changeset 386:deeebf697d9a

plugins: plugin XEP-0096 update, use of XEP-0047 (IBB)
author Goffi <>
date Thu, 29 Sep 2011 12:09:31 +0200 (2011-09-29)
parents 41fdaeb005bc
children e66d300c5d42
files src/plugins/
diffstat 1 files changed, 223 insertions(+), 130 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/plugins/	Thu Sep 29 12:07:11 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/plugins/	Thu Sep 29 12:09:31 2011 +0200
@@ -19,36 +19,33 @@
 along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-from logging import debug, info, error
+from logging import debug, info, warning, error
 from twisted.words.xish import domish
 from twisted.internet import protocol
 from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import client, jid
 from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import error as jab_error
-import os.path
-from twisted.internet import reactor #FIXME best way ???
+import os, os.path
+from twisted.internet import reactor
 import pdb
 from zope.interface import implements
-    from twisted.words.protocols.xmlstream import XMPPHandler
-except ImportError:
-    from wokkel.subprotocols import XMPPHandler
-from wokkel import disco, iwokkel
+from wokkel import disco, iwokkel, data_form
 IQ_SET = '/iq[@type="set"]'
 NS_SI = ''
 SI_REQUEST = IQ_SET + '/si[@xmlns="' + NS_SI + '"]'
+PROFILE_NAME = "file-transfer"
 "name": "XEP 0096 Plugin",
 "import_name": "XEP-0096",
 "type": "XEP",
 "protocols": ["XEP-0096"],
-"dependencies": ["XEP-0065"],
+"dependencies": ["XEP-0020", "XEP-0095", "XEP-0065", "XEP-0047"],
 "main": "XEP_0096",
-"handler": "yes",
+"handler": "no",
 "description": _("""Implementation of SI File Transfert""")
@@ -57,152 +54,248 @@
     def __init__(self, host):
         info(_("Plugin XEP_0096 initialization")) = host
-        self._waiting_for_approval = {}
-        host.bridge.addMethod("sendFile", ".plugin", in_sign='sss', out_sign='s', method=self.sendFile)
-    def getHandler(self, profile):
-        return XEP_0096_handler(self)  
+        self._waiting_for_approval = {} #key = id, value = [transfert data, IdelayedCall Reactor timeout, 
+                                        # current stream method, [failed stream methods], profile]
+        self.managed_stream_m = [["XEP-0065"].NS_BS,
+                       ["XEP-0047"].NAMESPACE] #Stream methods managed
+["XEP-0095"].registerSIProfile(PROFILE_NAME, self.transfertRequest)
+        host.bridge.addMethod("sendFile", ".plugin", in_sign='ssa{ss}s', out_sign='s', method=self.sendFile)
-    def xep_96(self, IQ, profile):
-        info (_("XEP-0096 management"))
-        IQ.handled=True
-        SI_elem = IQ.firstChildElement()
-        debug(SI_elem.toXml())
+    def _kill_id(self, approval_id):
+        """Delete a waiting_for_approval id, called after timeout
+        @param approval_id: id of _waiting_for_approval"""
+        info(_("SI File Transfert: TimeOut reached for id %s") % approval_id);
+        try:
+            del self._waiting_for_approval[approval_id]
+        except KeyError:
+            warning(_("kill id called on a non existant approval id"))
+    def transfertRequest(self, from_jid, si_id, si_mime_type, si_el, profile):
+        """Called when a file transfert is requested
+        @param from_jid: jid of the sender
+        @param si_id: Stream Initiation session id
+        @param si_mime_type: Mime type of the file (or default "application/octet-stream" if unknown)
+        @param si_el: domish.Element of the request
+        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s"""
+        info (_("XEP-0096 file transfert requested"))
+        debug(si_el.toXml())
         filename = ""
         file_size = ""
-        for element in SI_elem.elements():
-            if == "file":
-                info (_("File proposed: name=[%(name)s] size=%(size)s") % {'name':element['name'], 'size':element['size']})
-                filename = element["name"]
-                file_size = element["size"]
-            elif == "feature":
-                from_jid = IQ["from"]
-                self._waiting_for_approval[IQ["id"]] = (element, from_jid, file_size, profile)
-                data={ "filename":filename, "from":from_jid, "size":file_size }
-      ["id"], "FILE_TRANSFERT", data, self.confirmationCB)
+        file_date = None
+        file_hash = None
+        file_desc = ""
+        can_range = False
+        file_elts = filter(lambda elt: == 'file', si_el.elements())
+        feature_elts =["XEP-0020"].getFeatureElt(si_el)
+        if file_elts:
+            file_el = file_elts[0]
+            filename = file_el["name"]
+            file_size = file_el["size"]
+            file_date = file_el.getAttribute("date", "")
+            file_hash = file_el.getAttribute("hash", "")
+            info (_("File proposed: name=[%(name)s] size=%(size)s") % {'name':filename, 'size':file_size})
+            for file_child_el in file_el.elements():
+                if == "desc":
+                    file_desc = unicode(file_child_el)
+                elif == "range":
+                    can_range = True
+        else:
+            warning(_("No file element found"))
+  ["XEP-0095"].sendBadRequestError(si_id, from_jid, profile)
+            return
+        if feature_elts:
+            feature_el = feature_elts[0]
+            form = data_form.Form.fromElement(feature_el.firstChildElement())
+            try:
+                stream_method =["XEP-0020"].negociate(feature_el, 'stream-method',self.managed_stream_m)
+            except KeyError:
+                warning(_("No stream method found"))
+      ["XEP-0095"].sendBadRequestError(si_id, from_jid, profile)
+                return
+            if not stream_method:
+                warning(_("Can't find a valid stream method"))
+      ["XEP-0095"].sendFailedError(si_id, from_jid, profile)
+                return
+        else:
+            warning(_("No feature element found"))
+  ["XEP-0095"].sendBadRequestError(si_id, from_jid, profile)
+            return
+        #if we are here, the transfert can start, we just need user's agreement
+        data={ "filename":filename, "from":from_jid, "size":file_size, "date":file_date, "hash":file_hash, "desc":file_desc, "can_range": str(can_range) }
+        self._waiting_for_approval[si_id] = [data, reactor.callLater(300, self._kill_id, si_id), stream_method, [], profile]
-    def confirmationCB(self, id, accepted, data):
-        """Called on confirmation answer"""
+, "FILE_TRANSFERT", data, self.confirmationCB)
+    def _getFileObject(self, dest_path, can_range = False):
+        """Open file, put file pointer to the end if the file if needed
+        @param dest_path: path of the destination file
+        @param can_range: True if the file pointer can be moved
+        @return: File Object"""
+        return open(dest_path, "ab" if can_range else "wb")
+    def confirmationCB(self, id, accepted, frontend_data):
+        """Called on confirmation answer
+        @param id: file transfert session id
+        @param accepted: True if file transfert is accepted
+        @param frontend_data: data sent by frontend"""
+        data, timeout, stream_method, failed_methods, profile = self._waiting_for_approval[id]
+        can_range = data['can_range'] == "True"
+        range_offset = 0
         if accepted:
-            data['size'] = self._waiting_for_approval[id][2]
-  ["XEP-0065"].setData(data, id)
-            self.approved(id)
+            if
+                timeout.cancel()
+            try:
+                dest_path = frontend_data['dest_path']
+            except KeyError:
+                error(_('dest path not found in frontend_data'))
+                del(self._waiting_for_approval[id])
+                return
+            if stream_method ==["XEP-0065"].NAMESPACE:
+      ["XEP-0065"].setData(data, id)
+            elif stream_method ==["XEP-0047"].NAMESPACE:
+                file_obj = self._getFileObject(dest_path, can_range)
+                range_offset = file_obj.tell()
+      ["XEP-0047"].prepareToReceive(jid.JID(data['from']), id, file_obj, int(data["size"]), self._transferSucceeded, self._transferFailed)
+            else:
+                error(_("Unknown stream method, this should not happen at this stage, cancelling transfert"))
+                del(self._waiting_for_approval[id])
+                return
+            #we can send the iq result
+            feature_elt =["XEP-0020"].chooseOption({'stream-method':stream_method})
+            misc_elts = []
+            misc_elts.append(domish.Element((PROFILE, "file")))
+            if can_range:
+                range_elt = domish.Element(('', "range"))
+                range_elt['offset'] = str(range_offset)
+                #TODO: manage range length
+                misc_elts.append(range_elt)
+  ["XEP-0095"].acceptStream(id, data['from'], feature_elt, misc_elts, profile)
             debug (_("Transfert [%s] refused"), id)
+  ["XEP-0095"].sendRejectedError (id, data['from'], profile=profile)
-    def approved(self, id):
-        """must be called when a file transfert has be accepted by client"""
-        debug (_("Transfert [%s] accepted"), id)
+    def _transferSucceeded(self, sid, file_obj, stream_method):
+        """Called by the stream method when transfert successfuly finished
+        @param id: stream id"""
+        file_obj.close()
+        info(_('Transfert %s successfuly finished') % sid)
+        del(self._waiting_for_approval[sid])
-        if ( not self._waiting_for_approval.has_key(id) ):
-            error (_("Approved unknow id !"))
-            #TODO: manage this (maybe approved by several frontends)
-        else:
-            element, from_id, size, profile = self._waiting_for_approval[id]
-            del(self._waiting_for_approval[id])
-            self.negociate(element, id, from_id, profile)
+    def _transferFailed(self, sid, file_obj, stream_method, reason):
+        """Called when something went wrong with the transfert
+        @param id: stream id
+        @param reason: can be TIMEOUT, IO_ERROR, PROTOCOL_ERROR"""
+        data, timeout, stream_method, failed_methods, profile = self._waiting_for_approval[sid]
+        warning(_('Transfert %(id)s failed with stream method %(s_method)s') % { 'id': sid,
+                                                                                 's_method': stream_method })
+        filepath =
+        file_obj.close()
+        os.remove(filepath)
+        #TODO: session remenber (within a time limit) when a stream method fail, and avoid that stream method with full jid for the rest of the session
+        warning(_("All stream methods failed, can't transfert the file"))
+["XEP-0095"].sendFailedError(id, data['from'], profile)
+        del(self._waiting_for_approval[id])
-    def negociate(self, feat_elem, id, to_jid, profile):
-        #TODO: put this in a plugin
-        #FIXME: over ultra mega ugly, need to be generic
-        client =
-        assert(client)
-        info (_("Feature negociation"))
-        data = feat_elem.firstChildElement()
-        field = data.firstChildElement()
-        #FIXME: several options ! Q&D code for test only
-        option = field.firstChildElement()
-        value = option.firstChildElement()
-        if unicode(value) == "":
-            #ugly, as usual, need to be entirely rewritten (just for test !)
-            result = domish.Element(('', 'iq'))
-            result['type'] = 'result'
-            result['id'] = id
-            result['to'] = to_jid 
-            si = result.addElement('si', '')
-            file = si.addElement('file', '')
-            feature = si.addElement('feature', '')
-            x = feature.addElement('x', 'jabber:x:data')
-            x['type'] = 'submit'
-            field = x.addElement('field')
-            field['var'] = 'stream-method'
-            value = field.addElement('value')
-            value.addContent('')
-            client.xmlstream.send(result)
-    def fileCB(self, answer, xmlstream, current_jid):
-        if answer['type']=="result":  #FIXME FIXME FIXME ugly ugly ugly ! and temp FIXME FIXME FIXME
+    def fileCb(self, profile, filepath, sid, size, IQ):
+        if IQ['type'] == "error":
+            stanza_err = jab_error.exceptionFromStanza(IQ)
+            if stanza_err.code == '403' and stanza_err.condition == 'forbidden':
+                debug(_("File transfert refused by %s") % IQ['from'])
+      "The contact %s refused your file") % IQ['from'], _("File refused"), "INFO", profile)
+            else:
+                warning(_("Error during file transfert with %s") % IQ['from'])
+      "Something went wrong during the file transfer session intialisation with %s") % IQ['from'], _("File transfer error"), "ERROR", profile)
+            return
+        si_elt = IQ.firstChildElement()
+        if IQ['type'] != "result" or not si_elt or != "si":
+            error(_("Protocol error during file transfer"))
+            return
+        feature_elts =["XEP-0020"].getFeatureElt(si_elt)
+        if not feature_elts:
+            warning(_("No feature element"))
+            return
+        choosed_options =["XEP-0020"].getChoosedOptions(feature_elts[0])
+        try:
+            stream_method = choosed_options["stream-method"]
+        except KeyError:
+            warning(_("No stream method choosed"))
+            return
+        range_offset = 0
+        range_length = None
+        range_elts = filter(lambda elt: == 'range', si_elt.elements())
+        if range_elts:
+            range_elt = range_elts[0]
+            range_offset = range_elt.getAttribute("offset", 0)
+            range_length = range_elt.getAttribute("length")
+        if stream_method ==["XEP-0065"].NAMESPACE:
             info("SENDING UGLY ANSWER")
-            offer=client.IQ(xmlstream,'set')
+            """offer=client.IQ(xmlstream,'set')
-            query=offer.addElement('query', '')
+            query=offer.addElement('query', '')
+            #query=offer.addElement('query', '')
             streamhost['host']"IP", "File Transfert")
             streamhost['port']"Port", "File Transfert")
-            offer.send()
+            offer.send()"""
+        elif stream_method ==["XEP-0047"].NAMESPACE:
+           file_obj = open(filepath, 'r')
+           if range_offset:
+ ["XEP-0047"].startStream(file_obj, jid.JID(IQ['from']), sid, range_length, self.sendSuccessCb, self.sendFailureCb, size, profile)
+        else:
+            warning(_("Invalid stream method received"))
-    def sendFile(self, to, filepath, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
+    def sendFile(self, to_jid, filepath, data={}, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
         """send a file using XEP-0096
-        Return an unique id to identify the transfert
+        @to_jid: recipient
+        @filepath: absolute path to the file to send
+        @data: dictionnary with the optional following keys:
+               - "description": description of the file
+        @param profile_key: %(doc_profile_key)s
+        @return: an unique id to identify the transfert
-        current_jid, xmlstream =
-        if not xmlstream:
-            error (_('Asking for an non-existant or not connected profile'))
+        profile =
+        if not profile:
+            warning(_("Trying to send a file from an unknown profile"))
             return ""
-        debug ("sendfile (%s) to %s", filepath, to )
-        print type(filepath), type(to)
+        feature_elt =["XEP-0020"].proposeFeatures({'stream-method': self.managed_stream_m})
+["XEP-0065"].sendFile(offer["id"], filepath, str(statinfo.st_size))
+        file_transfer_elts = []
         statinfo = os.stat(filepath)
-        offer=client.IQ(xmlstream,'set')
-        debug ("Transfert ID: %s", offer["id"])
-["XEP-0065"].sendFile(offer["id"], filepath, str(statinfo.st_size))
+        file_elt = domish.Element((PROFILE, 'file'))
+        file_elt['name']=os.path.basename(filepath)
+        size = file_elt['size']=str(statinfo.st_size)
+        file_transfer_elts.append(file_elt)
-        offer["from"]=current_jid.full()
-        offer["to"]=jid.JID(to).full()
-        si=offer.addElement('si','')
-        si["mime-type"]='text/plain'
-        si["profile"]=''
-        file = si.addElement('file', '')
-        file['name']=os.path.basename(filepath)
-        file['size']=str(statinfo.st_size)
-        ###
-        # FIXME: Ugly temporary hard coded implementation of XEP-0020 & XEP-0004,
-        #        Need to be recoded elsewhere in a more generic way
-        ###
+        file_transfer_elts.append(domish.Element((None,'range')))
-        feature=si.addElement('feature', "")
-        x=feature.addElement('x', "jabber:x:data")
-        x['type']='form'
-        field=x.addElement('field')
-        field['type']='list-single'
-        field['var']='stream-method'
-        option = field.addElement('option')
-        value = option.addElement('value', content='')
+        sid, offer =["XEP-0095"].proposeStream(jid.JID(to_jid), PROFILE, feature_elt, file_transfer_elts, profile_key = profile)
+        offer.addCallback(self.fileCb, profile, filepath, sid, size)
+        return sid
-        offer.addCallback(self.fileCB, current_jid = current_jid, xmlstream = xmlstream)
-        offer.send()
-        return offer["id"]  #XXX: using IQ id as file transfert id seems OK as IQ id are required
-class XEP_0096_handler(XMPPHandler):
-    implements(iwokkel.IDisco)
-    def __init__(self, plugin_parent):
-        self.plugin_parent = plugin_parent
- =
+    def sendSuccessCb(self, sid, file_obj, stream_method):
+        info(_('Transfer %s successfuly finished') % sid)
+        file_obj.close()
-    def connectionInitialized(self):
-        self.xmlstream.addObserver(SI_REQUEST, self.plugin_parent.xep_96, profile = self.parent.profile)
-    def getDiscoInfo(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
-        return [disco.DiscoFeature(NS_SI)]
-    def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=''):
-        return []
+    def sendFailureCb(self, sid, file_obj, stream_method, reason):
+        file_obj.close()
+        warning(_('Transfert %(id)s failed with stream method %(s_method)s') % { 'id': sid, s_method: stream_method })