changeset 362:208107419b17

Quiz game: buzzer, timer, answer management
author Goffi <>
date Sun, 12 Jun 2011 22:34:15 +0200 (2011-06-12)
parents 141eeb7cd9e6
children 54c77a56b22f
files frontends/src/bridge/ frontends/src/quick_frontend/ frontends/src/wix/ src/plugins/ src/plugins/
diffstat 5 files changed, 322 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/frontends/src/bridge/	Sun Jun 12 16:28:33 2011 +0200
+++ b/frontends/src/bridge/	Sun Jun 12 22:34:15 2011 +0200
@@ -185,6 +185,9 @@
     def quizGameReady(self, player, referee, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
         return self.db_comm_iface.quizGameReady(player, referee, profile_key)
+    def quizGameAnswer(self, player, referee, answer, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
+        return self.db_comm_iface.quizGameAnswer(player, referee, answer, profile_key)
     def sendFile(self, to, path, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
         return self.db_comm_iface.sendFile(to, path, profile_key)
--- a/frontends/src/quick_frontend/	Sun Jun 12 16:28:33 2011 +0200
+++ b/frontends/src/quick_frontend/	Sun Jun 12 22:34:15 2011 +0200
@@ -66,6 +66,11 @@
         self.bridge.register("quizGameStarted", self.quizGameStarted)
         self.bridge.register("quizGameNew", self.quizGameNew)
         self.bridge.register("quizGameQuestion", self.quizGameQuestion)
+        self.bridge.register("quizGamePlayerBuzzed", self.quizGamePlayerBuzzed)
+        self.bridge.register("quizGamePlayerSays", self.quizGamePlayerSays)
+        self.bridge.register("quizGameAnswerResult", self.quizGameAnswerResult)
+        self.bridge.register("quizGameTimerExpired", self.quizGameTimerExpired)
+        self.bridge.register("quizGameTimerRestarted", self.quizGameTimerRestarted)
         self.bridge.register("subscribe", self.subscribe)
         self.bridge.register("paramUpdate", self.paramUpdate)
         self.bridge.register("contactDeleted", self.contactDeleted)
@@ -377,7 +382,6 @@
     def quizGameStarted(self, room_jid, referee, players, profile):
         if not self.check_profile(profile):
-            print "gof: NOT CHECK PROFILE", profile
         debug  (_("Quiz Game Started \o/"))
         if self.chat_wins.has_key(room_jid):
@@ -399,6 +403,41 @@
         if self.chat_wins.has_key(room_jid):
             self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Quiz").quizGameQuestion(question_id, question, timer)
+    def quizGamePlayerBuzzed(self, room_jid, player, pause, profile):
+        """Called when a player pushed the buzzer"""
+        if not self.check_profile(profile):
+            return
+        if self.chat_wins.has_key(room_jid):
+            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Quiz").quizGamePlayerBuzzed(player, pause)
+    def quizGamePlayerSays(self, room_jid, player, text, delay, profile):
+        """Called when a player say something"""
+        if not self.check_profile(profile):
+            return
+        if self.chat_wins.has_key(room_jid):
+            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Quiz").quizGamePlayerSays(player, text, delay)
+    def quizGameAnswerResult(self, room_jid, player, good_answer, score, profile):
+        """Called when a player say something"""
+        if not self.check_profile(profile):
+            return
+        if self.chat_wins.has_key(room_jid):
+            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Quiz").quizGameAnswerResult(player, good_answer, score)
+    def quizGameTimerExpired(self, room_jid, profile):
+        """Called when nobody answered the question in time"""
+        if not self.check_profile(profile):
+            return
+        if self.chat_wins.has_key(room_jid):
+            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Quiz").quizGameTimerExpired()
+    def quizGameTimerRestarted(self, room_jid, time_left, profile):
+        """Called when the question is not answered, and we still have time"""
+        if not self.check_profile(profile):
+            return
+        if self.chat_wins.has_key(room_jid):
+            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Quiz").quizGameTimerRestarted(time_left)
     def _subscribe_cb(self, answer, data):
         entity, profile = data
         if answer:
--- a/frontends/src/wix/	Sun Jun 12 16:28:33 2011 +0200
+++ b/frontends/src/wix/	Sun Jun 12 22:34:15 2011 +0200
@@ -71,14 +71,18 @@
     def loadImages(self, dir):
         """Load all the images needed for the game
         @param dir: directory where the PNG files are"""
+        x_player = 24
         for name, sub_dir, filename, x, y, zindex, transparent in [("background", "backgrounds", "blue_background.png", 0, 0, 0, False),
-                                                             ("joueur0", "characters/zombie", "zombie.png", 24, 170, 5, True),
-                                                             ("joueur1", "characters/nerd", "nerd2.png", 209, 170, 5, True),
-                                                             ("joueur2", "characters/zombie", "zombie.png", 392, 170, 5, True),
-                                                             ("joueur3", "characters/zombie", "zombie.png", 578, 170, 5, True),
+                                                             ("joueur0", "characters/zombie", "zombie.png", x_player+0*184, 170, 5, True),
+                                                             ("joueur1", "characters/nerd", "nerd2.png", x_player+1*184, 170, 5, True),
+                                                             ("joueur2", "characters/zombie", "zombie.png", x_player+2*184, 170, 5, True),
+                                                             ("joueur3", "characters/zombie", "zombie.png", x_player+3*184, 170, 5, True),
                                                              ("foreground", "foreground", "foreground.png", 0, 0, 10, True)]:
             self.graphic_elts[name] = GraphicElement(os.path.join(dir, sub_dir, filename), x = x, y = y, zindex=zindex, transparent=transparent)
+        self.right_image = wx.Image(os.path.join(dir, "right.png")).ConvertToBitmap()
+        self.wrong_image = wx.Image(os.path.join(dir, "wrong.png")).ConvertToBitmap()
     def fullPaint(self, device_context):
         """Paint all the game on the given dc
         @param device_context: wx.DC"""
@@ -86,16 +90,18 @@
         for elem in elements:
-        #device_context.DrawArc(39,127, 39, 127,
-        x = 100
-        for score in [0,1,4,9]:
-            device_context.DrawText("%d" % score, x, 355)
-            x+=184
+        for i in range(4):
+            answer = self.parent.players_data[i]["answer"]
+            score = self.parent.players_data[i]["score"]
+            if answer == None:    
+                device_context.DrawText("%d" % score, 100 + i*184, 355)
+            else:
+                device_context.DrawBitmap(self.right_image if answer else self.wrong_image, 39+i*184, 348, True)
         if self.parent.time_origin:
@@ -104,25 +110,18 @@
             center_x = 760
             center_y = 147
             origin = self.parent.time_origin
-            current = time()
+            current = self.parent.time_pause or time()
             limit = self.parent.time_limit
-            print "limit:", limit
             total = limit - origin
             left = self.parent.time_left = max(0,limit - current)
             device_context.SetBrush(wx.RED_BRUSH if left/total < 1/4.0 else wx.WHITE_BRUSH)
-            print "left:",left
             if left:
                 #we now draw the timer
-                print "total - left:", total - left
                 angle = ((-2*pi)*((total-left)/total) + (pi/2))
-                print "angle:", angle*57.3
                 x = center_x + radius * cos(angle) 
                 y = center_y - radius * sin(angle)
-                print "x: %s, y:%s" % (x, y)
                 device_context.DrawArc(center_x, center_y-radius, x, y, center_x, center_y)
     def onPaint(self, event):
         dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
@@ -134,28 +133,62 @@
     def __init__(self, parent, referee, players, player_nick):
         wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.referee = referee
+        self.player_nick = player_nick
+        self.players = players
         self.time_origin = None #set to unix time when the timer start
         self.time_limit = None
         self.time_left = None
+        self.time_pause = None
+        self.last_answer = None
         self.parent = parent
         self.SetMinSize(wx.Size(WIDTH, HEIGHT))
         self.SetSize(wx.Size(WIDTH, HEIGHT))
         self.base = BaseWindow(self)
-        self.question = wx.TextCtrl(self.base, -1, "", pos=(168,17), size=(613, 94), style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY)
-        self.reponse = wx.TextCtrl(self.base, -1, pos=(410,569), size=(342, 21), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
+        self.question = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, pos=(168,17), size=(613, 94), style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY)
+        self.answer = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, pos=(410,569), size=(342, 21), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
+        self.players_data = [{}, {}, {}, {}]
+        for i in range(4):
+            self.players_data[i]['bubble'] = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, pos=(39+i*184, 120), size=(180, 56), style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY)
+            self.players_data[i]['bubble'].Hide()
+            self.players_data[i]['answer'] = None #True if the player gave a good answer
+            self.players_data[i]['score'] = 0
+        self.answer.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.answered), referee, profile_key =
         self.state = None
+    def answered(self, event):
+        """Called when the player gave an answer in the box"""
+        self.last_answer = self.answer.GetValue()
+        self.answer.Clear()
+        if self.last_answer:
+  , self.referee, self.last_answer, profile_key =
+    def quizGameTimerExpired(self):
+        """Called when nobody answered the question in time"""
+        self.question.SetValue(_(u"Quel dommage, personne n'a trouvé la réponse\n\nAttention, la prochaine question arrive..."))
+    def quizGameTimerRestarted(self, time_left):
+        """Called when nobody answered the question in time"""
+        timer_orig = self.time_limit - self.time_origin
+        self.time_left = time_left
+        self.time_limit = time() + time_left
+        self.time_origin = self.time_limit - timer_orig
+        self.time_pause = None
+        self.__timer_refresh()
     def startTimer(self, timer=60):
         """Start the timer to answer the question"""
-        def _refresh():
-            self.Refresh()
-            if self.time_left:
-                wx.CallLater(1000, _refresh)
         self.time_left = timer
         self.time_origin = time()
         self.time_limit = self.time_origin + timer
-        _refresh()
+        self.time_pause = None
+        self.__timer_refresh()
+    def __timer_refresh(self):
+        self.Refresh()
+        if self.time_left:
+            wx.CallLater(1000, self.__timer_refresh)
     def quizGameNew(self, data):
         """Start a new game, with given hand"""
@@ -168,4 +201,43 @@
         @param question: question to ask"""
+        self.last_answer = None
+        self.answer.Clear()
+    def quizGamePlayerBuzzed(self, player, pause):
+        """Called when the player pushed the buzzer
+        @param player: player who pushed the buzzer
+        @param pause: should we stop the timer ?"""
+        if pause:
+            self.time_pause = time()
+    def quizGamePlayerSays(self, player, text, delay):
+        """Called when the player says something
+        @param player: who is talking
+        @param text: what the player says"""
+        if player != self.player_nick and self.last_answer:
+            #if we are not the player talking, and we have an answer, that mean that our answer has not been validated
+            #we can put it again in the answering box
+            self.answer.SetValue(self.last_answer)
+        idx = self.players.index(player)
+        bubble = self.players_data[idx]['bubble']
+        bubble.SetValue(text)
+        bubble.Show()
+        self.Refresh()
+        wx.CallLater(delay * 1000, bubble.Hide)
+    def quizGameAnswerResult(self, player, good_answer, score):
+        """Result of the just given answer
+        @param player: who gave the answer
+        @good_answer: True if the answer is right
+        @score: dict of score"""
+        player_idx = self.players.index(player)
+        self.players_data[player_idx]['answer'] = good_answer
+        for _player in score:
+            _idx = self.players.index(_player)
+            self.players_data[_idx]['score'] = score[_player]
+        def removeAnswer():
+            self.players_data[player_idx]['answer'] = None
+            self.Refresh()
+        wx.CallLater(2000, removeAnswer)
+        self.Refresh()
--- a/src/plugins/	Sun Jun 12 16:28:33 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/plugins/	Sun Jun 12 22:34:15 2011 +0200
@@ -67,21 +67,56 @@
         host.bridge.addMethod("quizGameLaunch", ".communication", in_sign='ass', out_sign='', method=self.quizGameLaunch) #args: room_jid, players, profile
         host.bridge.addMethod("quizGameCreate", ".communication", in_sign='sass', out_sign='', method=self.quizGameCreate) #args: room_jid, players, profile
         host.bridge.addMethod("quizGameReady", ".communication", in_sign='sss', out_sign='', method=self.newPlayerReady) #args: player, referee, profile
+        host.bridge.addMethod("quizGameAnswer", ".communication", in_sign='ssss', out_sign='', method=self.playerAnswer)
         host.bridge.addSignal("quizGameStarted", ".communication", signature='ssass') #args: room_jid, referee, players, profile
         host.bridge.addSignal("quizGameNew", ".communication",
                               doc = { 'summary': 'Start a new game',
-                                      'param_0': "jid of game's room",
-                                      'param_1': "data of the game",
+                                      'param_0': "room_jid: jid of game's room",
+                                      'param_1': "game_data: data of the game",
                                       'param_2': '%(doc_profile)s'})
         host.bridge.addSignal("quizGameQuestion", ".communication",
                               signature = 'sssis',
                               doc = { 'summary': "Send the current question",
-                                      'param_0': "jid of game's room",
-                                      'param_1': "question id",
-                                      'param_2': "question to ask",
-                                      'param_3': "timer",
+                                      'param_0': "room_jid: jid of game's room",
+                                      'param_1': "question_id: question id",
+                                      'param_2': "question: question to ask",
+                                      'param_3': "timer: timer",
+                                      'param_4': '%(doc_profile)s'})
+        host.bridge.addSignal("quizGamePlayerBuzzed", ".communication",
+                              signature = 'ssbs',
+                              doc = { 'summary': "A player just pressed the buzzer",
+                                      'param_0': "room_jid: jid of game's room",
+                                      'param_1': "player: player who pushed the buzzer",
+                                      'param_2': "pause: should the game be paused ?",
+                                      'param_3': '%(doc_profile)s'})
+        host.bridge.addSignal("quizGamePlayerSays", ".communication",
+                              signature = 'sssis',
+                              doc = { 'summary': "A player just pressed the buzzer",
+                                      'param_0': "room_jid: jid of game's room",
+                                      'param_1': "player: player who pushed the buzzer",
+                                      'param_2': "text: what the player say",
+                                      'param_3': "delay: how long, in seconds, the text must appear",
                                       'param_4': '%(doc_profile)s'})
+        host.bridge.addSignal("quizGameAnswerResult", ".communication",
+                              signature = 'ssba{si}s',
+                              doc = { 'summary': "Result of the just given answer",
+                                      'param_0': "room_jid: jid of game's room",
+                                      'param_1': "player: player who gave the answer",
+                                      'param_2': "good_answer: True if the answer is right",
+                                      'param_3': "score: dict of score with player as key",
+                                      'param_4': '%(doc_profile)s'})
+        host.bridge.addSignal("quizGameTimerExpired", ".communication",
+                              signature = 'ss',
+                              doc = { 'summary': "Nobody answered the question in time",
+                                      'param_0': "room_jid: jid of game's room",
+                                      'param_1': '%(doc_profile)s'})
+        host.bridge.addSignal("quizGameTimerRestarted", ".communication",
+                              signature = 'sis',
+                              doc = { 'summary': "Nobody answered the question in time",
+                                      'param_0': "room_jid: jid of game's room",
+                                      'param_1': "time_left: time left before timer expiration",
+                                      'param_2': '%(doc_profile)s'})
         host.trigger.add("MUC user joined", self.userJoinedTrigger)
     def createGameElt(self, to_jid, type="normal"):
@@ -108,6 +143,37 @@
             game_data[] = unicode(data_elt)
         return game_data
+    def __answer_result_to_signal_args(self, answer_result_elt):
+        """Parse answer result element and return a tuple of signal arguments
+        @param answer_result_elt: answer result element
+        @return: (player, good_answer, score)"""
+        score = {}
+        for score_elt in answer_result_elt.children:
+            score[score_elt['player']] = int(score_elt['score'])
+        return (answer_result_elt['player'], answer_result_elt['good_answer'] == str(True), score)
+    def __answer_result(self, player_answering, good_answer, game_data):
+        """Convert a domish an answer_result element
+        @param player_answering: player who gave the answer
+        @param good_answer: True is the answer is right
+        @param game_data: data of the game"""
+        players_data = game_data['players_data']
+        score = {}
+        for player in game_data['players']:
+            score[player] = players_data[player]['score']
+        answer_result_elt = domish.Element(('','answer_result'))
+        answer_result_elt['player'] = player_answering
+        answer_result_elt['good_answer'] = str(good_answer)
+        for player in score:
+            score_elt = domish.Element(('',"score"))
+            score_elt['player'] = player
+            score_elt['score'] = str(score[player])
+            answer_result_elt.addChild(score_elt) 
+        return answer_result_elt
     def __create_started_elt(self, players):
         """Create a game_started domish element"""
         started_elt = domish.Element(('','started'))
@@ -120,7 +186,7 @@
         return started_elt
-    def __ask_question(self, question_id, question, timer=30):
+    def __ask_question(self, question_id, question, timer):
         """Create a element for asking a question"""
         question_elt = domish.Element(('','question'))
         question_elt['id'] = question_id
@@ -133,7 +199,7 @@
         game_data['stage'] = "play"
         next_player_idx = game_data['current_player'] = (game_data['init_player'] + 1) % len(game_data['players']) #the player after the dealer start
         game_data['first_player'] = next_player = game_data['players'][next_player_idx]
-        to_jid = jid.JID(room_jid.userhost()+"/"+next_player) #FIXME: gof:
+        to_jid = jid.JID(room_jid.userhost()+"/"+next_player)
         mess = self.createGameElt(to_jid)
         yourturn_elt = mess.firstChildElement().addElement('your_turn')[profile].xmlstream.send(mess)
@@ -233,10 +299,78 @@
         ready_elt['player'] = player[profile].xmlstream.send(mess)
-    def askQuestion(self, room_jid, profile):
+    def playerAnswer(self, player, referee, answer, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
+        """Called when a player give an answer"""
+        profile =
+        if not profile:
+            error (_("profile %s is unknown") % profile_key)
+            return
+        debug ('new player answer (%(profile)s): %(answer)s' % {'profile':profile, 'answer':answer})
+        mess = self.createGameElt(jid.JID(referee))
+        answer_elt = mess.firstChildElement().addElement('player_answer')
+        answer_elt['player'] = player
+        answer_elt.addContent(answer)
+    def timerExpired(self, room_jid, profile):
+        """Called when nobody answered the question in time"""
+        game_data =[room_jid.userhost()]
+        game_data['stage'] = 'expired'
+        mess = self.createGameElt(room_jid)
+        expired_elt = mess.firstChildElement().addElement('timer_expired')
+        reactor.callLater(4, self.askQuestion, room_jid, profile)
+    def pauseTimer(self, room_jid):
+        """Stop the timer and save the time left"""
+        game_data =[room_jid.userhost()]
+        left = max(0, game_data["timer"].getTime() - time())
+        game_data['timer'].cancel()
+        game_data['time_left'] = int(left)
+        game_data['previous_stage'] = game_data['stage']
+        game_data['stage'] = "paused"
+    def restartTimer(self, room_jid, profile):
+        """Restart a timer with the saved time"""
+        game_data =[room_jid.userhost()]
+        assert(game_data['time_left'] != None)
         mess = self.createGameElt(room_jid)
-        mess.firstChildElement().addChild(self.__ask_question("1", u"Quel est l'âge du capitaine ?"))
+        restarted_elt = mess.firstChildElement().addElement('timer_restarted')
+        restarted_elt["time_left"] = str(game_data['time_left'])
+        game_data["timer"] = reactor.callLater(game_data['time_left'], self.timerExpired, room_jid, profile)
+        game_data["time_left"] = None
+        game_data['stage'] = game_data['previous_stage']
+        del game_data['previous_stage']
+    def askQuestion(self, room_jid, profile):
+        """Ask a new question"""
+        game_data =[room_jid.userhost()]
+        game_data['stage'] = "question"
+        game_data['question_id'] = "1"
+        timer = 30
+        mess = self.createGameElt(room_jid)
+        mess.firstChildElement().addChild(self.__ask_question(game_data['question_id'], u"Quel est l'âge du capitaine ?", timer))[profile].xmlstream.send(mess)
+        game_data["timer"] = reactor.callLater(timer, self.timerExpired, room_jid, profile)
+        game_data["time_left"] = None
+    def checkAnswer(self, room_jid, player, answer, profile): 
+        """Check if the answer given is right"""
+        game_data =[room_jid.userhost()]
+        players_data = game_data['players_data']
+        good_answer =  game_data['question_id'] == "1" and answer=="42"
+        players_data[player]['score'] += 1 if good_answer else -1
+        players_data[player]['score'] = min(9, max(0, players_data[player]['score']))
+        mess = self.createGameElt(room_jid)
+        mess.firstChildElement().addChild(self.__answer_result(player, good_answer, game_data))
+        if good_answer:
+            reactor.callLater(4, self.askQuestion, room_jid, profile)
+        else:
+            reactor.callLater(4, self.restartTimer, room_jid, profile)
     def newGame(self, room_jid, profile):
         """Launch a new round"""
@@ -287,7 +421,44 @@
             elif == 'question': #A question is asked
       , elt["id"], unicode(elt), int(elt["timer"]), profile )
+            elif == 'player_answer':
+                player = elt['player']
+                pause = game_data['stage'] == 'question' #we pause the game only if we are have a question at the moment
+                #we first send a buzzer message
+                mess = self.createGameElt(room_jid)
+                buzzer_elt = mess.firstChildElement().addElement('player_buzzed')
+                buzzer_elt['player'] = player
+                buzzer_elt['pause'] = str(pause) 
+      [profile].xmlstream.send(mess)
+                if pause:
+                    self.pauseTimer(room_jid)
+                    #and we send the player answer
+                    mess = self.createGameElt(room_jid)
+                    _answer = unicode(elt)
+                    say_elt = mess.firstChildElement().addElement('player_says')
+                    say_elt['player'] = player
+                    say_elt.addContent(_answer)
+                    say_elt['delay'] = "3"
+                    reactor.callLater(2,[profile].xmlstream.send, mess)
+                    reactor.callLater(6, self.checkAnswer, room_jid, player, _answer, profile=profile)
+            elif == 'player_buzzed':
+      , elt["player"], elt['pause'] == str(True), profile)
+            elif == 'player_says':
+      , elt["player"], unicode(elt), int(elt["delay"]), profile)
+            elif == 'answer_result':
+                player, good_answer, score = self.__answer_result_to_signal_args(elt)
+      , player, good_answer, score, profile)
+            elif == 'timer_expired':
+      , profile)
+            elif == 'timer_restarted':
+      , int(elt['time_left']), profile)
                 error (_('Unmanaged game element: %s') %
--- a/src/plugins/	Sun Jun 12 16:28:33 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/plugins/	Sun Jun 12 22:34:15 2011 +0200
@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@
                                 players_data[player]['played'] = None
                             if len(game_data['hand'][current_player]) == 0:
                                 #no card lef: the game is finished
-                                to_jid = jid.JID(room_jid.userhost()) #FIXME: gof:
+                                to_jid = room_jid
                                 mess = self.createGameElt(to_jid)
                                 chien_elt = mess.firstChildElement().addChild(self.__give_scores(*self.__calculate_scores(game_data)))
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@
                             next_player = self.__next_player(game_data)
                         #finally, we tell to the next player to play
-                        to_jid = jid.JID(room_jid.userhost()+"/"+next_player) #FIXME: gof:
+                        to_jid = jid.JID(room_jid.userhost()+"/"+next_player)
                         mess = self.createGameElt(to_jid)
                         yourturn_elt = mess.firstChildElement().addElement('your_turn')