view cagou/backport/ @ 452:ee4913d35c55

menu (TransferMenu): fixed transfer_info background: The transfer info could overpass the background.
author Goffi <>
date Tue, 31 Mar 2020 09:56:12 +0200
parents 5bd583d00594
line wrap: on
line source


.. image:: images/carousel.gif
    :align: right

.. versionadded:: 1.4.0

The :class:`Carousel` widget provides the classic mobile-friendly carousel view
where you can swipe between slides.
You can add any content to the carousel and have it move horizontally or
vertically. The carousel can display pages in a sequence or a loop.


    from import App
    from kivy.uix.carousel import Carousel
    from kivy.uix.image import AsyncImage

    class CarouselApp(App):
        def build(self):
            carousel = Carousel(direction='right')
            for i in range(10):
                src = "" % i
                image = AsyncImage(source=src, allow_stretch=True)
            return carousel


Kv Example::

        direction: 'right'
            source: ''
            source: ''
            source: ''
            source: ''

.. versionchanged:: 1.5.0
    The carousel now supports active children, like the
    :class:`~kivy.uix.scrollview.ScrollView`. It will detect a swipe gesture
    according to the :attr:`Carousel.scroll_timeout` and
    :attr:`Carousel.scroll_distance` properties.

    In addition, the slide container is no longer exposed by the API.
    The impacted properties are
    :attr:`Carousel.slides`, :attr:`Carousel.current_slide`,
    :attr:`Carousel.previous_slide` and :attr:`Carousel.next_slide`.


__all__ = ('Carousel', )

from functools import partial
from kivy.clock import Clock
from kivy.factory import Factory
from kivy.animation import Animation
from kivy.uix.stencilview import StencilView
from kivy.uix.relativelayout import RelativeLayout
from import BooleanProperty, OptionProperty, AliasProperty, \
    NumericProperty, ListProperty, ObjectProperty, StringProperty

class Carousel(StencilView):
    '''Carousel class. See module documentation for more information.

    slides = ListProperty([])
    '''List of slides inside the Carousel. The slides are the
    widgets added to the Carousel using the :attr:`add_widget` method.

    :attr:`slides` is a :class:`` and is

    def _get_slides_container(self):
        return [x.parent for x in self.slides]

    slides_container = AliasProperty(_get_slides_container, bind=('slides',))

    direction = OptionProperty('right',
                               options=('right', 'left', 'top', 'bottom'))
    '''Specifies the direction in which the slides are ordered. This
    corresponds to the direction from which the user swipes to go from one
    slide to the next. It
    can be `right`, `left`, `top`, or `bottom`. For example, with
    the default value of `right`, the second slide is to the right
    of the first and the user would swipe from the right towards the
    left to get to the second slide.

    :attr:`direction` is an :class:`` and
    defaults to 'right'.

    min_move = NumericProperty(0.2)
    '''Defines the minimum distance to be covered before the touch is
    considered a swipe gesture and the Carousel content changed.
    This is a expressed as a fraction of the Carousel's width.
    If the movement doesn't reach this minimum value, the movement is
    cancelled and the content is restored to its original position.

    :attr:`min_move` is a :class:`` and
    defaults to 0.2.

    anim_move_duration = NumericProperty(0.5)
    '''Defines the duration of the Carousel animation between pages.

    :attr:`anim_move_duration` is a :class:``
    and defaults to 0.5.

    anim_cancel_duration = NumericProperty(0.3)
    '''Defines the duration of the animation when a swipe movement is not
    accepted. This is generally when the user does not make a large enough
    swipe. See :attr:`min_move`.

    :attr:`anim_cancel_duration` is a :class:``
    and defaults to 0.3.

    loop = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Allow the Carousel to loop infinitely. If True, when the user tries to
    swipe beyond last page, it will return to the first. If False, it will
    remain on the last page.

    :attr:`loop` is a :class:`` and
    defaults to False.

    def _get_index(self):
        if self.slides:
            return self._index % len(self.slides)
        return None

    def _set_index(self, value):
        if self.slides:
            self._index = value % len(self.slides)
            self._index = None

    index = AliasProperty(_get_index, _set_index,
                          bind=('_index', 'slides'),
    '''Get/Set the current slide based on the index.

    :attr:`index` is an :class:`` and defaults
    to 0 (the first item).

    def _prev_slide(self):
        slides = self.slides
        len_slides = len(slides)
        index = self.index
        if len_slides < 2:  # None, or 1 slide
            return None
        if self.loop and index == 0:
            return slides[-1]
        if index > 0:
            return slides[index - 1]

    previous_slide = AliasProperty(_prev_slide,
                                   bind=('slides', 'index', 'loop'),
    '''The previous slide in the Carousel. It is None if the current slide is
    the first slide in the Carousel. This ordering reflects the order in which
    the slides are added: their presentation varies according to the
    :attr:`direction` property.

    :attr:`previous_slide` is an :class:``.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0
        This property no longer exposes the slides container. It returns
        the widget you have added.

    def _curr_slide(self):
        if len(self.slides):
            return self.slides[self.index or 0]

    current_slide = AliasProperty(_curr_slide,
                                  bind=('slides', 'index'),
    '''The currently shown slide.

    :attr:`current_slide` is an :class:``.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0
        The property no longer exposes the slides container. It returns
        the widget you have added.

    def _next_slide(self):
        if len(self.slides) < 2:  # None, or 1 slide
            return None
        if self.loop and self.index == len(self.slides) - 1:
            return self.slides[0]
        if self.index < len(self.slides) - 1:
            return self.slides[self.index + 1]

    next_slide = AliasProperty(_next_slide,
                               bind=('slides', 'index', 'loop'),
    '''The next slide in the Carousel. It is None if the current slide is
    the last slide in the Carousel. This ordering reflects the order in which
    the slides are added: their presentation varies according to the
    :attr:`direction` property.

    :attr:`next_slide` is an :class:``.

    .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0
        The property no longer exposes the slides container.
        It returns the widget you have added.

    scroll_timeout = NumericProperty(200)
    '''Timeout allowed to trigger the :attr:`scroll_distance`, in milliseconds.
    If the user has not moved :attr:`scroll_distance` within the timeout,
    no scrolling will occur and the touch event will go to the children.

    :attr:`scroll_timeout` is a :class:`` and
    defaults to 200 (milliseconds)

    .. versionadded:: 1.5.0

    scroll_distance = NumericProperty('20dp')
    '''Distance to move before scrolling the :class:`Carousel` in pixels. As
    soon as the distance has been traveled, the :class:`Carousel` will start
    to scroll, and no touch event will go to children.
    It is advisable that you base this value on the dpi of your target device's

    :attr:`scroll_distance` is a :class:`` and
    defaults to 20dp.

    .. versionadded:: 1.5.0

    anim_type = StringProperty('out_quad')
    '''Type of animation to use while animating to the next/previous slide.
    This should be the name of an
    :class:`~kivy.animation.AnimationTransition` function.

    :attr:`anim_type` is a :class:`` and
    defaults to 'out_quad'.

    .. versionadded:: 1.8.0

    ignore_perpendicular_swipes = BooleanProperty(False)
    '''Ignore swipes on axis perpendicular to direction.

    :attr:`ignore_perpendicular_swipes` is a
    :class:`` and defaults to False.

    .. versionadded:: 1.10.0

    # private properties, for internal use only ###
    _index = NumericProperty(0, allownone=True)
    _prev = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True)
    _current = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True)
    _next = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True)
    _offset = NumericProperty(0)
    _touch = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True)

    _change_touch_mode_ev = None

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self._trigger_position_visible_slides = Clock.create_trigger(
            self._position_visible_slides, -1)
        super(Carousel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self._skip_slide = None
        self.touch_mode_change = False
        self._prioritize_next = False
        self.fbind('loop', lambda *args: self._insert_visible_slides())

    def load_slide(self, slide):
        '''Animate to the slide that is passed as the argument.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.8.0
        slides = self.slides
        start, stop = slides.index(self.current_slide), slides.index(slide)
        if start == stop:

        self._skip_slide = stop
        if stop > start:
            self._prioritize_next = True
            self._prioritize_next = False

    def load_previous(self):
        '''Animate to the previous slide.

        .. versionadded:: 1.7.0

    def load_next(self, mode='next'):
        '''Animate to the next slide.

        .. versionadded:: 1.7.0
        if self.index is not None:
            w, h = self.size
            _direction = {
                'top': -h / 2,
                'bottom': h / 2,
                'left': w / 2,
                'right': -w / 2}
            _offset = _direction[self.direction]
            if mode == 'prev':
                _offset = -_offset

            self._start_animation(min_move=0, offset=_offset)

    def get_slide_container(self, slide):
        return slide.parent

    def _prev_equals_next(self):
        return self.loop and len(self.slides) == 2

    def _insert_visible_slides(self, _next_slide=None, _prev_slide=None):
        get_slide_container = self.get_slide_container

        previous_slide = _prev_slide if _prev_slide else self.previous_slide
        if previous_slide:
            self._prev = get_slide_container(previous_slide)
            self._prev = None

        current_slide = self.current_slide
        if current_slide:
            self._current = get_slide_container(current_slide)
            self._current = None

        next_slide = _next_slide if _next_slide else self.next_slide
        if next_slide:
            self._next = get_slide_container(next_slide)
            self._next = None

        if self._prev_equals_next:
            setattr(self, '_prev' if self._prioritize_next else '_next', None)

        super_remove = super(Carousel, self).remove_widget
        for container in self.slides_container:

        if self._prev and self._prev.parent is not self:
            super(Carousel, self).add_widget(self._prev)
        if self._next and self._next.parent is not self:
            super(Carousel, self).add_widget(self._next)
        if self._current:
            super(Carousel, self).add_widget(self._current)

    def _position_visible_slides(self, *args):
        slides, index = self.slides, self.index
        no_of_slides = len(slides) - 1
        if not slides:
        x, y, width, height = self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height
        _offset, direction = self._offset, self.direction[0]
        _prev, _next, _current = self._prev, self._next, self._current
        get_slide_container = self.get_slide_container
        last_slide = get_slide_container(slides[-1])
        first_slide = get_slide_container(slides[0])
        skip_next = False
        _loop = self.loop

        if direction in 'rl':
            xoff = x + _offset
            x_prev = {'l': xoff + width, 'r': xoff - width}
            x_next = {'l': xoff - width, 'r': xoff + width}
            if _prev:
                _prev.pos = (x_prev[direction], y)
            elif _loop and _next and index == 0:
                # if first slide is moving to right with direction set to right
                # or toward left with direction set to left
                if ((_offset > 0 and direction == 'r') or
                        (_offset < 0 and direction == 'l')):
                    # put last_slide before first slide
                    last_slide.pos = (x_prev[direction], y)
                    skip_next = True
            if _current:
                _current.pos = (xoff, y)
            if skip_next:
            if _next:
                _next.pos = (x_next[direction], y)
            elif _loop and _prev and index == no_of_slides:
                if ((_offset < 0 and direction == 'r') or
                        (_offset > 0 and direction == 'l')):
                    first_slide.pos = (x_next[direction], y)
        if direction in 'tb':
            yoff = y + _offset
            y_prev = {'t': yoff - height, 'b': yoff + height}
            y_next = {'t': yoff + height, 'b': yoff - height}
            if _prev:
                _prev.pos = (x, y_prev[direction])
            elif _loop and _next and index == 0:
                if ((_offset > 0 and direction == 't') or
                        (_offset < 0 and direction == 'b')):
                    last_slide.pos = (x, y_prev[direction])
                    skip_next = True
            if _current:
                _current.pos = (x, yoff)
            if skip_next:
            if _next:
                _next.pos = (x, y_next[direction])
            elif _loop and _prev and index == no_of_slides:
                if ((_offset < 0 and direction == 't') or
                        (_offset > 0 and direction == 'b')):
                    first_slide.pos = (x, y_next[direction])

    def on_size(self, *args):
        size = self.size
        for slide in self.slides_container:
            slide.size = size

    def on_pos(self, *args):

    def on_index(self, *args):
        self._offset = 0

    def on_slides(self, *args):
        if self.slides:
            self.index = self.index % len(self.slides)

    def on__offset(self, *args):
        # if reached full offset, switch index to next or prev
        direction = self.direction[0]
        _offset = self._offset
        width = self.width
        height = self.height
        index = self.index
        if self._skip_slide is not None or index is None:

        # Move to next slide?
        if (direction == 'r' and _offset <= -width) or \
                (direction == 'l' and _offset >= width) or \
                (direction == 't' and _offset <= - height) or \
                (direction == 'b' and _offset >= height):
            if self.next_slide:
                self.index += 1

        # Move to previous slide?
        elif (direction == 'r' and _offset >= width) or \
                (direction == 'l' and _offset <= -width) or \
                (direction == 't' and _offset >= height) or \
                (direction == 'b' and _offset <= -height):
            if self.previous_slide:
                self.index -= 1

        elif self._prev_equals_next:
            new_value = (_offset < 0) is (direction in 'rt')
            if self._prioritize_next is not new_value:
                self._prioritize_next = new_value
                if new_value is (self._next is None):
                    self._prev, self._next = self._next, self._prev

    def _start_animation(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # compute target offset for ease back, next or prev
        new_offset = 0
        direction = kwargs.get('direction', self.direction)[0]
        is_horizontal = direction in 'rl'
        extent = self.width if is_horizontal else self.height
        min_move = kwargs.get('min_move', self.min_move)
        _offset = kwargs.get('offset', self._offset)

        if _offset < min_move * -extent:
            new_offset = -extent
        elif _offset > min_move * extent:
            new_offset = extent

        # if new_offset is 0, it wasnt enough to go next/prev
        dur = self.anim_move_duration
        if new_offset == 0:
            dur = self.anim_cancel_duration

        # detect edge cases if not looping
        len_slides = len(self.slides)
        index = self.index
        if not self.loop or len_slides == 1:
            is_first = (index == 0)
            is_last = (index == len_slides - 1)
            if direction in 'rt':
                towards_prev = (new_offset > 0)
                towards_next = (new_offset < 0)
                towards_prev = (new_offset < 0)
                towards_next = (new_offset > 0)
            if (is_first and towards_prev) or (is_last and towards_next):
                new_offset = 0

        anim = Animation(_offset=new_offset, d=dur, t=self.anim_type)

        def _cmp(*l):
            if self._skip_slide is not None:
                self.index = self._skip_slide
                self._skip_slide = None


    def _get_uid(self, prefix='sv'):
        return '{0}.{1}'.format(prefix, self.uid)

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        if not self.collide_point(*touch.pos):
            touch.ud[self._get_uid('cavoid')] = True
        if self.disabled:
            return True
        if self._touch:
            return super(Carousel, self).on_touch_down(touch)
        self._touch = touch
        uid = self._get_uid()
        touch.ud[uid] = {
            'mode': 'unknown',
            'time': touch.time_start}
        self._change_touch_mode_ev = Clock.schedule_once(
            self._change_touch_mode, self.scroll_timeout / 1000.)
        self.touch_mode_change = False
        return True

    def on_touch_move(self, touch):
        if not self.touch_mode_change:
            if self.ignore_perpendicular_swipes and \
                    self.direction in ('top', 'bottom'):
                if abs(touch.oy - touch.y) < self.scroll_distance:
                    if abs(touch.ox - touch.x) > self.scroll_distance:
                        self.touch_mode_change = True
            elif self.ignore_perpendicular_swipes and \
                    self.direction in ('right', 'left'):
                if abs(touch.ox - touch.x) < self.scroll_distance:
                    if abs(touch.oy - touch.y) > self.scroll_distance:
                        self.touch_mode_change = True

        if self._get_uid('cavoid') in touch.ud:
        if self._touch is not touch:
            super(Carousel, self).on_touch_move(touch)
            return self._get_uid() in touch.ud
        if touch.grab_current is not self:
            return True
        ud = touch.ud[self._get_uid()]
        direction = self.direction[0]
        if ud['mode'] == 'unknown':
            if direction in 'rl':
                distance = abs(touch.ox - touch.x)
                distance = abs(touch.oy - touch.y)
            if distance > self.scroll_distance:
                ev = self._change_touch_mode_ev
                if ev is not None:
                ud['mode'] = 'scroll'
            if direction in 'rl':
                self._offset += touch.dx
            if direction in 'tb':
                self._offset += touch.dy
        return True

    def on_touch_up(self, touch):
        if self._get_uid('cavoid') in touch.ud:
        if self in [x() for x in touch.grab_list]:
            self._touch = None
            ud = touch.ud[self._get_uid()]
            if ud['mode'] == 'unknown':
                ev = self._change_touch_mode_ev
                if ev is not None:
                super(Carousel, self).on_touch_down(touch)
                Clock.schedule_once(partial(self._do_touch_up, touch), .1)

            if self._touch is not touch and self.uid not in touch.ud:
                super(Carousel, self).on_touch_up(touch)
        return self._get_uid() in touch.ud

    def _do_touch_up(self, touch, *largs):
        super(Carousel, self).on_touch_up(touch)
        # don't forget about grab event!
        for x in touch.grab_list[:]:
            x = x()
            if not x:
            touch.grab_current = x
            super(Carousel, self).on_touch_up(touch)
        touch.grab_current = None

    def _change_touch_mode(self, *largs):
        if not self._touch:
        uid = self._get_uid()
        touch = self._touch
        ud = touch.ud[uid]
        if ud['mode'] == 'unknown':
            self._touch = None
            super(Carousel, self).on_touch_down(touch)

    def add_widget(self, widget, index=0, canvas=None):
        container = RelativeLayout(
            size=self.size, x=self.x - self.width, y=self.y)
        super(Carousel, self).add_widget(container, index, canvas)
        if index != 0:
            self.slides.insert(index - len(self.slides), widget)

    def remove_widget(self, widget, *args, **kwargs):
        # XXX be careful, the widget.parent refer to the RelativeLayout
        # added in add_widget(). But it will break if RelativeLayout
        # implementation change.
        # if we passed the real widget
        slides = self.slides
        if widget in slides:
            if self.index >= slides.index(widget):
                self.index = max(0, self.index - 1)
            container = widget.parent
            super(Carousel, self).remove_widget(container)
            return container.remove_widget(widget, *args, **kwargs)
        return super(Carousel, self).remove_widget(widget, *args, **kwargs)

    def clear_widgets(self):
        for slide in self.slides[:]:
        super(Carousel, self).clear_widgets()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from import App

    class Example1(App):

        def build(self):
            carousel = Carousel(direction='left',
            for i in range(4):
                src = "" % i
                image = Factory.AsyncImage(source=src, allow_stretch=True)
            return carousel
