changeset 103:6be927a465ed

XMLUI refactoring, step 1
author Goffi <>
date Wed, 23 Jun 2010 00:23:26 +0800 (2010-06-22)
parents 94011f553cd0
children 5458ac1380cc
files frontends/wix/ frontends/wix/ frontends/wix/ frontends/wix/ plugins/ plugins/ sat.tac tools/
diffstat 8 files changed, 322 insertions(+), 175 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/frontends/wix/	Tue Jun 22 13:58:53 2010 +0800
+++ b/frontends/wix/	Wed Jun 23 00:23:26 2010 +0800
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 import pdb
 from logging import debug, info, error
 from tools.jid  import JID
-from form import Form
+from xmlui import XMLUI
--- a/frontends/wix/	Tue Jun 22 13:58:53 2010 +0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-wix: a SAT frontend
-Copyright (C) 2009, 2010  Jérôme Poisson (
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-import wx
-import pdb
-from xml.dom import minidom
-from logging import debug, info, warning, error
-from tools.jid  import JID
-class Form(wx.Frame):
-    """Create a form from a SàT xml"""
-    def __init__(self, host, xml_data='', title="Form", options=[], misc={}):
-        style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE & ~wx.CLOSE_BOX if 'NO_CANCEL' in options else wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE #FIXME: gof: Q&D tmp hack
-        super(Form, self).__init__(None, title=title, style=style)
- = host
-        self.options = options
-        self.misc = misc
-        self.ctl_list = []  # usefull to access ctrl
-        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        self.SetSizer(self.sizer)
-        self.SetAutoLayout(True)
-        #events
-        if not 'NO_CANCEL' in self.options:
-            self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.onClose, self)
-        self.MakeModal()
-        self.constructForm(xml_data)
-        self.Show()
-    def constructForm(self, xml_data):
-        panel=wx.Panel(self)
-        panel.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        cat_dom = minidom.parseString(xml_data.encode('utf-8'))
-        for elem in cat_dom.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("elem"):
-            name = elem.getAttribute("name")
-            label = elem.getAttribute("label") if elem.hasAttribute('label') else name
-            type = elem.getAttribute("type")
-            value = elem.getAttribute("value") if elem.hasAttribute('value') else u''
-            sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
-            if type=="text":
-                ctrl = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, value)
-            elif type=="string":
-                label=wx.StaticText(panel, -1, label+": ")
-                ctrl = wx.TextCtrl(panel, -1, value)
-                self.ctl_list.append({'name':name, 'type':type, 'control':ctrl})
-                sizer.Add(label)
-            elif type=="password":
-                label=wx.StaticText(panel, -1, label+": ")
-                ctrl = wx.TextCtrl(panel, -1, value, style=wx.TE_PASSWORD)
-                self.ctl_list.append({'name':name, 'type':type, 'control':ctrl})
-                sizer.Add(label)
-            elif type=="list":
-                label=wx.StaticText(panel, -1, label+": ")
-                ctrl = wx.ListBox(panel, -1, choices=[option.getAttribute("value") for option in elem.getElementsByTagName("option")], style=wx.LB_SINGLE)
-                self.ctl_list.append({'name':name, 'type':type, 'control':ctrl})
-            else:
-                error(_("FIXME FIXME FIXME: type [%s] is not implemented") % type)  #FIXME !
-                raise NotImplementedError
-            sizer.Add(ctrl, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND)
-            #self.ctl_list[(name, category)] = ctrl
-            panel.sizer.Add(sizer, flag=wx.EXPAND)
-        dialogButtons = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer()
-        submitButton = wx.Button(panel,wx.ID_OK, label=_("Submit"))
-        dialogButtons.AddButton(submitButton)
-        panel.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onFormSubmitted, submitButton)
-        if not 'NO_CANCEL' in self.options:
-            cancelButton = wx.Button(panel,wx.ID_CANCEL)
-            dialogButtons.AddButton(cancelButton)
-            panel.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onFormCancelled, cancelButton)
-        dialogButtons.Realize()
-        panel.sizer.Add(dialogButtons, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL)
-        panel.SetSizer(panel.sizer)
-        panel.SetAutoLayout(True)
-        panel.sizer.Fit(self)
-        self.sizer.Add(panel, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND)
-        cat_dom.unlink()
-    def onFormSubmitted(self, event):
-        """Called when submit button is clicked"""
-        debug(_("Submitting form"))
-        data = []
-        for ctrl in self.ctl_list:
-            if isinstance(ctrl['control'], wx.ListBox):
-                data.append((ctrl['name'], ctrl['control'].GetStringSelection()))
-            else:
-                data.append((ctrl["name"], ctrl["control"].GetValue()))
-        if self.misc.has_key('action_back'): #FIXME FIXME FIXME: WTF ! Must be cleaned
-            id = self.misc['action_back']("SUBMIT",self.misc['target'], data)
-        elif self.misc.has_key('callback'):
-            self.misc['callback'](data)
-        else:
-            warning (_("The form data is not sent back, the type is not managed properly"))
-        self.MakeModal(False)
-        self.Destroy()
-    def onFormCancelled(self, event):
-        """Called when cancel button is clicked"""
-        debug(_("Cancelling form"))
-        self.MakeModal(False)
-        self.Close()
-    def onClose(self, event):
-        """Close event: we have to send the form."""
-        debug(_("close"))
-        self.MakeModal(False)
-        event.Skip()
--- a/frontends/wix/	Tue Jun 22 13:58:53 2010 +0800
+++ b/frontends/wix/	Wed Jun 23 00:23:26 2010 +0800
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 from contact_list import ContactList
 from chat import Chat
 from param import Param
-from form import Form
+from xmlui import XMLUI
 from gateways import GatewaysManager
 from profile import Profile
 from profile_manager import ProfileManager
@@ -293,17 +293,17 @@
-        elif type == "FORM":
+        elif type == "XMLUI":
-            debug (_("Form received"))
+            debug (_("XML user interface received"))
             misc = {}
             #FIXME FIXME FIXME: must clean all this crap !
             title = _('Form')
             if data['type'] == _('registration'):
-                title = 'Registration'
+                title = _('Registration')
                 misc['target'] = data['target']
                 misc['action_back'] = self.bridge.gatewayRegister
-            form=Form(self, title=title, xml_data = data['xml'], misc = misc)
+            XMLUI(self, title=title, xml_data = data['xml'], misc = misc)
         elif type == "RESULT":
             if self.current_action_ids_cb.has_key(id):
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/frontends/wix/	Wed Jun 23 00:23:26 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+wix: a SAT frontend
+Copyright (C) 2009, 2010  Jérôme Poisson (
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+import wx
+import pdb
+from xml.dom import minidom
+from logging import debug, info, warning, error
+from tools.jid  import JID
+class XMLUI(wx.Frame):
+    """Create an user interface from a SàT xml"""
+    def __init__(self, host, xml_data='', title="Form", options=[], misc={}):
+        style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE & ~wx.CLOSE_BOX if 'NO_CANCEL' in options else wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE #FIXME: gof: Q&D tmp hack
+        super(XMLUI, self).__init__(None, title=title, style=style)
+ = host
+        self.options = options
+        self.misc = misc
+        self.ctl_list = []  # usefull to access ctrl
+        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.SetSizer(self.sizer)
+        self.SetAutoLayout(True)
+        #events
+        if not 'NO_CANCEL' in self.options:
+            self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.onClose, self)
+        self.MakeModal()
+        self.constructUI(xml_data)
+        self.Show()
+    def __parse_elems(self, childs, parent, sizer):
+        """Parse elements inside a <layout> tags, and add them to the sizer"""
+        for elem in childs:
+            if elem.nodeName != "elem":
+                message=_("Unmanaged tag")
+                error(message)
+                raise Exception(message)
+            _proportion = 0
+            name = elem.getAttribute("name")
+            type = elem.getAttribute("type")
+            value = elem.getAttribute("value") if elem.hasAttribute('value') else u''
+            if type=="empty":
+                ctrl = wx.Window(parent, -1)
+            elif type=="text":
+                try:
+                    value = elem.childNodes[0].wholeText
+                except KeyError:
+                    warning (_("text node has no child !"))
+                ctrl = wx.StaticText(parent, -1, value)
+            elif type=="label":
+                ctrl = wx.StaticText(parent, -1, value+": ")
+            elif type=="string":
+                ctrl = wx.TextCtrl(parent, -1, value)
+                self.ctl_list.append({'name':name, 'type':type, 'control':ctrl})
+                _proportion = 1
+            elif type=="password":
+                ctrl = wx.TextCtrl(parent, -1, value, style=wx.TE_PASSWORD)
+                self.ctl_list.append({'name':name, 'type':type, 'control':ctrl})
+                _proportion = 1
+            elif type=="list":
+                ctrl = wx.ListBox(parent, -1, choices=[option.getAttribute("value") for option in elem.getElementsByTagName("option")], style=wx.LB_SINGLE)
+                self.ctl_list.append({'name':name, 'type':type, 'control':ctrl})
+                _proportion = 1
+            else:
+                error(_("FIXME FIXME FIXME: type [%s] is not implemented") % type)  #FIXME !
+                raise NotImplementedError
+            sizer.Add(ctrl, _proportion, flag=wx.EXPAND)
+    def constructUI(self, xml_data):
+        panel=wx.Panel(self)
+        panel.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        cat_dom = minidom.parseString(xml_data.encode('utf-8'))
+        top= cat_dom.documentElement
+        self.type = top.getAttribute("type")
+        if top.nodeName != "sat_xmlui" or not self.type in ['form', 'param', 'window']:
+            message = _("XML UI received is invalid")
+            error(message)
+            raise Exception(message)
+        for node in cat_dom.documentElement.childNodes:
+            if node.nodeName == "layout":
+                layout_panel = wx.Panel(panel, -1)
+                if node.getAttribute('type') == "vertical":
+                    current_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+                elif node.getAttribute('type') == "pairs":
+                    current_sizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=2)
+                    current_sizer.AddGrowableCol(1) #The growable column need most of time to be the right one in pairs
+                else:
+                    warning(_("Unknown layout, using default one"))
+                    current_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+                layout_panel.SetSizer(current_sizer)
+                self.__parse_elems(node.childNodes, layout_panel, current_sizer)
+                panel.sizer.Add(layout_panel, flag=wx.EXPAND)
+            else:
+                message=_("Unknown tag")
+                error(message)
+                raise Exception(message) #TODO: raise a custom exception here
+        if self.type == 'form':
+            dialogButtons = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer()
+            submitButton = wx.Button(panel,wx.ID_OK, label=_("Submit"))
+            dialogButtons.AddButton(submitButton)
+            panel.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onFormSubmitted, submitButton)
+            if not 'NO_CANCEL' in self.options:
+                cancelButton = wx.Button(panel,wx.ID_CANCEL)
+                dialogButtons.AddButton(cancelButton)
+                panel.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onFormCancelled, cancelButton)
+            dialogButtons.Realize()
+            panel.sizer.Add(dialogButtons, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL)
+        panel.SetSizer(panel.sizer)
+        panel.SetAutoLayout(True)
+        panel.sizer.Fit(self)
+        self.sizer.Add(panel, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND)
+        cat_dom.unlink()
+    def onFormSubmitted(self, event):
+        """Called when submit button is clicked"""
+        debug(_("Submitting form"))
+        data = []
+        for ctrl in self.ctl_list:
+            if isinstance(ctrl['control'], wx.ListBox):
+                data.append((ctrl['name'], ctrl['control'].GetStringSelection()))
+            else:
+                data.append((ctrl["name"], ctrl["control"].GetValue()))
+        if self.misc.has_key('action_back'): #FIXME FIXME FIXME: WTF ! Must be cleaned
+            id = self.misc['action_back']("SUBMIT",self.misc['target'], data)
+        elif self.misc.has_key('callback'):
+            self.misc['callback'](data)
+        else:
+            warning (_("The form data is not sent back, the type is not managed properly"))
+        self.MakeModal(False)
+        self.Destroy()
+    def onFormCancelled(self, event):
+        """Called when cancel button is clicked"""
+        debug(_("Cancelling form"))
+        self.MakeModal(False)
+        self.Close()
+    def onClose(self, event):
+        """Close event: we have to send the form."""
+        debug(_("close"))
+        self.MakeModal(False)
+        event.Skip()
--- a/plugins/	Tue Jun 22 13:58:53 2010 +0800
+++ b/plugins/	Wed Jun 23 00:23:26 2010 +0800
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
                 <elem type='text' value='Welcome %(name)s, you have %(nb_message)i unread messages'/>
             """ % {'name':user_name, 'nb_message':unread_messages}
-  "FORM", id, {"type":"window", "xml":form_xml})
+  "XMLUI", id, {"type":"window", "xml":form_xml})
--- a/plugins/	Tue Jun 22 13:58:53 2010 +0800
+++ b/plugins/	Wed Jun 23 00:23:26 2010 +0800
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
         form = data_form.Form.fromElement(x_elem)
         xml_data = dataForm2xml(form)
-"FORM", answer['id'], {"target":answer["from"], "type":"registration", "xml":xml_data})
+"XMLUI", answer['id'], {"target":answer["from"], "type":"registration", "xml":xml_data})
     def reg_err(self, failure):
         """Called when something is wrong with registration"""
--- a/sat.tac	Tue Jun 22 13:58:53 2010 +0800
+++ b/sat.tac	Wed Jun 23 00:23:26 2010 +0800
@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@
     def actionResult(self, id, type, data):
         """Send the result of an action
         @param id: same id used with action
-        @param type: result type ("PARAM", "SUCCESS", "ERROR", "FORM")
+        @param type: result type ("PARAM", "SUCCESS", "ERROR", "XMLUI")
         @param data: dictionary
         self.bridge.actionResult(type, id, data)
--- a/tools/	Tue Jun 22 13:58:53 2010 +0800
+++ b/tools/	Wed Jun 23 00:23:26 2010 +0800
@@ -30,19 +30,13 @@
 def dataForm2xml(form):
     """Take a data form (xep-0004, Wokkel's implementation) and convert it to a SàT xml"""
-    impl = minidom.getDOMImplementation()
-    doc = impl.createDocument(None, "form", None)
-    top_element = doc.documentElement
+    form_panel = XMLUI("form", "vertical")
-    #result_xml = ["<form>", "</form>"]
     if form.instructions:
-        elem = doc.createElement('elem')
-        elem.setAttribute('name','instructions')
-        elem.setAttribute('type','text')
-        text = doc.createTextNode('\n'.join(form.instructions))
-        elem.appendChild(text)
-        top_element.appendChild(elem)
+        form_panel.addText('\n'.join(form.instructions), 'instructions')
+    form_panel.changeLayout("pairs")
     for field in form.fieldList:
         if field.fieldType == 'fixed':
             __field_type = 'text'
@@ -56,21 +50,13 @@
             error (u"FIXME FIXME FIXME: Type [%s] is not managed yet by SàT" % field.fieldType)
             __field_type = "string"
-        elem = doc.createElement('elem')
-        if field.var:
-            elem.setAttribute('name', field.var)
-        elem.setAttribute('type', __field_type)
-        elem.setAttribute('label', field.label or "")
-        if field.value:
-            elem.setAttribute('value', field.value)
-        top_element.appendChild(elem)
-        for option in field.options:
-            opt = doc.createElement('option')
-            opt.setAttribute('value', option.value)
-            elem.appendChild(opt)
-    result = doc.toxml()
-    doc.unlink()
-    return result
+        if field.label:
+            form_panel.addLabel(field.label)
+        else:
+            form_panel.addEmpty()
+        elem = form_panel.addElement(__field_type, field.var, None, field.value, [option.value for option in field.options]) 
+    return form_panel.toXml()
 def tupleList2dataForm(values):
     """convert a list of tuples (name,value) to a wokkel submit data form"""
@@ -80,6 +66,130 @@
     return form
+class XMLUI:
+    """This class is used to create a user interface (form/window/parameters/etc) using SàT XML"""
+    def __init__(self, panel_type, layout="vertical"):
+        """Init SàT XML Panel
+        @param panel_type: one of
+            - window (new window)
+            - form (formulaire, depend of the frontend, usually a panel with cancel/submit buttons)
+            - param (parameters, presentatio depend of the frontend)
+        @param layout: disposition of elements, one of:
+            - VERTICAL: elements are disposed up to bottom
+            - HORIZONTAL: elements are disposed left to right
+            - PAIRS: elements come on two aligned columns
+              (usually one for a label, the next for the element)
+        """
+        if not panel_type in ['window', 'form', 'param']:
+            error(_("Unknown panel type [%s]") % panel_type)
+            assert(False)
+        self.type = panel_type
+        impl = minidom.getDOMImplementation()
+        self.doc = impl.createDocument(None, "sat_xmlui", None)
+        top_element = self.doc.documentElement
+        top_element.setAttribute("type", panel_type)
+        self.currentLayout = self.__createLayout(layout, top_element)
+    def __del__(self):
+        self.doc.unlink() 
+    def __createLayout(self, layout, parent=None):
+        """Create a layout element
+        @param type: layout type (cf init doc)
+        @parent: parent element or None
+        """
+        if not layout in ['vertical', 'horizontal', 'pairs']:
+            error (_("Unknown layout type [%s]") % layout)
+            assert (False)
+        layout_elt = self.doc.createElement('layout')
+        layout_elt.setAttribute('type',layout)
+        if parent != None:
+            parent.appendChild(layout_elt)
+        return layout_elt
+    def __createElem(self, type, name=None, parent = None):
+        """Create an element
+        @param type: one of
+            - empty: empty element (usefull to skip something in a layout, e.g. skip first element in a PAIRS layout)
+            - text: text to be displayed in an multi-line area, e.g. instructions
+        @param name: name of the element or None
+        @param parent: parent element or None
+        """
+        elem = self.doc.createElement('elem')
+        if name:
+            elem.setAttribute('name', name)
+        elem.setAttribute('type', type)
+        if parent != None:
+            parent.appendChild(elem)
+        return elem
+    def changeLayout(self, layout):
+        """Change the current layout"""
+        self.currentLayout = self.__createLayout(layout, self.doc.documentElement)
+    def addEmpty(self, name=None):
+        """Add a multi-lines text"""
+        elem = self.__createElem('empty', name, self.currentLayout)
+    def addText(self, text, name=None):
+        """Add a multi-lines text"""
+        elem = self.__createElem('text', name, self.currentLayout)
+        text = self.doc.createTextNode(text)
+        elem.appendChild(text)
+    def addLabel(self, text, name=None):
+        """Add a single line text, mainly useful as label before element"""
+        elem = self.__createElem('label', name, self.currentLayout)
+        elem.setAttribute('value', text)
+    def addString(self, name=None, value=None):
+        """Add a string box"""
+        elem = self.__createElem('string', name, self.currentLayout)
+        if value:
+            elem.setAttribute('value', value)
+    def addPassword(self, name=None, value=None):
+        """Add a password box"""
+        elem = self.__createElem('password', name, self.currentLayout)
+        if value:
+            elem.setAttribute('value', value)
+    def addList(self, options, name=None, value=None):
+        """Add a list of choices"""
+        assert (options)
+        elem = self.__createElem('list', name, self.currentLayout)
+        self.addOptions(options, elem) 
+        if value:
+            elem.setAttribute('value', value)
+    def addElement(self, type, name = None, content = None, value = None, options = None):
+        """Convenience method to add element, the params correspond to the ones in addSomething methods"""
+        if type == 'empty':
+            self.addEmpty(name)
+        elif type == 'text':
+            assert(content)
+            self.addText(content, name)
+        elif type == 'label':
+            assert(value)
+        elif type == 'string':
+            self.addString(name, value)
+        elif type == 'password':
+            self.addPassword(name, value)
+        elif type == 'list':
+            self.addList(options, name, value)
+    def addOptions(self, options, parent):
+        """Add options to a multi-values element (e.g. list)
+        @param parent: multi-values element"""
+        for option in options:
+            opt = self.doc.createElement('option')
+            opt.setAttribute('value', option)
+            parent.appendChild(opt)
+    def toXml(self):
+        """return the XML representation of the panel""" 
+        return self.doc.toxml()