diff src/cagou/plugins/plugin_wid_chat.py @ 106:9909ed7a7a20

moved SimpleXHTMLWidget to a dedicated module
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Sun, 15 Jan 2017 21:21:20 +0100
parents ce6ef88f2cff
children 7631325e11f4
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/cagou/plugins/plugin_wid_chat.py	Sun Jan 15 18:02:53 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/cagou/plugins/plugin_wid_chat.py	Sun Jan 15 21:21:20 2017 +0100
@@ -24,20 +24,15 @@
 from cagou.core.constants import Const as C
 from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
 from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
-from kivy.uix.stacklayout import StackLayout
 from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput
-from kivy.uix.label import Label
 from kivy.metrics import dp
-from kivy.utils import escape_markup
 from kivy import properties
 from sat_frontends.quick_frontend import quick_widgets
 from sat_frontends.quick_frontend import quick_chat
-from sat_frontends.tools import jid, css_color, strings as sat_strings
+from sat_frontends.tools import jid
 from cagou.core import cagou_widget
-from cagou.core.image import Image, AsyncImage
+from cagou.core.image import Image
 from cagou import G
-from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
-import webbrowser
@@ -53,474 +48,6 @@
-class Escape(unicode):
-    """Class used to mark that a message need to be escaped"""
-    def __init__(self, text):
-        super(Escape, self).__init__(text)
-class SimpleXHTMLWidgetEscapedText(Label):
-    def _addUrlMarkup(self, text):
-        text_elts = []
-        idx = 0
-        links = 0
-        while True:
-            m = sat_strings.RE_URL.search(text[idx:])
-            if m is not None:
-                text_elts.append(escape_markup(m.string[0:m.start()]))
-                link_key = u'link_' + unicode(links)
-                url = m.group()
-                text_elts.append(u'[color=5500ff][ref={link}]{url}[/ref][/color]'.format(
-                    link = link_key,
-                    url = url
-                    ))
-                if not links:
-                    self.ref_urls = {link_key: url}
-                else:
-                    self.ref_urls[link_key] = url
-                links += 1
-                idx += m.end()
-            else:
-                if links:
-                    text_elts.append(escape_markup(text[idx:]))
-                    self.markup = True
-                    self.text = u''.join(text_elts)
-                break
-    def on_text(self, instance, text):
-        # do NOT call the method if self.markup is set
-        # this would result in infinite loop (because self.text
-        # is changed if an URL is found, and in this case markup too)
-        if text and not self.markup:
-            self._addUrlMarkup(text)
-    def on_ref_press(self, ref):
-        url = self.ref_urls[ref]
-        webbrowser.open(url)
-class SimpleXHTMLWidgetText(Label):
-    pass
-class SimpleXHTMLWidgetImage(AsyncImage):
-    # following properties are desired height/width
-    # i.e. the ones specified in height/width attributes of <img>
-    # (or wanted for whatever reason)
-    # set to 0 to ignore them
-    target_height = properties.NumericProperty()
-    target_width = properties.NumericProperty()
-    def _get_parent_container(self):
-        """get parent SimpleXHTMLWidget instance
-        @param warning(bool): if True display a log.error if nothing found
-        @return (SimpleXHTMLWidget, None): found SimpleXHTMLWidget instance
-        """
-        parent = self.parent
-        while parent and not isinstance(parent, SimpleXHTMLWidget):
-            parent = parent.parent
-        if parent is None:
-            log.error(u"no SimpleXHTMLWidget parent found")
-        return parent
-    def _on_source_load(self, value):
-        # this method is called when image is loaded
-        super(SimpleXHTMLWidgetImage, self)._on_source_load(value)
-        if self.parent is not None:
-            container = self._get_parent_container()
-            # image is loaded, we need to recalculate size
-            self.on_container_width(container, container.width)
-    def on_container_width(self, container, container_width):
-        """adapt size according to container width
-        called when parent container (SimpleXHTMLWidget) width change
-        """
-        target_size = (self.target_width or self.texture.width, self.target_height or self.texture.height)
-        padding = container.padding
-        padding_h = (padding[0] + padding[2]) if len(padding) == 4 else padding[0]
-        width = container_width - padding_h
-        if target_size[0] < width:
-            self.size = target_size
-        else:
-            height = width / self.image_ratio
-            self.size = (width, height)
-    def on_parent(self, instance, parent):
-        if parent is not None:
-            container = self._get_parent_container()
-            container.bind(width=self.on_container_width)
-class SimpleXHTMLWidget(StackLayout):
-    """widget handling simple XHTML parsing"""
-    xhtml = properties.StringProperty()
-    color = properties.ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1])
-    # XXX: bold is only used for escaped text
-    bold = properties.BooleanProperty(False)
-    content_width = properties.NumericProperty(0)
-    # text/XHTML input
-    def on_xhtml(self, instance, xhtml):
-        """parse xhtml and set content accordingly
-        if xhtml is an instance of Escape, a Label with not markup
-        will be used
-        """
-        self.clear_widgets()
-        if isinstance(xhtml, Escape):
-            label = SimpleXHTMLWidgetEscapedText(text=xhtml, color=self.color)
-            self.bind(color=label.setter('color'))
-            self.bind(bold=label.setter('bold'))
-            self.add_widget(label)
-        else:
-            xhtml = ET.fromstring(xhtml.encode('utf-8'))
-            self.current_wid = None
-            self.styles = []
-            self._callParseMethod(xhtml)
-    def escape(self, text):
-        """mark that a text need to be escaped (i.e. no markup)"""
-        return Escape(text)
-    # sizing
-    def on_width(self, instance, width):
-        if len(self.children) == 1:
-            wid = self.children[0]
-            if isinstance(wid, Label):
-                # we have simple text
-                try:
-                    full_width = wid._full_width
-                except AttributeError:
-                    # on first time, we need the required size
-                    # for the full text, without width limit
-                    wid.size_hint = (None, None)
-                    wid.texture_update()
-                    full_width = wid._full_width = wid.texture_size[0]
-                if full_width > width:
-                    wid.text_size = width, None
-                    wid.width = width
-                else:
-                    wid.text_size = None, None
-                    wid.texture_update()
-                    wid.width = wid.texture_size[0]
-                self.content_width = wid.width + self.padding[0] + self.padding[2]
-            else:
-                wid.size_hint = (1, None)
-                wid.height = 100
-                self.content_width = self.width
-        else:
-            self._do_complexe_sizing(width)
-    def _do_complexe_sizing(self, width):
-        try:
-            self.splitted
-        except AttributeError:
-            # XXX: to make things easier, we split labels in words
-            log.debug(u"split start")
-            children = self.children[::-1]
-            self.clear_widgets()
-            for child in children:
-                if isinstance(child, Label):
-                    log.debug(u"label before split: {}".format(child.text))
-                    styles = []
-                    tag = False
-                    new_text = []
-                    current_tag = []
-                    current_value = []
-                    current_wid = self._createText()
-                    value = False
-                    close = False
-                    # we will parse the text and create a new widget
-                    # on each new word (actually each space)
-                    # FIXME: handle '\n' and other white chars
-                    for c in child.text:
-                        if tag:
-                            # we are parsing a markup tag
-                            if c == u']':
-                                current_tag_s = u''.join(current_tag)
-                                current_style = (current_tag_s, u''.join(current_value))
-                                if close:
-                                    for idx, s in enumerate(reversed(styles)):
-                                        if s[0] == current_tag_s:
-                                            del styles[len(styles) - idx - 1]
-                                            break
-                                else:
-                                    styles.append(current_style)
-                                current_tag = []
-                                current_value = []
-                                tag = False
-                                value = False
-                                close = False
-                            elif c == u'/':
-                                close = True
-                            elif c == u'=':
-                                value = True
-                            elif value:
-                                current_value.append(c)
-                            else:
-                                current_tag.append(c)
-                            new_text.append(c)
-                        else:
-                            # we are parsing regular text
-                            if c == u'[':
-                                new_text.append(c)
-                                tag = True
-                            elif c == u' ':
-                                # new word, we do a new widget
-                                new_text.append(u' ')
-                                for t, v in reversed(styles):
-                                    new_text.append(u'[/{}]'.format(t))
-                                current_wid.text = u''.join(new_text)
-                                new_text = []
-                                self.add_widget(current_wid)
-                                log.debug(u"new widget: {}".format(current_wid.text))
-                                current_wid = self._createText()
-                                for t, v in styles:
-                                    new_text.append(u'[{tag}{value}]'.format(
-                                        tag = t,
-                                        value = u'={}'.format(v) if v else u''))
-                            else:
-                                new_text.append(c)
-                    if current_wid.text:
-                        # we may have a remaining widget after the parsing
-                        close_styles = []
-                        for t, v in reversed(styles):
-                            close_styles.append(u'[/{}]'.format(t))
-                        current_wid.text = u''.join(close_styles)
-                        self.add_widget(current_wid)
-                        log.debug(u"new widget: {}".format(current_wid.text))
-                else:
-                    # non Label widgets, we just add them
-                    self.add_widget(child)
-            self.splitted = True
-            log.debug(u"split OK")
-        # we now set the content width
-        # FIXME: for now we just use the full width
-        self.content_width = width
-    # XHTML parsing methods
-    def _callParseMethod(self, e):
-        """call the suitable method to parse the element
-        self.xhtml_[tag] will be called if it exists, else
-        self.xhtml_generic will be used
-        @param e(ET.Element): element to parse
-        """
-        try:
-            method = getattr(self, "xhtml_{}".format(e.tag))
-        except AttributeError:
-            log.warning(u"Unhandled XHTML tag: {}".format(e.tag))
-            method = self.xhtml_generic
-        method(e)
-    def _addStyle(self, tag, value=None, append_to_list=True):
-        """add a markup style to label
-        @param tag(unicode): markup tag
-        @param value(unicode): markup value if suitable
-        @param append_to_list(bool): if True style we be added to self.styles
-            self.styles is needed to keep track of styles to remove
-            should most probably be set to True
-        """
-        label = self._getLabel()
-        label.text += u'[{tag}{value}]'.format(
-            tag = tag,
-            value = u'={}'.format(value) if value else ''
-            )
-        if append_to_list:
-            self.styles.append((tag, value))
-    def _removeStyle(self, tag, remove_from_list=True):
-        """remove a markup style from the label
-        @param tag(unicode): markup tag to remove
-        @param remove_from_list(bool): if True, remove from self.styles too
-            should most probably be set to True
-        """
-        label = self._getLabel()
-        label.text += u'[/{tag}]'.format(
-            tag = tag
-            )
-        if remove_from_list:
-            for rev_idx, style in enumerate(reversed(self.styles)):
-                if style[0] == tag:
-                    tag_idx = len(self.styles) - 1 - rev_idx
-                    del self.styles[tag_idx]
-                    break
-    def _getLabel(self):
-        """get current Label if it exists, or create a new one"""
-        if not isinstance(self.current_wid, Label):
-            self._addLabel()
-        return self.current_wid
-    def _addLabel(self):
-        """add a new Label
-        current styles will be closed and reopened if needed
-        """
-        self._closeLabel()
-        self.current_wid = self._createText()
-        for tag, value in self.styles:
-            self._addStyle(tag, value, append_to_list=False)
-        self.add_widget(self.current_wid)
-    def _createText(self):
-        label = SimpleXHTMLWidgetText(color=self.color, markup=True)
-        self.bind(color=label.setter('color'))
-        label.bind(texture_size=label.setter('size'))
-        return label
-    def _closeLabel(self):
-        """close current style tags in current label
-        needed when you change label to keep style between
-        different widgets
-        """
-        if isinstance(self.current_wid, Label):
-            for tag, value in reversed(self.styles):
-                self._removeStyle(tag, remove_from_list=False)
-    def _parseCSS(self, e):
-        """parse CSS found in "style" attribute of element
-        self._css_styles will be created and contained markup styles added by this method
-        @param e(ET.Element): element which may have a "style" attribute
-        """
-        styles_limit = len(self.styles)
-        styles = e.attrib['style'].split(u';')
-        for style in styles:
-            try:
-                prop, value = style.split(u':')
-            except ValueError:
-                log.warning(u"can't parse style: {}".format(style))
-                continue
-            prop = prop.strip().replace(u'-', '_')
-            value = value.strip()
-            try:
-                method = getattr(self, "css_{}".format(prop))
-            except AttributeError:
-                log.warning(u"Unhandled CSS: {}".format(prop))
-            else:
-                method(e, value)
-        self._css_styles = self.styles[styles_limit:]
-    def _closeCSS(self):
-        """removed CSS styles
-        styles in self._css_styles will be removed
-        and the attribute will be deleted
-        """
-        for tag, dummy in reversed(self._css_styles):
-            self._removeStyle(tag)
-        del self._css_styles
-    def xhtml_generic(self, elem, style=True, markup=None):
-        """generic method for adding HTML elements
-        this method handle content, style and children parsing
-        @param elem(ET.Element): element to add
-        @param style(bool): if True handle style attribute (CSS)
-        @param markup(tuple[unicode, (unicode, None)], None): kivy markup to use
-        """
-        # we first add markup and CSS style
-        if markup is not None:
-            if isinstance(markup, basestring):
-                tag, value = markup, None
-            else:
-                tag, value = markup
-            self._addStyle(tag, value)
-        style_ = 'style' in elem.attrib and style
-        if style_:
-            self._parseCSS(elem)
-        # then content
-        if elem.text:
-            self._getLabel().text += escape_markup(elem.text)
-        # we parse the children
-        for child in elem:
-            self._callParseMethod(child)
-        # closing CSS style and markup
-        if style_:
-            self._closeCSS()
-        if markup is not None:
-            self._removeStyle(tag)
-        # and the tail, which is regular text
-        if elem.tail:
-            self._getLabel().text += escape_markup(elem.tail)
-    # method handling XHTML elements
-    def xhtml_br(self, elem):
-        label = self._getLabel()
-        label.text+='\n'
-        self.xhtml_generic(style=False)
-    def xhtml_em(self, elem):
-        self.xhtml_generic(elem, markup='i')
-    def xhtml_img(self, elem):
-        try:
-            src = elem.attrib['src']
-        except KeyError:
-            log.warning(u"<img> element without src: {}".format(ET.tostring(elem)))
-            return
-        try:
-            target_height = int(elem.get(u'height', 0))
-        except ValueError:
-            log.warning(u"Can't parse image height: {}".format(elem.get(u'height')))
-            target_height = 0
-        try:
-            target_width = int(elem.get(u'width', 0))
-        except ValueError:
-            log.warning(u"Can't parse image width: {}".format(elem.get(u'width')))
-            target_width = 0
-        img = SimpleXHTMLWidgetImage(source=src, target_height=target_height, target_width=target_width)
-        self.current_wid = img
-        self.add_widget(img)
-    def xhtml_p(self, elem):
-        if isinstance(self.current_wid, Label):
-            self.current_wid.text+="\n\n"
-        self.xhtml_generic(elem)
-    def xhtml_span(self, elem):
-        self.xhtml_generic(elem)
-    def xhtml_strong(self, elem):
-        self.xhtml_generic(elem, markup='b')
-    # methods handling CSS properties
-    def css_color(self, elem, value):
-        self._addStyle(u"color", css_color.parse(value))
-    def css_text_decoration(self, elem, value):
-        if value == u'underline':
-            log.warning(u"{} not handled yet, it needs Kivy 1.9.2 to be released".format(value))
-            # FIXME: activate when 1.9.2 is out
-            # self._addStyle('u')
-        elif value == u'line-through':
-            log.warning(u"{} not handled yet, it needs Kivy 1.9.2 to be released".format(value))
-            # FIXME: activate when 1.9.2 is out
-            # self._addStyle('s')
-        else:
-            log.warning(u"unhandled text decoration: {}".format(value))
 class MessageWidget(GridLayout):
     mess_data = properties.ObjectProperty()
     mess_xhtml = properties.ObjectProperty()