changeset 98:dd556233a1b1

Tarot Plugin: Garde Sans and Garde Contre are now managed
author Goffi <>
date Thu, 03 Jun 2010 17:43:49 +0930 (2010-06-03)
parents 01d7bd6f0e86
children 63c9067a1499
files plugins/
diffstat 1 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/plugins/	Wed Jun 02 16:00:09 2010 +0930
+++ b/plugins/	Thu Jun 03 17:43:49 2010 +0930
@@ -134,10 +134,10 @@
         host.bridge.addSignal("tarotGameScore", ".communication", signature='ssasass') #args: room_jid, xml_data, winners (list of nicks), loosers (list of nicks), profile
         self.deck_ordered = []
         for value in ['excuse']+map(str,range(1,22)):
-            self.deck_ordered.append(("atout",value))
+            self.deck_ordered.append(Card(("atout",value)))
         for suit in ["pique", "coeur", "carreau", "trefle"]:
             for value in map(str,range(1,11))+["valet","cavalier","dame","roi"]:
-                self.deck_ordered.append((suit, value))
+                self.deck_ordered.append(Card((suit, value)))
     def createGameElt(self, to_jid, type="normal"):
         type = "normal" if to_jid.resource else "groupchat"
@@ -147,13 +147,13 @@
         elt.addElement((NS_CG, CG_TAG))
         return elt
-    def __list_to_xml(self, cards_list, elt_name):
-        """Convert a card list (list of tuples) to domish element"""
+    def __card_list_to_xml(self, cards_list, elt_name):
+        """Convert a card list to domish element"""
         cards_list_elt = domish.Element(('',elt_name))
-        for suit, value in cards_list:
+        for card in cards_list:
             card_elt = domish.Element(('','card'))
-            card_elt['suit'] = suit
-            card_elt['value'] = value
+            card_elt['suit'] = card.suit
+            card_elt['value'] = card.value
         return cards_list_elt
@@ -322,6 +322,11 @@
         for defenseur in defenseurs:
             for card in players_data[defenseur]['levees']:
+        if game_data['contrat'] == "Garde Contre":
+            for card in game_data['chien']:
+                check_score+=card.points
+        if ( score + check_score != 91 ):
+            pdb.set_trace()
         assert (score + check_score == 91)
         point_limit = None
@@ -368,6 +373,16 @@
         return (scores_str, winners, loosers)
+    def __start_play(self, room_jid, game_data, profile):
+        """Start the game (tell to the first player after dealer to play"""
+        game_data['stage'] = "play"
+        next_player_idx = game_data['current_player'] = (game_data['init_player'] + 1) % len(game_data['players']) #the player after the dealer start
+        game_data['first_player'] = next_player = game_data['players'][next_player_idx]
+        to_jid = jid.JID(room_jid.userhost()+"/"+next_player) #FIXME: gof:
+        mess = self.createGameElt(to_jid)
+        yourturn_elt = mess.firstChildElement().addElement('your_turn')
     def createGame(self, room_jid_param, players, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
         """Create a new game"""
@@ -438,7 +453,7 @@
         debug (_('Cards played by %(profile)s: [%(cards)s]') % {'profile':profile,'cards':cards})
         mess = self.createGameElt(jid.JID(referee))
-        playcard_elt = mess.firstChildElement().addChild(self.__list_to_xml(cards, 'cards_played'))
+        playcard_elt = mess.firstChildElement().addChild(self.__card_list_to_xml(Card.from_tuples(cards), 'cards_played'))
         playcard_elt['player'] = player[profile].xmlstream.send(mess)
@@ -466,7 +481,7 @@
         for player in players:
             to_jid = jid.JID(room_jid.userhost()+"/"+player) #FIXME: gof:
             mess = self.createGameElt(to_jid)
-            mess.firstChildElement().addChild(self.__list_to_xml(hand[player], 'hand'))
+            mess.firstChildElement().addChild(self.__card_list_to_xml(hand[player], 'hand'))
             players_data[player]['contrat'] = None
             players_data[player]['levees'] = [] #cards won
@@ -539,16 +554,26 @@
                             best_contrat[1] = contrat
                     debug (_("%(player)s win the bid with %(contrat)s") % {'player':best_contrat[0],'contrat':best_contrat[1]})
                     game_data['contrat'] = best_contrat[1]
-                    #Time to show the chien to everybody
-                    to_jid = jid.JID(room_jid.userhost()) #FIXME: gof:
-                    mess = self.createGameElt(to_jid)
-                    chien_elt = mess.firstChildElement().addChild(self.__list_to_xml(game_data['chien'], 'chien'))
-                    chien_elt['attaquant'] = best_contrat[0]
-          [profile].xmlstream.send(mess)
+                    if game_data['contrat'] == "Garde Sans" or game_data['contrat'] == "Garde Contre":
+                        self.__start_play(room_jid, game_data, profile)
+                        game_data['attaquant'] = best_contrat[0]
+                    else:
+                        #Time to show the chien to everybody
+                        to_jid = jid.JID(room_jid.userhost()) #FIXME: gof:
+                        mess = self.createGameElt(to_jid)
+                        chien_elt = mess.firstChildElement().addChild(self.__card_list_to_xml(game_data['chien'], 'chien'))
+                        chien_elt['attaquant'] = best_contrat[0]
+              [profile].xmlstream.send(mess)
+                        #the attacker (attaquant) get the chien
+                        game_data['hand'][best_contrat[0]].extend(game_data['chien'])
+                        del game_data['chien'][:]
+                    if game_data['contrat'] == "Garde Sans":
+                        #The chien go into attaquant's (attacker) levees
+                        players_data[best_contrat[0]]['levees'].extend(game_data['chien'])
+                        del game_data['chien'][:]
-                    #the attacker (attaquant) get the chien
-                    game_data['hand'][best_contrat[0]].extend(game_data['chien'])
-                    del game_data['chien'][:]
             elif == 'chien': #we have received the chien
                 debug (_("tarot: chien received"))
@@ -562,21 +587,17 @@
                     #TODO: check validity of écart (no king, no oulder, cards must be in player hand)
                     #TODO: show atouts (trumps) if player put some in écart
                     assert (game_data['attaquant'] == elt['player']) #TODO: throw an xml error here
-                    list_cards = self.__xml_to_list(elt)
+                    list_cards = Card.from_tuples(self.__xml_to_list(elt))
                     #FIXME: gof: manage Garde Sans & Garde Contre cases
-                    players_data[elt['player']]['levees'].extend(Card.from_tuples(list_cards)) #we add the chien to attaquant's levées
+                    players_data[elt['player']]['levees'].extend(list_cards) #we add the chien to attaquant's levées
                     for card in list_cards:
-                    game_data['stage'] = "play"
-                    next_player_idx = game_data['current_player'] = (game_data['init_player'] + 1) % len(game_data['players']) #the player after the dealer start
-                    game_data['first_player'] = next_player = game_data['players'][next_player_idx]
-                    to_jid = jid.JID(room_jid.userhost()+"/"+next_player) #FIXME: gof:
-                    mess = self.createGameElt(to_jid)
-                    yourturn_elt = mess.firstChildElement().addElement('your_turn')
-          [profile].xmlstream.send(mess)
+                    self.__start_play(room_jid, game_data, profile)
                 elif game_data['stage'] == "play":
                     current_player = game_data['players'][game_data['current_player']]
-                    cards = self.__xml_to_list(elt)
+                    cards = Card.from_tuples(self.__xml_to_list(elt))
                     if mess_elt['type'] == 'groupchat':
               , elt['player'], self.__xml_to_list(elt), profile)
@@ -585,7 +606,7 @@
                         #the card played is ok, we forward it to everybody
                         #first we remove it from the hand and put in on the table
-                        players_data[current_player]['played'] = Card(cards[0])
+                        players_data[current_player]['played'] = cards[0]
                         #then we forward the message
                         mess = self.createGameElt(room_jid)
@@ -651,7 +672,7 @@
         self.xmlstream.addObserver(CG_REQUEST, self.plugin_parent.card_game_cmd, profile = self.parent.profile)
     def getDiscoInfo(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
-        return [disco.DiscoFeature(NS_CB)]
+        return [disco.DiscoFeature(NS_CG)]
     def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
         return []