diff src/libs/garden/garden.contextmenu/README.md @ 83:741a7d6d8c28

garden: added contextmenu
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Sat, 24 Dec 2016 14:16:58 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/libs/garden/garden.contextmenu/README.md	Sat Dec 24 14:16:58 2016 +0100
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+# garden.contextmenu
+Collection of classes for easy creating **context** and **application** menus.
+## Context Menu
+![Example of context menu](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kivy-garden/garden.contextmenu/master/doc/context-menu-01.png)
+Context menu is represented by `ContextMenu` widget that wraps all menu items as `ContextMenuTextItem` widgets. Context menus can be nested, each `ContextMenuTextItem` can contain maximum one `ContextMenu` widget.
+import kivy
+from kivy.app import App
+from kivy.lang import Builder
+import kivy.garden.contextmenu
+kv = """
+    id: layout
+    Label:
+        pos: 10, self.parent.height - self.height - 10
+        text: "Left click anywhere outside the context menu to close it"
+        size_hint: None, None
+        size: self.texture_size
+    Button:
+        size_hint: None, None
+        pos_hint: {"center_x": 0.5, "center_y": 0.8 }
+        size: 300, 40
+        text: "Click me to show the context menu"
+        on_release: context_menu.show(*app.root_window.mouse_pos)
+    ContextMenu:
+        id: context_menu
+        visible: False
+        cancel_handler_widget: layout
+        ContextMenuTextItem:
+            text: "SubMenu #2"
+        ContextMenuTextItem:
+            text: "SubMenu #3"
+            ContextMenu:
+                ContextMenuTextItem:
+                    text: "SubMenu #5"
+                ContextMenuTextItem:
+                    text: "SubMenu #6"
+                    ContextMenu:
+                        ContextMenuTextItem:
+                            text: "SubMenu #9"
+                        ContextMenuTextItem:
+                            text: "SubMenu #10"
+                        ContextMenuTextItem:
+                            text: "SubMenu #11"
+                        ContextMenuTextItem:
+                            text: "Hello, World!"
+                            on_release: app.say_hello(self.text)
+                        ContextMenuTextItem:
+                            text: "SubMenu #12"
+                ContextMenuTextItem:
+                    text: "SubMenu #7"
+        ContextMenuTextItem:
+            text: "SubMenu #4"
+class MyApp(App):
+    def build(self):
+        self.title = 'Simple context menu example'
+        return Builder.load_string(kv)
+    def say_hello(self, text):
+        print(text)
+        self.root.ids['context_menu'].hide()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    MyApp().run()
+Arrows that symbolize that an item has sub menu is created automatically. `ContextMenuTextItem` inherits from [ButtonBehavior](http://kivy.org/docs/api-kivy.uix.behaviors.html#kivy.uix.behaviors.ButtonBehavior) so you can use `on_release` to bind actions to it.
+The root context menu can use `cancel_handler_widget` parameter. This adds `on_touch_down` event to it that closes the menu when you click anywhere outside the menu.
+## Application Menu
+![Example of application menu](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kivy-garden/garden.contextmenu/master/doc/app-menu-01.png)
+Creating application menus is very similar to context menus. Use `AppMenu` and `AppMenuTextItem` widgets to create the top level menu. Then each `AppMenuTextItem` can contain one `ContextMenu` widget as we saw above. `AppMenuTextItem` without `ContextMenu` are disabled by default
+import kivy
+from kivy.app import App
+from kivy.lang import Builder
+import kivy.garden.contextmenu
+kv = """
+    id: layout
+    AppMenu:
+        id: app_menu
+        top: root.height
+        cancel_handler_widget: layout
+        AppMenuTextItem:
+            text: "Menu #1"
+            ContextMenu:
+                ContextMenuTextItem:
+                    text: "Item #11"
+                ContextMenuTextItem:
+                    text: "Item #12"
+        AppMenuTextItem:
+            text: "Menu Menu Menu #2"
+            ContextMenu:
+                ContextMenuTextItem:
+                    text: "Item #21"
+                ContextMenuTextItem:
+                    text: "Item #22"
+                ContextMenuTextItem:
+                    text: "ItemItemItem #23"
+                ContextMenuTextItem:
+                    text: "Item #24"
+                    ContextMenu:
+                        ContextMenuTextItem:
+                            text: "Item #241"
+                        ContextMenuTextItem:
+                            text: "Hello, World!"
+                            on_release: app.say_hello(self.text)
+                        # ...
+                ContextMenuTextItem:
+                    text: "Item #5"
+        AppMenuTextItem:
+            text: "Menu Menu #3"
+            ContextMenu:
+                ContextMenuTextItem:
+                    text: "SubMenu #31"
+                ContextMenuDivider:
+                ContextMenuTextItem:
+                    text: "SubMenu #32"
+                # ...
+        AppMenuTextItem:
+            text: "Menu #4"
+    # ...
+    # The rest follows as usually
+class MyApp(App):
+    def build(self):
+        self.title = 'Simple app menu example'
+        return Builder.load_string(kv)
+    def say_hello(self, text):
+        print(text)
+        self.root.ids['app_menu'].close_all()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    MyApp().run()
+## All classes
+`garden.contextmenu` provides you with a set of classes and mixins for creating your own customised menu items for both context and application menus.
+### context_menu.AbstractMenu
+Mixin class that represents basic functionality for all menus. It cannot be used by itself and needs to be extended with a layout. Provides `cancel_handler_widget` property. See [AppMenu](https://github.com/kivy-garden/garden.contextmenu/blob/master/app_menu.py) or [ContextMenu](https://github.com/kivy-garden/garden.contextmenu/blob/master/context_menu.py).
+### context_menu.ContextMenu
+Implementation of a context menu.
+### context_menu.AbstractMenuItem
+Mixin class that represents a single menu item. Needs to be extended to be any useful. It's a base class for all menu items for both context and application menus.
+If you want to extend this class you need to override the `content_width` property which tells the parent `ContextMenu` what is the expected width of this item. It needs to know this to set it's own width.
+### context_menu.ContextMenuItem
+Single context menu item. Automatically draws an arrow if contains a `ContextMenu` children. If you want to create a custom menu item extend this class.
+### context_menu.AbstractMenuItemHoverable
+Mixin class that makes any class that inherits `ContextMenuItem` to change background color on mouse hover.
+### context_menu.ContextMenuText
+Menu item with `Label` widget without any extra functionality.
+### context_menu.ContextMenuDivider
+Menu widget that splits two parts of a context/app menu.
+![Example of ContextMenuDivider without text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kivy-garden/garden.contextmenu/master/doc/menu-divider-01.png)
+It also contains an instance of `Label` which is not visible if you don't set it any text.
+    text: "SubMenu #33"
+    text: "More options"
+    text: "SubMenu #34"
+![Example of ContextMenuDivider with text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kivy-garden/garden.contextmenu/master/doc/menu-divider-02.png)
+### context_menu.ContextMenuTextItem
+Menu item with text. You'll be most of the time just fine using this class for all your menu items. You can also see it used in [all examples here](https://github.com/kivy-garden/garden.contextmenu/tree/master/examples).  Contains a `Label` widget and copies `text`, `font_size` and `color` properties to it automatically.
+### app_menu.AppMenu
+Application menu widget. By default it fills the entire parent's width.
+### app_menu.AppMenuTextItem
+Application menu item width text. Contains a `Label` widget and copies `text`, `font_size` and `color` properties to it automatically.
+# License
+garden.contextmenu is licensed under MIT license.
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