# HG changeset patch
# User Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
# Date 1580156229 -3600
# Node ID 5d994be1161b68c615d177229819bd719dff16a2
# Parent  1481f09c917577dec3403d7871b5bfee394c9a69
core: removed root menus (i.e. global menu on top of window):

root menus were not really useful as most actions doable there are doable through others
widgets in Cagou. For actions without equivalent in widgets (like about screen), a new
menu, more discreet, will be added soon.

Kivy Garden's ContextMenu is not used anymore, so it has been removed from dependencies

diff -r 1481f09c9175 -r 5d994be1161b .p4a
--- a/.p4a	Mon Jan 27 21:17:08 2020 +0100
+++ b/.p4a	Mon Jan 27 21:17:09 2020 +0100
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 --dist-name cagou_dev_build
---requirements "hostpython3, kivy, kivy_garden.modernmenu, kivy_garden.contextmenu>=0.1.0.dev1, sqlite3, omemo, omemo-backend-signal, service_identity, automat, attrs, hyperlink, requests, treq, twisted, wokkel, hg+https://repos.goffi.org/sat, hg+https://repos.goffi.org/sat_tmp, pillow, pyxdg, markdown, html2text, python-dateutil, pycrypto, git+https://github.com/kivy/plyer.git, android, python-potr, shortuuid, babel, lxml, pudb, urwid, cryptography, openssl, pyopenssl, pyasn1, pyasn1-modules"
+--requirements "hostpython3, kivy, kivy_garden.modernmenu, sqlite3, omemo, omemo-backend-signal, service_identity, automat, attrs, hyperlink, requests, treq, twisted, wokkel, hg+https://repos.goffi.org/sat, hg+https://repos.goffi.org/sat_tmp, pillow, pyxdg, markdown, html2text, python-dateutil, pycrypto, git+https://github.com/kivy/plyer.git, android, python-potr, shortuuid, babel, lxml, pudb, urwid, cryptography, openssl, pyopenssl, pyasn1, pyasn1-modules"
 --private . --package=org.salutatoi.cagou --name "Cagou"
 --version 0.1
 --whitelist .p4a_whitelist
diff -r 1481f09c9175 -r 5d994be1161b cagou/core/cagou_main.py
--- a/cagou/core/cagou_main.py	Mon Jan 27 21:17:08 2020 +0100
+++ b/cagou/core/cagou_main.py	Mon Jan 27 21:17:09 2020 +0100
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@
 from .share_widget import ShareWidget
 from . import widgets_handler
 from .common import IconButton
-from . import menu
 from . import dialog
 from importlib import import_module
 import sat
@@ -220,16 +219,11 @@
-class RootMenus(menu.MenusWidget):
-    HEIGHT = dp(30)
 class RootBody(BoxLayout):
 class CagouRootWidget(FloatLayout):
-    root_menus = properties.ObjectProperty()
     root_body = properties.ObjectProperty
     def __init__(self, main_widget):
@@ -365,14 +359,6 @@
                 Window.fullscreen = False
             return True
-        elif key == 109 and modifier == ['alt']:
-            # M-m we hide/show menu
-            menu = self.root.root_menus
-            if menu.height:
-                Animation(height=0, duration=0.3).start(menu)
-            else:
-                Animation(height=menu.HEIGHT, duration=0.3).start(menu)
-            return True
         elif key == 110 and modifier == ['alt']:
             # M-n we hide/show notifications
             head = self.root.head_widget
@@ -908,16 +894,6 @@
                 factory(plg_infos, target=target, profiles=profiles))
-    ## menus ##
-    def _menusGetCb(self, backend_menus):
-        main_menu = self.app.root.root_menus
-        self.menus.addMenus(backend_menus)
-        self.menus.addMenu(C.MENU_GLOBAL,
-                           (_("Help"), _("About")),
-                           callback=main_menu.onAbout)
-        main_menu.update(C.MENU_GLOBAL)
     ## bridge handlers ##
     def otrStateHandler(self, state, dest_jid, profile):
@@ -953,7 +929,6 @@
     def plugging_profiles(self):
         self.widgets_handler = widgets_handler.WidgetsHandler()
-        self.bridge.menusGet("", C.NO_SECURITY_LIMIT, callback=self._menusGetCb)
     def setPresenceStatus(self, show='', status=None, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
         log.info("Profile presence status set to {show}/{status}".format(show=show,
diff -r 1481f09c9175 -r 5d994be1161b cagou/core/menu.py
--- a/cagou/core/menu.py	Mon Jan 27 21:17:08 2020 +0100
+++ b/cagou/core/menu.py	Mon Jan 27 21:17:09 2020 +0100
@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@
 from kivy.uix.popup import Popup
 from cagou.core.utils import FilterBehavior
 from kivy import properties
-from kivy_garden import contextmenu, modernmenu
-from sat_frontends.quick_frontend import quick_menus
+from kivy_garden import modernmenu
 from kivy.core.window import Window
 from kivy.animation import Animation
 from kivy.metrics import dp
@@ -70,115 +69,6 @@
         return super(AboutPopup, self).on_touch_down(touch)
-class MainMenu(contextmenu.AppMenu):
-    pass
-class MenuItem(contextmenu.ContextMenuTextItem):
-    item = properties.ObjectProperty()
-    def on_item(self, instance, item):
-        self.text = item.name
-    def on_release(self):
-        super(MenuItem, self).on_release()
-        self.parent.hide()
-        selected = G.host.selected_widget
-        profile = None
-        if selected is not None:
-            try:
-                # FIXME: handle multi-profiles
-                profile = next(iter(selected.profiles))
-            except AttributeError:
-                pass
-        if profile is None:
-            try:
-                profile = list(selected.profiles)[0]
-            except (AttributeError, IndexError):
-                try:
-                    profile = list(G.host.profiles)[0]
-                except IndexError:
-                    log.warning("Can't find profile")
-        self.item.call(selected, profile)
-class MenuSeparator(contextmenu.ContextMenuDivider):
-    pass
-class RootMenuContainer(contextmenu.AppMenuTextItem):
-    pass
-class MenuContainer(contextmenu.ContextMenuTextItem):
-    pass
-class MenusWidget(BoxLayout):
-    def update(self, type_, caller=None):
-        """Method to call when menus have changed
-        @param type_(unicode): menu type like in sat.core.sat_main.importMenu
-        @param caller(Widget): instance linked to the menus
-        """
-        self.menus_container = G.host.menus.getMainContainer(type_)
-        self.createMenus(caller)
-    def _buildMenus(self, container, caller=None):
-        """Recursively build menus of the container
-        @param container(quick_menus.MenuContainer): menu container
-        @param caller(Widget): instance linked to the menus
-        """
-        if caller is None:
-            main_menu = MainMenu()
-            self.add_widget(main_menu)
-            caller = main_menu
-        else:
-            context_menu = contextmenu.ContextMenu()
-            caller.add_widget(context_menu)
-            # FIXME: next line is needed after parent is set to avoid
-            #        a display bug in contextmenu
-            # TODO: fix this upstream
-            context_menu._on_visible(False)
-            caller = context_menu
-        for child in container.getActiveMenus():
-            if isinstance(child, quick_menus.MenuContainer):
-                if isinstance(caller, MainMenu):
-                    menu_container = RootMenuContainer()
-                else:
-                    menu_container = MenuContainer()
-                menu_container.text = child.name
-                caller.add_widget(menu_container)
-                self._buildMenus(child, caller=menu_container)
-            elif isinstance(child, quick_menus.MenuSeparator):
-                wid = MenuSeparator()
-                caller.add_widget(wid)
-            elif isinstance(child, quick_menus.MenuItem):
-                wid = MenuItem(item=child)
-                caller.add_widget(wid)
-            else:
-                log.error("Unknown child type: {}".format(child))
-    def createMenus(self, caller):
-        self.clear_widgets()
-        self._buildMenus(self.menus_container, caller)
-    def onAbout(self):
-        about = AboutPopup()
-        about.title = ABOUT_TITLE
-        about.content = AboutContent(
-            text=ABOUT_CONTENT.format(
-                backend_version = G.host.backend_version,
-                version=G.host.version),
-            markup=True)
-        about.open()
 class TransferItem(BoxLayout):
     plug_info = properties.DictProperty()
diff -r 1481f09c9175 -r 5d994be1161b cagou/core/platform_/android.py
--- a/cagou/core/platform_/android.py	Mon Jan 27 21:17:08 2020 +0100
+++ b/cagou/core/platform_/android.py	Mon Jan 27 21:17:09 2020 +0100
@@ -64,10 +64,6 @@
         sys.platform = "android"
         C.PLUGIN_EXT = 'pyc'
-    def on_app_build(self, wid):
-        # we don't want menu on Android
-        wid.root_menus.height = 0
     def on_host_init(self, host):
         argument = ''
         service.start(mActivity, argument)
diff -r 1481f09c9175 -r 5d994be1161b cagou/kv/menu.kv
--- a/cagou/kv/menu.kv	Mon Jan 27 21:17:08 2020 +0100
+++ b/cagou/kv/menu.kv	Mon Jan 27 21:17:09 2020 +0100
@@ -31,22 +31,6 @@
     # following is needed to fix a bug in contextmenu
     size_hint: 1, None
-    height: 30
-    padding: app.MARGIN_LEFT-dp(5), 0, app.MARGIN_RIGHT, 0
-    canvas.before:
-        Color:
-            rgba: 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0
-        Rectangle:
-            pos: self.pos
-            size: self.size
-    cancel_handler_widget: self.parent
-    background_color: app.c_sec if self.state == 'down' else (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0)
     items_layout: items_layout
diff -r 1481f09c9175 -r 5d994be1161b cagou/kv/root_widget.kv
--- a/cagou/kv/root_widget.kv	Mon Jan 27 21:17:08 2020 +0100
+++ b/cagou/kv/root_widget.kv	Mon Jan 27 21:17:09 2020 +0100
@@ -121,21 +121,8 @@
         symbol: "plug"
         color: 0.80, 0.0, 0.0, 1
-    size_hint: 1, None
-    pos_hint: {'top': 1}
     root_body: root_body
-    root_menus: root_menus
-    # main body
         id: root_body
         orientation: "vertical"
-        size_hint: 1, None
-        height: root.height - root_menus.height
-    # general menus
-    # need to be added at the end so it's drawed above other widgets
-    RootMenus:
-        id: root_menus
-        height: self.HEIGHT
diff -r 1481f09c9175 -r 5d994be1161b setup.py
--- a/setup.py	Mon Jan 27 21:17:08 2020 +0100
+++ b/setup.py	Mon Jan 27 21:17:09 2020 +0100
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 install_requires = [
-    'kivy_garden.contextmenu>=0.1.0.dev1',