError('bad-request', session['id'], request, client.profile)
+                raise exceptions.CancelError
+            if new:
+                # the content is new, we need to check and link the transport_handler
+                transport_ns = transport_elt.uri
+                if not app_ns or app_ns == NS_JINGLE:
+                    self.sendError('bad-request', session['id'], request, client.profile)
+                    raise exceptions.CancelError
+                try:
+                    transport_handler = self._transports[transport_ns].handler
+                except KeyError:
+                    raise exceptions.InternalError(u"No transport registered for namespace {}".format(transport_ns))
+                content_data['transport'] = transport_handler
+            else:
+                # the content exists, we check that we have not a former transport_elt
+                if 'transport_elt' in content_data:
+                    raise exceptions.InternalError(u"desc_elt should not exist at this point")
+            content_data['transport_elt'] = transport_elt
+    def _callPlugins(self, action, session, app_method_name='jingleHandler', transp_method_name='jingleHandler', app_default_cb=None, transp_default_cb=None, delete=True, elements=True, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Call application and transport plugin methods for all contents
+        @param action(unicode): jingle action name
+        @param session(dict): jingle session data
+        @param app_method_name(unicode, None): name of the method to call for applications
+            None to ignore
+        @param transp_method_name(unicode, None): name of the method to call for transports
+            None to ignore
+        @param app_default_cb(callable, None): default callback to use if plugin has not app_method_name
+            None to raise an exception instead
+        @param transp_default_cb(callable, None): default callback to use if plugin has not transp_method_name
+            None to raise an exception instead
+        @param delete(bool): if True, remove desc_elt and transport_elt from session
+            ignored if elements is False
+        @param elements(bool): True if elements(desc_elt and tranport_elt) must be managed
+            must be True if _callPlugins is use in a request, and False if it used after a request (i.e. on <iq> result or error)
+        @param profile(unicode): %(doc_profile)s
+        @return (list[defer.Deferred]): list of launched Deferred
+        """
+        contents_dict = session['contents']
+        defers_list = []
+        for content_name, content_data in contents_dict.iteritems():
+            for method_name, handler_key, default_cb, elt_name in (
+                (app_method_name, 'application', app_default_cb, 'desc_elt'),
+                (transp_method_name, 'transport', transp_default_cb, 'transport_elt')):
+                if method_name is None:
+                    continue
+                handler = content_data[handler_key]
+                try:
+                    method = getattr(handler, method_name)
+                except AttributeError:
+                    if default_cb is not None:
+                        method = default_cb
+                    else:
+                        raise exceptions.InternalError(u'{} not implemented !'.format(method_name))
+                finally:
+                    if elements:
+                        elt = content_data.pop(elt_name) if delete else content_data[elt_name]
+                    else:
+                        elt = None
+                    d = defer.maybeDeferred(method, action, session, content_name, elt, profile)
+                defers_list.append(d)
+        return defers_list
+    def onSessionInitiate(self, client, request, jingle_elt, session):
+        """Called on session-initiate action
+        The "jingleRequestConfirmation" method of each application will be called
+        (or self.jingleRequestConfirmationDefault if the former doesn't exist).
+        The session is only accepted if all application are confirmed.
+        The application must manage itself multiple contents scenari (e.g. audio/video).
+        @param client: %(doc_client)s
+        @param request(domish.Element): full request
+        @param jingle_elt(domish.Element): <jingle> element
+        @param session(dict): session data
+        """
+        if 'contents' in session:
+            raise exceptions.InternalError("Contents dict should not already exist at this point")
+        session['contents'] = contents_dict = {}
+        try:
+            self._parseElements(jingle_elt, session, request, client, True, INITIATOR)
+        except exceptions.CancelError:
+            return
+        if not contents_dict:
+            # there MUST be at least one content
+            self.sendError('bad-request', session['id'], request, client.profile)
+            return
+        # at this point we can send the <iq/> result to confirm reception of the request
+        client.xmlstream.send(xmlstream.toResponse(request, 'result'))
+        # we now request each application plugin confirmation
+        # and if all are accepted, we can accept the session
+        confirm_defers = self._callPlugins(XEP_0166.A_SESSION_INITIATE, session, 'jingleRequestConfirmation', None, self.jingleRequestConfirmationDefault, delete=False, profile=client.profile)
+        confirm_dlist = defer.gatherResults(confirm_defers)
+        confirm_dlist.addCallback(self._confirmationCb, session, jingle_elt, client)
+        confirm_dlist.addErrback(self._jingleErrorCb, session['id'], request, client)
+    def _confirmationCb(self, confirm_results, session, jingle_elt, client):
+        """Method called when confirmation from user has been received
+        This method is only called for the responder
+        @param confirm_results(list[bool]): all True if session is accepted
+        @param session(dict): session data
+        @param jingle_elt(domish.Element): jingle data of this session
+        @param client: %(doc_client)s
+        """
+        confirmed = all(confirm_results)
+        if not confirmed:
+            return self.terminate(XEP_0166.REASON_DECLINE, session, client.profile)
+        iq_elt, jingle_elt = self._buildJingleElt(client, session, XEP_0166.A_SESSION_ACCEPT)
+        jingle_elt['responder'] = client.jid.full()
+        # contents
+        def addElement(domish_elt, content_elt):
+            content_elt.addChild(domish_elt)
+        defers_list = []
+        for content_name, content_data in session['contents'].iteritems():
+            content_elt = jingle_elt.addElement('content')
+            content_elt['creator'] = INITIATOR
+            content_elt['name'] = content_name
+            application_handler = content_data['application']
+            app_session_accept_cb = application_handler.jingleHandler
+            app_d = defer.maybeDeferred(app_session_accept_cb,
+                XEP_0166.A_SESSION_INITIATE, session, content_name, content_data.pop('desc_elt'), client.profile)
+            app_d.addCallback(addElement, content_elt)
+            defers_list.append(app_d)
+            transport_handler = content_data['transport']
+            transport_session_accept_cb = transport_handler.jingleHandler
+            transport_d = defer.maybeDeferred(transport_session_accept_cb,
+                XEP_0166.A_SESSION_INITIATE, session, content_name, content_data.pop('transport_elt'), client.profile)
+            transport_d.addCallback(addElement, content_elt)
+            defers_list.append(transport_d)
+        d_list = defer.DeferredList(defers_list)
+        d_list.addCallback(lambda dummy: self._callPlugins(XEP_0166.A_PREPARE_RESPONDER, session, app_method_name=None, elements=False, profile=client.profile))
+        d_list.addCallback(lambda dummy: iq_elt.send())
+        def changeState(dummy, session):
+            session['state'] = STATE_ACTIVE
+        d_list.addCallback(changeState, session)
+        d_list.addCallback(lambda dummy: self._callPlugins(XEP_0166.A_ACCEPTED_ACK, session, elements=False, profile=client.profile))
+        d_list.addErrback(self._iqError, session['id'], client)
+        return d_list
+    def onSessionTerminate(self, client, request, jingle_elt, session):
+        # TODO: check reason, display a message to user if needed
+        log.debug("Jingle Session {} terminated".format(session['id']))
+        self._delSession(client, session['id'])
+        client.xmlstream.send(xmlstream.toResponse(request, 'result'))
+    def onSessionAccept(self, client, request, jingle_elt, session):
+        """Method called one sesion is accepted
+        This method is only called for initiator
+        @param client: %(doc_client)s
+        @param request(domish.Element): full <iq> request
+        @param jingle_elt(domish.Element): the <jingle> element
+        @param session(dict): session data
+        """
+        log.debug(u"Jingle session {} has been accepted".format(session['id']))
+        try:
+            self._parseElements(jingle_elt, session, request, client)
+        except exceptions.CancelError:
+            return
+        # at this point we can send the <iq/> result to confirm reception of the request
+        client.xmlstream.send(xmlstream.toResponse(request, 'result'))
+        # and change the state
+        session['state'] = STATE_ACTIVE
+        negociate_defers = []
+        negociate_defers = self._callPlugins(XEP_0166.A_SESSION_ACCEPT, session, profile=client.profile)
+        negociate_dlist = defer.DeferredList(negociate_defers)
+        # after negociations we start the transfer
+        negociate_dlist.addCallback(lambda dummy: self._callPlugins(XEP_0166.A_START, session, app_method_name=None, elements=False, profile=client.profile))
+class XEP_0166_handler(xmlstream.XMPPHandler):
+    implements(iwokkel.IDisco)
+    def __init__(self, plugin_parent):
+        self.plugin_parent = plugin_parent
+    def connectionInitialized(self):
+        self.xmlstream.addObserver(JINGLE_REQUEST, self.plugin_parent._onJingleRequest, profile=self.parent.profile)
+    def getDiscoInfo(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
+        return [disco.DiscoFeature(NS_JINGLE)]
+    def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
+        return []