changeset 1367:f71a0fc26886

merged branch frontends_multi_profiles
author Goffi <>
date Wed, 18 Mar 2015 10:52:28 +0100
parents 1e3b1f9ad6e2 (diff) 584d45bb36d9 (current diff)
children dd1a148bd3d8
files frontends/src/ frontends/src/primitivus/ frontends/src/quick_frontend/ frontends/src/quick_frontend/ frontends/src/wix/ frontends/src/wix/ frontends/src/wix/ frontends/src/wix/ frontends/src/wix/ frontends/src/wix/ frontends/src/wix/ frontends/src/wix/ frontends/src/wix/ frontends/src/wix/wix frontends/src/wix/ src/core/ src/plugins/ src/test/
diffstat 31 files changed, 4807 insertions(+), 577 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/CONTRAT_SOCIAL	Wed Mar 18 10:39:22 2015 +0100
+++ b/CONTRAT_SOCIAL	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -24,5 +24,5 @@
 - L'idée de Fraternité est essentielle, aussi:
 	- nous ferons notre possible pour aider les utilisateurs, quel que soit leur niveau
-    - de même, des efforts seront fait quant à l'accessibilité aux personnes victimes d'un handicap
+    - de même, des efforts seront fait quant à l'accessibilité pour tous
 	- « Salut à Toi », XMPP, et les technologies utilisées facilitent les échanges électroniques, mais nous désirons mettre l'accent sur les rencontres réelles et humaines: nous favoriserons toujours le réel sur le virtuel.
--- a/CONTRAT_SOCIAL_en	Wed Mar 18 10:39:22 2015 +0100
+++ b/CONTRAT_SOCIAL_en	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -24,6 +24,6 @@
 - The idea of Fraternity is essential. This is why:
     - we will help the users, whatever their computer literacy is, to the extent of what we can
-    - we will as well commit ourselves to help the accessibility to "Salut à Toi" for disabled people
+    - we will as well commit ourselves to help the accessibility to "Salut à Toi" for all
     - "Salut à Toi" , XMPP, and the technologies used help facilitate the electronic exchanges, but we strive to focus on real and human exchanges : we will always favor Real on Virtual.
--- a/	Wed Mar 18 10:39:22 2015 +0100
+++ b/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -298,7 +298,8 @@
       package_dir={'sat': 'src', 'sat_frontends': 'frontends/src', 'twisted.plugins': 'src/twisted/plugins'},
       packages=['sat', '', 'sat.bridge', 'sat.plugins', 'sat.test', 'sat.core', 'sat.memory',
                 'sat_frontends', 'sat_frontends.bridge', 'sat_frontends.quick_frontend', '',
-                'sat_frontends.primitivus', '', 'sat.stdui', 'twisted.plugins'],
+                'sat_frontends.primitivus', '', 'sat.stdui','sat.tmp', 'sat.tmp.wokkel',
+                'twisted.plugins'],
       package_data={'sat': [''], },
       data_files=[(os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES'), ['i18n/fr/LC_MESSAGES/']),
                   ('share/doc/%s' % NAME, ['CHANGELOG', 'COPYING', 'INSTALL', 'README', 'README4TRANSLATORS']),
--- a/src/core/	Wed Mar 18 10:39:22 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/core/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ = host
     def onMessage(self, message):
+        if not message.hasAttribute('from'):
+            message['from'] =
         log.debug(_(u"got message from: %s") % message["from"])
         post_treat = defer.Deferred() # XXX: plugin can add their treatments to this deferred
--- a/src/plugins/	Wed Mar 18 10:39:22 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/plugins/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# TODO: remove this when RSM and MAM are in wokkel
+import wokkel
+from sat.tmp.wokkel import delay as tmp_delay, pubsub as tmp_pubsub, rsm as tmp_rsm, mam as tmp_mam
+wokkel.delay = tmp_delay
+wokkel.pubsub = tmp_pubsub
+wokkel.rsm = tmp_rsm
+wokkel.mam = tmp_mam
--- a/src/plugins/	Wed Mar 18 10:39:22 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/plugins/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 from twisted.words.xish.domish import Element, generateElementsNamed
 from sat.core import exceptions
 from wokkel import disco, data_form, iwokkel
+from wokkel import rsm as wokkel_rsm
 from zope.interface import implements
 from feed import date
 import uuid
@@ -52,12 +53,17 @@
                     'JID': None, #JID is not yet managed
+DO_NOT_COUNT_COMMENTS = -1  # must be lower than 0
     "name": "Group blogging throught collections",
     "import_name": "GROUPBLOG",
     "type": "MISC",
     "protocols": [],
     "dependencies": ["XEP-0277"],
+    "recommendations": ["XEP-0059"],
     "main": "GroupBlog",
     "handler": "yes",
     "description": _("""Implementation of microblogging with roster access""")
@@ -79,7 +85,6 @@
 class UnknownType(Exception):
 class GroupBlog(object):
     """This class use a SàT PubSub Service to manage access on microblog"""
@@ -104,32 +109,27 @@
         host.bridge.addMethod("getGroupBlogs", ".plugin",
-                              in_sign='sass', out_sign='aa{ss}',
+                              in_sign='sasa{ss}bs', out_sign='(aa{ss}a{ss})',
         host.bridge.addMethod("getGroupBlogsWithComments", ".plugin",
-                              in_sign='sass', out_sign='a(a{ss}aa{ss})',
+                              in_sign='sasa{ss}is', out_sign='(a(a{ss}(aa{ss}a{ss}))a{ss})',
-        host.bridge.addMethod("getLastGroupBlogs", ".plugin",
-                              in_sign='sis', out_sign='aa{ss}',
-                              method=self.getLastGroupBlogs,
+        host.bridge.addMethod("getGroupBlogsAtom", ".plugin",
+                              in_sign='sa{ss}s', out_sign='s',
+                              method=self.getGroupBlogsAtom,
-        host.bridge.addMethod("getLastGroupBlogsAtom", ".plugin",
-                              in_sign='sis', out_sign='s',
-                              method=self.getLastGroupBlogsAtom,
-                              async=True)
-        host.bridge.addMethod("getMassiveLastGroupBlogs", ".plugin",
-                              in_sign='sasis', out_sign='a{saa{ss}}',
-                              method=self._getMassiveLastGroupBlogs,
+        host.bridge.addMethod("getMassiveGroupBlogs", ".plugin",
+                              in_sign='sasa{ss}s', out_sign='a{s(aa{ss}a{ss})}',
+                              method=self._getMassiveGroupBlogs,
         host.bridge.addMethod("getGroupBlogComments", ".plugin",
-                              in_sign='sss', out_sign='aa{ss}',
+                              in_sign='ssa{ss}s', out_sign='(aa{ss}a{ss})',
@@ -515,78 +515,108 @@
         return defer.DeferredList(d_list, consumeErrors=True).addCallback(lambda result: [value for (success, value) in result if success])
-    def __getGroupBlogs(self, pub_jid_s, max_items=10, item_ids=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+    def _getOrCountComments(self, items, max=0, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Get and/or count the comments of the given items.
+        @param items (list): items to consider.
+        @param max (int): maximum number of comments to get, if 0 only count
+            them. The count is set to the item data of key "comments_count".
+        @param profile_key (str): %(doc_profile_key)s
+        @return: a deferred list of:
+            - if max == 0: microblog data
+            - else: couple (dict, (list[dict], dict)) containing:
+                - microblog data (main item)
+                - couple (comments data, RSM response data for the comments)
+        """
+        def comments_cb(comments_data, entry):
+            entry['comments_count'] = comments_data[1]['count']
+            return (entry, comments_data) if max > 0 else entry
+        assert(max >= 0)
+        d_list = []
+        for entry in items:
+            if entry.get('comments', False):
+                comments_rsm = {'max': max}
+                d = self.getGroupBlogComments(entry['comments_service'], entry['comments_node'], rsm=comments_rsm, profile_key=profile_key)
+                d.addCallback(comments_cb, entry)
+                d_list.append(d)
+            else:
+                if max > 0:
+                    d_list.append(defer.succeed((entry, ([], {}))))
+                else:
+                    d_list.append(defer.succeed(entry))
+        deferred_list = defer.DeferredList(d_list)
+        deferred_list.addCallback(lambda result: [value for (success, value) in result if success])
+        return deferred_list
+    def __getGroupBlogs(self, pub_jid_s, item_ids=None, rsm=None, max_comments=0, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
         """Retrieve previously published items from a publish subscribe node.
         @param pub_jid_s: jid of the publisher
-        @param max_items: how many microblogs we want to get (see XEP-0060 #6.5.7)
         @param item_ids: list of microblogs items IDs
-        @param profile_key: profile key
-        @return: list of microblog data (dict)
+        @param rsm (dict): RSM request data
+        @param max_comments (int): maximum number of comments to retrieve
+        @param profile_key (str): %(doc_profile_key)s
+        @return: a deferred couple (list, dict) containing:
+            - list of:
+                - if max_comments == 0: microblog data
+                - else: couple (dict, (list[dict], dict)) containing:
+                    - microblog data (main item)
+                    - couple (comments data, RSM response data for the comments)
+            - RSM response data
         pub_jid = jid.JID(pub_jid_s)
-        def initialised(result):
-            profile, client = result
-            d =["XEP-0060"].getItems(client.item_access_pubsub, self.getNodeName(pub_jid),
-                                                       max_items=max_items, item_ids=item_ids, profile_key=profile_key)
-            d.addCallback(self._itemsConstruction, pub_jid, client)
-            d.addErrback(lambda ignore: {})  # TODO: more complete error management (log !)
-            return d
+        def cb(items, client):
+            d = self._itemsConstruction(items, pub_jid, client)
+            if max_comments == DO_NOT_COUNT_COMMENTS:
+                return d
+            return d.addCallback(self._getOrCountComments, max_comments, profile_key)
-        #TODO: we need to use the server corresponding the the host of the jid
-        return self._initialise(profile_key).addCallback(initialised)
+        return DeferredItems(self, cb, None, profile_key).get(self.getNodeName(pub_jid), item_ids, rsm=rsm)
-    def getGroupBlogs(self, pub_jid_s, item_ids=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+    def getGroupBlogs(self, pub_jid_s, item_ids=None, rsm=None, count_comments=True, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
         """Get the published microblogs of the specified IDs. If item_ids is
-        None, the result would be the same than calling getLastGroupBlogs
+        None, the result would be the same than calling getGroupBlogs
         with the default value for the attribute max_items.
-        @param pub_jid_s: jid of the publisher
-        @param item_ids: list of microblogs items IDs
-        @param profile_key: profile key
-        @return: list of microblog data (dict)
-        """
-        return self.__getGroupBlogs(pub_jid_s, item_ids=item_ids, profile_key=profile_key)
-    def getGroupBlogsWithComments(self, pub_jid_s, item_ids=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
-        """Get the published microblogs of the specified IDs and their comments. If
-        item_ids is None, returns the last published microblogs and their comments.
         @param pub_jid_s: jid of the publisher
         @param item_ids: list of microblogs items IDs
-        @param profile_key: profile key
-        @return: list of couple (microblog data, list of microblog data)
+        @param rsm (dict): RSM request data
+        @param count_comments (bool): also count the comments if True
+        @param profile_key (str): %(doc_profile_key)s
+        @return: a deferred couple (list, dict) containing:
+            - list of microblog data
+            - RSM response data
-        def get_comments(data):
-            d_list = []
-            for entry in data:
-                if entry.get('comments', False):
-                    d = self.getGroupBlogComments(entry['comments_service'], entry['comments_node'], profile_key=profile_key)
-                    d.addCallback(lambda data: (entry, data))
-                    d_list.append(d)
-                else:
-                    d_list.append(defer.succeed((entry, [])))
-            deferred_list = defer.DeferredList(d_list)
-            deferred_list.addCallback(lambda result: [value for (success, value) in result if success])
-            return deferred_list
+        max_comments = 0 if count_comments else DO_NOT_COUNT_COMMENTS
+        return self.__getGroupBlogs(pub_jid_s, item_ids=item_ids, rsm=rsm, max_comments=max_comments, profile_key=profile_key)
+    def getGroupBlogsWithComments(self, pub_jid_s, item_ids=None, rsm=None, max_comments=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Get the published microblogs of the specified IDs and their comments. If
+        item_ids is None, returns the last published microblogs and their comments.
-        d = self.__getGroupBlogs(pub_jid_s, item_ids=item_ids, profile_key=profile_key)
-        d.addCallback(get_comments)
-        return d
+        @param pub_jid_s: jid of the publisher
+        @param item_ids: list of microblogs items IDs
+        @param rsm (dict): RSM request data
+        @param max_comments (int): maximum number of comments to retrieve
+        @param profile_key (str): %(doc_profile_key)s
+        @return: a deferred couple (list, dict) containing:
+            - list of couple (dict, (list[dict], dict)) containing:
+                - microblog data (main item)
+                - couple (comments data, RSM response data for the comments)
+            - RSM response data
+        """
+        if max_comments is None:
+            max_comments = MAX_COMMENTS
+        assert(max_comments > 0)  # otherwise the return signature is not the same
+        return self.__getGroupBlogs(pub_jid_s, item_ids=item_ids, rsm=rsm, max_comments=max_comments, profile_key=profile_key)
-    def getLastGroupBlogs(self, pub_jid_s, max_items=10, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
-        """Get the last published microblogs
-        @param pub_jid_s: jid of the publisher
-        @param max_items: how many microblogs we want to get (see XEP-0060 #6.5.7)
-        @param profile_key: profile key
-        @return: list of microblog data (dict)
-        """
-        return self.__getGroupBlogs(pub_jid_s, max_items=max_items, profile_key=profile_key)
-    def getLastGroupBlogsAtom(self, pub_jid_s, max_items=10, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+    def getGroupBlogsAtom(self, pub_jid_s, rsm=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
         """Get the atom feed of the last published microblogs
         @param pub_jid: jid of the publisher
-        @param max_items: how many microblogs we want to get (see XEP-0060 #6.5.7)
         @param profile_key: profile key
-        @return: atom XML feed (unicode)
+        @return: a deferred unicode (atom XML feed)
         pub_jid = jid.JID(pub_jid_s)
@@ -617,59 +647,41 @@
                 feed += "    " + entry.toXml() + "\n"
             return feed + "</feed>"
-        def initialised(result):
-            profile, client = result
-            d =["XEP-0060"].getItems(client.item_access_pubsub, self.getNodeName(pub_jid),
-                                                       max_items=max_items, profile_key=profile_key)
-            d.addCallback(items2feed, pub_jid, client)
-            d.addErrback(lambda ignore: '')  # TODO: more complete error management (log !)
-            return d
+        def cb(items, client):
+            return items2feed(items, pub_jid, client)
-        #TODO: we need to use the server corresponding the the host of the jid
-        return self._initialise(profile_key).addCallback(initialised)
+        d = DeferredItems(self, cb, lambda dummy: [''], profile_key).get(self.getNodeName(pub_jid), rsm=rsm)
+        return d.addCallback(lambda res: res[0])
-    def getGroupBlogComments(self, service_s, node, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+    def getGroupBlogComments(self, service_s, node, rsm=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
         """Get all comments of given node
         @param service_s: service hosting the node
         @param node: comments node
         @param profile_key: profile key
-        @return: list of microblog data (dict)
+        @return: a deferred couple (list, dict) containing:
+            - list of microblog data
+            - RSM response data
         service = jid.JID(service_s)
-        def initialised(result):
-            profile, client = result
-            d =["XEP-0060"].getItems(service, node,
-                                                       profile_key=profile_key)
-            d.addCallback(self._handleCommentsItems, service, node)
-            d.addErrback(lambda ignore: {})  # TODO: more complete error management (log !)
-            return d
+        def cb(items, client):
+            return self._handleCommentsItems(items, service, node)
-        #TODO: we need to use the server corresponding the the host of the jid
-        return self._initialise(profile_key).addCallback(initialised)
+        return DeferredItems(self, cb, None, profile_key).get(node, rsm=rsm)
-    def _getMassiveLastGroupBlogs(self, publishers_type, publishers, max_items=10, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+    def _getMassiveGroupBlogs(self, publishers_type, publishers, rsm=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
         if publishers_type == 'JID':
             publishers_jids = [jid.JID(publisher) for publisher in publishers]
             publishers_jids = publishers
-        return self.getMassiveLastGroupBlogs(publishers_type, publishers_jids, max_items, profile_key)
+        return self.getMassiveGroupBlogs(publishers_type, publishers_jids, rsm, profile_key)
-    @defer.inlineCallbacks
-    def getMassiveLastGroupBlogs(self, publishers_type, publishers, max_items=10, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
-        """Get the last published microblogs for a list of groups or jids
-        @param publishers_type: type of the list of publishers (one of "GROUP" or "JID" or "ALL")
-        @param publishers: list of publishers, according to "publishers_type" (list of groups or list of jids)
-        @param max_items: how many microblogs we want to get
-        @param profile_key: profile key
-        """
+    def _getPublishersJIDs(self, publishers_type, publishers, client):
         #TODO: custom exception
         if publishers_type not in ["GROUP", "JID", "ALL"]:
             raise Exception("Bad call, unknown publishers_type")
         if publishers_type == "ALL" and publishers:
             raise Exception("Publishers list must be empty when getting microblogs for all contacts")
-        profile, client = yield self._initialise(profile_key)
-        #TODO: we need to use the server corresponding the the host of the jid
         if publishers_type == "ALL":
             contacts = client.roster.getItems()
@@ -682,20 +694,26 @@
             jids = publishers
             raise UnknownType
-        data = {publisher: self.getNodeName(publisher) for publisher in jids}
-        d_dict = yield["XEP-0060"].getItemsFromMany(client.item_access_pubsub, data, max_items=max_items, profile_key=profile)
+        return jids
-        def cb(jid):
-            def res(gbdata):
-                return (jid.full(), gbdata)
-            return res
+    def getMassiveGroupBlogs(self, publishers_type, publishers, rsm=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Get the last published microblogs for a list of groups or jids
+        @param publishers_type (str): type of the list of publishers (one of "GROUP" or "JID" or "ALL")
+        @param publishers (list): list of publishers, according to publishers_type (list of groups or list of jids)
+        @param rsm (dict): RSM request data, common to all publishers
+        @param profile_key: profile key
+        @return: a deferred dict with:
+            - key: publisher (unicode)
+            - value: couple (list[dict], dict) with:
+                - the microblogs data
+                - RSM response data
+        """
+        def cb(items, publisher, client):
+            d = self._itemsConstruction(items, publisher, client)
+            return d.addCallback(self._getOrCountComments, False, profile_key)
-        for publisher, d in d_dict.items():
-            d.addCallback(self._itemsConstruction, publisher, client)
-            d.addCallback(cb(publisher))
-        result = yield defer.DeferredList(d_dict.values(), consumeErrors=False)
-        defer.returnValue({value[0]: value[1] for success, value in result if success})
+        #TODO: we need to use the server corresponding to the host of the jid
+        return DeferredItemsFromMany(self, cb, profile_key).get(publishers_type, publishers, rsm=rsm)
     def subscribeGroupBlog(self, pub_jid, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
         def initialised(result):
@@ -721,30 +739,14 @@
         @param publishers: list of publishers, according to "publishers_type" (list of groups or list of jids)
         @param profile_key: profile key
-        #TODO: custom exception
-        if publishers_type not in ["GROUP", "JID", "ALL"]:
-            raise Exception("Bad call, unknown publishers_type")
-        if publishers_type == "ALL" and publishers:
-            raise Exception("Publishers list must be empty when getting microblogs for all contacts")
         profile, client = yield self._initialise(profile_key)
         #TODO: we need to use the server corresponding the the host of the jid
-        if publishers_type == "ALL":
-            contacts = client.roster.getItems()
-            jids = [contact.jid.userhostJID() for contact in contacts]
-        elif publishers_type == "GROUP":
-            jids = []
-            for _group in publishers:
-                jids.extend(client.roster.getJidsFromGroup(_group))
-        elif publishers_type == 'JID':
-            jids = publishers
-        else:
-            raise UnknownType
+        jids = self._getPublishersJIDs(publishers_type, publishers, client)
         node_ids = [self.getNodeName(publisher) for publisher in jids]
         d_list = yield["XEP-0060"].subscribeToMany(client.item_access_pubsub, node_ids, profile_key=profile_key)
         result = yield defer.DeferredList(d_list, consumeErrors=False)
-        defer.returnValue(result)
+        defer.returnValue(None)
     def deleteAllGroupBlogsAndComments(self, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
         """Delete absolutely all the microblog data that the user has posted"""
@@ -752,18 +754,26 @@
         return defer.DeferredList(calls)
     def deleteAllGroupBlogs(self, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
-        """Delete all the main items and their comments that the user has posted
+        """Delete all the main items that the user has posted and their comments.
         def initialised(result):
             profile, client = result
             service = client.item_access_pubsub
             jid_ = client.jid
+            main_node = self.getNodeName(jid_)
-            main_node = self.getNodeName(jid_)
-            d =["XEP-0060"].deleteNode(service, main_node, profile_key=profile)
+            def cb(nodes):
+                d_list = []
+                for node in [node for node in nodes if node.endswith(main_node)]:
+                    d =["XEP-0060"].deleteNode(service, node, profile_key=profile)
+                    d.addErrback(lambda failure: log.error(_("Deletion of node %(node)s failed: %(message)s") %
+                                                           {'node': node, 'message': failure.getErrorMessage()}))
+                    d_list.append(d)
+                return defer.DeferredList(d_list)
+            d =["XEP-0060"].listNodes(service, profile=profile)
+            d.addCallback(cb)
             d.addCallback(lambda dummy:"All microblog's main items from %s have been deleted!") % jid_.userhost()))
-            d.addErrback(lambda failure: log.error(_("Deletion of node %(node)s failed: %(message)s") %
-                                               {'node': main_node, 'message': failure.getErrorMessage()}))
             return d
         return self._initialise(profile_key).addCallback(initialised)
@@ -782,9 +792,11 @@
             jids = [contact.jid.userhostJID() for contact in client.roster.getItems()]
             blogs = []
             for jid_ in jids:
+                if jid_ == client.jid.userhostJID():
+                    continue  # do not remove the comments on our own node
                 main_node = self.getNodeName(jid_)
                 d =["XEP-0060"].getItems(service, main_node, profile_key=profile)
-                d.addCallback(getComments, client)
+                d.addCallback(lambda res: getComments(res[0], client))
                 d.addErrback(lambda failure, main_node: log.error(_("Retrieval of items for node %(node)s failed: %(message)s") %
                                                               {'node': main_node, 'message': failure.getErrorMessage()}), main_node)
@@ -807,7 +819,7 @@
                 href = link.getAttribute('href')
                 service, node =['XEP-0277'].parseCommentUrl(href)
                 d =["XEP-0060"].getItems(service, node, profile_key=profile_key)
-                d.addCallback(lambda items, service, node: (service, node, items), service, node)
+                d.addCallback(lambda items: (service, node, items[0]))
                 d.addErrback(lambda failure, node: log.error(_("Retrieval of comments for node %(node)s failed: %(message)s") %
                                                          {'node': node, 'message': failure.getErrorMessage()}), node)
@@ -850,6 +862,116 @@
         return self._initialise(profile_key).addCallback(initialised)
+class DeferredItems():
+    """Helper class to retrieve items using XEP-0060"""
+    def __init__(self, parent, cb, eb=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """
+        @param parent (GroupBlog): GroupBlog instance
+        @param cb (callable): callback method to be applied on items
+        @param eb (callable): errback method to be applied on items
+        @param profile_key (str): %(doc_profile_key)s
+        """
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.cb = cb
+        self.eb = (lambda dummy: ([], {})) if eb is None else eb
+        self.profile_key = profile_key
+    def get(self, node, item_ids=None, sub_id=None, rsm=None):
+        """
+        @param node (str): node identifier.
+        @param item_ids (list[str]): list of items identifiers.
+        @param sub_id (str): optional subscription identifier.
+        @param rsm (dict): RSM request data
+        @return: a deferred couple (list, dict) containing:
+            - list of microblog data
+            - RSM response data
+        """
+        if rsm is None:
+            rsm = {'max': (len(item_ids) if item_ids else MAX_ITEMS)}
+        def initialised(result):
+            profile, client = result
+            rsm_ = wokkel_rsm.RSMRequest(**rsm)
+            d =["XEP-0060"].getItems(client.item_access_pubsub,
+                                                              node, rsm_.max,
+                                                              item_ids, sub_id, rsm_,
+                                                              profile_key=profile)
+            def cb(result):
+                d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.cb, result[0], client)
+                return d.addCallback(lambda items: (items, result[1]))
+            d.addCallbacks(cb, self.eb)
+            return d
+        #TODO: we need to use the server corresponding to the host of the jid
+        return self.parent._initialise(self.profile_key).addCallback(initialised)
+class DeferredItemsFromMany():
+    def __init__(self, parent, cb, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """
+        @param parent (GroupBlog): GroupBlog instance
+        @param cb (callable): callback method to be applied on items
+        @param profile_key (str): %(doc_profile_key)s
+        """
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.cb = cb
+        self.profile_key = profile_key
+    def __buildData(self, publishers_type, publishers, client):
+        jids = self.parent._getPublishersJIDs(publishers_type, publishers, client)
+        return {publisher: self.parent.getNodeName(publisher) for publisher in jids}
+    def get(self, publishers_type, publishers, sub_id=None, rsm=None):
+        """
+        @param publishers_type (str): type of the list of publishers (one of "GROUP" or "JID" or "ALL")
+        @param publishers (list): list of publishers, according to publishers_type (list of groups or list of jids)
+        @param sub_id (str): optional subscription identifier.
+        @param rsm (dict): RSM request data
+        @return: a deferred dict with:
+            - key: publisher (unicode)
+            - value: couple (list[dict], dict) with:
+                - the microblogs data
+                - RSM response data
+        """
+        if rsm is None:
+            rsm = {'max': MAX_ITEMS}
+        def initialised(result):
+            profile, client = result
+            data = self.__buildData(publishers_type, publishers, client)
+            rsm_ = wokkel_rsm.RSMRequest(**rsm)
+            d =["XEP-0060"].getItemsFromMany(client.item_access_pubsub,
+                                                                      data, rsm_.max, sub_id,
+                                                                      rsm_, profile_key=profile)
+            def cb(publisher):
+                def callback(result):
+                    d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.cb, result[0], publisher, client)
+                    d.addCallback(lambda items: (publisher.full(), (items, result[1])))
+                    return d
+                return callback
+            def cb_list(result):
+                return {value[0]: value[1] for success, value in result if success}
+            def main_cb(result):
+                d_list = []
+                for publisher, d_items in result.items():
+                    # XXX: trick needed as publisher is a loop variable
+                    d_list.append(d_items.addCallback(cb(publisher)))
+                return defer.DeferredList(d_list, consumeErrors=False).addCallback(cb_list)
+            d.addCallback(main_cb)
+            return d
+        #TODO: we need to use the server corresponding to the host of the jid
+        return self.parent._initialise(self.profile_key).addCallback(initialised)
 class GroupBlog_handler(XMPPHandler):
--- a/src/plugins/	Wed Mar 18 10:39:22 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/plugins/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 from sat.core.log import getLogger
 log = getLogger(__name__)
-from twisted.words.xish import domish
 from wokkel import disco, iwokkel
     from twisted.words.protocols.xmlstream import XMPPHandler
@@ -45,93 +44,10 @@
 class XEP_0059(object):
+    # XXX: RSM management is done directly in Wokkel.
     def __init__(self, host):"Result Set Management plugin initialization"))
- = host
-    def requestPage(self, stanza, limit=10, index=None, after=None, before=None):
-        """Embed a RSM page request in the given stanza.
-        @param stanza (domish.Element): any stanza to which RSM applies
-        @param limit (int): the maximum number of items in the page
-        @param index (int): the starting index of the requested page
-        @param after (str, int): the element immediately preceding the page
-        @param before (str, int): the element immediately following the page
-        """
-        main_elt = None
-        try:
-            main_elt = domish.generateElementsNamed(stanza.elements(), name="query").next()
-        except StopIteration:
-            try:
-                main_elt = domish.generateElementsNamed(stanza.elements(), name="pubsub").next()
-            except StopIteration:
-                log.warning("Injection of a RSM element only applies to query or pubsub stanzas")
-                return
-        limit = str(int(limit))
-        # in case the service doesn't support RSM, do this at least
-        main_elt.items.attributes['max_items'] = limit
-        set_elt = main_elt.addElement('set', NS_RSM)
-        set_elt.addElement('max').addContent(limit)
-        if index:
-            assert(after is None and before is None)
-            set_elt.addElement('index').addContent(str(int(index)))
-        if after:
-            assert(before is None)  # could not specify both at the same time
-            set_elt.addElement('after').addContent(str(after))
-        if before is not None:
-            if before == '':  # request the last page, according to
-                set_elt.addElement('before')
-            else:
-                set_elt.addElement('before').addContent(str(before))
-    def countItems(self, stanza):
-        """Count the items without retrieving any of them.
-        @param stanza (domish.Element): any stanza to which RSM applies
-        """
-        self.requestPage(stanza, limit=0)
-    def extractMetadata(self, stanza):
-        """Extract the RSM metadata from the given stanza.
-        @param stanza (domish.Element, wokkel.pubsub.PubSubRequest):
-           any stanza to which RSM applies. When used by XEP-0060,
-           wokkel's PubSubRequest instance is also accepted.
-        @return: dict containing the page metadata
-        """
-        try:
-            main_elt = domish.generateElementsNamed(stanza.elements(), name="query").next()
-        except StopIteration:
-            try:
-                main_elt = domish.generateElementsNamed(stanza.elements(), name="pubsub").next()
-            except StopIteration:
-                log.warning("Extracting data from a RSM element only applies to query or pubsub stanzas")
-                return {}
-        try:
-            set_elt = domish.generateElementsQNamed(main_elt.elements(), name="set", uri=NS_RSM).next()
-        except StopIteration:
-            log.debug("There's no RSM element in the stanza")
-            return {}
-        data = {}
-        elts = set_elt.elements()
-        try:
-            elt =
-            if == "first":
-                data["first"] = "".join(elt.children)
-                data["first_index"] = int(elt.getAttribute("index"))
-            elif == "last":
-                data["last"] = "".join(elt.children)
-            elif == "count":
-                data["count"] = int("".join(elt.children))
-        except StopIteration:
-            pass
-        if "count" not in data:
-            log.warning("There's no 'count' element in the RSM element!")
-        return data
 class XEP_0059_handler(XMPPHandler):
--- a/src/plugins/	Wed Mar 18 10:39:22 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/plugins/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
 log = getLogger(__name__)
 from sat.memory.memory import Sessions
-from wokkel.compat import IQ
-from wokkel import disco, pubsub
+from wokkel import disco, pubsub, rsm
 from zope.interface import implements
 from twisted.internet import defer
+import uuid
@@ -65,6 +65,12 @@
         self.clients[profile] = SatPubSubClient(, self)
         return self.clients[profile]
+    def profileDisconnected(self, profile):
+        try:
+            del self.clients[profile]
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
     def addManagedNode(self, node_name, callback):
         """Add a handler for a namespace
         @param namespace: NS of the handler (will appear in disco info)
@@ -155,21 +161,41 @@
         profile, client = self.__getClientNProfile(profile_key, 'publish item')
         return client.publish(service, nodeIdentifier, items, client.parent.jid)
-    def getItems(self, service, node, max_items=None, item_ids=None, sub_id=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+    def getItems(self, service, node, max_items=None, item_ids=None, sub_id=None, rsm=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Retrieve pubsub items from a node.
+        @param service (JID): target service.
+        @param node (str): node id.
+        @param max_items (int): optional limit on the number of retrieved items.
+        @param item_ids (list[str]): identifiers of the items to be retrieved (should not be used).
+        @param sub_id (str): optional subscription identifier.
+        @param rsm (dict): RSM request data
+        @param profile_key (str): %(doc_profile_key)s
+        @return: a deferred couple (list[dict], dict) containing:
+            - list of items
+            - RSM response data
+        """
         profile, client = self.__getClientNProfile(profile_key, 'get items')
-        return client.items(service, node, max_items, item_ids, sub_id, client.parent.jid)
+        ext_data = {'id': unicode(uuid.uuid4()), 'rsm': rsm} if rsm else None
+        d = client.items(service, node, max_items, item_ids, sub_id, client.parent.jid, ext_data)
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: (items, client.getRSMResponse(ext_data['id']) if rsm else {}))
+        return d
-    def getItemsFromMany(self, service, data, max_items=None, item_ids=None, sub_id=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+    def getItemsFromMany(self, service, data, max_items=None, sub_id=None, rsm=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
         """Massively retrieve pubsub items from many nodes.
         @param service (JID): target service.
         @param data (dict): dictionnary binding some arbitrary keys to the node identifiers.
         @param max_items (int): optional limit on the number of retrieved items *per node*.
-        @param item_ids (list[str]): identifiers of the items to be retrieved (should not be used).
         @param sub_id (str): optional subscription identifier.
+        @param rsm (dict): RSM request data
         @param profile_key (str): %(doc_profile_key)s
-        @return: dict binding a subset of the keys of data to Deferred instances.
+        @return: a deferred dict with:
+            - key: a value in (a subset of) data.keys()
+            - couple (list[dict], dict) containing:
+                - list of items
+                - RSM response data
         profile, client = self.__getClientNProfile(profile_key, 'get items')
         found_nodes = yield self.listNodes(service, profile=profile)
@@ -178,7 +204,7 @@
             if node not in found_nodes:
                 log.debug(u"Skip the items retrieval for [{node}]: node doesn't exist".format(node=node))
                 continue  # avoid pubsub "item-not-found" error
-            d_dict[publisher] = client.items(service, node, max_items, item_ids, sub_id, client.parent.jid)
+            d_dict[publisher] = self.getItems(service, node, max_items, None, sub_id, rsm, profile)
     def getOptions(self, service, nodeIdentifier, subscriber, subscriptionIdentifier=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
@@ -232,82 +258,16 @@
         return client.subscriptions(service, nodeIdentifier)
-class SatPubSubClient(pubsub.PubSubClient):
+class SatPubSubClient(rsm.PubSubClient):
     def __init__(self, host, parent_plugin): = host
         self.parent_plugin = parent_plugin
-        pubsub.PubSubClient.__init__(self)
+        rsm.PubSubClient.__init__(self)
     def connectionInitialized(self):
-        pubsub.PubSubClient.connectionInitialized(self)
-    # FIXME: we have to temporary override this method here just
-    # to set the attributes itemIdentifiers which is not used
-    # in pubsub.PubSubClient.items + use the XEP-0059
-    def items(self, service, nodeIdentifier, maxItems=None, itemIdentifiers=None,
-              subscriptionIdentifier=None, sender=None):
-        """
-        Retrieve previously published items from a publish subscribe node.
-        @param service: The publish subscribe service that keeps the node.
-        @type service: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
-        @param nodeIdentifier: The identifier of the node.
-        @type nodeIdentifier: C{unicode}
-        @param maxItems: Optional limit on the number of retrieved items.
-        @type maxItems: C{int}
-        @param itemIdentifiers: Identifiers of the items to be retrieved.
-        @type itemIdentifiers: C{set}
-        @param subscriptionIdentifier: Optional subscription identifier. In
-            case the node has been subscribed to multiple times, this narrows
-            the results to the specific subscription.
-        @type subscriptionIdentifier: C{unicode}
-        """
-        # TODO: add method attributes for RSM: before, after, index
-        request = PubSubRequest('items',, {'limit': maxItems} if maxItems else {})
-        request.recipient = service
-        request.nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier
-        if maxItems:
-            request.maxItems = str(int(maxItems))
-        request.subscriptionIdentifier = subscriptionIdentifier
-        request.sender = sender
-        request.itemIdentifiers = itemIdentifiers  # XXX: this line has been added
-        def cb(iq):
-            items = []
-            for element in iq.pubsub.items.elements():
-                if element.uri == pubsub.NS_PUBSUB and == 'item':
-                    items.append(element)
-            # TODO: return (items,['XEP-0059'].extractMetadata(iq)) ??
-            return items
-        d = request.send(self.xmlstream)
-        d.addCallback(cb)
-        return d
-    # FIXME: this should be done in wokkel
-    def retractItems(self, service, nodeIdentifier, itemIdentifiers, sender=None):
-        """
-        Retract items from a publish subscribe node.
-        @param service: The publish subscribe service to delete the node from.
-        @type service: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
-        @param nodeIdentifier: The identifier of the node.
-        @type nodeIdentifier: C{unicode}
-        @param itemIdentifiers: Identifiers of the items to be retracted.
-        @type itemIdentifiers: C{set}
-        """
-        request = PubSubRequest('retract')
-        request.recipient = service
-        request.nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier
-        request.itemIdentifiers = itemIdentifiers
-        request.sender = sender
-        return request.send(self.xmlstream)
+        rsm.PubSubClient.connectionInitialized(self)
     def itemsReceived(self, event):
         if not"PubSubItemsReceived", event, self.parent.profile):
@@ -322,7 +282,6 @@
     # def purgeReceived(self, event):
-    @defer.inlineCallbacks
     def subscriptions(self, service, nodeIdentifier, sender=None):
         """Return the list of subscriptions to the given service and node.
@@ -331,13 +290,17 @@
         @param nodeIdentifier: The identifier of the node (leave empty to retrieve all subscriptions).
         @type nodeIdentifier: C{unicode}
-        request = PubSubRequest('subscriptions')
+        request = pubsub.PubSubRequest('subscriptions')
         request.recipient = service
         request.nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier
         request.sender = sender
-        iq = yield request.send(self.xmlstream)
-        defer.returnValue([sub for sub in iq.pubsub.subscriptions.elements() if
-                           (sub.uri == pubsub.NS_PUBSUB and == 'subscription')])
+        d = request.send(self.xmlstream)
+        def cb(iq):
+            return [sub for sub in iq.pubsub.subscriptions.elements() if
+                    (sub.uri == pubsub.NS_PUBSUB and == 'subscription')]
+        return d.addCallback(cb)
     def getDiscoInfo(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier=''):
         disco_info = []
@@ -346,64 +309,3 @@
     def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier=''):
         return []
-class PubSubRequest(pubsub.PubSubRequest):
-    def __init__(self, verb=None, host=None, page_attrs=None):
-        """
-        @param verb (str): the type of pubsub request
-        @param host (SAT): the SAT instance
-        @param page_attrs (dict): options for RSM paging:
-            - limit (int): the maximum number of items in the page
-            - index (int): the starting index of the requested page
-            - after (str, int): the element immediately preceding the page
-            - before (str, int): the element immediately following the page
-        """
-        self.verb = verb
- = host
-        self.page_attrs = page_attrs
-    # FIXME: the redefinition of this wokkel method is the easiest way I found
-    # to handle RSM. We should find a proper solution, maybe just add in wokkel an
-    # empty method postProcessMessage, call it before sending and overwrite it here
-    # instead of overwriting the whole send method.
-    def send(self, xs):
-        """
-        Send this request to its recipient.
-        This renders all of the relevant parameters for this specific
-        requests into an L{IQ}, and invoke its C{send} method.
-        This returns a deferred that fires upon reception of a response. See
-        L{IQ} for details.
-        @param xs: The XML stream to send the request on.
-        @type xs: L{twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream.XmlStream}
-        @rtype: L{defer.Deferred}.
-        """
-        try:
-            (self.stanzaType,
-             childURI,
-             childName) = self._verbRequestMap[self.verb]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise NotImplementedError()
-        iq = IQ(xs, self.stanzaType)
-        iq.addElement((childURI, 'pubsub'))
-        verbElement = iq.pubsub.addElement(childName)
-        if self.sender:
-            iq['from'] = self.sender.full()
-        if self.recipient:
-            iq['to'] = self.recipient.full()
-        for parameter in self._parameters[self.verb]:
-            getattr(self, '_render_%s' % parameter)(verbElement)
-        # This lines have been added for RSM
-        if and 'XEP-0059' in and self.page_attrs:
-            self.page_attrs['stanza'] = iq
-  ['XEP-0059'].requestPage(**self.page_attrs)
-        return iq.send()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/plugins/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# SAT plugin for Delayed Delivery (XEP-0203)
+# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jérôme Poisson (
+# Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Adrien Cossa (
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+from sat.core.i18n import _
+from sat.core.log import getLogger
+log = getLogger(__name__)
+from wokkel import disco, iwokkel, delay
+    from twisted.words.protocols.xmlstream import XMPPHandler
+except ImportError:
+    from wokkel.subprotocols import XMPPHandler
+from zope.interface import implements
+NS_DD = 'urn:xmpp:delay'
+    "name": "Delayed Delivery",
+    "import_name": "XEP-0203",
+    "type": "XEP",
+    "protocols": ["XEP-0203"],
+    "main": "XEP_0203",
+    "handler": "yes",
+    "description": _("""Implementation of Delayed Delivery""")
+class XEP_0203(object):
+    def __init__(self, host):
+"Delayed Delivery plugin initialization"))
+ = host
+    def getHandler(self, profile):
+        return XEP_0203_handler(self, profile)
+    def delay(self, stamp, sender=None, desc='', parent=None):
+        """Build a delay element, eventually append it to the given parent element.
+        @param stamp (datetime): offset-aware timestamp of the original sending.
+        @param sender (JID): entity that originally sent or delayed the message.
+        @param desc (unicode): optional natural language description.
+        @param parent (domish.Element): add the delay element to this element.
+        @return: the delay element (domish.Element)
+        """
+        elt = delay.Delay(stamp, sender).toElement()
+        if desc:
+            elt.addContent(desc)
+        if parent:
+            parent.addChild(elt)
+        return elt
+class XEP_0203_handler(XMPPHandler):
+    implements(iwokkel.IDisco)
+    def __init__(self, plugin_parent, profile):
+        self.plugin_parent = plugin_parent
+ =
+        self.profile = profile
+    def getDiscoInfo(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
+        return [disco.DiscoFeature(NS_DD)]
+    def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
+        return []
--- a/src/plugins/	Wed Mar 18 10:39:22 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/plugins/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -42,8 +42,9 @@
     "name": "Microblogging over XMPP Plugin",
     "import_name": "XEP-0277",
     "type": "XEP",
-    "protocols": [],
+    "protocols": ["XEP-0277"],
     "dependencies": ["XEP-0163", "XEP-0060", "TEXT-SYNTAXES"],
+    "recommendations": ["XEP-0059"],
     "main": "XEP_0277",
     "handler": "no",
     "description": _("""Implementation of microblogging Protocol""")
@@ -77,8 +78,8 @@
     def parseCommentUrl(self, node_url):
         """Determine the fields comments_service and comments_node of a microblog data
         from the href attribute of an entry's link element. For example this input:
-        will return (JID(u''), '')
+        will return (JID(u''), '')
         @return: a tuple (JID, str)
         parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(node_url, 'xmpp')
@@ -315,10 +316,12 @@
         @param pub_jid: jid of the publisher
         @param max_items: how many microblogs we want to get
         @param profile_key: profile key
+        @return: a deferred couple with the list of items and RSM information.
         d =["XEP-0060"].getItems(jid.JID(pub_jid), NS_MICROBLOG, max_items=max_items, profile_key=profile_key)
-        d.addCallback(lambda items: defer.DeferredList(map(self.item2mbdata, items), consumeErrors=True))
-        d.addCallback(lambda result: [value for (success, value) in result if success])
+        d.addCallback(lambda res: (defer.DeferredList(map(self.item2mbdata, res[0]), consumeErrors=True), res[1]))
+        d.addCallback(lambda res: ([value for (success, value) in res[0] if success], res[1]))
         return d
     def setMicroblogAccess(self, access="presence", profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/plugins/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# SAT plugin for Stanza Forwarding (XEP-0297)
+# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jérôme Poisson (
+# Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Adrien Cossa (
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+from sat.core.constants import Const as C
+from sat.core.i18n import _
+from sat.core.log import getLogger
+log = getLogger(__name__)
+from wokkel import disco, iwokkel
+    from twisted.words.protocols.xmlstream import XMPPHandler
+except ImportError:
+    from wokkel.subprotocols import XMPPHandler
+from zope.interface import implements
+from twisted.words.xish import domish
+NS_SF = 'urn:xmpp:forward:0'
+    "name": "Stanza Forwarding",
+    "import_name": "XEP-0297",
+    "type": "XEP",
+    "protocols": ["XEP-0297"],
+    "main": "XEP_0297",
+    "handler": "yes",
+    "description": _("""Implementation of Stanza Forwarding""")
+class XEP_0297(object):
+    def __init__(self, host):
+"Stanza Forwarding plugin initialization"))
+ = host
+    def getHandler(self, profile):
+        return XEP_0297_handler(self, profile)
+    @classmethod
+    def updateUri(cls, element, uri):
+        """Update recursively the element URI.
+        @param element (domish.Element): element to update
+        @param uri (unicode): new URI
+        """
+        # XXX: we need this because changing the URI of an existing element
+        # containing children doesn't update the children's blank URI.
+        element.uri = uri
+        element.defaultUri = uri
+        for child in element.children:
+            if isinstance(child, domish.Element) and not child.uri:
+                XEP_0297.updateUri(child, uri)
+    def forward(self, stanza, to_jid, stamp, body='', profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Forward a message to the given JID.
+        @param stanza (domish.Element): original stanza to be forwarded.
+        @param to_jid (JID): recipient JID.
+        @param stamp (datetime): offset-aware timestamp of the original reception.
+        @param body (unicode): optional description.
+        @param profile_key (unicode): %(doc_profile_key)s
+        @return: a Deferred when the message has been sent
+        """
+        msg = domish.Element((None, 'message'))
+        msg['to'] = to_jid.full()
+        msg['type'] = stanza['type']
+        body_elt = domish.Element((None, 'body'))
+        if body:
+            body_elt.addContent(body)
+        forwarded_elt = domish.Element((NS_SF, 'forwarded'))
+        delay_elt =['XEP-0203'].delay(stamp)
+        forwarded_elt.addChild(delay_elt)
+        if not stanza.uri:  # None or ''
+            XEP_0297.updateUri(stanza, 'jabber:client')
+        forwarded_elt.addChild(stanza)
+        msg.addChild(body_elt)
+        msg.addChild(forwarded_elt)
+        client =
+        return client.xmlstream.send(msg.toXml())
+class XEP_0297_handler(XMPPHandler):
+    implements(iwokkel.IDisco)
+    def __init__(self, plugin_parent, profile):
+        self.plugin_parent = plugin_parent
+ =
+        self.profile = profile
+    def getDiscoInfo(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
+        return [disco.DiscoFeature(NS_SF)]
+    def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
+        return []
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/plugins/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# SAT plugin for Message Archive Management (XEP-0313)
+# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jérôme Poisson (
+# Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Adrien Cossa (
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+from sat.core.constants import Const as C
+from sat.core.i18n import _
+from sat.core.log import getLogger
+log = getLogger(__name__)
+    from twisted.words.protocols.xmlstream import XMPPHandler
+except ImportError:
+    from wokkel.subprotocols import XMPPHandler
+from twisted.words.xish import domish
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
+from zope.interface import implements
+from wokkel import disco, data_form
+from wokkel.generic import parseXml
+from wokkel.pubsub import NS_PUBSUB_EVENT, ItemsEvent
+# TODO: change this when RSM and MAM are in wokkel
+from sat.tmp.wokkel.rsm import RSMRequest
+from sat.tmp.wokkel import mam
+NS_MAM = 'urn:xmpp:mam:0'
+NS_SF = 'urn:xmpp:forward:0'
+NS_DD = 'urn:xmpp:delay'
+NS_CLIENT = 'jabber:client'
+    "name": "Message Archive Management",
+    "import_name": "XEP-0313",
+    "type": "XEP",
+    "protocols": ["XEP-0313"],
+    "dependencies": ["XEP-0059", "XEP-0297", "XEP-0203"],
+    "recommendations": ["XEP-0334"],
+    "main": "XEP_0313",
+    "handler": "yes",
+    "description": _("""Implementation of Message Archive Management""")
+class XEP_0313(object):
+    def __init__(self, host):
+"Message Archive Management plugin initialization"))
+ = host
+        self.clients = {}  # bind profile name to SatMAMClient
+        host.bridge.addMethod("MAMqueryFields", ".plugin", in_sign='ss', out_sign='s',
+                              method=self._queryFields,
+                              async=True,
+                              doc={})
+        host.bridge.addMethod("MAMqueryArchive", ".plugin", in_sign='ssa{ss}ss', out_sign='s',
+                              method=self._queryArchive,
+                              async=True,
+                              doc={})
+        host.bridge.addMethod("MAMgetPrefs", ".plugin", in_sign='ss', out_sign='s',
+                              method=self._getPrefs,
+                              async=True,
+                              doc={})
+        host.bridge.addMethod("MAMsetPrefs", ".plugin", in_sign='ssasass', out_sign='s',
+                              method=self._setPrefs,
+                              async=True,
+                              doc={})
+        host.trigger.add("MessageReceived", self.messageReceivedTrigger)
+    def getHandler(self, profile):
+        self.clients[profile] = SatMAMClient(self, profile)
+        return self.clients[profile]
+    def profileDisconnected(self, profile):
+        try:
+            del self.clients[profile]
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+    def _queryFields(self, service_s=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        service = jid.JID(service_s) if service_s else None
+        return self.queryFields(service, profile_key)
+    def queryFields(self, service=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Ask the server about additional supported fields.
+        @param service: entity offering the MAM service (None for user archives)
+        @param profile_key (unicode): %(doc_profile_key)s
+        @return: the server response as a Deferred domish.Element
+        """
+        #
+        def eb(failure):
+            # typically StanzaError with condition u'service-unavailable'
+            log.error(failure.getErrorMessage())
+            return ''
+        profile =
+        d = self.clients[profile].queryFields(service)
+        return d.addCallbacks(lambda elt: elt.toXml(), eb)
+    def _queryArchive(self, service_s=None, form_xml=None, rsm_dict=None, node=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        service = jid.JID(service_s) if service_s else None
+        if form_xml:
+            form = data_form.Form.fromElement(parseXml(form_xml))
+            if form.formNamespace != NS_MAM:
+                log.error(_("Expected a MAM Data Form, got instead: %s") % form.formNamespace)
+                form = None
+        else:
+            form = None
+        rsm = RSMRequest(**rsm_dict) if rsm_dict else None
+        return self.queryArchive(service, form, rsm, node, profile_key)
+    def queryArchive(self, service=None, form=None, rsm=None, node=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Query a user, MUC or pubsub archive.
+        @param service: entity offering the MAM service (None for user archives)
+        @param form (Form): data form to filter the request
+        @param rsm (RSMRequest): RSM request instance
+        @param node (unicode): pubsub node to query, or None if inappropriate
+        @param profile_key (unicode): %(doc_profile_key)s
+        @return: a Deferred when the message has been sent
+        """
+        def eb(failure):
+            # typically StanzaError with condition u'service-unavailable'
+            log.error(failure.getErrorMessage())
+            return ''
+        profile =
+        d = self.clients[profile].queryArchive(service, form, rsm, node)
+        return d.addCallbacks(lambda elt: elt.toXml(), eb)
+        # TODO: add the handler for receiving the final message
+    def _getPrefs(self, service_s=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        service = jid.JID(service_s) if service_s else None
+        return self.getPrefs(service, profile_key)
+    def getPrefs(self, service=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Retrieve the current user preferences.
+        @param service: entity offering the MAM service (None for user archives)
+        @param profile_key (unicode): %(doc_profile_key)s
+        @return: the server response as a Deferred domish.Element
+        """
+        #
+        def eb(failure):
+            # typically StanzaError with condition u'service-unavailable'
+            log.error(failure.getErrorMessage())
+            return ''
+        profile =
+        d = self.clients[profile].queryPrefs(service)
+        return d.addCallbacks(lambda elt: elt.toXml(), eb)
+    def _setPrefs(self, service_s=None, default='roster', always=None, never=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        service = jid.JID(service_s) if service_s else None
+        always_jid = [jid.JID(entity) for entity in always]
+        never_jid = [jid.JID(entity) for entity in never]
+        #TODO: why not build here a MAMPrefs object instead of passing the args separately?
+        return self.setPrefs(service, default, always_jid, never_jid, profile_key)
+    def setPrefs(self, service=None, default='roster', always=None, never=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Set news user preferences.
+        @param service: entity offering the MAM service (None for user archives)
+        @param default (unicode): a value in ('always', 'never', 'roster')
+        @param always (list): a list of JID instances
+        @param never (list): a list of JID instances
+        @param profile_key (unicode): %(doc_profile_key)s
+        @return: the server response as a Deferred domish.Element
+        """
+        #
+        def eb(failure):
+            # typically StanzaError with condition u'service-unavailable'
+            log.error(failure.getErrorMessage())
+            return ''
+        profile =
+        d = self.clients[profile].setPrefs(service, default, always, never)
+        return d.addCallbacks(lambda elt: elt.toXml(), eb)
+    def messageReceivedTrigger(self, message, post_treat, profile):
+        """Check if the message is a MAM result. If so, extract the original
+        message, stop processing the current message and process the original
+        message instead.
+        """
+        try:
+            result = domish.generateElementsQNamed(message.elements(), "result", NS_MAM).next()
+        except StopIteration:
+            return True
+        try:
+            forwarded = domish.generateElementsQNamed(result.elements(), "forwarded", NS_SF).next()
+        except StopIteration:
+            log.error(_("MAM result misses its <forwarded/> mandatory element!"))
+            return False
+        try:
+            # TODO: delay is not here for nothing, get benefice of it!
+            delay = domish.generateElementsQNamed(forwarded.elements(), "delay", NS_DD).next()
+            msg = domish.generateElementsQNamed(forwarded.elements(), "message", NS_CLIENT).next()
+        except StopIteration:
+            log.error(_("<forwarded/> element misses a mandatory child!"))
+            return False
+        log.debug(_("MAM found a forwarded message"))
+        if msg.event and msg.event.uri == NS_PUBSUB_EVENT:
+            event = ItemsEvent(jid.JID(message['from']),
+                               jid.JID(message['to']),
+                               msg.event.items['node'],
+                               msg.event.items.elements(),
+                               {})
+  ["XEP-0060"].clients[profile].itemsReceived(event)
+            return False
+        client =
+        client.messageProt.onMessage(msg)
+        return False
+class SatMAMClient(mam.MAMClient):
+    implements(disco.IDisco)
+    def __init__(self, plugin_parent, profile):
+        self.plugin_parent = plugin_parent
+ =
+        self.profile = profile
+        mam.MAMClient.__init__(self)
+    def getDiscoInfo(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
+        return [disco.DiscoFeature(NS_MAM)]
+    def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
+        return []
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/plugins/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# SAT plugin for Delayed Delivery (XEP-0334)
+# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jérôme Poisson (
+# Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Adrien Cossa (
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+from sat.core.i18n import _
+from sat.core.log import getLogger
+log = getLogger(__name__)
+from sat.core import exceptions
+from wokkel import disco, iwokkel
+    from twisted.words.protocols.xmlstream import XMPPHandler
+except ImportError:
+    from wokkel.subprotocols import XMPPHandler
+from twisted.python import failure
+from zope.interface import implements
+NS_MPH = 'urn:xmpp:hints'
+    "name": "Message Processing Hints",
+    "import_name": "XEP-0334",
+    "type": "XEP",
+    "protocols": ["XEP-0334"],
+    "main": "XEP_0334",
+    "handler": "yes",
+    "description": _("""Implementation of Message Processing Hints""")
+class XEP_0334(object):
+    def __init__(self, host):
+"Message Processing Hints plugin initialization"))
+ = host
+        host.trigger.add("sendMessage", self.sendMessageTrigger)
+        host.trigger.add("MessageReceived", self.messageReceivedTrigger)
+    def getHandler(self, profile):
+        return XEP_0334_handler(self, profile)
+    def sendMessageTrigger(self, mess_data, pre_xml_treatments, post_xml_treatments, profile):
+        """Add the hints element to the message to be sent"""
+        hints = []
+        for key in ('no-permanent-storage', 'no-storage', 'no-copy'):
+            if mess_data['extra'].get(key, None):
+                hints.append(key)
+        def treatment(mess_data):
+            message = mess_data['xml']
+            for key in hints:
+                message.addElement((NS_MPH, key))
+                if key in ('no-permanent-storage', 'no-storage'):
+                    mess_data['extra']['no_storage'] = True
+                    # TODO: the core doesn't process this 'no_storage' info yet
+                    # it will be added after the frontends refactorization
+            return mess_data
+        if hints:
+            post_xml_treatments.addCallback(treatment)
+        return True
+    def messageReceivedTrigger(self, message, post_treat, profile):
+        """Check for hints in the received message"""
+        hints = []
+        for key in ('no-permanent-storage', 'no-storage'):
+            try:
+                message.elements(uri=NS_MPH, name=key).next()
+                hints.append(key)
+            except StopIteration:
+                pass
+        def post_treat_hints(data):
+            raise failure.Failure(exceptions.SkipHistory())
+        if hints:
+            post_treat.addCallback(post_treat_hints)
+        return True
+class XEP_0334_handler(XMPPHandler):
+    implements(iwokkel.IDisco)
+    def __init__(self, plugin_parent, profile):
+        self.plugin_parent = plugin_parent
+ =
+        self.profile = profile
+    def getDiscoInfo(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
+        return [disco.DiscoFeature(NS_MPH)]
+    def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
+        return []
--- a/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:39:22 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 class Const(object):
     PROFILE = ['test_profile', 'test_profile2', 'test_profile3', 'test_profile4', 'test_profile5']
     JID_STR = [u"àT", u"", u"", u"", u""]
     JID = [jid.JID(jid_s) for jid_s in JID_STR]
--- a/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:39:22 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -23,14 +23,16 @@
 from sat.core import exceptions
-from constants import Const
+from constants import Const as C
 from wokkel.xmppim import RosterItem
+from wokkel.generic import parseXml
 from sat.core.xmpp import SatRosterProtocol
 from sat.memory.memory import Params, Memory
 from twisted.trial.unittest import FailTest
 from twisted.trial import unittest
 from twisted.internet import defer
 from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid import JID
+from twisted.words.xish import domish
 from xml.etree import cElementTree as etree
 from collections import Counter
 import re
@@ -64,12 +66,15 @@
         self.bridge = FakeBridge()
         self.memory = FakeMemory(self)
         self.trigger = FakeTriggerManager()
-        self.init()
+        self.profiles = {}
+        self.reinit()
-    def init(self):
+    def reinit(self):
         """This can be called by tests that check for sent and stored messages,
         uses FakeClient or get/set some other data that need to be cleaned"""
-        self.sent_messages = []
+        for profile in self.profiles:
+            self.profiles[profile].reinit()
+        self.memory.reinit()
         self.stored_messages = []
         self.plugins = {}
         self.profiles = {}
@@ -90,7 +95,7 @@
         @param mess_data: message data dictionnary
         @param client: profile's client
-        self.sent_messages.append(mess_data["to"])
+        client.xmlstream.send(mess_data['xml'])
         return mess_data
     def _storeMessage(self, mess_data, client):
@@ -110,6 +115,10 @@
         return mess_data  # TODO
+    def getProfileName(self, profile_key):
+        """Get the profile name from the profile_key"""
+        return profile_key
     def getClient(self, profile_key):
         """Convenient method to get client from profile key
         @return: client or None if it doesn't exist"""
@@ -123,18 +132,23 @@
     def getJidNStream(self, profile_key):
         """Convenient method to get jid and stream from profile key
         @return: tuple (jid, xmlstream) from profile, can be None"""
-        return (Const.PROFILE_DICT[profile_key], None)
+        return (C.PROFILE_DICT[profile_key], None)
     def isConnected(self, profile):
         return True
-    def getSentMessageRaw(self, profile_index):
-        """Pop and return the sent message in first position (works like a FIFO).
-        Called by tests. FakeClient instances associated to each profile must have
-        been previously initialized with the method FakeSAT.getClient.
-        @return: the sent message for given profile, or None"""
+    def getSentMessages(self, profile_index):
+        """Return all the sent messages (in the order they have been sent) and
+        empty the list. Called by tests. FakeClient instances associated to each
+        profile must have been previously initialized with the method
+        FakeSAT.getClient.
+        @param profile_index: index of the profile to consider (cf. C.PROFILE)
+        @return: the sent messages for given profile, or None"""
-            return self.profiles[Const.PROFILE[profile_index]].xmlstream.sent.pop(0)
+            tmp = self.profiles[C.PROFILE[profile_index]].xmlstream.sent
+            self.profiles[C.PROFILE[profile_index]].xmlstream.sent = []
+            return tmp
         except IndexError:
             return None
@@ -142,8 +156,20 @@
         """Pop and return the sent message in first position (works like a FIFO).
         Called by tests. FakeClient instances associated to each profile must have
         been previously initialized with the method FakeSAT.getClient.
+        @param profile_index: index of the profile to consider (cf. C.PROFILE)
+        @return: the sent message for given profile, or None"""
+        try:
+            return self.profiles[C.PROFILE[profile_index]].xmlstream.sent.pop(0)
+        except IndexError:
+            return None
+    def getSentMessageXml(self, profile_index):
+        """Pop and return the sent message in first position (works like a FIFO).
+        Called by tests. FakeClient instances associated to each profile must have
+        been previously initialized with the method FakeSAT.getClient.
         @return: XML representation of the sent message for given profile, or None"""
-        entry = self.getSentMessageRaw(profile_index)
+        entry = self.getSentMessage(profile_index)
         return entry.toXml() if entry else None
     def findFeaturesSet(self, features, category=None, type_=None, jid_=None, profile_key=None):
@@ -238,7 +264,7 @@
     def getProfileName(self, profile_key, return_profile_keys=False):
         if profile_key == '@DEFAULT@':
-            return Const.PROFILE[0]
+            return C.PROFILE[0]
         elif profile_key == '@NONE@':
             raise exceptions.ProfileNotSetError
@@ -258,9 +284,9 @@ = host
         self.params = FakeParams(host, None)
         self.config = self.parseMainConf()
-        self.init()
+        self.reinit()
-    def init(self):
+    def reinit(self):
         """Tests that manipulate params, entities, features should
         re-initialise the memory first to not fake the result."""
@@ -335,21 +361,39 @@
         self.sent = []
     def send(self, obj):
-        """Save the sent messages to compare them later"""
+        """Save the sent messages to compare them later.
+        @param obj (domish.Element, str or unicode): message to send
+        """
+        if not isinstance(obj, domish.Element):
+            assert(isinstance(obj, str) or isinstance(obj, unicode))
+            obj = parseXml(obj)
+        if == 'iq':
+            # IQ request expects an answer, return the request itself so
+            # you can check if it has been well built by your plugin.
+            self.iqDeferreds[obj['id']].callback(obj)
         return defer.succeed(None)
+    def addObserver(self, *argv):
+        pass
 class FakeClient(object):
     """Tests involving more than one profile need one instance of this class per profile"""
     def __init__(self, host, profile=None): = host
-        self.profile = profile if profile else Const.PROFILE[0]
-        self.jid = Const.PROFILE_DICT[self.profile]
+        self.profile = profile if profile else C.PROFILE[0]
+        self.jid = C.PROFILE_DICT[self.profile]
         self.roster = FakeRosterProtocol(host, self)
         self.xmlstream = FakeXmlStream()
+    def reinit(self):
+        self.xmlstream = FakeXmlStream()
     def send(self, obj):
         return self.xmlstream.send(obj)
--- a/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:39:22 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -20,10 +20,18 @@
 """ Helpers class for plugin dependencies """
-from constants import Const
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from wokkel.muc import Room, User
+from wokkel.generic import parseXml
+from wokkel.disco import DiscoItem, DiscoItems
+# temporary until the changes are integrated to Wokkel
+from sat.tmp.wokkel.rsm import RSMResponse
+from constants import Const as C
 from sat.plugins import plugin_xep_0045
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from wokkel.muc import Room, User
+from collections import OrderedDict
 class FakeMUCClient(object):
@@ -42,13 +50,13 @@
         roster = {}
         # ask the other profiles to fill our roster
-        for i in xrange(0, len(Const.PROFILE)):
-            other_profile = Const.PROFILE[i]
+        for i in xrange(0, len(C.PROFILE)):
+            other_profile = C.PROFILE[i]
             if other_profile == profile:
                 other_room = self.plugin_parent.clients[other_profile].joined_rooms[roomJID.userhost()]
-                roster.setdefault(other_room.nick, User(other_room.nick, Const.PROFILE_DICT[other_profile]))
+                roster.setdefault(other_room.nick, User(other_room.nick, C.PROFILE_DICT[other_profile]))
                 for other_nick in other_room.roster:
                     roster.setdefault(other_nick, other_room.roster[other_nick])
             except (AttributeError, KeyError):
@@ -56,7 +64,7 @@
         # rename our nick if it already exists
         while nick in roster.keys():
-            if Const.PROFILE_DICT[profile].userhost() == roster[nick].entity.userhost():
+            if C.PROFILE_DICT[profile].userhost() == roster[nick].entity.userhost():
                 break  # same user with different resource --> same nickname
             nick = nick + "_"
@@ -65,13 +73,13 @@
         self.joined_rooms[roomJID.userhost()] = room
         # fill the other rosters with the new entry
-        for i in xrange(0, len(Const.PROFILE)):
-            other_profile = Const.PROFILE[i]
+        for i in xrange(0, len(C.PROFILE)):
+            other_profile = C.PROFILE[i]
             if other_profile == profile:
                 other_room = self.plugin_parent.clients[other_profile].joined_rooms[roomJID.userhost()]
-                other_room.roster.setdefault(room.nick, User(room.nick, Const.PROFILE_DICT[profile]))
+                other_room.roster.setdefault(room.nick, User(room.nick, C.PROFILE_DICT[profile]))
             except (AttributeError, KeyError):
@@ -85,8 +93,8 @@
         room = self.joined_rooms[roomJID.userhost()]
         # remove ourself from the other rosters
-        for i in xrange(0, len(Const.PROFILE)):
-            other_profile = Const.PROFILE[i]
+        for i in xrange(0, len(C.PROFILE)):
+            other_profile = C.PROFILE[i]
             if other_profile == profile:
@@ -103,7 +111,7 @@
     def __init__(self, host): = host
         self.clients = {}
-        for profile in Const.PROFILE:
+        for profile in C.PROFILE:
             self.clients[profile] = FakeMUCClient(self)
     def join(self, room_jid, nick, options={}, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
@@ -124,9 +132,9 @@
     def joinRoom(self, muc_index, user_index):
         """Called by tests
         @return: the nickname of the user who joined room"""
-        muc_jid = Const.MUC[muc_index]
-        nick = Const.JID[user_index].user
-        profile = Const.PROFILE[user_index]
+        muc_jid = C.MUC[muc_index]
+        nick = C.JID[user_index].user
+        profile = C.PROFILE[user_index]
         self.join(muc_jid, nick, profile_key=profile)
         return self.getNick(muc_index, user_index)
@@ -145,17 +153,17 @@
     def leaveRoom(self, muc_index, user_index):
         """Called by tests
         @return: the nickname of the user who left the room"""
-        muc_jid = Const.MUC[muc_index]
+        muc_jid = C.MUC[muc_index]
         nick = self.getNick(muc_index, user_index)
-        profile = Const.PROFILE[user_index]
+        profile = C.PROFILE[user_index]
         self.leave(muc_jid, profile_key=profile)
         return nick
     def getRoom(self, muc_index, user_index):
         """Called by tests
         @return: a wokkel.muc.Room instance"""
-        profile = Const.PROFILE[user_index]
-        muc_s = Const.MUC_STR[muc_index]
+        profile = C.PROFILE[user_index]
+        muc_s = C.MUC_STR[muc_index]
             return self.clients[profile].joined_rooms[muc_s]
         except (AttributeError, KeyError):
@@ -163,14 +171,14 @@
     def getNick(self, muc_index, user_index):
-            return self.getRoomNick(Const.MUC_STR[muc_index], Const.PROFILE[user_index])
+            return self.getRoomNick(C.MUC_STR[muc_index], C.PROFILE[user_index])
         except (KeyError, AttributeError):
             return ''
     def getNickOfUser(self, muc_index, user_index, profile_index, secure=True):
-            room = self.clients[Const.PROFILE[profile_index]].joined_rooms[Const.MUC_STR[muc_index]]
-            return self.getRoomNickOfUser(room, Const.JID_STR[user_index])
+            room = self.clients[C.PROFILE[profile_index]].joined_rooms[C.MUC_STR[muc_index]]
+            return self.getRoomNickOfUser(room, C.JID_STR[user_index])
         except (KeyError, AttributeError):
             return None
@@ -190,3 +198,84 @@
         @profile_key: %(doc_profile_key)s
+class FakeSatPubSubClient(object):
+    def __init__(self, host, parent_plugin):
+ = host
+        self.parent_plugin = parent_plugin
+        self.__items = OrderedDict()
+        self.__rsm_responses = {}
+    def createNode(self, service, nodeIdentifier=None, options=None,
+                   sender=None):
+        return defer.succeed(None)
+    def deleteNode(self, service, nodeIdentifier, sender=None):
+        try:
+            del self.__items[nodeIdentifier]
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        return defer.succeed(None)
+    def subscribe(self, service, nodeIdentifier, subscriber,
+                  options=None, sender=None):
+        return defer.succeed(None)
+    def unsubscribe(self, service, nodeIdentifier, subscriber,
+                    subscriptionIdentifier=None, sender=None):
+        return defer.succeed(None)
+    def publish(self, service, nodeIdentifier, items=None, sender=None):
+        node = self.__items.setdefault(nodeIdentifier, [])
+        def replace(item_obj):
+            index = 0
+            for current in node:
+                if current['id'] == item_obj['id']:
+                    node[index] = item_obj
+                    return True
+                index += 1
+            return False
+        for item in items:
+            item_obj = parseXml(item) if isinstance(item, unicode) else item
+            if not replace(item_obj):
+                node.append(item_obj)
+        return defer.succeed(None)
+    def items(self, service, nodeIdentifier, maxItems=None, itemIdentifiers=None,
+              subscriptionIdentifier=None, sender=None, ext_data=None):
+        try:
+            items = self.__items[nodeIdentifier]
+        except KeyError:
+            items = []
+        if ext_data:
+            assert('id' in ext_data)
+            if 'rsm' in ext_data:
+                args = (0, items[0]['id'], items[-1]['id']) if items else ()
+                self.__rsm_responses[ext_data['id']] = RSMResponse(len(items), *args)
+        return defer.succeed(items)
+    def retractItems(self, service, nodeIdentifier, itemIdentifiers, sender=None):
+        node = self.__items[nodeIdentifier]
+        for item in [item for item in node if item['id'] in itemIdentifiers]:
+            node.remove(item)
+        return defer.succeed(None)
+    def getRSMResponse(self, id):
+        if id not in self.__rsm_responses:
+            return {}
+        result = self.__rsm_responses[id].toDict()
+        del self.__rsm_responses[id]
+        return result
+    def subscriptions(self, service, nodeIdentifier, sender=None):
+        return defer.succeed([])
+    def service_getDiscoItems(self, service, nodeIdentifier, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        items = DiscoItems()
+        for item in self.__items.keys():
+            items.append(DiscoItem(service, item))
+        return defer.succeed(items)
--- a/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:39:22 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
         return, app, profile_key)
     def test_updateParams(self):
         # check if the update works
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
         # check successive updates (without intersection)'1'))
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
         previous =  # save for later
         # check successive updates (with intersection)'1'))
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
         # successive updates with or without intersection should have the same result
         # one update with two params in a new category'12'))
@@ -177,21 +177,21 @@
     def test_getParams(self):
         # tests with no security level on the parameter (most secure)
         params = self._getParamXML()
         # tests with security level 0 on the parameter (not secure)
         params = self._getParamXML(security_level=0)
         # tests with security level 1 on the parameter (more secure)
         params = self._getParamXML(security_level=1)
@@ -213,66 +213,66 @@
         # tests with no security level on the parameter (most secure)
         params = self._getParamXML()
         register(params, Const.NO_SECURITY_LIMIT, Const.APP_NAME)
         register(params, 0, Const.APP_NAME)
         register(params, 1, Const.APP_NAME)
         # tests with security level 0 on the parameter (not secure)
         params = self._getParamXML(security_level=0)
         register(params, Const.NO_SECURITY_LIMIT, Const.APP_NAME)
         register(params, 0, Const.APP_NAME)
         register(params, 1, Const.APP_NAME)
         # tests with security level 1 on the parameter (more secure)
         params = self._getParamXML(security_level=1)
         register(params, Const.NO_SECURITY_LIMIT, Const.APP_NAME)
         register(params, 0, Const.APP_NAME)
         register(params, 1, Const.APP_NAME)
         # tests with security level 1 and several parameters being registered
         params = self._getParamXML("12", security_level=1)
         register(params, Const.NO_SECURITY_LIMIT, Const.APP_NAME)
         register(params, 0, Const.APP_NAME)
         register(params, 1, Const.APP_NAME)
         # tests with several parameters being registered in an existing category
         register(self._getParamXML("12"), Const.NO_SECURITY_LIMIT, Const.APP_NAME)
     def test_paramsRegisterApp_getParams(self):
         # test retrieving the parameter for a specific frontend
         params = self._getParamXML(security_level=1), 1, Const.APP_NAME)
         self._getParams(1, '').addCallback(self.assertParamExists_async)
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
         self._getParams(1, 'another_dummy_frontend').addCallback(self.assertParamNotExists_async)
         # the same with several parameters registered at the same time
         params = self._getParamXML('12', security_level=0), 5, Const.APP_NAME)
         self._getParams(5, '').addCallback(self.assertParamExists_async)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# SAT: a jabber client
+# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jérôme Poisson (
+# Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Adrien Cossa (
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+""" Plugin groupblogs """
+from constants import Const as C
+from sat.test import helpers, helpers_plugins
+from sat.plugins import plugin_misc_groupblog
+from sat.plugins import plugin_xep_0060
+from sat.plugins import plugin_xep_0277
+from sat.plugins import plugin_xep_0163
+from sat.plugins import plugin_misc_text_syntaxes
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
+SERVICE = u''
+NODE_ID = u'urn:xmpp:groupblog:{publisher}'.format(publisher=PUBLISHER)
+OTHER_NODE_ID = u'urn:xmpp:groupblog:{publisher}'.format(publisher=OTHER_PUBLISHER)
+ITEM_ID_1 = u'c745a688-9b02-11e3-a1a3-c0143dd4fe51'
+COMMENT_ID_1 = u'd745a688-9b02-11e3-a1a3-c0143dd4fe52'
+COMMENT_ID_2 = u'e745a688-9b02-11e3-a1a3-c0143dd4fe53'
+    return u'urn:xmpp:comments:_{id}__urn:xmpp:groupblog:{publisher}'.format(id=ITEM_ID_1, publisher=publisher)
+    return u'xmpp:{service}?node={node}'.format(service=SERVICE, id=ITEM_ID_1,
+                                                node=COMMENTS_NODE_ID(publisher).replace(':', '%3A').replace('@', '%40'))
+def ITEM(publisher=PUBLISHER):
+    return u"""
+          <item id='{id}' xmlns='{ns}'>
+            <entry>
+              <title type='text'>The Uses of This World</title>
+              <id>{id}</id>
+              <updated>2003-12-12T17:47:23Z</updated>
+              <published>2003-12-12T17:47:23Z</published>
+              <link href='{comments_node_url}' rel='replies' title='comments'/>
+              <author>
+                <name>{publisher}</name>
+              </author>
+            </entry>
+          </item>
+        """.format(ns=NS_PUBSUB, id=ITEM_ID_1, publisher=publisher, comments_node_url=COMMENTS_NODE_URL(publisher))
+    return u"""
+          <item id='{id}' xmlns='{ns}'>
+            <entry>
+              <title type='text'>The Uses of This World</title>
+              <id>{id}</id>
+              <updated>2003-12-12T17:47:23Z</updated>
+              <published>2003-12-12T17:47:23Z</published>
+              <author>
+                <name>{publisher}</name>
+              </author>
+            </entry>
+          </item>
+        """.format(ns=NS_PUBSUB, id=id_, publisher=PUBLISHER)
+def ITEM_DATA(id_=ITEM_ID_1, count=0):
+    res = {'id': ITEM_ID_1,
+           'type': 'main_item',
+           'content': 'The Uses of This World',
+           'author': PUBLISHER,
+           'updated': '1071251243.0',
+           'published': '1071251243.0',
+           'service': SERVICE,
+           'comments': COMMENTS_NODE_URL_1,
+           'comments_service': SERVICE,
+           'comments_node': COMMENTS_NODE_ID_1}
+    if count != DO_NOT_COUNT_COMMENTS:
+        res.update({'comments_count': unicode(count)})
+    return res
+    return {'id': id_,
+            'type': 'comment',
+            'content': 'The Uses of This World',
+            'author': PUBLISHER,
+            'updated': '1071251243.0',
+            'published': '1071251243.0',
+            'service': SERVICE,
+            'node': COMMENTS_NODE_ID_1,
+            'verified_publisher': 'false'}
+ITEM_1 = ITEM()
+def ITEM_DATA_1(count=0):
+    return ITEM_DATA(count=count)
+class XEP_groupblogTest(helpers.SatTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+ = helpers.FakeSAT()
+        self.plugin = plugin_misc_groupblog.GroupBlog(
+        self.plugin._initialise = self._initialise
+['XEP-0060'] = plugin_xep_0060.XEP_0060(
+['XEP-0163'] = plugin_xep_0163.XEP_0163(
+['TEXT-SYNTAXES'] = plugin_misc_text_syntaxes.TextSyntaxes(
+['XEP-0277'] = plugin_xep_0277.XEP_0277(
+        self.__initialised = False
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+    def _initialise(self, profile_key):
+        profile = profile_key
+        client =
+        if not self.__initialised:
+            client.item_access_pubsub = jid.JID(SERVICE)
+            xep_0060 =['XEP-0060']
+            xep_0060.clients[profile] = helpers_plugins.FakeSatPubSubClient(, xep_0060)
+            xep_0060.clients[profile].parent = client
+            self.psclient = xep_0060.clients[profile]
+            helpers.FakeSAT.getDiscoItems = self.psclient.service_getDiscoItems
+            self.__initialised = True
+        return defer.succeed((profile, client))
+    def _addItem(self, profile, item, parent_node=None):
+['XEP-0060'].clients[profile]._addItem(item, parent_node)
+    def test_sendGroupBlog(self):
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.psclient.items(SERVICE, NODE_ID)
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 0))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.plugin.sendGroupBlog('PUBLIC', [], 'test', {}, C.PROFILE[0]))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, NODE_ID))
+        return d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 1))
+    def test_deleteGroupBlog(self):
+        pub_data = (SERVICE, NODE_ID, ITEM_ID_1)
+'personalEvent', C.JID_STR[0],
+                                    "MICROBLOG_DELETE",
+                                    {'type': 'main_item', 'id': ITEM_ID_1},
+                                    C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, NODE_ID, [ITEM_1])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.plugin.deleteGroupBlog(pub_data, COMMENTS_NODE_URL_1, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0]))
+        return d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, None)
+    def test_updateGroupBlog(self):
+        pub_data = (SERVICE, NODE_ID, ITEM_ID_1)
+        new_text = u"silfu23RFWUP)IWNOEIOEFÖ"
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, NODE_ID, [ITEM_1])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.plugin.updateGroupBlog(pub_data, COMMENTS_NODE_URL_1, new_text, {}, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0]))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, NODE_ID))
+        return d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(''.join(items[0].entry.title.children), new_text))
+    def test_sendGroupBlogComment(self):
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.psclient.items(SERVICE, NODE_ID)
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 0))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.plugin.sendGroupBlogComment(COMMENTS_NODE_URL_1, 'test', {}, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0]))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_1))
+        return d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 1))
+    def test_getGroupBlogs(self):
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, NODE_ID, [ITEM_1])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.plugin.getGroupBlogs(PUBLISHER, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0]))
+        result = ([ITEM_DATA_1()], {'count': '1', 'index': '0', 'first': ITEM_ID_1, 'last': ITEM_ID_1})
+        return d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, result)
+    def test_getGroupBlogsNoCount(self):
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, NODE_ID, [ITEM_1])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.plugin.getGroupBlogs(PUBLISHER, count_comments=False, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0]))
+        result = ([ITEM_DATA_1(DO_NOT_COUNT_COMMENTS)], {'count': '1', 'index': '0', 'first': ITEM_ID_1, 'last': ITEM_ID_1})
+        return d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, result)
+    def test_getGroupBlogsWithIDs(self):
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, NODE_ID, [ITEM_1])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.plugin.getGroupBlogs(PUBLISHER, [ITEM_ID_1], profile_key=C.PROFILE[0]))
+        result = ([ITEM_DATA_1()], {'count': '1', 'index': '0', 'first': ITEM_ID_1, 'last': ITEM_ID_1})
+        return d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, result)
+    def test_getGroupBlogsWithRSM(self):
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, NODE_ID, [ITEM_1])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.plugin.getGroupBlogs(PUBLISHER, rsm={'max': 1}, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0]))
+        result = ([ITEM_DATA_1()], {'count': '1', 'index': '0', 'first': ITEM_ID_1, 'last': ITEM_ID_1})
+        return d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, result)
+    def test_getGroupBlogsWithComments(self):
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, NODE_ID, [ITEM_1])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_1, [COMMENT_1]))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.plugin.getGroupBlogsWithComments(PUBLISHER, [], profile_key=C.PROFILE[0]))
+        result = ([(ITEM_DATA_1(1), ([COMMENT_DATA_1],
+                                     {'count': '1', 'index': '0', 'first': COMMENT_ID_1, 'last': COMMENT_ID_1}))],
+                  {'count': '1', 'index': '0', 'first': ITEM_ID_1, 'last': ITEM_ID_1})
+        return d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, result)
+    def test_getGroupBlogsWithComments2(self):
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, NODE_ID, [ITEM_1])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_1, [COMMENT_1, COMMENT_2]))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.plugin.getGroupBlogsWithComments(PUBLISHER, [], profile_key=C.PROFILE[0]))
+        result = ([(ITEM_DATA_1(2), ([COMMENT_DATA_1, COMMENT_DATA_2],
+                                     {'count': '2', 'index': '0', 'first': COMMENT_ID_1, 'last': COMMENT_ID_2}))],
+                  {'count': '1', 'index': '0', 'first': ITEM_ID_1, 'last': ITEM_ID_1})
+        return d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, result)
+    def test_getGroupBlogsAtom(self):
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, NODE_ID, [ITEM_1])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.plugin.getGroupBlogsAtom(PUBLISHER, {'max': 1}, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0]))
+        def cb(atom):
+            self.assertIsInstance(atom, unicode)
+            self.assertTrue(atom.startswith('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'))
+        return d.addCallback(cb)
+    def test_getMassiveGroupBlogs(self):
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, NODE_ID, [ITEM_1])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.plugin.getMassiveGroupBlogs('JID', [jid.JID(PUBLISHER)], {'max': 1}, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0]))
+        result = {PUBLISHER: ([ITEM_DATA_1()], {'count': '1', 'index': '0', 'first': ITEM_ID_1, 'last': ITEM_ID_1})}
+        def clean(res):
+            del['XEP-0060'].node_cache[C.PROFILE[0] + '@found@' + SERVICE]
+            return res
+        d.addCallback(clean)
+        d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, result)
+    def test_getMassiveGroupBlogsWithComments(self):
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, NODE_ID, [ITEM_1])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_1, [COMMENT_1, COMMENT_2]))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.plugin.getMassiveGroupBlogs('JID', [jid.JID(PUBLISHER)], {'max': 1}, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0]))
+        result = {PUBLISHER: ([ITEM_DATA_1(2)], {'count': '1', 'index': '0', 'first': ITEM_ID_1, 'last': ITEM_ID_1})}
+        def clean(res):
+            del['XEP-0060'].node_cache[C.PROFILE[0] + '@found@' + SERVICE]
+            return res
+        d.addCallback(clean)
+        d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, result)
+    def test_getGroupBlogComments(self):
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, NODE_ID, [ITEM_1])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_1, [COMMENT_1]))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.plugin.getGroupBlogComments(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_1, {'max': 1}, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0]))
+        result = ([COMMENT_DATA_1], {'count': '1', 'index': '0', 'first': COMMENT_ID_1, 'last': COMMENT_ID_1})
+        return d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, result)
+    def test_subscribeGroupBlog(self):
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.plugin.subscribeGroupBlog(PUBLISHER, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0])
+        return d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, None)
+    def test_massiveSubscribeGroupBlogs(self):
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.plugin.massiveSubscribeGroupBlogs('JID', [jid.JID(PUBLISHER)], profile_key=C.PROFILE[0])
+        def clean(res):
+            del['XEP-0060'].node_cache[C.PROFILE[0] + '@found@' + SERVICE]
+            del['XEP-0060'].node_cache[C.PROFILE[0] + '@subscriptions@' + SERVICE]
+            return res
+        d.addCallback(clean)
+        return d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, None)
+    def test_deleteAllGroupBlogs(self):
+        """Delete our main node and associated comments node"""
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, NODE_ID, [ITEM_1])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_1, [COMMENT_1, COMMENT_2]))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, NODE_ID))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 1))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_1))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 2))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, OTHER_NODE_ID, [ITEM_2]))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_2, [COMMENT_1, COMMENT_2]))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, OTHER_NODE_ID))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 1))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_2))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 2))
+        def clean(res):
+            del['XEP-0060'].node_cache[C.PROFILE[0] + '@found@' + SERVICE]
+            return res
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.plugin.deleteAllGroupBlogs(C.PROFILE[0]))
+        d.addCallback(clean)
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, NODE_ID))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 0))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_1))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 0))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, OTHER_NODE_ID))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 1))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_2))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 2))
+        return d
+    def test_deleteAllGroupBlogsComments(self):
+        """Delete the comments we posted on other node's"""
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, NODE_ID, [ITEM_1])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_1, [COMMENT_1, COMMENT_2]))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, NODE_ID))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 1))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_1))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 2))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, OTHER_NODE_ID, [ITEM_2]))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_2, [COMMENT_1, COMMENT_2]))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, OTHER_NODE_ID))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 1))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_2))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 2))
+        def clean(res):
+            del['XEP-0060'].node_cache[C.PROFILE[0] + '@found@' + SERVICE]
+            return res
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.plugin.deleteAllGroupBlogsComments(C.PROFILE[0]))
+        d.addCallback(clean)
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, NODE_ID))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 1))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_1))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 2))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, OTHER_NODE_ID))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 1))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_2))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 0))
+        return d
+    def test_deleteAllGroupBlogsAndComments(self):
+        self._initialise(C.PROFILE[0])
+        d = self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, NODE_ID, [ITEM_1])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_1, [COMMENT_1, COMMENT_2]))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, NODE_ID))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 1))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_1))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 2))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, OTHER_NODE_ID, [ITEM_2]))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.publish(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_2, [COMMENT_1, COMMENT_2]))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, OTHER_NODE_ID))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 1))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_2))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 2))
+        def clean(res):
+            del['XEP-0060'].node_cache[C.PROFILE[0] + '@found@' + SERVICE]
+            return res
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.plugin.deleteAllGroupBlogsAndComments(C.PROFILE[0]))
+        d.addCallback(clean)
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, NODE_ID))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 0))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_1))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 0))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, OTHER_NODE_ID))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 1))
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.psclient.items(SERVICE, COMMENTS_NODE_ID_2))
+        d.addCallback(lambda items: self.assertEqual(len(items), 0))
+        return d
--- a/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:39:22 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
     def setUp(self): = helpers.FakeSAT()
-    def init(self):
+    def reinit(self):
+['ROOM-GAME'] = plugin_room_game.RoomGame(
         self.plugin = plugin.Radiocol(  # must be init after ROOM-GAME
         self.plugin.testing = True
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
         """Check if the message "song_rejected" has been sent by the referee
         and process the command with the profile of the uploader
         @param profile_index: uploader's profile"""
-        sent =
+        sent =
         content = "<song_rejected xmlns='' reason='Too many songs in queue'/>"
         self.assertEqualXML(sent.toXml(), self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S + '/' + self.plugin_0045.getNick(0, profile_index), 'normal', content))
         self._roomGameCmd(sent, ['radiocolSongRejected', ROOM_JID_S, 'Too many songs in queue'])
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
     def _noUploadCb(self):
         """Check if the message "no_upload" has been sent by the referee
         and process the command with the profiles of each room users"""
-        sent =
+        sent =
         content = "<no_upload xmlns=''/>"
         self.assertEqualXML(sent.toXml(), self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, 'groupchat', content))
         self._roomGameCmd(sent, ['radiocolNoUpload', ROOM_JID_S])
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
     def _uploadOkCb(self):
         """Check if the message "upload_ok" has been sent by the referee
         and process the command with the profiles of each room users"""
-        sent =
+        sent =
         content = "<upload_ok xmlns=''/>"
         self.assertEqualXML(sent.toXml(), self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, 'groupchat', content))
         self._roomGameCmd(sent, ['radiocolUploadOk', ROOM_JID_S])
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
         @param attrs: information dict about the song
         @param profile_index: profile index of the uploader
-        sent =
+        sent =
         attrs['sender'] = self.plugin_0045.getNick(0, profile_index)
         radiocol_elt = domish.generateElementsNamed(sent.elements(), 'radiocol').next()
         preload_elt = domish.generateElementsNamed(radiocol_elt.elements(), 'preload').next()
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
     def _playNextSongCb(self):
         """Check if the message "play" has been sent by the referee
         and process the command with the profiles of each room users"""
-        sent =
+        sent =
         filename = self.playlist.pop(0)
         content = "<play xmlns='' filename='%s' />" % filename
         self.assertEqualXML(sent.toXml(), self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, 'groupchat', content))
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(game_data['to_delete'][attrs['filename']], filepath)
         content = "<song_added xmlns='' %s/>" % " ".join(["%s='%s'" % (attr, attrs[attr]) for attr in attrs])
-        sent =
+        sent =
         self.assertEqualXML(sent.toXml(), self._expectedMessage(REFEREE_FULL, 'normal', content))
         reject_song = len(game_data['queue']) >= plugin.QUEUE_LIMIT
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
         for nick in sync_data:
             expected = self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S + '/' + nick, 'normal', sync_data[nick])
-            sent =
+            sent =
             self.assertEqualXML(sent.toXml(), expected)
             for elt in sync_data[nick]:
                 if == 'preload':
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
         # Check that the message "players" has been sent by the referee
         expected = self._expectedMessage(to_jid, type_, self._buildPlayers(nicks))
-        sent =
+        sent =
         self.assertEqualXML(sent.toXml(), expected)
         # Process the command with the profiles of each room users
@@ -332,14 +332,14 @@
             d.addCallbacks(eb, eb)
     def test_init(self):
-        self.init()
+        self.reinit()
         self.assertEqual(self.plugin.invite_mode, self.plugin.FROM_PLAYERS)
         self.assertEqual(self.plugin.wait_mode, self.plugin.FOR_NONE)
         self.assertEqual(self.plugin.join_mode, self.plugin.INVITED)
         self.assertEqual(self.plugin.ready_mode, self.plugin.FORCE)
     def test_game(self):
-        self.init()
+        self.reinit()
         # create game
         self.plugin.prepareRoom(OTHER_PLAYERS, ROOM_JID_S, PROFILE)
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@
         room = self.plugin_0045.getRoom(0, 0)
         nicks = [self.plugin_0045.getNick(0, 0)]
-        sent =
+        sent =
         self.assertEqualXML(sent.toXml(), self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, 'groupchat', self._buildPlayers(nicks)))
         self._roomGameCmd(sent, ['radiocolStarted', ROOM_JID_S, REFEREE_FULL, nicks, [plugin.QUEUE_TO_START, plugin.QUEUE_LIMIT]])
--- a/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:39:22 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
     def setUp(self): = helpers.FakeSAT()
-    def init(self, game_init={}, player_init={}):
+    def reinit(self, game_init={}, player_init={}):
         self.plugin = plugin.RoomGame(
         self.plugin._init_(, PLUGIN_INFO, (NAMESERVICE, TAG), game_init, player_init)
         self.plugin_0045 =['XEP-0045'] = helpers_plugins.FakeXEP_0045(
@@ -83,20 +83,20 @@
         return "<message to='%s' type='%s'><%s xmlns='%s'>%s</dummy></message>" % (to, type_, TAG, NAMESERVICE, content)
     def test_createOrInvite_solo(self):
-        self.init()
+        self.reinit()
         self.plugin_0045.joinRoom(0, 0)
         self.plugin._createOrInvite(self.plugin_0045.getRoom(0, 0), [], Const.PROFILE[0])
         self.assertTrue(self.plugin._gameExists(ROOM_JID_S, True))
     def test_createOrInvite_multi_not_waiting(self):
-        self.init()
+        self.reinit()
         self.plugin_0045.joinRoom(0, 0)
         other_players = [Const.JID_STR[1], Const.JID_STR[2]]
         self.plugin._createOrInvite(self.plugin_0045.getRoom(0, 0), other_players, Const.PROFILE[0])
         self.assertTrue(self.plugin._gameExists(ROOM_JID_S, True))
     def test_createOrInvite_multi_waiting(self):
-        self.init(player_init={'score': 0})
+        self.reinit(player_init={'score': 0})
         self.plugin_0045.joinRoom(0, 0)
         other_players = [Const.JID_STR[1], Const.JID_STR[2]]
         self.plugin._createOrInvite(self.plugin_0045.getRoom(0, 0), other_players, Const.PROFILE[0])
@@ -104,13 +104,13 @@
         self.assertFalse(self.plugin._gameExists(ROOM_JID_S, True))
     def test_initGame(self):
-        self.init()
+        self.reinit()
         self.initGame(0, 0)
         self.assertTrue(self.plugin.isReferee(ROOM_JID_S, Const.JID[0].user))
     def test_checkJoinAuth(self):
-        self.init()
+        self.reinit()
         check = lambda value: getattr(self, "assert%s" % value)(self.plugin._checkJoinAuth(ROOM_JID_S, Const.JID_STR[0], Const.JID[0].user))
         # to test the "invited" mode, the referee must be different than the user to test
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
     def test_updatePlayers(self):
-        self.init()
+        self.reinit()
         self.initGame(0, 0)
         self.assertEqual([ROOM_JID_S]['players'], [])
         self.plugin._updatePlayers(ROOM_JID_S, [], True, Const.PROFILE[0])
@@ -140,27 +140,27 @@
         self.assertEqual([ROOM_JID_S]['players'], ["user1", "user2", "user3"])
     def test_synchronizeRoom(self):
-        self.init()
+        self.reinit()
         self.initGame(0, 0)
         self.plugin._synchronizeRoom(ROOM_JID_S, [Const.MUC[0]], Const.PROFILE[0])
-        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, "groupchat", "players", []))
+        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, "groupchat", "players", []))[ROOM_JID_S]['players'].append("test1")
         self.plugin._synchronizeRoom(ROOM_JID_S, [Const.MUC[0]], Const.PROFILE[0])
-        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, "groupchat", "players", ["test1"]))
+        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, "groupchat", "players", ["test1"]))[ROOM_JID_S]['started'] = True[ROOM_JID_S]['players'].append("test2")
         self.plugin._synchronizeRoom(ROOM_JID_S, [Const.MUC[0]], Const.PROFILE[0])
-        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, "groupchat", "started", ["test1", "test2"]))
+        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, "groupchat", "started", ["test1", "test2"]))[ROOM_JID_S]['players'].append("test3")[ROOM_JID_S]['players'].append("test4")
         user1 = JID(ROOM_JID_S + "/" + Const.JID[0].user)
         user2 = JID(ROOM_JID_S + "/" + Const.JID[1].user)
         self.plugin._synchronizeRoom(ROOM_JID_S, [user1, user2], Const.PROFILE[0])
-        self.assertEqualXML(, self._expectedMessage(user1.full(), "normal", "started", ["test1", "test2", "test3", "test4"]))
-        self.assertEqualXML(, self._expectedMessage(user2.full(), "normal", "started", ["test1", "test2", "test3", "test4"]))
+        self.assertEqualXML(, self._expectedMessage(user1.full(), "normal", "started", ["test1", "test2", "test3", "test4"]))
+        self.assertEqualXML(, self._expectedMessage(user2.full(), "normal", "started", ["test1", "test2", "test3", "test4"]))
     def test_invitePlayers(self):
-        self.init()
+        self.reinit()
         self.initGame(0, 0)
         self.plugin_0045.joinRoom(0, 1)
         self.assertEqual(self.plugin.invitations[ROOM_JID_S], [])
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
             nick = self.plugin_0045.getNick(0, index)
             getattr(self, "assert%s" % value)(self.plugin._checkInviteAuth(ROOM_JID_S, nick))
-        self.init()
+        self.reinit()
         for mode in [self.plugin.FROM_ALL, self.plugin.FROM_NONE, self.plugin.FROM_REFEREE, self.plugin.FROM_PLAYERS]:
             self.plugin.invite_mode = mode
@@ -205,13 +205,13 @@
         check(False, 2)
     def test_isReferee(self):
-        self.init()
+        self.reinit()
         self.initGame(0, 0)
         self.assertTrue(self.plugin.isReferee(ROOM_JID_S, self.plugin_0045.getNick(0, 0)))
         self.assertFalse(self.plugin.isReferee(ROOM_JID_S, self.plugin_0045.getNick(0, 1)))
     def test_isPlayer(self):
-        self.init()
+        self.reinit()
         self.initGame(0, 0)
         self.assertTrue(self.plugin.isPlayer(ROOM_JID_S, self.plugin_0045.getNick(0, 0)))
         user_nick = self.plugin_0045.joinRoom(0, 1)
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
             room = self.plugin_0045.getRoom(0, 0)
             self.assertEqual((value, confirmed, rest), self.plugin._checkWaitAuth(room, other_players))
-        self.init()
+        self.reinit()
         self.initGame(0, 0)
         other_players = [Const.JID[1], Const.JID[3]]
         self.plugin.wait_mode = self.plugin.FOR_NONE
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
                                     self.plugin_0045.getNickOfUser(0, 2, 0)], [])
     def test_prepareRoom_trivial(self):
-        self.init()
+        self.reinit()
         other_players = []
         self.plugin.prepareRoom(other_players, ROOM_JID_S, PROFILE)
         self.assertTrue(self.plugin._gameExists(ROOM_JID_S, True))
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
         self.assertEqual((False, True), self.plugin._checkCreateGameAndInit(ROOM_JID_S, PROFILE))
     def test_prepareRoom_invite(self):
-        self.init()
+        self.reinit()
         other_players = [Const.JID_STR[1], Const.JID_STR[2]]
         self.plugin.prepareRoom(other_players, ROOM_JID_S, PROFILE)
         room = self.plugin_0045.getRoom(0, 0)
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
         self.assertEqual((False, False), self.plugin._checkCreateGameAndInit(ROOM_JID_S, Const.PROFILE[1]))
     def test_prepareRoom_score1(self):
-        self.init(player_init={'score': 0})
+        self.reinit(player_init={'score': 0})
         other_players = [Const.JID_STR[1], Const.JID_STR[2]]
         self.plugin.prepareRoom(other_players, ROOM_JID_S, PROFILE)
         room = self.plugin_0045.getRoom(0, 0)
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
         self.assertEqual((True, False), self.plugin._checkCreateGameAndInit(ROOM_JID_S, Const.PROFILE[0]))
     def test_prepareRoom_score2(self):
-        self.init(player_init={'score': 0})
+        self.reinit(player_init={'score': 0})
         other_players = [Const.JID_STR[1], Const.JID_STR[4]]
         self.plugin.prepareRoom(other_players, ROOM_JID_S, PROFILE)
         room = self.plugin_0045.getRoom(0, 0)
@@ -324,56 +324,56 @@
         self.assertEqual((False, True), self.plugin._checkCreateGameAndInit(ROOM_JID_S, PROFILE))
     def test_userJoinedTrigger(self):
-        self.init(player_init={"xxx": "xyz"})
+        self.reinit(player_init={"xxx": "xyz"})
         other_players = [Const.JID_STR[1], Const.JID_STR[3]]
         self.plugin.prepareRoom(other_players, ROOM_JID_S, PROFILE)
         nicks = [self.plugin_0045.getNick(0, 0)]
-        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, "groupchat", "players", nicks))
+        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, "groupchat", "players", nicks))
         self.assertTrue(len(self.plugin.invitations[ROOM_JID_S]) == 1)
         # wrong profile
         user_nick = self.plugin_0045.joinRoom(0, 1)
         room = self.plugin_0045.getRoom(0, 1)
         self.plugin.userJoinedTrigger(room, User(user_nick, Const.JID[1]), OTHER_PROFILE)
-        self.assertEqual(, None)  # no new message has been sent
+        self.assertEqual(, None)  # no new message has been sent
         self.assertFalse(self.plugin._gameExists(ROOM_JID_S, True))  # game not started
         # referee profile, user is allowed, wait for one more
         room = self.plugin_0045.getRoom(0, 0)
         self.plugin.userJoinedTrigger(room, User(user_nick, Const.JID[1]), PROFILE)
-        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, "groupchat", "players", nicks))
+        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, "groupchat", "players", nicks))
         self.assertFalse(self.plugin._gameExists(ROOM_JID_S, True))  # game not started
         # referee profile, user is not allowed
         user_nick = self.plugin_0045.joinRoom(0, 4)
         self.plugin.userJoinedTrigger(room, User(user_nick, Const.JID[4]), PROFILE)
-        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S + '/' + user_nick, "normal", "players", nicks))
+        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S + '/' + user_nick, "normal", "players", nicks))
         self.assertFalse(self.plugin._gameExists(ROOM_JID_S, True))  # game not started
         # referee profile, user is allowed, everybody here
         user_nick = self.plugin_0045.joinRoom(0, 3)
         self.plugin.userJoinedTrigger(room, User(user_nick, Const.JID[3]), PROFILE)
-        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, "groupchat", "started", nicks))
+        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, "groupchat", "started", nicks))
         self.assertTrue(self.plugin._gameExists(ROOM_JID_S, True))  # game started
         self.assertTrue(len(self.plugin.invitations[ROOM_JID_S]) == 0)
         # wait for none
-        self.init()
+        self.reinit()
         self.plugin.prepareRoom(other_players, ROOM_JID_S, PROFILE)
-        self.assertNotEqual(, None)  # init messages
+        self.assertNotEqual(, None)  # init messages
         room = self.plugin_0045.getRoom(0, 0)
         nicks = [self.plugin_0045.getNick(0, 0)]
         user_nick = self.plugin_0045.joinRoom(0, 3)
         self.plugin.userJoinedTrigger(room, User(user_nick, Const.JID[3]), PROFILE)
-        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, "groupchat", "started", nicks))
+        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, "groupchat", "started", nicks))
         self.assertTrue(self.plugin._gameExists(ROOM_JID_S, True))
     def test_userLeftTrigger(self):
-        self.init(player_init={"xxx": "xyz"})
+        self.reinit(player_init={"xxx": "xyz"})
         other_players = [Const.JID_STR[1], Const.JID_STR[3], Const.JID_STR[4]]
         self.plugin.prepareRoom(other_players, ROOM_JID_S, PROFILE)
         room = self.plugin_0045.getRoom(0, 0)
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@
         self.assertTrue(len(self.plugin.invitations[ROOM_JID_S]) == 0)
     def test__checkCreateGameAndInit(self):
-        self.init()
+        self.reinit()
         self.assertEqual((False, False), self.plugin._checkCreateGameAndInit(ROOM_JID_S, PROFILE))  # print internal error
         nick = self.plugin_0045.joinRoom(0, 0)
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@
     def test_createGame(self):
-        self.init(player_init={"xxx": "xyz"})
+        self.reinit(player_init={"xxx": "xyz"})
         nicks = []
         for i in [0, 1, 3, 4]:
             nicks.append(self.plugin_0045.joinRoom(0, i))
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@
         self.plugin.createGame(ROOM_JID_S, nicks, PROFILE)
         self.assertTrue(self.plugin._gameExists(ROOM_JID_S, True))
         self.assertEqual([ROOM_JID_S]['players'], nicks)
-        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, "groupchat", "started", nicks))
+        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, "groupchat", "started", nicks))
         for nick in nicks:
@@ -472,16 +472,16 @@
         # game exists, current profile is referee
-        self.init(player_init={"xxx": "xyz"})
+        self.reinit(player_init={"xxx": "xyz"})
         self.initGame(0, 0)[ROOM_JID_S]['started'] = True
         self.plugin.createGame(ROOM_JID_S, nicks, PROFILE)
-        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, "groupchat", "started", nicks))
+        self.assertEqual(, self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, "groupchat", "started", nicks))
         # game exists, current profile is not referee
-        self.init(player_init={"xxx": "xyz"})
+        self.reinit(player_init={"xxx": "xyz"})
         self.initGame(0, 0)[ROOM_JID_S]['started'] = True
         self.plugin_0045.joinRoom(0, 1)
         self.plugin.createGame(ROOM_JID_S, nicks, OTHER_PROFILE)
-        self.assertEqual(, None)  # no sync message has been sent by other_profile
+        self.assertEqual(, None)  # no sync message has been sent by other_profile
--- a/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:39:22 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -25,19 +25,21 @@
 from sat.plugins import plugin_xep_0033 as plugin
 from sat.core.exceptions import CancelError
 from sat.core.log import getLogger
-from copy import deepcopy
 from twisted.internet import defer
 from wokkel.generic import parseXml
 from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid import JID
 from logging import ERROR
 JID_STR_X_TO = Const.JID_STR[0]
 JID_STR_X_CC = Const.JID_STR[1]
+ADDRS = ('to', JID_STR_X_TO, 'cc', JID_STR_X_CC, 'bcc', JID_STR_X_BCC)
 class XEP_0033Test(helpers.SatTestCase):
@@ -46,7 +48,7 @@
         self.plugin = plugin.XEP_0033(
     def test_messageReceived(self):
         xml = u"""
         <message type="chat" from="%s" to="%s" id="test_1">
@@ -68,115 +70,122 @@
             self.assertEqual(data['extra']['addresses'], '%s:%s\n%s:%s\n%s:%s\n' % expected, msg)
-        treatments.callback(data)
+        return treatments.callback(data)
-    def test_sendMessageTrigger(self):
+    def _get_mess_data(self):
         mess_data = {"to": JID(JID_STR_TO),
                      "type": "chat",
                      "message": "content",
                      "extra": {}
-        addresses = ('to', JID_STR_X_TO, 'cc', JID_STR_X_CC, 'bcc', JID_STR_X_BCC)
-        mess_data["extra"]["address"] = '%s:%s\n%s:%s\n%s:%s\n' % addresses
+        mess_data["extra"]["address"] = '%s:%s\n%s:%s\n%s:%s\n' % ADDRS
         original_stanza = u"""
         <message type="chat" from="%s" to="%s" id="test_1">
         """ % (JID_STR_FROM, JID_STR_TO)
         mess_data['xml'] = parseXml(original_stanza.encode("utf-8"))
-        expected = deepcopy(mess_data['xml'])
+        return mess_data
+    def _assertAddresses(self, mess_data):
+        """The mess_data that we got here has been modified by self.plugin.sendMessageTrigger,
+        check that the addresses element has been added to the stanza."""
+        expected = self._get_mess_data()['xml']
         addresses_extra = """
         <addresses xmlns=''>
             <address type='%s' jid='%s'/>
             <address type='%s' jid='%s'/>
             <address type='%s' jid='%s'/>
-        </addresses>""" % addresses
+        </addresses>""" % ADDRS
         addresses_element = parseXml(addresses_extra.encode('utf-8'))
+        self.assertEqualXML(mess_data['xml'].toXml().encode("utf-8"), expected.toXml().encode("utf-8"))
-        def assertAddresses(mess_data):
-            """The mess_data that we got here has been modified by self.plugin.sendMessageTrigger,
-            check that the addresses element has been added to the stanza."""
-            self.assertEqualXML(mess_data['xml'].toXml().encode("utf-8"), expected.toXml().encode("utf-8"))
-        def sendMessageErrback(failure, exception_class):
-            """If the failure does encapsulate the expected exception, it will be silently
-            trapped, otherwise it will be re-raised and will make the test fail"""
-            failure.trap(exception_class)
+    def _checkSentAndStored(self):
+        """Check that all the recipients got their messages and that the history has been filled.
+        /!\ see the comments in XEP_0033.sendAndStoreMessage"""
+        sent = []
+        stored = []
+        d_list = []
-        def checkSentAndStored():
-            """Check that all the recipients got their messages and that the history has been filled.
-            /!\ see the comments in XEP_0033.sendAndStoreMessage"""
-            sent = []
-            stored = []
-            for to_s in (JID_STR_X_TO, JID_STR_X_CC, JID_STR_X_BCC):
-                to_jid = JID(to_s)
-                host = JID(
-                logger = getLogger()
-                level = logger.getEffectiveLevel()
-                logger.setLevel(ERROR)  # remove log.warning pollution
-                entities = yield[plugin.NS_ADDRESS], jid_=host, profile_key=PROFILE)
-                if host in entities:
-                    if host not in sent:  # send the message to the entity offering the feature
-                        sent.append(host)
-                        stored.append(host)
-                    stored.append(to_jid)  # store in history for each recipient
-                else:  # feature not supported, use normal behavior
-                    sent.append(to_jid)
-                    stored.append(to_jid)
-                logger.setLevel(level)
-            msg = "/!\ see the comments in XEP_0033.sendAndStoreMessage"
-            self.assertEqualUnsortedList(, sent, msg)
-            self.assertEqualUnsortedList(, stored, msg)
+        def cb(entities, to_jid, logger, level):
+            if host in entities:
+                if host not in sent:  # send the message to the entity offering the feature
+                    sent.append(host)
+                    stored.append(host)
+                stored.append(to_jid)  # store in history for each recipient
+            else:  # feature not supported, use normal behavior
+                sent.append(to_jid)
+                stored.append(to_jid)
+            logger.setLevel(level)
-        def trigger(data, exception):
-            """Execute self.plugin.sendMessageTrigger with a different logging
-            level to not pollute the output, then check that the plugin did its
-            job. It should abort sending the message or add the extended
-            addressing information to the stanza.
-            @param data: the data to be processed by self.plugin.sendMessageTrigger
-            @param exception: CancelError
-            """
+        for to_s in (JID_STR_X_TO, JID_STR_X_CC, JID_STR_X_BCC):
+            to_jid = JID(to_s)
+            host = JID(
             logger = getLogger()
             level = logger.getEffectiveLevel()
             logger.setLevel(ERROR)  # remove log.warning pollution
-            pre_treatments = defer.Deferred()
-            post_treatments = defer.Deferred()
-            self.plugin.sendMessageTrigger(data, pre_treatments, post_treatments, PROFILE)
-            post_treatments.callback(data)
-            logger.setLevel(level)
-            post_treatments.addCallbacks(assertAddresses, lambda failure: sendMessageErrback(failure, exception))
+            d =[plugin.NS_ADDRESS], jid_=host, profile_key=PROFILE)
+            d.addCallback(cb, to_jid, logger, level)
+            d_list.append(d)
-        # feature is not supported, abort the message
-        data = deepcopy(mess_data)
-        trigger(data, CancelError)
+        def cb_list(dummy):
+            msg = "/!\ see the comments in XEP_0033.sendAndStoreMessage"
+            sent_recipients = [JID(elt['to']) for elt in]
+            self.assertEqualUnsortedList(sent_recipients, sent, msg)
+            self.assertEqualUnsortedList(, stored, msg)
+        return defer.DeferredList(d_list).addCallback(cb_list)
+    def _trigger(self, data):
+        """Execute self.plugin.sendMessageTrigger with a different logging
+        level to not pollute the output, then check that the plugin did its
+        job. It should abort sending the message or add the extended
+        addressing information to the stanza.
+        @param data: the data to be processed by self.plugin.sendMessageTrigger
+        """
+        logger = getLogger()
+        level = logger.getEffectiveLevel()
+        logger.setLevel(ERROR)  # remove log.warning pollution
+        pre_treatments = defer.Deferred()
+        post_treatments = defer.Deferred()
+        self.plugin.sendMessageTrigger(data, pre_treatments, post_treatments, PROFILE)
+        post_treatments.callback(data)
+        logger.setLevel(level)
+        post_treatments.addCallbacks(self._assertAddresses, lambda failure: failure.trap(CancelError))
+        return post_treatments
+    def test_sendMessageTriggerFeatureNotSupported(self):
+        # feature is not supported, abort the message
+        data = self._get_mess_data()
+        return self._trigger(data)
+    def test_sendMessageTriggerFeatureSupported(self):
         # feature is supported by the main target server
-        data = deepcopy(mess_data)
-        trigger(data, CancelError)
-        checkSentAndStored()
+        data = self._get_mess_data()
+        d = self._trigger(data)
+        return d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self._checkSentAndStored())
+    def test_sendMessageTriggerFeatureFullySupported(self):
         # feature is supported by all target servers
         for dest in (JID_STR_X_TO, JID_STR_X_CC, JID_STR_X_BCC):
   , plugin.NS_ADDRESS, PROFILE)
-        data = deepcopy(mess_data)
-        trigger(data, CancelError)
-        checkSentAndStored()
+        data = self._get_mess_data()
+        d = self._trigger(data)
+        return d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self._checkSentAndStored())
+    def test_sendMessageTriggerFixWrongEntity(self):
         # check that a wrong recipient entity is fixed by the backend
         for dest in (JID_STR_X_TO, JID_STR_X_CC, JID_STR_X_BCC):
   , plugin.NS_ADDRESS, PROFILE)
-        data = deepcopy(mess_data)
+        data = self._get_mess_data()
         data["to"] = JID(JID_STR_X_TO)
-        trigger(data, CancelError)
-        checkSentAndStored()
+        d = self._trigger(data)
+        return d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self._checkSentAndStored())
--- a/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:39:22 2015 +0100
+++ b/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
 from copy import deepcopy
 from twisted.internet import defer
 from wokkel.generic import parseXml
-from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid import JID
 class XEP_0085Test(helpers.SatTestCase):
@@ -35,10 +34,9 @@
     def setUp(self): = helpers.FakeSAT()
         self.plugin = plugin.XEP_0085(
     def test_messageReceived(self):
         for state in plugin.CHAT_STATES:
             xml = u"""
             <message type="chat" from="%s" to="%s" id="test_1">
@@ -51,11 +49,15 @@
                    state, plugin.NS_CHAT_STATES)
             stanza = parseXml(xml.encode("utf-8"))
   "chatStateReceived", Const.JID_STR[1], state, Const.PROFILE[0])
-            self.plugin.messageReceivedTrigger(stanza, defer.Deferred(), Const.PROFILE[0])
+            self.plugin.messageReceivedTrigger(stanza, None, Const.PROFILE[0])
     def test_sendMessageTrigger(self):
+        def cb(data):
+            xml = data['xml'].toXml().encode("utf-8")
+            self.assertEqualXML(xml, expected.toXml().encode("utf-8"))
+        d_list = []
         for state in plugin.CHAT_STATES:
             mess_data = {"to": Const.JID[0],
                          "type": "chat",
@@ -70,9 +72,14 @@
             mess_data['xml'] = parseXml(stanza.encode("utf-8"))
             expected = deepcopy(mess_data['xml'])
             expected.addElement(state, plugin.NS_CHAT_STATES)
-            treatments = defer.Deferred()
-            self.plugin.sendMessageTrigger(mess_data, defer.Deferred(), treatments, Const.PROFILE[0])
-            xml = treatments.callbacks[0][0][0](mess_data)
-            # cancel the timer to not block the process
+            post_treatments = defer.Deferred()
+            self.plugin.sendMessageTrigger(mess_data, None, post_treatments, Const.PROFILE[0])
+            post_treatments.addCallback(cb)
+            post_treatments.callback(mess_data)
+            d_list.append(post_treatments)
+        def cb_list(dummy):  # cancel the timer to not block the process
-            self.assertEqualXML(xml['xml'].toXml().encode("utf-8"), expected.toXml().encode("utf-8"))
+        return defer.DeferredList(d_list).addCallback(cb_list)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# SAT: a jabber client
+# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jérôme Poisson (
+# Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Adrien Cossa (
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+""" Plugin XEP-0203 """
+from sat.test import helpers
+from sat.plugins.plugin_xep_0203 import XEP_0203
+from twisted.words.xish import domish
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid import JID
+from import tzutc
+import datetime
+class XEP_0203Test(helpers.SatTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+ = helpers.FakeSAT()
+        self.plugin = XEP_0203(
+    def test_delay(self):
+        delay_xml = """
+          <delay xmlns='urn:xmpp:delay'
+             from=''
+             stamp='2002-09-10T23:08:25Z'>
+            Offline Storage
+          </delay>
+        """
+        message_xml = """
+        <message
+            from=''
+            to=''
+            type='chat'>
+          <body>text</body>
+          %s
+        </message>
+        """ % delay_xml
+        parent = domish.Element((None, 'message'))
+        parent['from'] = ''
+        parent['to'] = ''
+        parent['type'] = 'chat'
+        parent.addElement('body', None, 'text')
+        stamp = datetime.datetime(2002, 9, 10, 23, 8, 25, tzinfo=tzutc())
+        elt = self.plugin.delay(stamp, JID(''), 'Offline Storage', parent)
+        self.assertEqualXML(elt.toXml(), delay_xml, True)
+        self.assertEqualXML(parent.toXml(), message_xml, True)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# SAT: a jabber client
+# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jérôme Poisson (
+# Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Adrien Cossa (
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+""" Plugin XEP-0297 """
+from constants import Const as C
+from sat.test import helpers
+from sat.plugins.plugin_xep_0203 import XEP_0203
+from sat.plugins.plugin_xep_0297 import XEP_0297
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid import JID
+from import tzutc
+import datetime
+from wokkel.generic import parseXml
+class XEP_0297Test(helpers.SatTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+ = helpers.FakeSAT()
+        self.plugin = XEP_0297(
+['XEP-0203'] = XEP_0203(
+    def test_delay(self):
+        stanza = parseXml("""
+          <message from='juliet@capulet.lit/orchard'
+                   id='0202197'
+                   to='romeo@montague.lit'
+                   type='chat'>
+            <body>Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing.</body>
+            <mood xmlns=''>
+                <amorous/>
+            </mood>
+          </message>
+        """.encode('utf-8'))
+        output = """
+          <message to='mercutio@verona.lit' type='chat'>
+            <body>A most courteous exposition!</body>
+            <forwarded xmlns='urn:xmpp:forward:0'>
+              <delay xmlns='urn:xmpp:delay' stamp='2010-07-10T23:08:25Z'/>
+              <message from='juliet@capulet.lit/orchard'
+                       id='0202197'
+                       to='romeo@montague.lit'
+                       type='chat'
+                       xmlns='jabber:client'>
+                  <body>Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing.</body>
+                  <mood xmlns=''>
+                      <amorous/>
+                  </mood>
+              </message>
+            </forwarded>
+          </message>
+        """
+        stamp = datetime.datetime(2010, 7, 10, 23, 8, 25, tzinfo=tzutc())
+        d = self.plugin.forward(stanza, JID('mercutio@verona.lit'), stamp,
+                                body='A most courteous exposition!',
+                                profile_key=C.PROFILE[0])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.assertEqualXML(, output, True))
+        return d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# SAT: a jabber client
+# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jérôme Poisson (
+# Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Adrien Cossa (
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+""" Plugin XEP-0313 """
+from constants import Const as C
+from sat.test import helpers
+from sat.plugins.plugin_xep_0313 import XEP_0313
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid import JID
+from twisted.words.xish import domish
+from import tzutc
+import datetime
+# TODO: change this when RSM and MAM are in wokkel
+from sat.tmp.wokkel.rsm import RSMRequest
+from sat.tmp.wokkel.mam import buildForm
+class XEP_0313Test(helpers.SatTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+ = helpers.FakeSAT()
+        self.plugin = XEP_0313(
+        client = self.plugin.getHandler(C.PROFILE[0])
+        client.makeConnection([0]).xmlstream)
+    def test_queryArchive(self):
+        xml = """
+        <iq type='set' id='%s' to='%s'>
+          <query xmlns='urn:xmpp:mam:0'/>
+        </iq>
+        """ % (("H_%d" % domish.Element._idCounter), SERVICE)
+        d = self.plugin.queryArchive(SERVICE_JID, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.assertEqualXML(, xml, True))
+        return d
+    def test_queryArchivePubsub(self):
+        xml = """
+        <iq type='set' id='%s' to='%s'>
+          <query xmlns='urn:xmpp:mam:0' node='fdp/submitted/capulet.lit/sonnets' />
+        </iq>
+        """ % (("H_%d" % domish.Element._idCounter), SERVICE)
+        d = self.plugin.queryArchive(SERVICE_JID, node="fdp/submitted/capulet.lit/sonnets", profile_key=C.PROFILE[0])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.assertEqualXML(, xml, True))
+        return d
+    def test_queryArchiveWith(self):
+        xml = """
+        <iq type='set' id='%s' to='%s'>
+          <query xmlns='urn:xmpp:mam:0'>
+            <x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'>
+              <field var='FORM_TYPE' type='hidden'>
+                <value>urn:xmpp:mam:0</value>
+              </field>
+              <field var='with' type='jid-single'>
+                <value>juliet@capulet.lit</value>
+              </field>
+            </x>
+          </query>
+        </iq>
+        """ % (("H_%d" % domish.Element._idCounter), SERVICE)
+        form = buildForm(with_jid=JID('juliet@capulet.lit'))
+        d = self.plugin.queryArchive(SERVICE_JID, form, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.assertEqualXML(, xml, True))
+        return d
+    def test_queryArchiveStartEnd(self):
+        xml = """
+        <iq type='set' id='%s' to='%s'>
+          <query xmlns='urn:xmpp:mam:0'>
+            <x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'>
+              <field var='FORM_TYPE' type='hidden'>
+                <value>urn:xmpp:mam:0</value>
+              </field>
+              <field var='start' type='text-single'>
+                <value>2010-06-07T00:00:00Z</value>
+              </field>
+              <field var='end' type='text-single'>
+                <value>2010-07-07T13:23:54Z</value>
+              </field>
+            </x>
+          </query>
+        </iq>
+        """ % (("H_%d" % domish.Element._idCounter), SERVICE)
+        start = datetime.datetime(2010, 6, 7, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzutc())
+        end = datetime.datetime(2010, 7, 7, 13, 23, 54, tzinfo=tzutc())
+        form = buildForm(start=start, end=end)
+        d = self.plugin.queryArchive(SERVICE_JID, form, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.assertEqualXML(, xml, True))
+        return d
+    def test_queryArchiveStart(self):
+        xml = """
+        <iq type='set' id='%s' to='%s'>
+          <query xmlns='urn:xmpp:mam:0'>
+            <x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'>
+              <field var='FORM_TYPE' type='hidden'>
+                <value>urn:xmpp:mam:0</value>
+              </field>
+              <field var='start' type='text-single'>
+                <value>2010-08-07T00:00:00Z</value>
+              </field>
+            </x>
+          </query>
+        </iq>
+        """ % (("H_%d" % domish.Element._idCounter), SERVICE)
+        start = datetime.datetime(2010, 8, 7, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzutc())
+        form = buildForm(start=start)
+        d = self.plugin.queryArchive(SERVICE_JID, form, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.assertEqualXML(, xml, True))
+        return d
+    def test_queryArchiveRSM(self):
+        xml = """
+        <iq type='set' id='%s' to='%s'>
+          <query xmlns='urn:xmpp:mam:0'>
+            <x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'>
+              <field var='FORM_TYPE' type='hidden'>
+                <value>urn:xmpp:mam:0</value>
+              </field>
+              <field var='start' type='text-single'>
+                <value>2010-08-07T00:00:00Z</value>
+              </field>
+            </x>
+            <set xmlns=''>
+              <max>10</max>
+            </set>
+          </query>
+        </iq>
+        """ % (("H_%d" % domish.Element._idCounter), SERVICE)
+        start = datetime.datetime(2010, 8, 7, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzutc())
+        form = buildForm(start=start)
+        rsm = RSMRequest(max=10)
+        d = self.plugin.queryArchive(SERVICE_JID, form=form, rsm=rsm, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.assertEqualXML(, xml, True))
+        return d
+    def test_queryArchiveRSMPaging(self):
+        xml = """
+        <iq type='set' id='%s' to='%s'>
+          <query xmlns='urn:xmpp:mam:0'>
+              <x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'>
+                <field var='FORM_TYPE' type='hidden'><value>urn:xmpp:mam:0</value></field>
+                <field var='start' type='text-single'><value>2010-08-07T00:00:00Z</value></field>
+              </x>
+              <set xmlns=''>
+                 <max>10</max>
+                 <after>09af3-cc343-b409f</after>
+              </set>
+          </query>
+        </iq>
+        """ % (("H_%d" % domish.Element._idCounter), SERVICE)
+        start = datetime.datetime(2010, 8, 7, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzutc())
+        form = buildForm(start=start)
+        rsm = RSMRequest(max=10, after=u'09af3-cc343-b409f')
+        d = self.plugin.queryArchive(SERVICE_JID, form=form, rsm=rsm, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.assertEqualXML(, xml, True))
+        return d
+    def test_queryFields(self):
+        xml = """
+        <iq type='get' id="%s" to='%s'>
+          <query xmlns='urn:xmpp:mam:0'/>
+        </iq>
+        """ % (("H_%d" % domish.Element._idCounter), SERVICE)
+        d = self.plugin.queryFields(SERVICE_JID, C.PROFILE[0])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.assertEqualXML(, xml, True))
+        return d
+    def test_queryArchiveFields(self):
+        xml = """
+        <iq type='set' id='%s' to='%s'>
+          <query xmlns='urn:xmpp:mam:0'>
+            <x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='submit'>
+              <field type='hidden' var='FORM_TYPE'>
+                <value>urn:xmpp:mam:0</value>
+              </field>
+              <field type='text-single' var='urn:example:xmpp:free-text-search'>
+                <value>Where arth thou, my Juliet?</value>
+              </field>
+              <field type='text-single' var='urn:example:xmpp:stanza-content'>
+                <value>{}mood/lonely</value>
+              </field>
+            </x>
+          </query>
+        </iq>
+        """ % (("H_%d" % domish.Element._idCounter), SERVICE)
+        extra = [{'fieldType': 'text-single',
+                  'var': 'urn:example:xmpp:free-text-search',
+                  'value': 'Where arth thou, my Juliet?'},
+                 {'fieldType': 'text-single',
+                  'var': 'urn:example:xmpp:stanza-content',
+                  'value': '{}mood/lonely'}]
+        form = buildForm(extra=extra)
+        d = self.plugin.queryArchive(SERVICE_JID, form=form, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.assertEqualXML(, xml, True))
+        return d
+    def test_queryPrefs(self):
+        xml = """
+        <iq type='get' id='%s' to='%s'>
+          <prefs xmlns='urn:xmpp:mam:0'>
+            <always/>
+            <never/>
+          </prefs>
+        </iq>
+        """ % (("H_%d" % domish.Element._idCounter), SERVICE)
+        d = self.plugin.getPrefs(SERVICE_JID, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.assertEqualXML(, xml, True))
+        return d
+    def test_setPrefs(self):
+        xml = """
+        <iq type='set' id='%s' to='%s'>
+          <prefs xmlns='urn:xmpp:mam:0' default='roster'>
+            <always>
+              <jid>romeo@montague.lit</jid>
+            </always>
+            <never>
+              <jid>montague@montague.lit</jid>
+            </never>
+          </prefs>
+        </iq>
+        """ % (("H_%d" % domish.Element._idCounter), SERVICE)
+        always = [JID('romeo@montague.lit')]
+        never = [JID('montague@montague.lit')]
+        d = self.plugin.setPrefs(SERVICE_JID, always=always, never=never, profile_key=C.PROFILE[0])
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.assertEqualXML(, xml, True))
+        return d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/test/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# SAT: a jabber client
+# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jérôme Poisson (
+# Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Adrien Cossa (
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+""" Plugin XEP-0334 """
+from constants import Const as C
+from sat.test import helpers
+from sat.plugins.plugin_xep_0334 import XEP_0334
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from wokkel.generic import parseXml
+from sat.core import exceptions
+HINTS = ('no-permanent-storage', 'no-storage', 'no-copy')
+class XEP_0334Test(helpers.SatTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+ = helpers.FakeSAT()
+        self.plugin = XEP_0334(
+    def test_sendMessageTrigger(self):
+        template_xml = """
+        <message
+            from=''
+            to=''
+            type='chat'>
+          <body>text</body>
+          %s
+        </message>
+        """
+        original_xml = template_xml % ''
+        d_list = []
+        def cb(data, expected_xml):
+            result_xml = data['xml'].toXml().encode("utf-8")
+            self.assertEqualXML(result_xml, expected_xml, True)
+        for key in (HINTS + ('', 'dummy_hint')):
+            mess_data = {'xml': parseXml(original_xml.encode("utf-8")),
+                         'extra': {key: True}
+                         }
+            treatments = defer.Deferred()
+            self.plugin.sendMessageTrigger(mess_data, defer.Deferred(), treatments, C.PROFILE[0])
+            if treatments.callbacks:  # the trigger added a callback
+                expected_xml = template_xml % ('<%s xmlns="urn:xmpp:hints"/>' % key)
+                treatments.addCallback(cb, expected_xml)
+                treatments.callback(mess_data)
+                d_list.append(treatments)
+        return defer.DeferredList(d_list)
+    def test_messageReceivedTrigger(self):
+        template_xml = """
+        <message
+            from=''
+            to=''
+            type='chat'>
+          <body>text</body>
+          %s
+        </message>
+        """
+        def cb(dummy):
+            raise Exception("Errback should not be ran instead of callback!")
+        def eb(failure):
+            failure.trap(exceptions.SkipHistory)
+        d_list = []
+        for key in (HINTS + ('dummy_hint',)):
+            message = parseXml(template_xml % ('<%s xmlns="urn:xmpp:hints"/>' % key))
+            post_treat = defer.Deferred()
+            self.plugin.messageReceivedTrigger(message, post_treat, C.PROFILE[0])
+            if post_treat.callbacks:
+                assert(key in ('no-permanent-storage', 'no-storage'))
+                post_treat.addCallbacks(cb, eb)
+                post_treat.callback(None)
+                d_list.append(post_treat)
+            else:
+                assert(key not in ('no-permanent-storage', 'no-storage'))
+        return defer.DeferredList(d_list)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/tmp/README	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Use this module to temporary store files that need to be integrated to other
+projects such as Wokkel.
+For example, the changeset that introduced this folder adds RSM (XEP-0059)
+support to Wokkel. The files in sat.tmp.wokkel are imported over the initial
+wokkel files from
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/tmp/wokkel/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: wokkel.test.test_delay -*-
+# Copyright (c) Ralph Meijer.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Delayed Delivery.
+Support for comunicating Delayed Delivery information as specified by
+U{XEP-0203<>} and its predecessor
+from dateutil.parser import parse
+from import tzutc
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid import InvalidFormat, JID
+from twisted.words.xish import domish
+NS_DELAY = 'urn:xmpp:delay'
+NS_JABBER_DELAY = 'jabber:x:delay'
+class Delay(object):
+    """
+    Delayed Delivery information.
+    Instances of this class represent delayed delivery information that can be
+    parsed from and rendered into both XEP-0203 and legacy XEP-0091 formats.
+    @ivar stamp: The timestamp the stanza was originally sent.
+    @type stamp: L{datetime.datetime}
+    @ivar sender: The optional entity that originally sent the stanza or
+        delayed its delivery.
+    @type sender: L{JID}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, stamp, sender=None):
+        self.stamp = stamp
+        self.sender = sender
+    def toElement(self, legacy=False):
+        """
+        Render this instance into a domish Element.
+        @param legacy: If C{True}, use the legacy XEP-0091 format.
+        @type legacy: C{bool}
+        """
+        if not self.stamp:
+            raise ValueError("stamp is required")
+        if self.stamp.tzinfo is None:
+            raise ValueError("stamp is not offset-aware")
+        if legacy:
+            element = domish.Element((NS_JABBER_DELAY, 'x'))
+            stampFormat = '%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S'
+        else:
+            element = domish.Element((NS_DELAY, 'delay'))
+            stampFormat = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'
+        stamp = self.stamp.astimezone(tzutc())
+        element['stamp'] = stamp.strftime(stampFormat)
+        if self.sender:
+            element['from'] = self.sender.full()
+        return element
+    @staticmethod
+    def fromElement(element):
+        """
+        Create an instance from a domish Element.
+        """
+        try:
+            stamp = parse(element[u'stamp'])
+            # Assume UTC if no timezone was given
+            if stamp.tzinfo is None:
+                stamp = stamp.replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
+        except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError):
+            stamp = None
+        try:
+            sender = JID(element[u'from'])
+        except (KeyError, InvalidFormat):
+            sender = None
+        delay = Delay(stamp, sender)
+        return delay
+class DelayMixin(object):
+    """
+    Mixin for parsing delayed delivery information from stanzas.
+    This can be used as a mixin for subclasses of L{wokkel.generic.Stanza}
+    for parsing delayed delivery information. If both XEP-0203 and XEP-0091
+    formats are present, the former takes precedence.
+    """
+    delay = None
+    childParsers = {
+            (NS_DELAY, 'delay'): '_childParser_delay',
+            (NS_JABBER_DELAY, 'x'): '_childParser_legacyDelay',
+            }
+    def _childParser_delay(self, element):
+        self.delay = Delay.fromElement(element)
+    def _childParser_legacyDelay(self, element):
+        if not self.delay:
+            self.delay = Delay.fromElement(element)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/tmp/wokkel/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: wokkel.test.test_mam -*-
+# Copyright (c) Adrien Cossa.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+XMPP Message Archive Management protocol.
+This protocol is specified in
+from import tzutc
+from zope.interface import Interface, implements
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream import IQ, toResponse
+from twisted.words.xish import domish
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
+from twisted.python import log
+from wokkel.subprotocols import IQHandlerMixin, XMPPHandler
+from wokkel import disco, data_form, delay
+import rsm
+NS_MAM = 'urn:xmpp:mam:0'
+NS_FORWARD = 'urn:xmpp:forward:0'
+FIELDS_REQUEST = "/iq[@type='get']/query[@xmlns='%s']" % NS_MAM
+ARCHIVE_REQUEST = "/iq[@type='set']/query[@xmlns='%s']" % NS_MAM
+PREFS_GET_REQUEST = "/iq[@type='get']/prefs[@xmlns='%s']" % NS_MAM
+PREFS_SET_REQUEST = "/iq[@type='set']/prefs[@xmlns='%s']" % NS_MAM
+# TODO: add the tests!
+class MAMError(Exception):
+    """
+    MAM error.
+    """
+class Unsupported(MAMError):
+    def __init__(self, feature, text=None):
+        self.feature = feature
+        MAMError.__init__(self, 'feature-not-implemented',
+                                'unsupported',
+                                feature,
+                                text)
+    def __str__(self):
+        message = MAMError.__str__(self)
+        message += ', feature %r' % self.feature
+        return message
+class MAMQueryRequest():
+    """
+    A Message Archive Management <query/> request.
+    @ivar form: Data Form specifing the filters.
+    @itype form: L{data_form.Form}
+    @ivar rsm: RSM request instance.
+    @itype rsm: L{rsm.RSMRequest}
+    @ivar node: pubsub node id if querying a pubsub node, else None.
+    @itype form: C{unicode}
+    """
+    form = None
+    rsm = None
+    node = None
+    def __init__(self, form=None, rsm=None, node=None):
+        if form is not None:
+            assert(form.formType == 'submit')
+        self.form = form
+        self.rsm = rsm
+        self.node = node
+    @classmethod
+    def parse(cls, element):
+        """Parse the DOM representation of a MAM <query/> request.
+        @param element: MAM <query/> request element.
+        @type element: L{Element<twisted.words.xish.domish.Element>}
+        @return: MAMQueryRequest instance.
+        @rtype: L{MAMQueryRequest}
+        """
+        if element.uri != NS_MAM or != 'query':
+            raise MAMError('Element provided is not a MAM <query/> request')
+        form = data_form.findForm(element, NS_MAM)
+        try:
+            rsm_request = rsm.RSMRequest.parse(element)
+        except rsm.RSMNotFoundError:
+            rsm_request = None
+        node = element['node'] if element.hasAttribute('node') else None
+        return MAMQueryRequest(form, rsm_request, node)
+    def toElement(self):
+        """
+        Return the DOM representation of this RSM <query/> request.
+        @rtype: L{Element<twisted.words.xish.domish.Element>}
+        """
+        mam_elt = domish.Element((NS_MAM, 'query'))
+        if self.node is not None:
+            mam_elt['node'] = self.node
+        if self.form is not None:
+            mam_elt.addChild(self.form.toElement())
+        if self.rsm is not None:
+            mam_elt.addChild(self.rsm.toElement())
+        return mam_elt
+    def render(self, parent):
+        """Embed the DOM representation of this MAM request in the given element.
+        @param parent: parent IQ element.
+        @type parent: L{Element<twisted.words.xish.domish.Element>}
+        @return: MAM request element.
+        @rtype: L{Element<twisted.words.xish.domish.Element>}
+        """
+        assert( == 'iq')
+        mam_elt = self.toElement()
+        parent.addChild(mam_elt)
+        return mam_elt
+class MAMPrefs():
+    """
+    A Message Archive Management <prefs/> request.
+    @param default: A value in ('always', 'never', 'roster').
+    @type : C{unicode}
+    @param always (list): A list of JID instances.
+    @type always: C{list}
+    @param never (list): A list of JID instances.
+    @type never: C{list}
+    """
+    default = None
+    always = None
+    never = None
+    def __init__(self, default=None, always=None, never=None):
+        if default:
+            assert(default in ('always', 'never', 'roster'))
+            self.default = default
+        if always:
+            assert(isinstance(always, list))
+            self.always = always
+        else:
+            self.always = []
+        if never:
+            assert(isinstance(never, list))
+            self.never = never
+        else:
+            self.never = []
+    @classmethod
+    def parse(cls, element):
+        """Parse the DOM representation of a MAM <prefs/> request.
+        @param element: MAM <prefs/> request element.
+        @type element: L{Element<twisted.words.xish.domish.Element>}
+        @return: MAMPrefs instance.
+        @rtype: L{MAMPrefs}
+        """
+        if element.uri != NS_MAM or != 'prefs':
+            raise MAMError('Element provided is not a MAM <prefs/> request')
+        default = element['default'] if element.hasAttribute('default') else None
+        prefs = {}
+        for attr in ('always', 'never'):
+            prefs[attr] = []
+            try:
+                pref = domish.generateElementsNamed(element.elements(), attr).next()
+                for jid_s in domish.generateElementsNamed(pref.elements(), 'jid'):
+                    prefs[attr].append(jid.JID(jid_s))
+            except StopIteration:
+                pass
+        return MAMPrefs(default, **prefs)
+    def toElement(self):
+        """
+        Return the DOM representation of this RSM <prefs/>request.
+        @rtype: L{Element<twisted.words.xish.domish.Element>}
+        """
+        mam_elt = domish.Element((NS_MAM, 'prefs'))
+        if self.default:
+            mam_elt['default'] = self.default
+        for attr in ('always', 'never'):
+            attr_elt = mam_elt.addElement(attr)
+            jids = getattr(self, attr)
+            for jid in jids:
+                attr_elt.addElement('jid', content=jid.full())
+        return mam_elt
+    def render(self, parent):
+        """Embed the DOM representation of this MAM request in the given element.
+        @param parent: parent IQ element.
+        @type parent: L{Element<twisted.words.xish.domish.Element>}
+        @return: MAM request element.
+        @rtype: L{Element<twisted.words.xish.domish.Element>}
+        """
+        assert( == 'iq')
+        mam_elt = self.toElement()
+        parent.addChild(mam_elt)
+        return mam_elt
+class MAMClient(XMPPHandler):
+    """
+    MAM client.
+    This handler implements the protocol for sending out MAM requests.
+    """
+    def queryArchive(self, service=None, form=None, rsm=None, node=None, sender=None):
+        """Query a user, MUC or pubsub archive.
+        @param service: Entity offering the MAM service (None for user archives).
+        @type service: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @param form: Data Form to filter the request.
+        @type form: L{Form<wokkel.data_form.Form>}
+        @param rsm: RSM request instance.
+        @type rsm: L{RSMRequest<wokkel.rsm.RSMRequest>}
+        @param node: Pubsub node to query, or None if inappropriate.
+        @type node: C{unicode}
+        @param sender: Optional sender address.
+        @type sender: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @return: A deferred that fires upon receiving a response.
+        @rtype: L{Deferred<twisted.internet.defer.Deferred>}
+        """
+        iq = IQ(self.xmlstream, 'set')
+        MAMQueryRequest(form, rsm, node).render(iq)
+        if sender is not None:
+            iq['from'] = unicode(sender)
+        return iq.send(to=service.full() if service else None)
+    def queryFields(self, service=None, sender=None):
+        """Ask the server about additional supported fields.
+        @param service: Entity offering the MAM service (None for user archives).
+        @type service: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @param sender: Optional sender address.
+        @type sender: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @return: A deferred that fires upon receiving a response.
+        @rtype: L{Deferred<twisted.internet.defer.Deferred>}
+        """
+        #
+        iq = IQ(self.xmlstream, 'get')
+        MAMQueryRequest().render(iq)
+        if sender is not None:
+            iq['from'] = unicode(sender)
+        return iq.send(to=service.full() if service else None)
+    def queryPrefs(self, service=None, sender=None):
+        """Retrieve the current user preferences.
+        @param service: Entity offering the MAM service (None for user archives).
+        @type service: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @param sender: Optional sender address.
+        @type sender: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @return: A deferred that fires upon receiving a response.
+        @rtype: L{Deferred<twisted.internet.defer.Deferred>}
+        """
+        #
+        iq = IQ(self.xmlstream, 'get')
+        MAMPrefs().render(iq)
+        if sender is not None:
+            iq['from'] = unicode(sender)
+        return iq.send(to=service.full() if service else None)
+    def setPrefs(self, service=None, default='roster', always=None, never=None, sender=None):
+        """Set new user preferences.
+        @param service: Entity offering the MAM service (None for user archives).
+        @type service: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @param default: A value in ('always', 'never', 'roster').
+        @type : C{unicode}
+        @param always (list): A list of JID instances.
+        @type always: C{list}
+        @param never (list): A list of JID instances.
+        @type never: C{list}
+        @param sender: Optional sender address.
+        @type sender: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @return: A deferred that fires upon receiving a response.
+        @rtype: L{Deferred<twisted.internet.defer.Deferred>}
+        """
+        #
+        assert(default is not None)
+        iq = IQ(self.xmlstream, 'set')
+        MAMPrefs(default, always, never).render(iq)
+        if sender is not None:
+            iq['from'] = unicode(sender)
+        return iq.send(to=service.full() if service else None)
+class IMAMResource(Interface):
+    def onArchiveRequest(self, mam, requestor):
+        """
+        @param mam: The MAM <query/> request.
+        @type mam: L{MAMQueryReques<wokkel.mam.MAMQueryRequest>}
+        @param requestor: JID of the requestor.
+        @type requestor: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @return: The RSM answer.
+        @rtype: L{RSMResponse<wokkel.rsm.RSMResponse>}
+        """
+    def onPrefsGetRequest(self, requestor):
+        """
+        @param requestor: JID of the requestor.
+        @type requestor: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @return: The current settings.
+        @rtype: L{wokkel.mam.MAMPrefs}
+        """
+    def onPrefsSetRequest(self, prefs, requestor):
+        """
+        @param prefs: The new settings to set.
+        @type prefs: L{wokkel.mam.MAMPrefs}
+        @param requestor: JID of the requestor.
+        @type requestor: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @return: The new current settings.
+        @rtype: L{wokkel.mam.MAMPrefs}
+        """
+class MAMService(XMPPHandler, IQHandlerMixin):
+    """
+    Protocol implementation for a MAM service.
+    This handler waits for XMPP Ping requests and sends a response.
+    """
+    implements(disco.IDisco)
+    iqHandlers = {FIELDS_REQUEST: '_onFieldsRequest',
+                  ARCHIVE_REQUEST: '_onArchiveRequest',
+                  PREFS_GET_REQUEST: '_onPrefsGetRequest',
+                  PREFS_SET_REQUEST: '_onPrefsSetRequest'
+                  }
+    _legacyFilters = {'start': {'fieldType': 'text-single',
+                                'var': 'start',
+                                'label': 'Starting time',
+                                'desc': 'Starting time a the result period.',
+                                },
+                      'end': {'fieldType': 'text-single',
+                              'var': 'end',
+                              'label': 'Ending time',
+                              'desc': 'Ending time of the result period.',
+                              },
+                      'with': {'fieldType': 'jid-single',
+                               'var': 'with',
+                               'label': 'Entity',
+                               'desc': 'Entity against which to match message.',
+                               },
+                      }
+    extra_filters = {}
+    def __init__(self, resource):
+        """
+        @param resource: instance implementing IMAMResource
+        @type resource: L{object}
+        """
+        self.resource = resource
+    def connectionInitialized(self):
+        """
+        Called when the XML stream has been initialized.
+        This sets up an observer for incoming ping requests.
+        """
+        self.xmlstream.addObserver(FIELDS_REQUEST, self.handleRequest)
+        self.xmlstream.addObserver(ARCHIVE_REQUEST, self.handleRequest)
+        self.xmlstream.addObserver(PREFS_GET_REQUEST, self.handleRequest)
+        self.xmlstream.addObserver(PREFS_SET_REQUEST, self.handleRequest)
+    def addFilter(self, field):
+        """
+        Add a new filter for querying MAM archive.
+        @param field: dictionary specifying the attributes to build a
+            wokkel.data_form.Field.
+        @type field: C{dict}
+        """
+        self.extra_filters[field.var] = field
+    def _onFieldsRequest(self, iq):
+        """
+        Called when a fields request has been received.
+        This immediately replies with a result response.
+        """
+        response = toResponse(iq, 'result')
+        query = response.addElement((NS_MAM, 'query'))
+        query.addChild(buildForm('form', extra=self.extra_filters).toElement())
+        self.xmlstream.send(response)
+        iq.handled = True
+    def _onArchiveRequest(self, iq):
+        """
+        Called when a message archive request has been received.
+        This immediately replies with a result response, followed by the
+        list of archived message and the finally the <fin/> message.
+        """
+        response = toResponse(iq, 'result')
+        self.xmlstream.send(response)
+        mam_ = MAMQueryRequest.parse(iq.query)
+        requestor = jid.JID(iq['from'])
+        # remove unsupported filters
+        unsupported_fields = []
+        if mam_.form:
+            for key, field in mam_.form.fields.iteritems():
+                if key not in self._legacyFilters and key not in self.extra_filters:
+                    log.msg('Ignored unsupported MAM filter: %s' % field)
+                    unsupported_fields.append(key)
+        for key in unsupported_fields:
+            del mam_.form.fields[key]
+        def forward_message(id_, elt, date):
+            msg = domish.Element((None, 'message'))
+            msg['to'] = iq['from']
+            result = msg.addElement('result', NS_MAM)
+            if iq.hasAttribute('queryid'):
+                result['queryid'] = iq.query['queryid']
+            result['id'] = id_
+            forward = result.addElement('forwarded', NS_FORWARD)
+            forward.addChild(delay.Delay(date).toElement())
+            forward.addChild(elt)
+            self.xmlstream.send(msg)
+        def cb(result):
+            msg_data, rsm_elt = result
+            for data in msg_data:
+                forward_message(*data)
+            msg = domish.Element((None, 'message'))
+            msg['to'] = iq['from']
+            fin = msg.addElement('fin', NS_MAM)
+            if iq.hasAttribute('queryid'):
+                fin['queryid'] = iq.query['queryid']
+            if rsm_elt is not None:
+                fin.addChild(rsm_elt)
+            self.xmlstream.send(msg)
+        self.resource.onArchiveRequest(mam_, requestor).addCallback(cb)
+        iq.handled = True
+    def _onPrefsGetRequest(self, iq):
+        """
+        Called when a prefs get request has been received.
+        This immediately replies with a result response.
+        """
+        response = toResponse(iq, 'result')
+        requestor = jid.JID(iq['from'])
+        def cb(prefs):
+            response.addChild(prefs.toElement())
+            self.xmlstream.send(response)
+        self.resource.onPrefsGetRequest(requestor).addCallback(cb)
+        iq.handled = True
+    def _onPrefsSetRequest(self, iq):
+        """
+        Called when a prefs get request has been received.
+        This immediately replies with a result response.
+        """
+        response = toResponse(iq, 'result')
+        prefs = MAMPrefs.parse(iq.prefs)
+        requestor = jid.JID(iq['from'])
+        def cb(prefs):
+            response.addChild(prefs.toElement())
+            self.xmlstream.send(response)
+        self.resource.onPrefsSetRequest(prefs, requestor).addCallback(cb)
+        iq.handled = True
+    def getDiscoInfo(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
+        return [disco.DiscoFeature(NS_MAM)]
+    def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
+        return []
+def datetime2utc(datetime):
+    """Convert a datetime to a XEP-0082 compliant UTC datetime.
+    @param datetime: Offset-aware timestamp to convert.
+    @type datetime: L{datetime<datetime.datetime>}
+    @return: The datetime converted to UTC.
+    @rtype: C{unicode}
+    """
+    stampFormat = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'
+    return datetime.astimezone(tzutc()).strftime(stampFormat)
+def buildForm(formType='submit', start=None, end=None, with_jid=None, extra=None):
+    """Prepare a Data Form for MAM.
+    @param formType: The type of the Data Form ('submit' or 'form').
+    @type formType: C{unicode}
+    @param start: Offset-aware timestamp to filter out older messages.
+    @type start: L{datetime<datetime.datetime>}
+    @param end: Offset-aware timestamp to filter out later messages.
+    @type end: L{datetime<datetime.datetime>}
+    @param with_jid: JID against which to match messages.
+    @type with_jid: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+    @param extra: list of extra fields that are not defined by the
+        specification. Each element of the list must be a dictionary
+        specifying the attributes to build a wokkel.data_form.Field.
+    @type: C{list}
+    @return: XEP-0004 Data Form object.
+    @rtype: L{Form<wokkel.data_form.Form>}
+    """
+    form = data_form.Form(formType, formNamespace=NS_MAM)
+    filters = []
+    if formType == 'form':
+        filters.extend(MAMService._legacyFilters.values())
+    elif formType == 'submit':
+        if start:
+            filters.append({'var': 'start', 'value': datetime2utc(start)})
+        if end:
+            filters.append({'var': 'end', 'value': datetime2utc(end)})
+        if with_jid:
+            # must specify the field type to overwrite default value in Field.__init__
+            filters.append({'fieldType': 'jid-single', 'var': 'with', 'value': with_jid.full()})
+    if extra is not None:
+        filters.extend(extra)
+    for field in filters:
+        form.addField(data_form.Field(**field))
+    return form
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/tmp/wokkel/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1568 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: wokkel.test.test_pubsub -*-
+# Copyright (c) Ralph Meijer.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+XMPP publish-subscribe protocol.
+This protocol is specified in
+from zope.interface import implements
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.python import log
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid, error
+from twisted.words.xish import domish
+from wokkel import disco, data_form, generic, shim
+from wokkel.compat import IQ
+from wokkel.subprotocols import IQHandlerMixin, XMPPHandler
+from wokkel.iwokkel import IPubSubClient, IPubSubService, IPubSubResource
+# Iq get and set XPath queries
+IQ_GET = '/iq[@type="get"]'
+IQ_SET = '/iq[@type="set"]'
+# Publish-subscribe namespaces
+# XPath to match pubsub requests
+PUBSUB_REQUEST = '/iq[@type="get" or @type="set"]/' + \
+                    'pubsub[@xmlns="' + NS_PUBSUB + '" or ' + \
+                           '@xmlns="' + NS_PUBSUB_OWNER + '"]'
+class SubscriptionPending(Exception):
+    """
+    Raised when the requested subscription is pending acceptance.
+    """
+class SubscriptionUnconfigured(Exception):
+    """
+    Raised when the requested subscription needs to be configured before
+    becoming active.
+    """
+class PubSubError(error.StanzaError):
+    """
+    Exception with publish-subscribe specific condition.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, condition, pubsubCondition, feature=None, text=None):
+        appCondition = domish.Element((NS_PUBSUB_ERRORS, pubsubCondition))
+        if feature:
+            appCondition['feature'] = feature
+        error.StanzaError.__init__(self, condition,
+                                         text=text,
+                                         appCondition=appCondition)
+class BadRequest(error.StanzaError):
+    """
+    Bad request stanza error.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, pubsubCondition=None, text=None):
+        if pubsubCondition:
+            appCondition = domish.Element((NS_PUBSUB_ERRORS, pubsubCondition))
+        else:
+            appCondition = None
+        error.StanzaError.__init__(self, 'bad-request',
+                                         text=text,
+                                         appCondition=appCondition)
+class Unsupported(PubSubError):
+    def __init__(self, feature, text=None):
+        self.feature = feature
+        PubSubError.__init__(self, 'feature-not-implemented',
+                                   'unsupported',
+                                   feature,
+                                   text)
+    def __str__(self):
+        message = PubSubError.__str__(self)
+        message += ', feature %r' % self.feature
+        return message
+class Subscription(object):
+    """
+    A subscription to a node.
+    @ivar nodeIdentifier: The identifier of the node subscribed to.  The root
+        node is denoted by C{None}.
+    @type nodeIdentifier: C{unicode}
+    @ivar subscriber: The subscribing entity.
+    @type subscriber: L{jid.JID}
+    @ivar state: The subscription state. One of C{'subscribed'}, C{'pending'},
+                 C{'unconfigured'}.
+    @type state: C{unicode}
+    @ivar options: Optional list of subscription options.
+    @type options: C{dict}
+    @ivar subscriptionIdentifier: Optional subscription identifier.
+    @type subscriptionIdentifier: C{unicode}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, nodeIdentifier, subscriber, state, options=None,
+                       subscriptionIdentifier=None):
+        self.nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier
+        self.subscriber = subscriber
+        self.state = state
+        self.options = options or {}
+        self.subscriptionIdentifier = subscriptionIdentifier
+    @staticmethod
+    def fromElement(element):
+        return Subscription(
+                element.getAttribute('node'),
+                jid.JID(element.getAttribute('jid')),
+                element.getAttribute('subscription'),
+                subscriptionIdentifier=element.getAttribute('subid'))
+    def toElement(self, defaultUri=None):
+        """
+        Return the DOM representation of this subscription.
+        @rtype: L{domish.Element}
+        """
+        element = domish.Element((defaultUri, 'subscription'))
+        if self.nodeIdentifier:
+            element['node'] = self.nodeIdentifier
+        element['jid'] = unicode(self.subscriber)
+        element['subscription'] = self.state
+        if self.subscriptionIdentifier:
+            element['subid'] = self.subscriptionIdentifier
+        return element
+class Item(domish.Element):
+    """
+    Publish subscribe item.
+    This behaves like an object providing L{domish.IElement}.
+    Item payload can be added using C{addChild} or C{addRawXml}, or using the
+    C{payload} keyword argument to C{__init__}.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, id=None, payload=None):
+        """
+        @param id: optional item identifier
+        @type id: C{unicode}
+        @param payload: optional item payload. Either as a domish element, or
+                        as serialized XML.
+        @type payload: object providing L{domish.IElement} or C{unicode}.
+        """
+        domish.Element.__init__(self, (None, 'item'))
+        if id is not None:
+            self['id'] = id
+        if payload is not None:
+            if isinstance(payload, basestring):
+                self.addRawXml(payload)
+            else:
+                self.addChild(payload)
+class PubSubRequest(generic.Stanza):
+    """
+    A publish-subscribe request.
+    The set of instance variables used depends on the type of request. If
+    a variable is not applicable or not passed in the request, its value is
+    C{None}.
+    @ivar verb: The type of publish-subscribe request. See C{_requestVerbMap}.
+    @type verb: C{str}.
+    @ivar affiliations: Affiliations to be modified.
+    @type affiliations: C{set}
+    @ivar items: The items to be published, as L{domish.Element}s.
+    @type items: C{list}
+    @ivar itemIdentifiers: Identifiers of the items to be retrieved or
+                           retracted.
+    @type itemIdentifiers: C{set}
+    @ivar maxItems: Maximum number of items to retrieve.
+    @type maxItems: C{int}.
+    @ivar nodeIdentifier: Identifier of the node the request is about.
+    @type nodeIdentifier: C{unicode}
+    @ivar nodeType: The type of node that should be created, or for which the
+                    configuration is retrieved. C{'leaf'} or C{'collection'}.
+    @type nodeType: C{str}
+    @ivar options: Configurations options for nodes, subscriptions and publish
+                   requests.
+    @type options: L{data_form.Form}
+    @ivar subscriber: The subscribing entity.
+    @type subscriber: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+    @ivar subscriptionIdentifier: Identifier for a specific subscription.
+    @type subscriptionIdentifier: C{unicode}
+    @ivar subscriptions: Subscriptions to be modified, as a set of
+        L{Subscription}.
+    @type subscriptions: C{set}
+    @ivar affiliations: Affiliations to be modified, as a dictionary of entity
+        (L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>} to affiliation
+        (C{unicode}).
+    @type affiliations: C{dict}
+    """
+    verb = None
+    affiliations = None
+    items = None
+    itemIdentifiers = None
+    maxItems = None
+    nodeIdentifier = None
+    nodeType = None
+    options = None
+    subscriber = None
+    subscriptionIdentifier = None
+    subscriptions = None
+    affiliations = None
+    # Map request iq type and subelement name to request verb
+    _requestVerbMap = {
+        ('set', NS_PUBSUB, 'publish'): 'publish',
+        ('set', NS_PUBSUB, 'subscribe'): 'subscribe',
+        ('set', NS_PUBSUB, 'unsubscribe'): 'unsubscribe',
+        ('get', NS_PUBSUB, 'options'): 'optionsGet',
+        ('set', NS_PUBSUB, 'options'): 'optionsSet',
+        ('get', NS_PUBSUB, 'subscriptions'): 'subscriptions',
+        ('get', NS_PUBSUB, 'affiliations'): 'affiliations',
+        ('set', NS_PUBSUB, 'create'): 'create',
+        ('get', NS_PUBSUB_OWNER, 'default'): 'default',
+        ('get', NS_PUBSUB_OWNER, 'configure'): 'configureGet',
+        ('set', NS_PUBSUB_OWNER, 'configure'): 'configureSet',
+        ('get', NS_PUBSUB, 'items'): 'items',
+        ('set', NS_PUBSUB, 'retract'): 'retract',
+        ('set', NS_PUBSUB_OWNER, 'purge'): 'purge',
+        ('set', NS_PUBSUB_OWNER, 'delete'): 'delete',
+        ('get', NS_PUBSUB_OWNER, 'affiliations'): 'affiliationsGet',
+        ('set', NS_PUBSUB_OWNER, 'affiliations'): 'affiliationsSet',
+        ('get', NS_PUBSUB_OWNER, 'subscriptions'): 'subscriptionsGet',
+        ('set', NS_PUBSUB_OWNER, 'subscriptions'): 'subscriptionsSet',
+    }
+    # Map request verb to request iq type and subelement name
+    _verbRequestMap = dict(((v, k) for k, v in _requestVerbMap.iteritems()))
+    # Map request verb to parameter handler names
+    _parameters = {
+        'publish': ['node', 'items'],
+        'subscribe': ['nodeOrEmpty', 'jid', 'optionsWithSubscribe'],
+        'unsubscribe': ['nodeOrEmpty', 'jid', 'subidOrNone'],
+        'optionsGet': ['nodeOrEmpty', 'jid', 'subidOrNone'],
+        'optionsSet': ['nodeOrEmpty', 'jid', 'options', 'subidOrNone'],
+        'subscriptions': [],
+        'affiliations': [],
+        'create': ['nodeOrNone', 'configureOrNone'],
+        'default': ['default'],
+        'configureGet': ['nodeOrEmpty'],
+        'configureSet': ['nodeOrEmpty', 'configure'],
+        'items': ['node', 'maxItems', 'itemIdentifiers', 'subidOrNone'],
+        'retract': ['node', 'itemIdentifiers'],
+        'purge': ['node'],
+        'delete': ['node'],
+        'affiliationsGet': ['nodeOrEmpty'],
+        'affiliationsSet': ['nodeOrEmpty', 'affiliations'],
+        'subscriptionsGet': ['nodeOrEmpty'],
+        'subscriptionsSet': [],
+    }
+    def __init__(self, verb=None):
+        self.verb = verb
+    def _parse_node(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Parse the required node identifier out of the verbElement.
+        """
+        try:
+            self.nodeIdentifier = verbElement["node"]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise BadRequest('nodeid-required')
+    def _render_node(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Render the required node identifier on the verbElement.
+        """
+        if not self.nodeIdentifier:
+            raise Exception("Node identifier is required")
+        verbElement['node'] = self.nodeIdentifier
+    def _parse_nodeOrEmpty(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Parse the node identifier out of the verbElement. May be empty.
+        """
+        self.nodeIdentifier = verbElement.getAttribute("node", '')
+    def _render_nodeOrEmpty(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Render the node identifier on the verbElement. May be empty.
+        """
+        if self.nodeIdentifier:
+            verbElement['node'] = self.nodeIdentifier
+    def _parse_nodeOrNone(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Parse the optional node identifier out of the verbElement.
+        """
+        self.nodeIdentifier = verbElement.getAttribute("node")
+    def _render_nodeOrNone(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Render the optional node identifier on the verbElement.
+        """
+        if self.nodeIdentifier:
+            verbElement['node'] = self.nodeIdentifier
+    def _parse_items(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Parse items out of the verbElement for publish requests.
+        """
+        self.items = []
+        for element in verbElement.elements():
+            if element.uri == NS_PUBSUB and == 'item':
+                self.items.append(element)
+    def _render_items(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Render items into the verbElement for publish requests.
+        """
+        if self.items:
+            for item in self.items:
+                item.uri = NS_PUBSUB
+                verbElement.addChild(item)
+    def _parse_jid(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Parse subscriber out of the verbElement for un-/subscribe requests.
+        """
+        try:
+            self.subscriber = jid.internJID(verbElement["jid"])
+        except KeyError:
+            raise BadRequest('jid-required')
+    def _render_jid(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Render subscriber into the verbElement for un-/subscribe requests.
+        """
+        verbElement['jid'] = self.subscriber.full()
+    def _parse_default(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Parse node type out of a request for the default node configuration.
+        """
+        form = data_form.findForm(verbElement, NS_PUBSUB_NODE_CONFIG)
+        if form is not None and form.formType == 'submit':
+            values = form.getValues()
+            self.nodeType = values.get('pubsub#node_type', 'leaf')
+        else:
+            self.nodeType = 'leaf'
+    def _parse_configure(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Parse options out of a request for setting the node configuration.
+        """
+        form = data_form.findForm(verbElement, NS_PUBSUB_NODE_CONFIG)
+        if form is not None:
+            if form.formType in ('submit', 'cancel'):
+                self.options = form
+            else:
+                raise BadRequest(text=u"Unexpected form type '%s'" % form.formType)
+        else:
+            raise BadRequest(text="Missing configuration form")
+    def _parse_configureOrNone(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Parse optional node configuration form in create request.
+        """
+        for element in verbElement.parent.elements():
+            if element.uri == NS_PUBSUB and == 'configure':
+                form = data_form.findForm(element, NS_PUBSUB_NODE_CONFIG)
+                if form is not None:
+                    if form.formType != 'submit':
+                        raise BadRequest(text=u"Unexpected form type '%s'" %
+                                              form.formType)
+                else:
+                    form = data_form.Form('submit',
+                                          formNamespace=NS_PUBSUB_NODE_CONFIG)
+                self.options = form
+    def _render_configureOrNone(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Render optional node configuration form in create request.
+        """
+        if self.options is not None:
+            configure = verbElement.parent.addElement('configure')
+            configure.addChild(self.options.toElement())
+    def _parse_itemIdentifiers(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Parse item identifiers out of items and retract requests.
+        """
+        self.itemIdentifiers = []
+        for element in verbElement.elements():
+            if element.uri == NS_PUBSUB and == 'item':
+                try:
+                    self.itemIdentifiers.append(element["id"])
+                except KeyError:
+                    raise BadRequest()
+    def _render_itemIdentifiers(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Render item identifiers into items and retract requests.
+        """
+        if self.itemIdentifiers:
+            for itemIdentifier in self.itemIdentifiers:
+                item = verbElement.addElement('item')
+                item['id'] = itemIdentifier
+    def _parse_maxItems(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Parse maximum items out of an items request.
+        """
+        value = verbElement.getAttribute('max_items')
+        if value:
+            try:
+                self.maxItems = int(value)
+            except ValueError:
+                raise BadRequest(text="Field max_items requires a positive " +
+                                      "integer value")
+    def _render_maxItems(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Render maximum items into an items request.
+        """
+        if self.maxItems:
+            verbElement['max_items'] = unicode(self.maxItems)
+    def _parse_subidOrNone(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Parse subscription identifier out of a request.
+        """
+        self.subscriptionIdentifier = verbElement.getAttribute("subid")
+    def _render_subidOrNone(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Render subscription identifier into a request.
+        """
+        if self.subscriptionIdentifier:
+            verbElement['subid'] = self.subscriptionIdentifier
+    def _parse_options(self, verbElement):
+        """
+        Parse options form out of a subscription options request.
+        """
+        form = data_form.findForm(verbElement, NS_PUBSUB_SUBSCRIBE_OPTIONS)
+        if form is not None:
+            if form.formType in ('submit', 'cancel'):
+                self.options = form
+            else:
+                raise BadRequest(text=u"Unexpected form type '%s'" % form.formType)
+        else:
+            raise BadRequest(text="Missing options form")
+    def _render_options(self, verbElement):
+        verbElement.addChild(self.options.toElement())
+    def _parse_optionsWithSubscribe(self, verbElement):
+        for element in verbElement.parent.elements():
+            if == 'options' and element.uri == NS_PUBSUB:
+                form = data_form.findForm(element,
+                                          NS_PUBSUB_SUBSCRIBE_OPTIONS)
+                if form is not None:
+                    if form.formType != 'submit':
+                        raise BadRequest(text=u"Unexpected form type '%s'" %
+                                              form.formType)
+                else:
+                    form = data_form.Form('submit',
+                                          formNamespace=NS_PUBSUB_SUBSCRIBE_OPTIONS)
+                self.options = form
+    def _render_optionsWithSubscribe(self, verbElement):
+        if self.options is not None:
+            optionsElement = verbElement.parent.addElement('options')
+            self._render_options(optionsElement)
+    def _parse_affiliations(self, verbElement):
+        self.affiliations = {}
+        for element in verbElement.elements():
+            if (element.uri == NS_PUBSUB_OWNER and
+       == 'affiliation'):
+                try:
+                    entity = jid.internJID(element['jid']).userhostJID()
+                except KeyError:
+                    raise BadRequest(text='Missing jid attribute')
+                if entity in self.affiliations:
+                    raise BadRequest(text='Multiple affiliations for an entity')
+                try:
+                    affiliation = element['affiliation']
+                except KeyError:
+                    raise BadRequest(text='Missing affiliation attribute')
+                self.affiliations[entity] = affiliation
+    def parseElement(self, element):
+        """
+        Parse the publish-subscribe verb and parameters out of a request.
+        """
+        generic.Stanza.parseElement(self, element)
+        verbs = []
+        verbElements = []
+        for child in element.pubsub.elements():
+            key = (self.stanzaType, child.uri,
+            try:
+                verb = self._requestVerbMap[key]
+            except KeyError:
+                continue
+            verbs.append(verb)
+            verbElements.append(child)
+        if not verbs:
+            raise NotImplementedError()
+        if len(verbs) > 1:
+            if 'optionsSet' in verbs and 'subscribe' in verbs:
+                self.verb = 'subscribe'
+                verbElement = verbElements[verbs.index('subscribe')]
+            else:
+                raise NotImplementedError()
+        else:
+            self.verb = verbs[0]
+            verbElement = verbElements[0]
+        for parameter in self._parameters[self.verb]:
+            getattr(self, '_parse_%s' % parameter)(verbElement)
+    def send(self, xs):
+        """
+        Send this request to its recipient.
+        This renders all of the relevant parameters for this specific
+        requests into an L{IQ}, and invoke its C{send} method.
+        This returns a deferred that fires upon reception of a response. See
+        L{IQ} for details.
+        @param xs: The XML stream to send the request on.
+        @type xs: L{twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream.XmlStream}
+        @rtype: L{defer.Deferred}.
+        """
+        try:
+            (self.stanzaType,
+             childURI,
+             childName) = self._verbRequestMap[self.verb]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise NotImplementedError()
+        iq = IQ(xs, self.stanzaType)
+        iq.addElement((childURI, 'pubsub'))
+        verbElement = iq.pubsub.addElement(childName)
+        if self.sender:
+            iq['from'] = self.sender.full()
+        if self.recipient:
+            iq['to'] = self.recipient.full()
+        for parameter in self._parameters[self.verb]:
+            getattr(self, '_render_%s' % parameter)(verbElement)
+        return iq.send()
+class PubSubEvent(object):
+    """
+    A publish subscribe event.
+    @param sender: The entity from which the notification was received.
+    @type sender: L{jid.JID}
+    @param recipient: The entity to which the notification was sent.
+    @type recipient: L{wokkel.pubsub.ItemsEvent}
+    @param nodeIdentifier: Identifier of the node the event pertains to.
+    @type nodeIdentifier: C{unicode}
+    @param headers: SHIM headers, see L{wokkel.shim.extractHeaders}.
+    @type headers: C{dict}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, sender, recipient, nodeIdentifier, headers):
+        self.sender = sender
+        self.recipient = recipient
+        self.nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier
+        self.headers = headers
+class ItemsEvent(PubSubEvent):
+    """
+    A publish-subscribe event that signifies new, updated and retracted items.
+    @param items: List of received items as domish elements.
+    @type items: C{list} of L{domish.Element}
+    """
+    def __init__(self, sender, recipient, nodeIdentifier, items, headers):
+        PubSubEvent.__init__(self, sender, recipient, nodeIdentifier, headers)
+        self.items = items
+class DeleteEvent(PubSubEvent):
+    """
+    A publish-subscribe event that signifies the deletion of a node.
+    """
+    redirectURI = None
+class PurgeEvent(PubSubEvent):
+    """
+    A publish-subscribe event that signifies the purging of a node.
+    """
+class PubSubClient(XMPPHandler):
+    """
+    Publish subscribe client protocol.
+    """
+    implements(IPubSubClient)
+    def connectionInitialized(self):
+        self.xmlstream.addObserver('/message/event[@xmlns="%s"]' %
+                                   NS_PUBSUB_EVENT, self._onEvent)
+    def _onEvent(self, message):
+        if message.getAttribute('type') == 'error':
+            return
+        try:
+            sender = jid.JID(message["from"])
+            recipient = jid.JID(message["to"])
+        except KeyError:
+            return
+        actionElement = None
+        for element in message.event.elements():
+            if element.uri == NS_PUBSUB_EVENT:
+                actionElement = element
+        if not actionElement:
+            return
+        eventHandler = getattr(self, "_onEvent_%s" %, None)
+        if eventHandler:
+            headers = shim.extractHeaders(message)
+            eventHandler(sender, recipient, actionElement, headers)
+            message.handled = True
+    def _onEvent_items(self, sender, recipient, action, headers):
+        nodeIdentifier = action["node"]
+        items = [element for element in action.elements()
+                         if in ('item', 'retract')]
+        event = ItemsEvent(sender, recipient, nodeIdentifier, items, headers)
+        self.itemsReceived(event)
+    def _onEvent_delete(self, sender, recipient, action, headers):
+        nodeIdentifier = action["node"]
+        event = DeleteEvent(sender, recipient, nodeIdentifier, headers)
+        if action.redirect:
+            event.redirectURI = action.redirect.getAttribute('uri')
+        self.deleteReceived(event)
+    def _onEvent_purge(self, sender, recipient, action, headers):
+        nodeIdentifier = action["node"]
+        event = PurgeEvent(sender, recipient, nodeIdentifier, headers)
+        self.purgeReceived(event)
+    def itemsReceived(self, event):
+        pass
+    def deleteReceived(self, event):
+        pass
+    def purgeReceived(self, event):
+        pass
+    def createNode(self, service, nodeIdentifier=None, options=None,
+                         sender=None):
+        """
+        Create a publish subscribe node.
+        @param service: The publish subscribe service to create the node at.
+        @type service: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @param nodeIdentifier: Optional suggestion for the id of the node.
+        @type nodeIdentifier: C{unicode}
+        @param options: Optional node configuration options.
+        @type options: C{dict}
+        """
+        request = PubSubRequest('create')
+        request.recipient = service
+        request.nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier
+        request.sender = sender
+        if options:
+            form = data_form.Form(formType='submit',
+                                  formNamespace=NS_PUBSUB_NODE_CONFIG)
+            form.makeFields(options)
+            request.options = form
+        def cb(iq):
+            try:
+                new_node = iq.pubsub.create["node"]
+            except AttributeError:
+                # the suggested node identifier was accepted
+                new_node = nodeIdentifier
+            return new_node
+        d = request.send(self.xmlstream)
+        d.addCallback(cb)
+        return d
+    def deleteNode(self, service, nodeIdentifier, sender=None):
+        """
+        Delete a publish subscribe node.
+        @param service: The publish subscribe service to delete the node from.
+        @type service: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @param nodeIdentifier: The identifier of the node.
+        @type nodeIdentifier: C{unicode}
+        """
+        request = PubSubRequest('delete')
+        request.recipient = service
+        request.nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier
+        request.sender = sender
+        return request.send(self.xmlstream)
+    def subscribe(self, service, nodeIdentifier, subscriber,
+                        options=None, sender=None):
+        """
+        Subscribe to a publish subscribe node.
+        @param service: The publish subscribe service that keeps the node.
+        @type service: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @param nodeIdentifier: The identifier of the node.
+        @type nodeIdentifier: C{unicode}
+        @param subscriber: The entity to subscribe to the node. This entity
+            will get notifications of new published items.
+        @type subscriber: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @param options: Subscription options.
+        @type options: C{dict}
+        @return: Deferred that fires with L{Subscription} or errbacks with
+            L{SubscriptionPending} or L{SubscriptionUnconfigured}.
+        @rtype: L{defer.Deferred}
+        """
+        request = PubSubRequest('subscribe')
+        request.recipient = service
+        request.nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier
+        request.subscriber = subscriber
+        request.sender = sender
+        if options:
+            form = data_form.Form(formType='submit',
+                                  formNamespace=NS_PUBSUB_SUBSCRIBE_OPTIONS)
+            form.makeFields(options)
+            request.options = form
+        def cb(iq):
+            subscription = Subscription.fromElement(iq.pubsub.subscription)
+            if subscription.state == 'pending':
+                raise SubscriptionPending()
+            elif subscription.state == 'unconfigured':
+                raise SubscriptionUnconfigured()
+            else:
+                # we assume subscription == 'subscribed'
+                # any other value would be invalid, but that should have
+                # yielded a stanza error.
+                return subscription
+        d = request.send(self.xmlstream)
+        d.addCallback(cb)
+        return d
+    def unsubscribe(self, service, nodeIdentifier, subscriber,
+                          subscriptionIdentifier=None, sender=None):
+        """
+        Unsubscribe from a publish subscribe node.
+        @param service: The publish subscribe service that keeps the node.
+        @type service: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @param nodeIdentifier: The identifier of the node.
+        @type nodeIdentifier: C{unicode}
+        @param subscriber: The entity to unsubscribe from the node.
+        @type subscriber: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @param subscriptionIdentifier: Optional subscription identifier.
+        @type subscriptionIdentifier: C{unicode}
+        """
+        request = PubSubRequest('unsubscribe')
+        request.recipient = service
+        request.nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier
+        request.subscriber = subscriber
+        request.subscriptionIdentifier = subscriptionIdentifier
+        request.sender = sender
+        return request.send(self.xmlstream)
+    def publish(self, service, nodeIdentifier, items=None, sender=None):
+        """
+        Publish to a publish subscribe node.
+        @param service: The publish subscribe service that keeps the node.
+        @type service: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @param nodeIdentifier: The identifier of the node.
+        @type nodeIdentifier: C{unicode}
+        @param items: Optional list of L{Item}s to publish.
+        @type items: C{list}
+        """
+        request = PubSubRequest('publish')
+        request.recipient = service
+        request.nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier
+        request.items = items
+        request.sender = sender
+        return request.send(self.xmlstream)
+    def items(self, service, nodeIdentifier, maxItems=None, itemIdentifiers=None,
+              subscriptionIdentifier=None, sender=None):
+        """
+        Retrieve previously published items from a publish subscribe node.
+        @param service: The publish subscribe service that keeps the node.
+        @type service: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @param nodeIdentifier: The identifier of the node.
+        @type nodeIdentifier: C{unicode}
+        @param maxItems: Optional limit on the number of retrieved items.
+        @type maxItems: C{int}
+        @param itemIdentifiers: Identifiers of the items to be retrieved.
+        @type itemIdentifiers: C{set}
+        @param subscriptionIdentifier: Optional subscription identifier. In
+            case the node has been subscribed to multiple times, this narrows
+            the results to the specific subscription.
+        @type subscriptionIdentifier: C{unicode}
+        """
+        request = PubSubRequest('items')
+        request.recipient = service
+        request.nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier
+        if maxItems:
+            request.maxItems = str(int(maxItems))
+        request.subscriptionIdentifier = subscriptionIdentifier
+        request.sender = sender
+        request.itemIdentifiers = itemIdentifiers
+        def cb(iq):
+            items = []
+            for element in iq.pubsub.items.elements():
+                if element.uri == NS_PUBSUB and == 'item':
+                    items.append(element)
+            return items
+        d = request.send(self.xmlstream)
+        d.addCallback(cb)
+        return d
+    def retractItems(self, service, nodeIdentifier, itemIdentifiers, sender=None):
+        """
+        Retract items from a publish subscribe node.
+        @param service: The publish subscribe service to delete the node from.
+        @type service: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @param nodeIdentifier: The identifier of the node.
+        @type nodeIdentifier: C{unicode}
+        @param itemIdentifiers: Identifiers of the items to be retracted.
+        @type itemIdentifiers: C{set}
+        """
+        request = PubSubRequest('retract')
+        request.recipient = service
+        request.nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier
+        request.itemIdentifiers = itemIdentifiers
+        request.sender = sender
+        return request.send(self.xmlstream)
+    def getOptions(self, service, nodeIdentifier, subscriber,
+                         subscriptionIdentifier=None, sender=None):
+        """
+        Get subscription options.
+        @param service: The publish subscribe service that keeps the node.
+        @type service: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @param nodeIdentifier: The identifier of the node.
+        @type nodeIdentifier: C{unicode}
+        @param subscriber: The entity subscribed to the node.
+        @type subscriber: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @param subscriptionIdentifier: Optional subscription identifier.
+        @type subscriptionIdentifier: C{unicode}
+        @rtype: L{data_form.Form}
+        """
+        request = PubSubRequest('optionsGet')
+        request.recipient = service
+        request.nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier
+        request.subscriber = subscriber
+        request.subscriptionIdentifier = subscriptionIdentifier
+        request.sender = sender
+        def cb(iq):
+            form = data_form.findForm(iq.pubsub.options,
+                                      NS_PUBSUB_SUBSCRIBE_OPTIONS)
+            form.typeCheck()
+            return form
+        d = request.send(self.xmlstream)
+        d.addCallback(cb)
+        return d
+    def setOptions(self, service, nodeIdentifier, subscriber,
+                         options, subscriptionIdentifier=None, sender=None):
+        """
+        Set subscription options.
+        @param service: The publish subscribe service that keeps the node.
+        @type service: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @param nodeIdentifier: The identifier of the node.
+        @type nodeIdentifier: C{unicode}
+        @param subscriber: The entity subscribed to the node.
+        @type subscriber: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @param options: Subscription options.
+        @type options: C{dict}.
+        @param subscriptionIdentifier: Optional subscription identifier.
+        @type subscriptionIdentifier: C{unicode}
+        """
+        request = PubSubRequest('optionsSet')
+        request.recipient = service
+        request.nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier
+        request.subscriber = subscriber
+        request.subscriptionIdentifier = subscriptionIdentifier
+        request.sender = sender
+        form = data_form.Form(formType='submit',
+                              formNamespace=NS_PUBSUB_SUBSCRIBE_OPTIONS)
+        form.makeFields(options)
+        request.options = form
+        d = request.send(self.xmlstream)
+        return d
+class PubSubService(XMPPHandler, IQHandlerMixin):
+    """
+    Protocol implementation for a XMPP Publish Subscribe Service.
+    The word Service here is used as taken from the Publish Subscribe
+    specification. It is the party responsible for keeping nodes and their
+    subscriptions, and sending out notifications.
+    Methods from the L{IPubSubService} interface that are called as a result
+    of an XMPP request may raise exceptions. Alternatively the deferred
+    returned by these methods may have their errback called. These are handled
+    as follows:
+     - If the exception is an instance of L{error.StanzaError}, an error
+       response iq is returned.
+     - Any other exception is reported using L{log.msg}. An error response
+       with the condition C{internal-server-error} is returned.
+    The default implementation of said methods raises an L{Unsupported}
+    exception and are meant to be overridden.
+    @ivar discoIdentity: Service discovery identity as a dictionary with
+                         keys C{'category'}, C{'type'} and C{'name'}.
+    @ivar pubSubFeatures: List of supported publish-subscribe features for
+                          service discovery, as C{str}.
+    @type pubSubFeatures: C{list} or C{None}
+    """
+    implements(IPubSubService, disco.IDisco)
+    iqHandlers = {
+            '/*': '_onPubSubRequest',
+            }
+    _legacyHandlers = {
+        'publish': ('publish', ['sender', 'recipient',
+                                'nodeIdentifier', 'items']),
+        'subscribe': ('subscribe', ['sender', 'recipient',
+                                    'nodeIdentifier', 'subscriber']),
+        'unsubscribe': ('unsubscribe', ['sender', 'recipient',
+                                        'nodeIdentifier', 'subscriber']),
+        'subscriptions': ('subscriptions', ['sender', 'recipient']),
+        'affiliations': ('affiliations', ['sender', 'recipient']),
+        'create': ('create', ['sender', 'recipient', 'nodeIdentifier']),
+        'getConfigurationOptions': ('getConfigurationOptions', []),
+        'default': ('getDefaultConfiguration',
+                    ['sender', 'recipient', 'nodeType']),
+        'configureGet': ('getConfiguration', ['sender', 'recipient',
+                                              'nodeIdentifier']),
+        'configureSet': ('setConfiguration', ['sender', 'recipient',
+                                              'nodeIdentifier', 'options']),
+        'items': ('items', ['sender', 'recipient', 'nodeIdentifier',
+                            'maxItems', 'itemIdentifiers']),
+        'retract': ('retract', ['sender', 'recipient', 'nodeIdentifier',
+                                'itemIdentifiers']),
+        'purge': ('purge', ['sender', 'recipient', 'nodeIdentifier']),
+        'delete': ('delete', ['sender', 'recipient', 'nodeIdentifier']),
+    }
+    _request_class = PubSubRequest
+    hideNodes = False
+    def __init__(self, resource=None):
+        self.resource = resource
+        self.discoIdentity = {'category': 'pubsub',
+                              'type': 'service',
+                              'name': 'Generic Publish-Subscribe Service'}
+        self.pubSubFeatures = []
+    def connectionMade(self):
+        self.xmlstream.addObserver(PUBSUB_REQUEST, self.handleRequest)
+    def getDiscoInfo(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
+        def toInfo(nodeInfo):
+            if not nodeInfo:
+                return
+            (nodeType, metaData) = nodeInfo['type'], nodeInfo['meta-data']
+            info.append(disco.DiscoIdentity('pubsub', nodeType))
+            if metaData:
+                form = data_form.Form(formType="result",
+                                      formNamespace=NS_PUBSUB_META_DATA)
+                form.addField(
+                        data_form.Field(
+                            var='pubsub#node_type',
+                            value=nodeType,
+                            label='The type of node (collection or leaf)'
+                        )
+                )
+                for metaDatum in metaData:
+                    form.addField(data_form.Field.fromDict(metaDatum))
+                info.append(form)
+            return
+        info = []
+        request = PubSubRequest('discoInfo')
+        if self.resource is not None:
+            resource = self.resource.locateResource(request)
+            identity = resource.discoIdentity
+            features = resource.features
+            getInfo = resource.getInfo
+        else:
+            category = self.discoIdentity['category']
+            idType = self.discoIdentity['type']
+            name = self.discoIdentity['name']
+            identity = disco.DiscoIdentity(category, idType, name)
+            features = self.pubSubFeatures
+            getInfo = self.getNodeInfo
+        if not nodeIdentifier:
+            info.append(identity)
+            info.append(disco.DiscoFeature(disco.NS_DISCO_ITEMS))
+            info.extend([disco.DiscoFeature("%s#%s" % (NS_PUBSUB, feature))
+                         for feature in features])
+        d = defer.maybeDeferred(getInfo, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier or '')
+        d.addCallback(toInfo)
+        d.addErrback(log.err)
+        d.addCallback(lambda _: info)
+        return d
+    def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
+        if self.hideNodes:
+            d = defer.succeed([])
+        elif self.resource is not None:
+            request = PubSubRequest('discoInfo')
+            resource = self.resource.locateResource(request)
+            d = resource.getNodes(requestor, target, nodeIdentifier)
+        elif nodeIdentifier:
+            d = self.getNodes(requestor, target)
+        else:
+            d = defer.succeed([])
+        d.addCallback(lambda nodes: [disco.DiscoItem(target, node)
+                                     for node in nodes])
+        return d
+    def _onPubSubRequest(self, iq):
+        request = self._request_class.fromElement(iq)
+        if self.resource is not None:
+            resource = self.resource.locateResource(request)
+        else:
+            resource = self
+        # Preprocess the request, knowing the handling resource
+        try:
+            preProcessor = getattr(self, '_preProcess_%s' % request.verb)
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            request = preProcessor(resource, request)
+            if request is None:
+                return defer.succeed(None)
+        # Process the request itself, 
+        if resource is not self:
+            try:
+                handler = getattr(resource, request.verb)
+            except AttributeError:
+                text = "Request verb: %s" % request.verb
+                return'', text))
+            d = handler(request)
+        else:
+            try:
+                handlerName, argNames = self._legacyHandlers[request.verb]
+            except KeyError:
+                text = "Request verb: %s" % request.verb
+                return'', text))
+            handler = getattr(self, handlerName)
+            args = [getattr(request, arg) for arg in argNames]
+            d = handler(*args)
+        # If needed, translate the result into a response
+        try:
+            cb = getattr(self, '_toResponse_%s' % request.verb)
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            d.addCallback(cb, resource, request)
+        return d
+    def _toResponse_subscribe(self, result, resource, request):
+        response = domish.Element((NS_PUBSUB, "pubsub"))
+        response.addChild(result.toElement(NS_PUBSUB))
+        return response
+    def _toResponse_subscriptions(self, result, resource, request):
+        response = domish.Element((NS_PUBSUB, 'pubsub'))
+        subscriptions = response.addElement('subscriptions')
+        for subscription in result:
+            subscriptions.addChild(subscription.toElement(NS_PUBSUB))
+        return response
+    def _toResponse_affiliations(self, result, resource, request):
+        response = domish.Element((NS_PUBSUB, 'pubsub'))
+        affiliations = response.addElement('affiliations')
+        for nodeIdentifier, affiliation in result:
+            item = affiliations.addElement('affiliation')
+            item['node'] = nodeIdentifier
+            item['affiliation'] = affiliation
+        return response
+    def _toResponse_create(self, result, resource, request):
+        if not request.nodeIdentifier or request.nodeIdentifier != result:
+            response = domish.Element((NS_PUBSUB, 'pubsub'))
+            create = response.addElement('create')
+            create['node'] = result
+            return response
+        else:
+            return None
+    def _formFromConfiguration(self, resource, values):
+        fieldDefs = resource.getConfigurationOptions()
+        form = data_form.Form(formType="form",
+                              formNamespace=NS_PUBSUB_NODE_CONFIG)
+        form.makeFields(values, fieldDefs)
+        return form
+    def _checkConfiguration(self, resource, form):
+        fieldDefs = resource.getConfigurationOptions()
+        form.typeCheck(fieldDefs, filterUnknown=True)
+    def _preProcess_create(self, resource, request):
+        if request.options:
+            self._checkConfiguration(resource, request.options)
+        return request
+    def _preProcess_default(self, resource, request):
+        if request.nodeType not in ('leaf', 'collection'):
+            raise error.StanzaError('not-acceptable')
+        else:
+            return request
+    def _toResponse_default(self, options, resource, request):
+        response = domish.Element((NS_PUBSUB_OWNER, "pubsub"))
+        default = response.addElement("default")
+        form = self._formFromConfiguration(resource, options)
+        default.addChild(form.toElement())
+        return response
+    def _toResponse_configureGet(self, options, resource, request):
+        response = domish.Element((NS_PUBSUB_OWNER, "pubsub"))
+        configure = response.addElement("configure")
+        form = self._formFromConfiguration(resource, options)
+        configure.addChild(form.toElement())
+        if request.nodeIdentifier:
+            configure["node"] = request.nodeIdentifier
+        return response
+    def _preProcess_configureSet(self, resource, request):
+        if request.options.formType == 'cancel':
+            return None
+        else:
+            self._checkConfiguration(resource, request.options)
+            return request
+    def _toResponse_items(self, result, resource, request):
+        response = domish.Element((NS_PUBSUB, 'pubsub'))
+        items = response.addElement('items')
+        items["node"] = request.nodeIdentifier
+        for item in result:
+            if == 'item':
+                item.uri = NS_PUBSUB
+                items.addChild(item)
+        return response
+    def _createNotification(self, eventType, service, nodeIdentifier,
+                                  subscriber, subscriptions=None):
+        headers = []
+        if subscriptions:
+            for subscription in subscriptions:
+                if nodeIdentifier != subscription.nodeIdentifier:
+                    headers.append(('Collection', subscription.nodeIdentifier))
+        message = domish.Element((None, "message"))
+        message["from"] = service.full()
+        message["to"] = subscriber.full()
+        event = message.addElement((NS_PUBSUB_EVENT, "event"))
+        element = event.addElement(eventType)
+        element["node"] = nodeIdentifier
+        if headers:
+            message.addChild(shim.Headers(headers))
+        return message
+    def _toResponse_affiliationsGet(self, result, resource, request):
+        response = domish.Element((NS_PUBSUB_OWNER, 'pubsub'))
+        affiliations = response.addElement('affiliations')
+        if request.nodeIdentifier:
+            affiliations['node'] = request.nodeIdentifier
+        for entity, affiliation in result.iteritems():
+            item = affiliations.addElement('affiliation')
+            item['jid'] = entity.full()
+            item['affiliation'] = affiliation
+        return response
+    # public methods
+    def notifyPublish(self, service, nodeIdentifier, notifications):
+        for subscriber, subscriptions, items in notifications:
+            message = self._createNotification('items', service,
+                                               nodeIdentifier, subscriber,
+                                               subscriptions)
+            for item in items:
+                item.uri = NS_PUBSUB_EVENT
+                message.event.items.addChild(item)
+            self.send(message)
+    def notifyDelete(self, service, nodeIdentifier, subscribers,
+                           redirectURI=None):
+        for subscriber in subscribers:
+            message = self._createNotification('delete', service,
+                                               nodeIdentifier,
+                                               subscriber)
+            if redirectURI:
+                redirect = message.event.delete.addElement('redirect')
+                redirect['uri'] = redirectURI
+            self.send(message)
+    def getNodeInfo(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier):
+        return None
+    def getNodes(self, requestor, service):
+        return []
+    def publish(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier, items):
+        raise Unsupported('publish')
+    def subscribe(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier, subscriber):
+        raise Unsupported('subscribe')
+    def unsubscribe(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier, subscriber):
+        raise Unsupported('subscribe')
+    def subscriptions(self, requestor, service):
+        raise Unsupported('retrieve-subscriptions')
+    def affiliations(self, requestor, service):
+        raise Unsupported('retrieve-affiliations')
+    def create(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier):
+        raise Unsupported('create-nodes')
+    def getConfigurationOptions(self):
+        return {}
+    def getDefaultConfiguration(self, requestor, service, nodeType):
+        raise Unsupported('retrieve-default')
+    def getConfiguration(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier):
+        raise Unsupported('config-node')
+    def setConfiguration(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier, options):
+        raise Unsupported('config-node')
+    def items(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier, maxItems,
+                    itemIdentifiers):
+        raise Unsupported('retrieve-items')
+    def retract(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier, itemIdentifiers):
+        raise Unsupported('retract-items')
+    def purge(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier):
+        raise Unsupported('purge-nodes')
+    def delete(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier):
+        raise Unsupported('delete-nodes')
+class PubSubResource(object):
+    implements(IPubSubResource)
+    features = []
+    discoIdentity = disco.DiscoIdentity('pubsub',
+                                        'service',
+                                        'Publish-Subscribe Service')
+    def locateResource(self, request):
+        return self
+    def getInfo(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier):
+        return defer.succeed(None)
+    def getNodes(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier):
+        return defer.succeed([])
+    def getConfigurationOptions(self):
+        return {}
+    def publish(self, request):
+        return'publish'))
+    def subscribe(self, request):
+        return'subscribe'))
+    def unsubscribe(self, request):
+        return'subscribe'))
+    def subscriptions(self, request):
+        return'retrieve-subscriptions'))
+    def affiliations(self, request):
+        return'retrieve-affiliations'))
+    def create(self, request):
+        return'create-nodes'))
+    def default(self, request):
+        return'retrieve-default'))
+    def configureGet(self, request):
+        return'config-node'))
+    def configureSet(self, request):
+        return'config-node'))
+    def items(self, request):
+        return'retrieve-items'))
+    def retract(self, request):
+        return'retract-items'))
+    def purge(self, request):
+        return'purge-nodes'))
+    def delete(self, request):
+        return'delete-nodes'))
+    def affiliationsGet(self, request):
+        return'modify-affiliations'))
+    def affiliationsSet(self, request):
+        return'modify-affiliations'))
+    def subscriptionsGet(self, request):
+        return'manage-subscriptions'))
+    def subscriptionsSet(self, request):
+        return'manage-subscriptions'))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/tmp/wokkel/	Wed Mar 18 10:52:28 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: wokkel.test.test_rsm -*-
+# Copyright (c) Adrien Cossa.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+XMPP Result Set Management protocol.
+This protocol is specified in
+from twisted.words.xish import domish
+import pubsub
+import copy
+# RSM namespace
+NS_RSM = ''
+class RSMError(Exception):
+    """
+    RSM error.
+    """
+class RSMNotFoundError(Exception):
+    """
+    An expected RSM element has not been found.
+    """
+class RSMRequest():
+    """
+    A Result Set Management request.
+    @ivar max: limit on the number of retrieved items.
+    @itype max: C{int} or C{unicode}
+    @ivar index: starting index of the requested page.
+    @itype index: C{int} or C{unicode}
+    @ivar after: ID of the element immediately preceding the page.
+    @itype after: C{unicode}
+    @ivar before: ID of the element immediately following the page.
+    @itype before: C{unicode}
+    """
+    max = 10
+    index = None
+    after = None
+    before = None
+    def __init__(self, max=None, index=None, after=None, before=None):
+        if max is not None:
+            max = int(max)
+            assert(max >= 0)
+            self.max = max
+        if index is not None:
+            assert(after is None and before is None)
+            index = int(index)
+            assert(index >= 0)
+            self.index = index
+        if after is not None:
+            assert(before is None)
+            assert(isinstance(after, unicode))
+            self.after = after
+        if before is not None:
+            assert(isinstance(before, unicode))
+            self.before = before
+    @classmethod
+    def parse(cls, element):
+        """Parse the given request element.
+        @param element: request containing a set element.
+        @type element: L{domish.Element}
+        @return: RSMRequest instance.
+        @rtype: L{RSMRequest}
+        """
+        try:
+            set_elt = domish.generateElementsQNamed(element.elements(),
+                                                    name="set",
+                                                    uri=NS_RSM).next()
+        except StopIteration:
+            raise RSMNotFoundError()
+        request = RSMRequest()
+        for elt in list(set_elt.elements()):
+            if in ('before', 'after'):
+                setattr(request,, ''.join(elt.children))
+            elif in ('max', 'index'):
+                setattr(request,, int(''.join(elt.children)))
+        if request.max is None:
+            raise RSMError("RSM request is missing its 'max' element")
+        return request
+    def toElement(self):
+        """
+        Return the DOM representation of this RSM request.
+        @rtype: L{domish.Element}
+        """
+        set_elt = domish.Element((NS_RSM, 'set'))
+        set_elt.addElement('max').addContent(unicode(self.max))
+        if self.index is not None:
+            set_elt.addElement('index').addContent(unicode(self.index))
+        if self.before is not None:
+            if self.before == '':  # request the last page
+                set_elt.addElement('before')
+            else:
+                set_elt.addElement('before').addContent(self.before)
+        if self.after is not None:
+            set_elt.addElement('after').addContent(self.after)
+        return set_elt
+    def render(self, element):
+        """Embed the DOM representation of this RSM request in the given element.
+        @param element: Element to contain the RSM request.
+        @type element: L{domish.Element}
+        @return: RSM request element.
+        @rtype: L{domish.Element}
+        """
+        if == 'pubsub' and hasattr(element, 'items'):
+            element.items.attributes['max_items'] = unicode(self.max)
+        set_elt = self.toElement()
+        element.addChild(set_elt)
+        return set_elt
+class RSMResponse():
+    """
+    A Result Set Management response.
+    @ivar count: total number of items.
+    @itype count: C{int}
+    @ivar index: starting index of the returned page.
+    @itype index: C{int}
+    @ivar first: ID of the first element of the returned page.
+    @itype first: C{unicode}
+    @ivar last: ID of the last element of the returned page.
+    @itype last: C{unicode}
+    """
+    count = 0
+    index = None
+    first = None
+    last = None
+    def __init__(self, count=None, index=None, first=None, last=None):
+        if count is not None:
+            assert(isinstance(count, int) and count >= 0)
+            self.count = count
+        if index is not None:
+            assert(isinstance(index, int) and index >= 0)
+            self.index = index
+            assert(isinstance(first, unicode))
+            self.first = first
+            assert(isinstance(last, unicode))
+            self.last = last
+        else:
+            assert(first is None and last is None)
+    @classmethod
+    def parse(cls, element):
+        """Parse the given response element.
+        @param element: response element.
+        @type element: L{domish.Element}
+        @return: RSMResponse instance.
+        @rtype: L{RSMResponse}
+        """
+        try:
+            set_elt = domish.generateElementsQNamed(element.elements(),
+                                                    name="set",
+                                                    uri=NS_RSM).next()
+        except StopIteration:
+            return RSMNotFoundError()
+        response = RSMResponse()
+        for elt in list(set_elt.elements()):
+            if in ('first', 'last'):
+                setattr(response,, ''.join(elt.children))
+                if == 'first':
+                    response.index = int(elt.getAttribute("index"))
+            elif == 'count':
+                response.count = int(''.join(elt.children))
+        if response.count is None:
+            raise RSMError("RSM response is missing its 'count' element")
+        return response
+    def toElement(self):
+        """
+        Return the DOM representation of this RSM request.
+        @rtype: L{domish.Element}
+        """
+        set_elt = domish.Element((NS_RSM, 'set'))
+        set_elt.addElement('count').addContent(unicode(self.count))
+        if self.index is not None:
+            first_elt = set_elt.addElement('first')
+            first_elt.addContent(self.first)
+            first_elt['index'] = unicode(self.index)
+            set_elt.addElement('last').addContent(self.last)
+        return set_elt
+    def render(self, element):
+        """Embed the DOM representation of this RSM response in the given element.
+        @param element: Element to contain the RSM response.
+        @type element:  L{domish.Element}
+        @return: RSM request element.
+        @rtype: L{domish.Element}
+        """
+        set_elt = self.toElement()
+        element.addChild(set_elt)
+        return set_elt
+    def toDict(self):
+        """Return a dict representation of the object.
+        @return: a dict of strings.
+        @rtype: C{dict} binding C{unicode} to C{unicode}
+        """
+        result = {}
+        for attr in ('count', 'index', 'first', 'last'):
+            value = getattr(self, attr)
+            if value is not None:
+                result[attr] = unicode(value)
+        return result
+class PubSubRequest(pubsub.PubSubRequest):
+    """PubSubRequest extension to handle RSM.
+    @ivar rsm: RSM request instance.
+    @type rsm: L{RSMRequest}
+    """
+    rsm = None
+    def __init__(self, verb=None):
+        pubsub.PubSubRequest.__init__(self, verb)
+        self._parameters = copy.deepcopy(pubsub.PubSubRequest._parameters)
+        self._parameters['items'].append('rsm')
+    def _parse_rsm(self, verbElement):
+        try:
+            self.rsm = RSMRequest.parse(verbElement.parent)
+        except RSMNotFoundError:
+            self.rsm = None
+    def _render_rsm(self, verbElement):
+        if self.rsm:
+            self.rsm.render(verbElement.parent)
+class PubSubClient(pubsub.PubSubClient):
+    """PubSubClient extension to handle RSM."""
+    _rsm_responses = {}
+    def items(self, service, nodeIdentifier, maxItems=None, itemIdentifiers=None,
+              subscriptionIdentifier=None, sender=None, ext_data=None):
+        """
+        Retrieve previously published items from a publish subscribe node.
+        @param service: The publish subscribe service that keeps the node.
+        @type service: L{JID<twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid.JID>}
+        @param nodeIdentifier: The identifier of the node.
+        @type nodeIdentifier: C{unicode}
+        @param maxItems: Optional limit on the number of retrieved items.
+        @type maxItems: C{int}
+        @param itemIdentifiers: Identifiers of the items to be retrieved.
+        @type itemIdentifiers: C{set}
+        @param subscriptionIdentifier: Optional subscription identifier. In
+            case the node has been subscribed to multiple times, this narrows
+            the results to the specific subscription.
+        @type subscriptionIdentifier: C{unicode}
+        @param ext_data: extension data.
+        @type ext_data: L{dict}
+        @return: a Deferred that fires a C{list} of L{domish.Element}.
+        @rtype: L{defer.Deferred}
+        """
+        request = PubSubRequest('items')  # that's a rsm.PubSubRequest instance
+        request.recipient = service
+        request.nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier
+        if maxItems:
+            request.maxItems = str(int(maxItems))
+        request.subscriptionIdentifier = subscriptionIdentifier
+        request.sender = sender
+        request.itemIdentifiers = itemIdentifiers
+        if ext_data and 'rsm' in ext_data:
+            request.rsm = ext_data['rsm']
+        def cb(iq):
+            items = []
+            if iq.pubsub.items:
+                for element in iq.pubsub.items.elements():
+                    if element.uri == pubsub.NS_PUBSUB and == 'item':
+                        items.append(element)
+            if request.rsm:
+                response = RSMResponse.parse(iq.pubsub)
+                if response is not None:
+                    self._rsm_responses[ext_data['id']] = response
+            return items
+        d = request.send(self.xmlstream)
+        d.addCallback(cb)
+        return d
+    def getRSMResponse(self, id):
+        """
+        Post-retrieve the RSM response data after items retrieval is done.
+        @param id: extension data ID
+        @type id: C{unicode}
+        @return: dict representation of the RSM response.
+        @rtype: C{dict} of C{unicode}
+        """
+        # This method exists to not modify the return value of self.items.
+        if id not in self._rsm_responses:
+            return {}
+        result = self._rsm_responses[id].toDict()
+        del self._rsm_responses[id]
+        return result
+class PubSubService(pubsub.PubSubService):
+    """PubSubService extension to handle RSM."""
+    _request_class = PubSubRequest
+    def _toResponse_items(self, result, resource, request):
+        response = pubsub.PubSubService._toResponse_items(self, result,
+                                                          resource, request)
+        set_elts = [elt for elt in result if == 'set']
+        if set_elts:
+            assert(len(set_elts) == 1)
+            response.addChild(set_elts[0])
+        return response