changeset 1606:de785fcf9a7b

jp (base, file): file command and progress fixes and adaptation to new API: - progress use new API, and signals to monitor progression and avoid use of progressGet before progress is actually started - progress behaviour on event is managed by callbacks which are Jp attributes - progress with unknown or 0 size don't show the progress bar - better handling of errors - CommandAnswering is update to manage actions instead of the deprecated askConfirmation - managed actions use callback easy to associate with an action type. - file command is updated to manage these changes and the recent changes in backend behaviour - verbosity is used to display more or less message when sending/receiving a file - destination path can be specified in file receive - file receive doesn't stop yet, still need some work in the backend
author Goffi <>
date Sun, 15 Nov 2015 23:42:21 +0100 (2015-11-15)
parents 0aded9648c5c
children 4741e2f5eed2
files frontends/src/jp/ frontends/src/jp/
diffstat 2 files changed, 236 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/frontends/src/jp/	Sun Nov 15 23:25:58 2015 +0100
+++ b/frontends/src/jp/	Sun Nov 15 23:42:21 2015 +0100
@@ -19,9 +19,6 @@
 from sat.core.i18n import _
-global pbar_available
-pbar_available = True #checked before using ProgressBar
 ### logging ###
 import logging as log
@@ -32,7 +29,7 @@
 import locale
 import os.path
 import argparse
-from gi.repository import GLib, GObject
+from gi.repository import GLib
 from glob import iglob
 from importlib import import_module
 from import JID
@@ -48,15 +45,17 @@
-prog_name = u"jp"
-description = """This software is a command line tool for XMPP.
+PROG_NAME = u"jp"
+DESCRIPTION = """This software is a command line tool for XMPP.
 Get the latest version at """ + C.APP_URL
-copyleft = u"""Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Jérôme Poisson (aka Goffi)
+COPYLEFT = u"""Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Jérôme Poisson, Adrien Cossa
 This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
 This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
+PROGRESS_DELAY = 10 # the progression will be checked every PROGRESS_DELAY ms
 def unicode_decoder(arg):
     # Needed to have unicode strings from arguments
@@ -73,6 +72,18 @@
     def __init__(self):
+        """
+        @attribute need_loop(bool): to set by commands when loop is needed
+        @attribute quit_on_progress_end (bool): set to False if you manage yourself exiting,
+            or if you want the user to stop by himself
+        @attribute progress_success(callable): method to call when progress just started
+            by default display a message
+        @attribute progress_success(callable): method to call when progress is successfully finished
+            by default display a message
+        @attribute progress_failure(callable): method to call when progress failed
+            by default display a message
+        """
             self.bridge = DBusBridgeFrontend()
         except exceptions.BridgeExceptionNoService:
@@ -83,15 +94,20 @@
         self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
-                                              description=description)
+                                              description=DESCRIPTION)
         self.subparsers = self.parser.add_subparsers(title=_('Available commands'), dest='subparser_name')
         self._auto_loop = False # when loop is used for internal reasons
         self.need_loop = False # to set by commands when loop is needed
+        # progress attributes
         self._progress_id = None # TODO: manage several progress ids
-        self.quit_on_progress_end = True # set to False if you manage yourself exiting, or if you want the user to stop by himself
+        self.quit_on_progress_end = True
+        self.progress_started = lambda dummy: self.disp(_(u"Operation started"), 2)
+        self.progress_success = lambda dummy: self.disp(_(u"Operation successfully finished"), 2)
+        self.progress_failure = lambda dummy: self.disp(_(u"Error while doing operation"), error=True)
     def version(self):
@@ -105,6 +121,19 @@
     def progress_id(self, value):
         self._progress_id = value
+    @property
+    def watch_progress(self):
+        try:
+            self.pbar
+        except AttributeError:
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+    @watch_progress.setter
+    def watch_progress(self, watch_progress):
+        if watch_progress:
+            self.pbar = None
     def verbosity(self):
@@ -165,7 +194,7 @@
         verbose_parent.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count', help=_(u"Add a verbosity level (can be used multiple times)"))
     def add_parser_options(self):
-        self.parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=("%(name)s %(version)s %(copyleft)s" % {'name': prog_name, 'version': self.version, 'copyleft': copyleft}))
+        self.parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=("%(name)s %(version)s %(copyleft)s" % {'name': PROG_NAME, 'version': self.version, 'copyleft': COPYLEFT}))
     def import_commands(self):
         """ Automaticaly import commands to jp
@@ -344,41 +373,65 @@
         """Return the full jid if possible (add main resource when find a bare jid)"""
         _jid = JID(param_jid)
         if not _jid.resource:
-            #if the resource is not given, we try to add the last known resource
-            last_resource = self.bridge.getMainResource(param_jid, self.profile)
-            if last_resource:
-                return "%s/%s" % (_jid.bare, last_resource)
+            #if the resource is not given, we try to add the main resource
+            main_resource = self.bridge.getMainResource(param_jid, self.profile)
+            if main_resource:
+                return "%s/%s" % (_jid.bare, main_resource)
         return param_jid
-    def watch_progress(self):
-        self.pbar = None
-        GObject.timeout_add(10, self._progress_cb)
+    def _onProgressStarted(self, uid, profile):
+        if profile != self.profile:
+            return
+        self.progress_started(None)
+        if self.watch_progress and self.progress_id and uid == self.progress_id:
+            GLib.timeout_add(PROGRESS_DELAY, self._progress_cb)
+    def _onProgressFinished(self, uid, profile):
+        if profile != self.profile:
+            return
+        if uid == self.progress_id:
+            try:
+                self.pbar.finish()
+            except AttributeError:
+                pass
+            self.progress_success(None)
+            if self.quit_on_progress_end:
+                self.quit()
+    def _onProgressError(self, uid, profile):
+        if profile != self.profile:
+            return
+        if uid == self.progress_id:
+            self.disp('') # progress is not finished, so we skip a line
+            if self.quit_on_progress_end:
+                self.progress_failure(None)
+                self.quitFromSignal(1)
     def _progress_cb(self):
-        if self.progress_id:
-            data = self.bridge.getProgress(self.progress_id, self.profile)
-            if data:
-                if not data['position']:
-                    data['position'] = '0'
-                if not self.pbar:
-                    #first answer, we must construct the bar
-                    self.pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(int(data['size']),
-                                                        [_("Progress: "),progressbar.Percentage(),
-                                                         " ",
-                                                         progressbar.Bar(),
-                                                         " ",
-                                                         progressbar.FileTransferSpeed(),
-                                                         " ",
-                                                         progressbar.ETA()])
-                    self.pbar.start()
+        """This method is continualy called to update the progress bar"""
+        data = self.bridge.progressGet(self.progress_id, self.profile)
+        if data:
+            try:
+                size = data['size']
+            except KeyError:
+                self.disp(_(u"file size is not known, we can't show a progress bar"), 1, error=True)
+                return False
+            if self.pbar is None:
+                #first answer, we must construct the bar
+                self.pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(int(size),
+                                                    [_(u"Progress: "),progressbar.Percentage(),
+                                                     " ",
+                                                     progressbar.Bar(),
+                                                     " ",
+                                                     progressbar.FileTransferSpeed(),
+                                                     " ",
+                                                     progressbar.ETA()])
+                self.pbar.start()
-                self.pbar.update(int(data['position']))
+            self.pbar.update(int(data['position']))
-            elif self.pbar:
-                self.pbar.finish()
-                if self.quit_on_progress_end:
-                    self.quit()
-                return False
+        elif self.pbar is not None:
+            return False
         return True
@@ -391,6 +444,7 @@
         @param name(unicode): name of the new command
         @param use_profile(bool): if True, add profile selection/connection commands
         @param use_progress(bool): if True, add progress bar activation commands
+            progress* signals will be handled
         @param use_verbose(bool): if True, add verbosity command
         @param need_connect(bool, None): True if profile connection is needed
             False else (profile session must still be started)
@@ -476,13 +530,17 @@
-            if self.args.progress:
-                watch_progress =
+            show_progress = self.args.progress
         except AttributeError:
             # the command doesn't use progress bar
-            watch_progress()
+            if show_progress:
+       = True
+            # we need to register the following signal even if we don't display the progress bas
+  "progressStarted",
+  "progressFinished",
+  "progressError",
     def connected(self):
         if not self.need_loop:
@@ -490,33 +548,32 @@
 class CommandAnswering(CommandBase):
-    #FIXME: temp, will be refactored when progress_bar/confirmations will be refactored
+    """Specialised commands which answer to specific actions
-    def _ask_confirmation(self, confirm_id, confirm_type, data, profile):
-        """ Callback used for file transfer, accept files depending on parameters"""
+    to manage action_types answer,
+    """
+    action_callbacks = {} # XXX: set managed action types in an dict here:
+                          # key is the action_type, value is the callable
+                          # which will manage the answer. profile filtering is
+                          # already managed when callback is called
+    def onActionNew(self, action_data, action_id, security_limit, profile):
         if profile != self.profile:
-            debug("Ask confirmation ignored: not our profile")
-        if confirm_type == self.confirm_type:
-            if self.dest_jids and not JID(data['from']).bare in [JID(_jid).bare for _jid in self.dest_jids()]:
-                return #file is not sent by a filtered jid
+        try:
+            action_type = action_data['meta_type']
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            try:
+                callback = self.action_callbacks[action_type]
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
-                self.ask(data, confirm_id)
-    def ask(self):
-        """
-        The return value is used to answer to the bridge.
-        @return: bool or dict
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError
+                callback(action_data, action_id, security_limit, profile)
     def connected(self):
         """Auto reply to confirmations requests"""
         self.need_loop = True
         super(CommandAnswering, self).connected()
-        # we watch confirmation signals
-"ask_confirmation", self._ask_confirmation)
-        #and we ask those we have missed
-        for confirm_id, confirm_type, data in
-            self._ask_confirmation(confirm_id, confirm_type, data, self.profile)
+"actionNew", self.onActionNew)
--- a/frontends/src/jp/	Sun Nov 15 23:25:58 2015 +0100
+++ b/frontends/src/jp/	Sun Nov 15 23:42:21 2015 +0100
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-from logging import debug, info, error, warning
 import base
 import sys
@@ -25,12 +24,21 @@
 import os.path
 import tarfile
 from sat.core.i18n import _
+from import Const as C
+from import jid
+import tempfile
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # FIXME: used temporarily to manage XMLUI
 __commands__ = ["File"]
 class Send(base.CommandBase):
     def __init__(self, host):
-        super(Send, self).__init__(host, 'send', use_progress=True, help=_('Send a file to a contact'))
+        super(Send, self).__init__(host, 'send', use_progress=True, use_verbose=True, help=_('Send a file to a contact'))
+ = lambda dummy: self.disp(_(u'File copy started'),2)
+ = lambda dummy: self.disp(_(u'File copied successfully'),2)
+ = lambda dummy: self.disp(_(u'Error while transfering file'),error=True)
     def add_parser_options(self):
         self.parser.add_argument("files", type=str, nargs = '+', help=_("A list of file"))
@@ -43,79 +51,138 @@
         super(Send, self).connected()
+    def gotId(self, data, file_):
+        """Called when a progress id has been received
+        @param pid(unicode): progress id
+        @param file_(str): file path
+        """
+        #FIXME: this show progress only for last progress_id
+        self.disp(_(u"File request sent to {jid}".format(jid=self.full_dest_jid)), 1)
+        self.progress_id = data['progress']
+    def error(self, failure):
+        self.disp(_("Error while trying to send a file: {reason}").format(reason=failure), error=True)
     def send_files(self):
         for file_ in self.args.files:
             if not os.path.exists(file_):
-                error (_(u"file [%s] doesn't exist !") % file_)
+                self.disp(_(u"file [{}] doesn't exist !").format(file_), error=True)
             if not self.args.bz2 and os.path.isdir(file_):
-                error (_("[%s] is a dir ! Please send files inside or use compression") % file_)
+                self.disp(_(u"[{}] is a dir ! Please send files inside or use compression").format(file_))
-        full_dest_jid =
+        self.full_dest_jid =
         if self.args.bz2:
-            tmpfile = (os.path.basename(self.args.files[0]) or os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(self.args.files[0])) ) + '.tar.bz2' #FIXME: tmp, need an algorithm to find a good name/path
-            if os.path.exists(tmpfile):
-                error (_("tmp file_ (%s) already exists ! Please remove it"), tmpfile)
-                exit(1)
-            warning(_("bz2 is an experimental option at an early dev stage, use with caution"))
-            #FIXME: check free space, writting perm, tmp dir, filename (watch for OS used)
-            print _(u"Starting compression, please wait...")
-            sys.stdout.flush()
-            bz2 =, "w:bz2")
-            for file_ in self.args.files:
-                print _(u"Adding %s") % file_
-                bz2.add(file_)
-            bz2.close()
-            print _(u"Done !")
-            path = os.path.abspath(tmpfile)
-            self.progress_id =, path, {}, self.profile)
+            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb', delete=False) as buf:
+      ,
+                self.disp(_(u"bz2 is an experimental option, use with caution"))
+                #FIXME: check free space
+                self.disp(_(u"Starting compression, please wait..."))
+                sys.stdout.flush()
+                bz2 ="w:bz2", fileobj=buf)
+                archive_name = u'{}.tar.bz2'.format(os.path.basename(self.args.files[0]) or u'compressed_files')
+                for file_ in self.args.files:
+                    self.disp(_(u"Adding {}").format(file_), 1)
+                    bz2.add(file_)
+                bz2.close()
+                self.disp(_(u"Done !"), 1)
+      ,, archive_name, '', self.profile, callback=lambda pid, self.gotId(pid, file_), errback=self.error)
             for file_ in self.args.files:
                 path = os.path.abspath(file_)
-                self.progress_id =, path, {}, self.profile) #FIXME: show progress only for last progress_id
+      , path, '', '', self.profile, callback=lambda pid, file_=file_: self.gotId(pid, file_), errback=self.error)
 class Receive(base.CommandAnswering):
-    confirm_type = "FILE_TRANSFER"
     def __init__(self, host):
-        super(Receive, self).__init__(host, 'recv', use_progress=True, help=_('Wait for a file to be sent by a contact'))
+        super(Receive, self).__init__(host, 'receive', use_progress=True, use_verbose=True, help=_('Wait for a file to be sent by a contact'))
+        self._overwrite_refused = False # True when one overwrite as already been refused
+        self.action_callbacks = {C.META_TYPE_FILE: self.onFileAction,
+                                 C.META_TYPE_OVERWRITE: self.onOverwriteAction}
+    def getXmluiId(self, action_data):
+        # FIXME: we temporarily use ElementTree, but a real XMLUI managing module
+        #        should be available in the futur
+        # TODO: XMLUI module
+        try:
+            xml_ui = action_data['xmlui']
+        except KeyError:
+            self.disp(_(u"Action has no XMLUI"), 1)
+        else:
+            ui = ET.fromstring(xml_ui.encode('utf-8'))
+            xmlui_id = ui.get('submit')
+            if not xmlui_id:
+                self.disp(_(u"Invalid XMLUI received"), error=True)
+            return xmlui_id
-    @property
-    def dest_jids(self):
-        return self.args.jids
+    def onFileAction(self, action_data, action_id, security_limit, profile):
+        xmlui_id = self.getXmluiId(action_data)
+        if xmlui_id is None:
+            return
+        try:
+            from_jid = jid.JID(action_data['meta_from_jid'])
+        except KeyError:
+            self.disp(_(u"Ignoring action without from_jid data"), 1)
+            return
+        try:
+            progress_id = action_data['meta_progress_id']
+        except KeyError:
+            self.disp(_(u"ignoring action without progress id"), 1)
+            return
+        if not self.bare_jids or from_jid.bare in self.bare_jids:
+            if self._overwrite_refused:
+                self.disp(_(u"File refused because overwrite is needed"), error=True)
+      , {'cancelled': C.BOOL_TRUE}, profile_key=profile)
+                return
+            self.progress_id = progress_id
+            xmlui_data = {'path': self.path}
+  , xmlui_data, profile_key=profile)
+    def onOverwriteAction(self, action_data, action_id, security_limit, profile):
+        xmlui_id = self.getXmluiId(action_data)
+        if xmlui_id is None:
+            return
+        try:
+            progress_id = action_data['meta_progress_id']
+        except KeyError:
+            self.disp(_(u"ignoring action without progress id"), 1)
+            return
+        self.disp(_(u"Overwriting needed"), 1)
+        if progress_id == self.progress_id:
+            if self.args.force:
+                self.disp(_(u"Overwrite accepted"), 2)
+            else:
+                self.disp(_(u"Refused to overwrite"), 2)
+                self._overwrite_refused = True
+            xmlui_data = {'answer': C.boolConst(self.args.force)}
+  , xmlui_data, profile_key=profile)
     def add_parser_options(self):
-        self.parser.add_argument("jids", type=base.unicode_decoder, nargs="*", help=_('Jids accepted (none means "accept everything")'))
-        self.parser.add_argument("-m", "--multiple", action="store_true", help=_("Accept multiple files (you'll have to stop manually)"))
-        self.parser.add_argument("-f", "--force", action="store_true", help=_("Force overwritting of existing files"))
-    def ask(self, data, confirm_id):
-        answer_data = {}
-        answer_data["dest_path"] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), data['filename'])
-        if self.args.force or not os.path.exists(answer_data["dest_path"]):
-  , True, answer_data, self.profile)
-            info(_("Accepted file [%(filename)s] from %(sender)s") % {'filename':data['filename'], 'sender':data['from']})
-            self.progress_id = confirm_id
-        else:
-  , False, answer_data, self.profile)
-            warning(_("Refused file [%(filename)s] from %(sender)s: a file with the same name already exist") % {'filename':data['filename'], 'sender':data['from']})
-            if not self.args.multiple:
-        if not self.args.multiple and not self.args.progress:
-            #we just accept one file
+        self.parser.add_argument("jids", type=base.unicode_decoder, nargs="*", help=_(u'JIDs accepted (accept everything if none is specified)'))
+        self.parser.add_argument("-m", "--multiple", action="store_true", help=_(u"accept multiple files (you'll have to stop manually)"))
+        self.parser.add_argument("-f", "--force", action="store_true", help=_(u"force overwritting of existing files (/!\\ name is choosed by sended)"))
+        self.parser.add_argument("--path", default='.', metavar='DIR', help=_(u"destination path (default: working directory)"))
     def run(self):
         super(Receive, self).run()
+        self.bare_jids = [jid.JID(jid_).bare for jid_ in self.args.jids]
+        self.path = os.path.abspath(self.args.path)
+        if not os.path.isdir(self.path):
+            self.disp(_(u"Given path is not a directory !", error=True))
+            self.quit(2)
         if self.args.multiple:
    = False
+        self.disp(_(u"waiting for incoming file request"),2)
 class File(base.CommandBase):