diff cagou/core/profile_manager.py @ 270:89ba66464329

profile manager: don't use anymore deprecated ListView + use dp() for sizes of buttons instead of relative size.
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Wed, 20 Mar 2019 09:29:44 +0100
parents b270fcc87304
children 1b835bcfa663
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/cagou/core/profile_manager.py	Wed Mar 20 09:29:44 2019 +0100
+++ b/cagou/core/profile_manager.py	Wed Mar 20 09:29:44 2019 +0100
@@ -23,53 +23,16 @@
 from .constants import Const as C
 from sat_frontends.quick_frontend.quick_profile_manager import QuickProfileManager
 from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
-from kivy.uix import listview
-from kivy.uix.button import Button
+from kivy.uix.togglebutton import ToggleButton
 from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen
-from kivy.adapters import listadapter
 from kivy.metrics import sp
 from kivy import properties
 from cagou import G
-class ProfileItem(listview.ListItemButton):
-    pass
-class ProfileListAdapter(listadapter.ListAdapter):
-    def __init__(self, pm, *args, **kwargs):
-        super(ProfileListAdapter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.pm = pm
-    def closeUI(self, xmlui):
-        self.pm.screen_manager.transition.direction = 'right'
-        self.pm.screen_manager.current = 'profiles'
-    def showUI(self, xmlui):
-        xmlui.setCloseCb(self.closeUI)
-        if xmlui.type == 'popup':
-            xmlui.bind(on_touch_up=lambda obj, value: self.closeUI(xmlui))
-        self.pm.xmlui_screen.clear_widgets()
-        self.pm.xmlui_screen.add_widget(xmlui)
-        self.pm.screen_manager.transition.direction = 'left'
-        self.pm.screen_manager.current = 'xmlui'
-    def select_item_view(self, view):
-        def authenticate_cb(data, cb_id, profile):
-            if C.bool(data.pop('validated', C.BOOL_FALSE)):
-                super(ProfileListAdapter, self).select_item_view(view)
-            G.host.actionManager(data, callback=authenticate_cb, ui_show_cb=self.showUI, profile=profile)
-        G.host.launchAction(C.AUTHENTICATE_PROFILE_ID, callback=authenticate_cb, profile=view.text)
-class ConnectButton(Button):
-    def __init__(self, profile_screen):
-        self.profile_screen = profile_screen
-        self.pm = profile_screen.pm
-        super(ConnectButton, self).__init__()
+class ProfileItem(ToggleButton):
+    ps = properties.ObjectProperty()
+    index = properties.NumericProperty(0)
 class NewProfileScreen(Screen):
@@ -88,7 +51,10 @@
     def onCreationSuccess(self, profile):
-        G.host.bridge.profileStartSession(self.password.text, profile, callback=lambda dummy: self._sessionStarted(profile), errback=self.onCreationFailure)
+        G.host.bridge.profileStartSession(
+            self.password.text, profile,
+            callback=lambda dummy: self._sessionStarted(profile),
+            errback=self.onCreationFailure)
     def _sessionStarted(self, profile):
         jid = self.jid.text.strip()
@@ -101,7 +67,10 @@
         name = self.profile_name.text.strip()
         # XXX: we use XMPP password for profile password to simplify
         #      if user want to change profile password, he can do it in preferences
-        G.host.bridge.profileCreate(name, self.password.text, u'', callback=lambda: self.onCreationSuccess(name), errback=self.onCreationFailure)
+        G.host.bridge.profileCreate(
+            name, self.password.text, u'',
+            callback=lambda: self.onCreationSuccess(name),
+            errback=self.onCreationFailure)
 class DeleteProfilesScreen(Screen):
@@ -124,30 +93,25 @@
         for profile in to_delete:
             log.info(u"Deleteing profile [{}]".format(profile))
-            G.host.bridge.asyncDeleteProfile(profile, callback=deleteInc, errback=deleteInc)
+            G.host.bridge.asyncDeleteProfile(
+                profile, callback=deleteInc, errback=deleteInc)
 class ProfilesScreen(Screen):
     layout = properties.ObjectProperty(None)
+    profiles = properties.ListProperty()
     def __init__(self, pm):
         self.pm = pm
-        self.list_adapter = ProfileListAdapter(pm,
-                                               data=[],
-                                               cls=ProfileItem,
-                                               args_converter=self.converter,
-                                               selection_mode='multiple',
-                                               allow_empty_selection=True,
-                                              )
         super(ProfilesScreen, self).__init__(name=u'profiles')
-        self.layout.add_widget(listview.ListView(adapter=self.list_adapter))
-        connect_btn = ConnectButton(self)
-        self.layout.add_widget(connect_btn)
     def _profilesListGetCb(self, profiles):
-        self.list_adapter.data = profiles
+        self.profiles = profiles
+        for idx, profile in enumerate(profiles):
+            item = ProfileItem(ps=self, index=idx, text=profile, group='profiles')
+            self.layout.add_widget(item)
     def converter(self, row_idx, obj):
         return {'text': obj,
@@ -156,10 +120,12 @@
     def reload(self):
         """Reload profiles list"""
+        self.layout.clear_widgets()
 class ProfileManager(QuickProfileManager, BoxLayout):
+    selected = properties.ObjectProperty(None)
     def __init__(self, autoconnect=None):
         QuickProfileManager.__init__(self, G.host, autoconnect)
@@ -174,6 +140,40 @@
+        self.bind(selected=self.onProfileSelect)
+    def closeUI(self, xmlui):
+        self.screen_manager.transition.direction = 'right'
+        self.screen_manager.current = 'profiles'
+    def showUI(self, xmlui):
+        xmlui.setCloseCb(self.closeUI)
+        if xmlui.type == 'popup':
+            xmlui.bind(on_touch_up=lambda obj, value: self.closeUI(xmlui))
+        self.xmlui_screen.clear_widgets()
+        self.xmlui_screen.add_widget(xmlui)
+        self.screen_manager.transition.direction = 'left'
+        self.screen_manager.current = 'xmlui'
+    def onProfileSelect(self, __, selected):
+        if not selected:
+            return
+        def authenticate_cb(data, cb_id, profile):
+            if not C.bool(data.pop('validated', C.BOOL_FALSE)):
+                # profile didn't validate, we unselect it
+                selected.state = 'normal'
+                self.selected = ''
+            else:
+                # state may have been modified so we need to be sure it's down
+                selected.state = 'down'
+                self.selected = selected
+            G.host.actionManager(data, callback=authenticate_cb, ui_show_cb=self.showUI,
+                                 profile=profile)
+        G.host.launchAction(C.AUTHENTICATE_PROFILE_ID, callback=authenticate_cb,
+                            profile=selected.text)
     def getProfiles(self):
-        return [pi.text for pi in self.profiles_screen.list_adapter.selection]
+        # for now we restrict to a single profile in Cagou
+        # TODO: handle multi-profiles
+        return [self.selected.text] if self.selected else []