annotate cagou/core/ @ 466:cd448b877d1d

install: update requirements with alabaster==0.7.12 alembic==1.4.3 anki @ file:///build/anki/src/anki/dist/anki-2.1.35-py3-none-any.whl ankirspy @ file:///build/anki/src/anki/dist/ankirspy-2.1.35-cp39-cp39-manylinux1_x86_64.whl ansi2html==1.6.0 anytree==2.8.0 apipkg==1.5 apparmor==3.0.1 appdirs==1.4.4 appimage-builder==0.8.5 aqt @ file:///build/anki/src/anki/dist/aqt-2.1.35-py3-none-any.whl argcomplete==1.12.1 argon2-cffi==20.1.0 asn1crypto==1.4.0 async-generator==1.10 attrs==20.3.0 autobahn==21.3.1 Automat==20.2.0 autopep8==1.5.5 Babel==2.9.0 backcall==0.2.0 bcrypt==3.2.0 Beaker==1.11.0 beautifulsoup4==4.9.3 black==20.8b1 bleach==3.3.0 blinker==1.4 bmap-tools==3.5 breezy==3.1.0 Brlapi==0.8.2 btrfsutil==5.11 CacheControl==0.12.6 cached-property==1.5.2 cagou==0.8.0.dev0+83c67b093350.153 cairocffi==1.2.0 CairoSVG==2.5.2 certifi==2020.6.20 cffi==1.14.5 chardet==3.0.4 click==7.1.2 colorama==0.4.4 commonmark==0.9.1 configobj==5.1.0.dev0 constantly==15.1.0 contextlib2==0.6.0.post1 coverage==5.5 cryptography==3.4.6 css-parser==1.0.6 cssselect2==0.4.1 cycler==0.10.0 Cython==0.29.22 decorator==4.4.2 defusedxml==0.6.0 diffoscope==169 distlib==0.3.1 distro==1.5.0 docker==4.4.4 docker-compose==1.28.5 docker-pycreds==0.4.0 dockerpty==0.4.1 docopt==0.6.2 docutils==0.16 dulwich==0.20.20 emrichen==0.2.3 entrypoints==0.3 extras==1.0.0 fastimport==0.9.8 file-magic==0.4.0 filelock==3.0.12 fixtures==3.0.0 flake8==3.8.4 Flask==1.1.2 Flask-BabelEx==0.9.4 Flask-Compress==1.8.0 Flask-Cors==3.0.9 Flask-Gravatar==0.5.0 Flask-Login==0.5.0 Flask-Mail==0.9.1 Flask-Migrate==2.7.0 Flask-Paranoid==0.2.0 Flask-Principal==0.4.0 Flask-Script==2.0.6 Flask-Security-Too==3.3.3 Flask-SQLAlchemy==2.4.4 Flask-WTF==0.14.3 future==0.18.2 gajim==1.2.2 gssapi==1.6.12 html2text==2020.1.16 html5lib==1.1 httpie==2.4.0 httplib2==0.19.0 hyperlink==21.0.0 idna==2.10 imagesize==1.2.0 img2pdf==0.4.0 importlib-metadata==3.4.0 incremental==17.5.0 inflect==5.3.0 iniconfig==1.1.1 ipdb==0.13.6 ipykernel==5.4.2 ipython==7.19.0 ipython-genutils==0.2.0 ipywidgets==7.6.2 isc==2.0 itsdangerous==1.1.0 jedi==0.17.2 jeepney==0.6.0 Jinja2==2.11.3 joblib==1.0.0 jsonpath-rw==1.4.0 jsonpickle==1.5.1 jsonschema==3.2.0 jupyter-client==6.1.7 jupyter-console==6.2.0 jupyter-core==4.6.3 jupyterlab-pygments==0.1.2 keyring==23.0.0 Kivy==2.0.0 kiwisolver==1.3.1 langdetect==1.0.8 ldap3==2.9.dev0 lensfun==0.3.95 LibAppArmor==3.0.1 libarchive-c==2.9 libfdt==1.6.0 libnacl==1.7.2 lockfile==0.12.2 louis==3.17.0 lxml==4.6.2 Mako==1.1.4 Markdown==3.3.3 MarkupSafe==1.1.1 matplotlib==3.3.4 mccabe==0.6.1 meld==3.20.3 mercurial==5.7.1 meson==0.57.1 miniupnpc==2.1 mistune==0.8.4 more-itertools==8.6.0 msgpack==1.0.2 mypy==0.812 mypy-extensions==0.4.3 natsort==7.1.1 nbclient==0.5.1 nbconvert==6.0.7 nbformat==5.0.8 nbxmpp==1.0.2 nest-asyncio==1.4.3 netifaces==0.10.9 netsnmp-python==1.0a1 networkx==2.5 nltk==3.5 nose==1.3.7 notebook==6.2.0 Nuitka== numpy==1.20.1 openshot-qt==2.5.1 ordered-set==4.0.2 orjson @ file:///build/python-orjson/src/python-orjson-3.5.1/target/wheels/orjson-3.5.1-cp39-cp39-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl packaging==20.9 pandas==1.2.3 pandocfilters==1.4.3 paramiko==2.7.2 parso==0.7.1 passlib==1.7.4 path==15.1.2 pathspec==0.8.1 patiencediff==0.2.1 pbr==5.5.1 pdfarranger==1.7.0 pep517==0.9.1 pexpect==4.8.0 pickleshare==0.7.5 pikepdf==2.8.0.post2 Pillow==8.1.0 pluggy==0.13.1 ply==3.11 precis-i18n==1.0.3 progress==1.5 progressbar2==3.53.1 prometheus-client==0.9.0 prompt-toolkit==3.0.17 protobuf==3.12.4 psutil==5.8.0 psycopg2==2.8.6 ptyprocess==0.7.0 pudb==2020.1 pwquality==1.4.4 py==1.10.0 pyaml==20.4.0 pyasn1==0.4.8 pyasn1-modules==0.2.8 PyAudio==0.2.11 pybind11==2.6.2 pycairo==1.20.0 pycodestyle==2.6.0 pycountry==20.7.3 pycparser==2.20 pydocstyle==5.1.1 pyenchant==3.2.0 pyflakes==2.2.0 Pygments==2.8.1 PyGObject==3.38.0 PyHamcrest==1.9.0 pyinotify==0.9.6 pymediainfo==5.0.3 PyNaCl==1.4.0 PyOpenGL==3.1.5 pyOpenSSL==20.0.1 pyparsing==2.4.7 pyPEG2==2.15.2 PyQt5==5.15.4 PyQt5-sip==12.8.1 PyQtWebEngine==5.15.4 pyrsistent==0.17.3 PySocks==1.7.1 pytest==6.2.2 python-dateutil==2.8.1 python-dotenv==0.15.0 python-editor==1.0.4 python-Levenshtein==0.12.2 python-mimeparse==1.6.0 python-utils==2.5.6 python-xlib==0.29 pytoml==0.1.21 pytz==2021.1 pyxdg==0.26 PyYAML==5.3.1 pyzmq==20.0.0 questionary==1.9.0 qutebrowser==2.1.0 Reflector==2021. regex==2020.11.13 requests==2.25.1 requests-toolbelt==0.9.1 requirements-parser==0.2.0 resolvelib==0.5.4 retrying==1.3.3 s3cmd==2.1.0 schema==0.7.4 scikit-learn==0.24.1 scipy==1.6.1 scons==3.1.2 screenkey==1.4 SecretStorage==3.3.1 Send2Trash==1.5.0 service-identity==18.1.0 sh==1.14.1 shortuuid==1.0.1 simplejson==3.17.2 sip==4.19.25 six==1.15.0 snowballstemmer==2.1.0 soupsieve==2.2 speaklater==1.3 Sphinx==3.5.2 sphinx-rtd-theme==0.5.1 sphinxcontrib-applehelp==1.0.2 sphinxcontrib-devhelp==1.0.2 sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp==1.0.3 sphinxcontrib-jsmath==1.0.1 sphinxcontrib-qthelp==1.0.3 sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml==1.1.4 sqlacodegen==2.3.0 SQLAlchemy==1.3.23 sqlparse==0.4.1 sshtunnel==0.1.5 subdownloader==2.1.0 systemd-python==234 team==1.0 termcolor==1.1.0 terminado==0.9.2 terminator==2.1.0 testpath==0.4.4 testtools==2.4.0 texttable==1.6.3 threadpoolctl==2.1.0 tinycss2==1.1.0 tlsh==0.2.0 toml==0.10.2 tornado==6.1 traitlets==5.0.5 treq==21.1.0 Twisted==20.3.0 txaio==21.2.1 typed-ast==1.4.2 typing-extensions== tzlocal==2.1 urllib3==1.26.3 urwid==2.1.1 validate==5.1.0.dev0 virtualenv==20.4.2 waitress==1.4.4 wcwidth==0.2.5 webencodings==0.5.1 websocket-client==0.58.0 Werkzeug==1.0.1 Whoosh==2.7.4 widgetsnbextension==3.5.1 wsaccel==0.6.3 WTForms==2.2.1 xcffib==0.11.1 youtube-dl==2021.3.3 zipp==3.4.1 zope.interface==5.2.0
author Goffi <>
date Sat, 20 Mar 2021 14:26:33 +0100
parents 3c9ba4a694ef
children 203755bbe0fe
Ignore whitespace changes - Everywhere: Within whitespace: At end of lines:
rev   line source
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
3 # Cagou: desktop/mobile frontend for Salut à Toi XMPP client
3c9ba4a694ef dates update
Goffi <>
parents: 459
diff changeset
4 # Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Jérôme Poisson (
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
6 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
7 # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
8 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
9 # (at your option) any later version.
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
11 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
14 # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
17 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
059c5b39032d plugin file sharing: moved common discovery widgets to new core.common_widgets module
Goffi <>
parents: 220
diff changeset
19 """common simple widgets"""
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
21 import json
84ff5c917064 widgets: implemented ordering in ContactItem and CagouWidget:
Goffi <>
parents: 404
diff changeset
22 from functools import partial, total_ordering
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
23 from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
24 from kivy.uix.label import Label
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
25 from kivy.uix.behaviors import ButtonBehavior
284cb5c467b0 core (common): split JidItem in 3 classes:
Goffi <>
parents: 179
diff changeset
26 from kivy.uix.behaviors import ToggleButtonBehavior
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
27 from kivy.uix.stacklayout import StackLayout
f0cf44df8486 JidWidget: first draft
Goffi <>
parents: 26
diff changeset
28 from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
29 from kivy.uix.scrollview import ScrollView
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
30 from kivy.event import EventDispatcher
e2b51663d8b8 core, android: new share widget + added Cagou to "share" menu:
Goffi <>
parents: 312
diff changeset
31 from kivy.metrics import dp
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
32 from kivy import properties
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
33 from sat.core.i18n import _
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
34 from sat.core import log as logging
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
35 from import data_format
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
36 from sat_frontends.quick_frontend import quick_chat
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
37 from .constants import Const as C
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
38 from .common_widgets import CategorySeparator
72290ebfaa8b core (common), contact_list: new `data` property:
Goffi <>
parents: 458
diff changeset
39 from .image import Image, AsyncImage
f0cf44df8486 JidWidget: first draft
Goffi <>
parents: 26
diff changeset
40 from cagou import G
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
42 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
772c170b47a9 Python3 port:
Goffi <>
parents: 282
diff changeset
44 UNKNOWN_SYMBOL = 'Unknown symbol name'
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
47 class IconButton(ButtonBehavior, Image):
3efca1b10b2f common: first draft of a module were common widgets will be put
Goffi <>
diff changeset
48 pass
f0cf44df8486 JidWidget: first draft
Goffi <>
parents: 26
diff changeset
f0cf44df8486 JidWidget: first draft
Goffi <>
parents: 26
diff changeset
e2b51663d8b8 core, android: new share widget + added Cagou to "share" menu:
Goffi <>
parents: 312
diff changeset
51 class Avatar(Image):
72290ebfaa8b core (common), contact_list: new `data` property:
Goffi <>
parents: 458
diff changeset
52 data = properties.DictProperty(allownone=True)
72290ebfaa8b core (common), contact_list: new `data` property:
Goffi <>
parents: 458
diff changeset
72290ebfaa8b core (common), contact_list: new `data` property:
Goffi <>
parents: 458
diff changeset
54 def on_kv_post(self, __):
72290ebfaa8b core (common), contact_list: new `data` property:
Goffi <>
parents: 458
diff changeset
55 if not self.source:
72290ebfaa8b core (common), contact_list: new `data` property:
Goffi <>
parents: 458
diff changeset
56 self.source =
72290ebfaa8b core (common), contact_list: new `data` property:
Goffi <>
parents: 458
diff changeset
72290ebfaa8b core (common), contact_list: new `data` property:
Goffi <>
parents: 458
diff changeset
58 def on_data(self, __, data):
72290ebfaa8b core (common), contact_list: new `data` property:
Goffi <>
parents: 458
diff changeset
59 if data is None:
72290ebfaa8b core (common), contact_list: new `data` property:
Goffi <>
parents: 458
diff changeset
60 self.source =
72290ebfaa8b core (common), contact_list: new `data` property:
Goffi <>
parents: 458
diff changeset
61 else:
72290ebfaa8b core (common), contact_list: new `data` property:
Goffi <>
parents: 458
diff changeset
62 self.source = data['path']
e2b51663d8b8 core, android: new share widget + added Cagou to "share" menu:
Goffi <>
parents: 312
diff changeset
e2b51663d8b8 core, android: new share widget + added Cagou to "share" menu:
Goffi <>
parents: 312
diff changeset
54f6a47cc60a core (common): added a notifications counter on ContactButton and use it in JidSelector:
Goffi <>
parents: 389
diff changeset
65 class NotifLabel(Label):
54f6a47cc60a core (common): added a notifications counter on ContactButton and use it in JidSelector:
Goffi <>
parents: 389
diff changeset
66 pass
54f6a47cc60a core (common): added a notifications counter on ContactButton and use it in JidSelector:
Goffi <>
parents: 389
diff changeset
84ff5c917064 widgets: implemented ordering in ContactItem and CagouWidget:
Goffi <>
parents: 404
diff changeset
68 @total_ordering
e2b51663d8b8 core, android: new share widget + added Cagou to "share" menu:
Goffi <>
parents: 312
diff changeset
69 class ContactItem(BoxLayout):
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
70 """An item from ContactList
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
54f6a47cc60a core (common): added a notifications counter on ContactButton and use it in JidSelector:
Goffi <>
parents: 389
diff changeset
72 The item will drawn as an icon (JID avatar) with its jid below.
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
73 If "badge_text" is set, a label with the text will be drawn above the avatar.
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
74 """
e2b51663d8b8 core, android: new share widget + added Cagou to "share" menu:
Goffi <>
parents: 312
diff changeset
75 base_width = dp(150)
54f6a47cc60a core (common): added a notifications counter on ContactButton and use it in JidSelector:
Goffi <>
parents: 389
diff changeset
76 avatar_layout = properties.ObjectProperty()
54f6a47cc60a core (common): added a notifications counter on ContactButton and use it in JidSelector:
Goffi <>
parents: 389
diff changeset
77 avatar = properties.ObjectProperty()
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
78 badge = properties.ObjectProperty(allownone=True)
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
79 badge_text = properties.StringProperty('')
e2b51663d8b8 core, android: new share widget + added Cagou to "share" menu:
Goffi <>
parents: 312
diff changeset
80 profile = properties.StringProperty()
e2b51663d8b8 core, android: new share widget + added Cagou to "share" menu:
Goffi <>
parents: 312
diff changeset
81 data = properties.DictProperty()
e2b51663d8b8 core, android: new share widget + added Cagou to "share" menu:
Goffi <>
parents: 312
diff changeset
82 jid = properties.StringProperty('')
e2b51663d8b8 core, android: new share widget + added Cagou to "share" menu:
Goffi <>
parents: 312
diff changeset
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
84 def on_kv_post(self, __):
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
85 if ((self.profile and self.jid and is not None
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
86 and ('avatar' not in or 'nicknames' not in
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
88 self.jid, ['avatar', 'nicknames'], True, self.profile,
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
89 callback=self._identityGetCb,
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
90 errback=partial(
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
92 message=_("Can't retrieve identity for {jid}: {{msg}}").format(
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
93 jid=self.jid)
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
94 )
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
95 )
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
97 def _identityGetCb(self, identity_raw):
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
98 identity_data = data_format.deserialise(identity_raw)
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
1dd6db69406a core: update avatar handling following backend changes:
Goffi <>
parents: 422
diff changeset
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
101 def on_badge_text(self, wid, text):
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
102 if text:
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
103 if self.badge is not None:
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
104 self.badge.text = text
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
105 else:
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
106 self.badge = NotifLabel(
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
107 pos_hint={"right": 0.8, "y": 0},
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
108 text=text,
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
109 )
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
110 self.avatar_layout.add_widget(self.badge)
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
111 else:
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
112 if self.badge is not None:
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
113 self.avatar_layout.remove_widget(self.badge)
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
114 self.badge = None
54f6a47cc60a core (common): added a notifications counter on ContactButton and use it in JidSelector:
Goffi <>
parents: 389
diff changeset
84ff5c917064 widgets: implemented ordering in ContactItem and CagouWidget:
Goffi <>
parents: 404
diff changeset
116 def __lt__(self, other):
84ff5c917064 widgets: implemented ordering in ContactItem and CagouWidget:
Goffi <>
parents: 404
diff changeset
117 return self.jid < other.jid
84ff5c917064 widgets: implemented ordering in ContactItem and CagouWidget:
Goffi <>
parents: 404
diff changeset
e2b51663d8b8 core, android: new share widget + added Cagou to "share" menu:
Goffi <>
parents: 312
diff changeset
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
120 class ContactButton(ButtonBehavior, ContactItem):
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
121 pass
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
284cb5c467b0 core (common): split JidItem in 3 classes:
Goffi <>
parents: 179
diff changeset
124 class JidItem(BoxLayout):
284cb5c467b0 core (common): split JidItem in 3 classes:
Goffi <>
parents: 179
diff changeset
125 bg_color = properties.ListProperty([0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1])
284cb5c467b0 core (common): split JidItem in 3 classes:
Goffi <>
parents: 179
diff changeset
126 color = properties.ListProperty([1, 1, 1, 1])
ba7b8cb7ddcd common: don't use anymore positional argument in JidItem
Goffi <>
parents: 247
diff changeset
127 jid = properties.StringProperty()
ba7b8cb7ddcd common: don't use anymore positional argument in JidItem
Goffi <>
parents: 247
diff changeset
128 profile = properties.StringProperty()
ba7b8cb7ddcd common: don't use anymore positional argument in JidItem
Goffi <>
parents: 247
diff changeset
129 nick = properties.StringProperty()
ba7b8cb7ddcd common: don't use anymore positional argument in JidItem
Goffi <>
parents: 247
diff changeset
130 avatar = properties.ObjectProperty()
f0cf44df8486 JidWidget: first draft
Goffi <>
parents: 26
diff changeset
ba7b8cb7ddcd common: don't use anymore positional argument in JidItem
Goffi <>
parents: 247
diff changeset
132 def on_avatar(self, wid, jid_):
ba7b8cb7ddcd common: don't use anymore positional argument in JidItem
Goffi <>
parents: 247
diff changeset
133 if self.jid and self.profile:
ba7b8cb7ddcd common: don't use anymore positional argument in JidItem
Goffi <>
parents: 247
diff changeset
134 self.getImage()
f0cf44df8486 JidWidget: first draft
Goffi <>
parents: 26
diff changeset
ba7b8cb7ddcd common: don't use anymore positional argument in JidItem
Goffi <>
parents: 247
diff changeset
136 def on_jid(self, wid, jid_):
ba7b8cb7ddcd common: don't use anymore positional argument in JidItem
Goffi <>
parents: 247
diff changeset
137 if self.profile and self.avatar:
ba7b8cb7ddcd common: don't use anymore positional argument in JidItem
Goffi <>
parents: 247
diff changeset
138 self.getImage()
ba7b8cb7ddcd common: don't use anymore positional argument in JidItem
Goffi <>
parents: 247
diff changeset
ba7b8cb7ddcd common: don't use anymore positional argument in JidItem
Goffi <>
parents: 247
diff changeset
140 def on_profile(self, wid, profile):
ba7b8cb7ddcd common: don't use anymore positional argument in JidItem
Goffi <>
parents: 247
diff changeset
141 if self.jid and self.avatar:
ba7b8cb7ddcd common: don't use anymore positional argument in JidItem
Goffi <>
parents: 247
diff changeset
142 self.getImage()
ba7b8cb7ddcd common: don't use anymore positional argument in JidItem
Goffi <>
parents: 247
diff changeset
ba7b8cb7ddcd common: don't use anymore positional argument in JidItem
Goffi <>
parents: 247
diff changeset
144 def getImage(self):
f0cf44df8486 JidWidget: first draft
Goffi <>
parents: 26
diff changeset
145 host =
f0cf44df8486 JidWidget: first draft
Goffi <>
parents: 26
diff changeset
146 if host.contact_lists[self.profile].isRoom(self.jid.bare):
ba7b8cb7ddcd common: don't use anymore positional argument in JidItem
Goffi <>
parents: 247
diff changeset
147 self.avatar.opacity = 0
ba7b8cb7ddcd common: don't use anymore positional argument in JidItem
Goffi <>
parents: 247
diff changeset
148 self.avatar.source = ""
f0cf44df8486 JidWidget: first draft
Goffi <>
parents: 26
diff changeset
149 else:
0ef216091f2b core: removed forgotten debugging code
Goffi <>
parents: 256
diff changeset
150 self.avatar.source = (
0ef216091f2b core: removed forgotten debugging code
Goffi <>
parents: 256
diff changeset
151 host.getAvatar(self.jid, profile=self.profile)
0ef216091f2b core: removed forgotten debugging code
Goffi <>
parents: 256
diff changeset
152 or host.getDefaultAvatar(self.jid)
0ef216091f2b core: removed forgotten debugging code
Goffi <>
parents: 256
diff changeset
153 )
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
284cb5c467b0 core (common): split JidItem in 3 classes:
Goffi <>
parents: 179
diff changeset
156 class JidButton(ButtonBehavior, JidItem):
284cb5c467b0 core (common): split JidItem in 3 classes:
Goffi <>
parents: 179
diff changeset
157 pass
284cb5c467b0 core (common): split JidItem in 3 classes:
Goffi <>
parents: 179
diff changeset
284cb5c467b0 core (common): split JidItem in 3 classes:
Goffi <>
parents: 179
diff changeset
284cb5c467b0 core (common): split JidItem in 3 classes:
Goffi <>
parents: 179
diff changeset
160 class JidToggle(ToggleButtonBehavior, JidItem):
284cb5c467b0 core (common): split JidItem in 3 classes:
Goffi <>
parents: 179
diff changeset
161 selected_color = properties.ListProperty(C.COLOR_SEC_DARK)
284cb5c467b0 core (common): split JidItem in 3 classes:
Goffi <>
parents: 179
diff changeset
284cb5c467b0 core (common): split JidItem in 3 classes:
Goffi <>
parents: 179
diff changeset
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
164 class Symbol(Label):
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
165 symbol_map = None
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
166 symbol = properties.StringProperty()
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
168 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
169 if self.symbol_map is None:
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
170 with open('{media}/fonts/fontello/config.json')) as f:
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
171 fontello_conf = json.load(f)
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
172 Symbol.symbol_map = {g['css']:g['code'] for g in fontello_conf['glyphs']}
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
174 super(Symbol, self).__init__(**kwargs)
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
176 def on_symbol(self, instance, symbol):
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
177 try:
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
178 code = self.symbol_map[symbol]
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
179 except KeyError:
772c170b47a9 Python3 port:
Goffi <>
parents: 282
diff changeset
180 log.warning(_("Invalid symbol {symbol}").format(symbol=symbol))
1cca97e27a69 core (common): new Symbol widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 126
diff changeset
181 else:
772c170b47a9 Python3 port:
Goffi <>
parents: 282
diff changeset
182 self.text = chr(code)
091e288838e1 plugin chat: use new Symbol widget to display encryption button
Goffi <>
parents: 134
diff changeset
091e288838e1 plugin chat: use new Symbol widget to display encryption button
Goffi <>
parents: 134
diff changeset
091e288838e1 plugin chat: use new Symbol widget to display encryption button
Goffi <>
parents: 134
diff changeset
185 class SymbolButton(ButtonBehavior, Symbol):
091e288838e1 plugin chat: use new Symbol widget to display encryption button
Goffi <>
parents: 134
diff changeset
186 pass
11ff8cd93659 common: new ActionSymbol widget, which use a symbol to show an action
Goffi <>
parents: 145
diff changeset
11ff8cd93659 common: new ActionSymbol widget, which use a symbol to show an action
Goffi <>
parents: 145
diff changeset
3e2333a11f61 common: implemented SymbolToggleLabel:
Goffi <>
parents: 407
diff changeset
189 class SymbolLabel(BoxLayout):
30be583dbabc core (common): new SymbolLabel class to have a clickable area with a symbol and a label next to it.
Goffi <>
parents: 193
diff changeset
190 symbol = properties.StringProperty("")
30be583dbabc core (common): new SymbolLabel class to have a clickable area with a symbol and a label next to it.
Goffi <>
parents: 193
diff changeset
191 text = properties.StringProperty("")
30be583dbabc core (common): new SymbolLabel class to have a clickable area with a symbol and a label next to it.
Goffi <>
parents: 193
diff changeset
192 color = properties.ListProperty(C.COLOR_SEC)
30be583dbabc core (common): new SymbolLabel class to have a clickable area with a symbol and a label next to it.
Goffi <>
parents: 193
diff changeset
193 bold = properties.BooleanProperty(True)
30be583dbabc core (common): new SymbolLabel class to have a clickable area with a symbol and a label next to it.
Goffi <>
parents: 193
diff changeset
194 symbol_wid = properties.ObjectProperty()
30be583dbabc core (common): new SymbolLabel class to have a clickable area with a symbol and a label next to it.
Goffi <>
parents: 193
diff changeset
195 label = properties.ObjectProperty()
30be583dbabc core (common): new SymbolLabel class to have a clickable area with a symbol and a label next to it.
Goffi <>
parents: 193
diff changeset
30be583dbabc core (common): new SymbolLabel class to have a clickable area with a symbol and a label next to it.
Goffi <>
parents: 193
diff changeset
3e2333a11f61 common: implemented SymbolToggleLabel:
Goffi <>
parents: 407
diff changeset
198 class SymbolButtonLabel(ButtonBehavior, SymbolLabel):
3e2333a11f61 common: implemented SymbolToggleLabel:
Goffi <>
parents: 407
diff changeset
199 pass
3e2333a11f61 common: implemented SymbolToggleLabel:
Goffi <>
parents: 407
diff changeset
3e2333a11f61 common: implemented SymbolToggleLabel:
Goffi <>
parents: 407
diff changeset
3e2333a11f61 common: implemented SymbolToggleLabel:
Goffi <>
parents: 407
diff changeset
202 class SymbolToggleLabel(ToggleButtonBehavior, SymbolLabel):
3e2333a11f61 common: implemented SymbolToggleLabel:
Goffi <>
parents: 407
diff changeset
203 pass
3e2333a11f61 common: implemented SymbolToggleLabel:
Goffi <>
parents: 407
diff changeset
3e2333a11f61 common: implemented SymbolToggleLabel:
Goffi <>
parents: 407
diff changeset
11ff8cd93659 common: new ActionSymbol widget, which use a symbol to show an action
Goffi <>
parents: 145
diff changeset
206 class ActionSymbol(Symbol):
11ff8cd93659 common: new ActionSymbol widget, which use a symbol to show an action
Goffi <>
parents: 145
diff changeset
207 pass
7177fe2d9725 common: new ActionIcon widget which display symbol or image icon according to what is specified in plugin_info
Goffi <>
parents: 178
diff changeset
7177fe2d9725 common: new ActionIcon widget which display symbol or image icon according to what is specified in plugin_info
Goffi <>
parents: 178
diff changeset
7177fe2d9725 common: new ActionIcon widget which display symbol or image icon according to what is specified in plugin_info
Goffi <>
parents: 178
diff changeset
210 class ActionIcon(BoxLayout):
7177fe2d9725 common: new ActionIcon widget which display symbol or image icon according to what is specified in plugin_info
Goffi <>
parents: 178
diff changeset
211 plugin_info = properties.DictProperty()
7177fe2d9725 common: new ActionIcon widget which display symbol or image icon according to what is specified in plugin_info
Goffi <>
parents: 178
diff changeset
7177fe2d9725 common: new ActionIcon widget which display symbol or image icon according to what is specified in plugin_info
Goffi <>
parents: 178
diff changeset
213 def on_plugin_info(self, instance, plugin_info):
7177fe2d9725 common: new ActionIcon widget which display symbol or image icon according to what is specified in plugin_info
Goffi <>
parents: 178
diff changeset
214 self.clear_widgets()
7177fe2d9725 common: new ActionIcon widget which display symbol or image icon according to what is specified in plugin_info
Goffi <>
parents: 178
diff changeset
215 try:
7177fe2d9725 common: new ActionIcon widget which display symbol or image icon according to what is specified in plugin_info
Goffi <>
parents: 178
diff changeset
216 symbol = plugin_info['icon_symbol']
7177fe2d9725 common: new ActionIcon widget which display symbol or image icon according to what is specified in plugin_info
Goffi <>
parents: 178
diff changeset
217 except KeyError:
7177fe2d9725 common: new ActionIcon widget which display symbol or image icon according to what is specified in plugin_info
Goffi <>
parents: 178
diff changeset
218 icon_src = plugin_info['icon_medium']
7177fe2d9725 common: new ActionIcon widget which display symbol or image icon according to what is specified in plugin_info
Goffi <>
parents: 178
diff changeset
219 icon_wid = Image(source=icon_src, allow_stretch=True)
7177fe2d9725 common: new ActionIcon widget which display symbol or image icon according to what is specified in plugin_info
Goffi <>
parents: 178
diff changeset
220 self.add_widget(icon_wid)
7177fe2d9725 common: new ActionIcon widget which display symbol or image icon according to what is specified in plugin_info
Goffi <>
parents: 178
diff changeset
221 else:
7177fe2d9725 common: new ActionIcon widget which display symbol or image icon according to what is specified in plugin_info
Goffi <>
parents: 178
diff changeset
222 icon_wid = ActionSymbol(symbol=symbol)
7177fe2d9725 common: new ActionIcon widget which display symbol or image icon according to what is specified in plugin_info
Goffi <>
parents: 178
diff changeset
223 self.add_widget(icon_wid)
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
226 class SizedImage(AsyncImage):
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
227 """AsyncImage sized according to C.IMG_MAX_WIDTH and C.IMG_MAX_HEIGHT"""
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
228 # following properties are desired height/width
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
229 # i.e. the ones specified in height/width attributes of <img>
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
230 # (or wanted for whatever reason)
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
231 # set to None to ignore them
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
232 target_height = properties.NumericProperty(allownone=True)
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
233 target_width = properties.NumericProperty(allownone=True)
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
235 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
236 # best calculated size
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
237 self._best_width = self._best_height = 100
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
238 super().__init__(**kwargs)
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
240 def on_texture(self, instance, texture):
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
241 """Adapt the size according to max size and target_*"""
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
242 if texture is None:
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
243 return
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
244 max_width, max_height = dp(C.IMG_MAX_WIDTH), dp(C.IMG_MAX_HEIGHT)
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
245 width, height = texture.size
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
246 if self.target_width:
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
247 width = min(width, self.target_width)
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
248 if width > max_width:
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
249 width = C.IMG_MAX_WIDTH
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
251 height = width / self.image_ratio
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
253 if self.target_height:
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
254 height = min(height, self.target_height)
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
256 if height > max_height:
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
257 height = max_height
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
258 width = height * self.image_ratio
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
260 self.width, self.height = self._best_width, self._best_height = width, height
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
262 def on_parent(self, instance, parent):
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
263 if parent is not None:
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
264 parent.bind(width=self.on_parent_width)
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
266 def on_parent_width(self, instance, width):
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
267 if self._best_width > width:
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
268 self.width = width
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
269 self.height = width / self.image_ratio
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
270 else:
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
271 self.width, self.height = self._best_width, self._best_height
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
efee0e0afb78 core (common): moved simple_xhtml's image code to a generic "SizedImage" widget
Goffi <>
parents: 416
diff changeset
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
274 class JidSelectorCategoryLayout(StackLayout):
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
275 pass
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
278 class JidSelector(ScrollView, EventDispatcher):
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
279 layout = properties.ObjectProperty(None)
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
280 # if item_class is changed, the properties must be the same as for ContactButton
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
281 # and ordering must be supported
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
282 item_class = properties.ObjectProperty(ContactButton)
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
283 add_separators = properties.ObjectProperty(True)
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
284 # list of item to show, can be:
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
285 # - a well-known string which can be:
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
286 # * "roster": all roster jids
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
287 # * "opened_chats": all opened chat widgets
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
288 # * "bookmarks": MUC bookmarks
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
289 # A layout will be created each time and stored in the attribute of the same
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
290 # name.
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
291 # If add_separators is True, a CategorySeparator will be added on top of each
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
292 # layout.
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
293 # - a kivy Widget, which will be added to the layout (notable useful with
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
294 # common_widgets.CategorySeparator)
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
295 # - a callable, which must return an iterable of kwargs for ContactButton
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
296 to_show = properties.ListProperty(['roster'])
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
298 # TODO: roster and bookmarks must be updated in real time, like for opened_chats
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
301 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
302 self.register_event_type('on_select')
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
303 # list of layouts containing items
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
304 self.items_layouts = []
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
305 # jid to list of ContactButton instances map
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
306 self.items_map = {}
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
307 super().__init__(**kwargs)
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
309 def on_kv_post(self, wid):
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
310 self.update()
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
312 def on_select(self, wid):
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
313 pass
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
315 def on_parent(self, wid, parent):
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
316 if parent is None:
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
317 log.debug("removing listeners")
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
318"contactsFilled", self.onContactsFilled)
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
319"notification", self.onNotification)
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
320"notificationsClear", self.onNotificationsClear)
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
322 "widgetNew", self.onWidgetNew, ignore_missing=True)
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
324 "widgetDeleted", self.onWidgetDeleted, ignore_missing=True)
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
325 else:
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
326 log.debug("adding listeners")
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
327"contactsFilled", self.onContactsFilled)
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
328"notification", self.onNotification)
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
329"notificationsClear", self.onNotificationsClear)
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
331 def onContactsFilled(self, profile):
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
332 log.debug("onContactsFilled event received")
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
333 self.update()
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
335 def onNotification(self, entity, notification_data, profile):
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
336 for item in self.items_map.get(entity.bare, []):
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
337 notifs = list(, profile=profile))
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
338 item.badge_text = str(len(notifs))
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
340 def onNotificationsClear(self, entity, type_, profile):
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
341 for item in self.items_map.get(entity.bare, []):
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
342 item.badge_text = ''
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
344 def onWidgetNew(self, wid):
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
345 if not isinstance(wid, quick_chat.QuickChat):
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
346 return
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
347 item = self.getItemFromWid(wid)
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
348 if item is None:
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
349 return
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
350 idx = 0
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
351 for child in self.opened_chats.children:
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
352 if isinstance(child, self.item_class) and child < item:
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
353 break
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
354 idx+=1
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
355 self.opened_chats.add_widget(item, index=idx)
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
357 def onWidgetDeleted(self, wid):
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
358 if not isinstance(wid, quick_chat.QuickChat):
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
359 return
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
361 for child in self.opened_chats.children:
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
362 if not isinstance(child, self.item_class):
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
363 continue
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
364 if child.jid.bare ==
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
365 self.opened_chats.remove_widget(child)
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
366 break
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
368 def _createItem(self, **kwargs):
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
369 item = self.item_class(**kwargs)
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
370 jid = kwargs['jid']
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
371 self.items_map.setdefault(jid, []).append(item)
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
372 return item
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
374 def update(self):
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
375 log.debug("starting update")
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
376 self.layout.clear_widgets()
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
377 for item in self.to_show:
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
378 if isinstance(item, str):
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
379 if item == 'roster':
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
380 self.addRosterItems()
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
381 elif item == 'bookmarks':
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
382 self.addBookmarksItems()
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
383 elif item == 'opened_chats':
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
384 self.addOpenedChatsItems()
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
385 else:
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
386 log.error(f'unknown "to_show" magic string {item!r}')
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
387 elif isinstance(item, Widget):
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
388 self.layout.add_widget(item)
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
389 elif callable(item):
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
390 items_kwargs = item()
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
391 for item_kwargs in items_kwargs:
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
392 item = self._createItem(**items_kwargs)
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
393 item.bind(on_press=partial(self.dispatch, 'on_select'))
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
394 self.layout.add_widget(item)
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
395 else:
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
396 log.error(f"unmanaged to_show item type: {item!r}")
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
398 def addCategoryLayout(self, label=None):
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
399 category_layout = JidSelectorCategoryLayout()
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
401 if label and self.add_separators:
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
402 category_layout.add_widget(CategorySeparator(text=label))
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
404 self.layout.add_widget(category_layout)
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
405 self.items_layouts.append(category_layout)
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
406 return category_layout
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
408 def getItemFromWid(self, wid):
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
409 """create JidSelector item from QuickChat widget"""
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
410 contact_list =[wid.profile]
364d2c8eb476 core (common): Don't crash JidSelector when data for entity is missing from cache
Goffi <>
parents: 406
diff changeset
411 try:
364d2c8eb476 core (common): Don't crash JidSelector when data for entity is missing from cache
Goffi <>
parents: 406
diff changeset
412 data=contact_list.getItem(
364d2c8eb476 core (common): Don't crash JidSelector when data for entity is missing from cache
Goffi <>
parents: 406
diff changeset
413 except KeyError:
364d2c8eb476 core (common): Don't crash JidSelector when data for entity is missing from cache
Goffi <>
parents: 406
diff changeset
414 log.warning(f"Can't find item data for {}")
364d2c8eb476 core (common): Don't crash JidSelector when data for entity is missing from cache
Goffi <>
parents: 406
diff changeset
415 data={}
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
416 try:
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
417 item = self._createItem(
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
419 data=data,
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
420 profile=wid.profile,
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
421 )
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
422 except Exception as e:
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
423 log.warning(f"Can't add contact {}: {e}")
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
424 return
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
425 notifs = list(, profile=wid.profile))
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
426 if notifs:
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
427 item.badge_text = str(len(notifs))
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
428 item.bind(on_press=partial(self.dispatch, 'on_select'))
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
429 return item
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
431 def addOpenedChatsItems(self):
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
432"widgetNew", self.onWidgetNew)
03554ad70846 common (jidSelector): replace implitict_update mechanism by real-time update:
Goffi <>
parents: 405
diff changeset
433"widgetDeleted", self.onWidgetDeleted)
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
434 self.opened_chats = category_layout = self.addCategoryLayout(_("Opened chats"))
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
435 widgets = sorted(
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
436 quick_chat.QuickChat,
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
437 profiles =,
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
438 with_duplicates=False))
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
440 for wid in widgets:
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
441 item = self.getItemFromWid(wid)
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
442 if item is None:
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
443 continue
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
444 category_layout.add_widget(item)
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
446 def addRosterItems(self):
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
447 self.roster = category_layout = self.addCategoryLayout(_("Your contacts"))
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
448 for profile in
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
449 contact_list =[profile]
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
450 for entity_jid in sorted(contact_list.roster):
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
451 item = self._createItem(
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
452 jid=entity_jid,
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
453 data=contact_list.getItem(entity_jid),
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
454 profile=profile,
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
455 )
38fd457b2158 core (common, share_widget): new JidSelector widget:
Goffi <>
parents: 322
diff changeset
456 item.bind(on_press=partial(self.dispatch, 'on_select'))
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
457 category_layout.add_widget(item)
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
459 def addBookmarksItems(self):
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
460 self.bookmarks = category_layout = self.addCategoryLayout(_("Your chat rooms"))
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
461 for profile in
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
462 profile_manager =[profile]
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
463 try:
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
464 bookmarks = profile_manager._bookmarks
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
465 except AttributeError:
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
466 log.warning(f"no bookmark in cache for profile {profile}")
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
467 continue
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
469 contact_list =[profile]
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
470 for entity_jid in bookmarks:
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
471 try:
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
472 cache = contact_list.getItem(entity_jid)
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
473 except KeyError:
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
474 cache = {}
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
475 item = self._createItem(
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
476 jid=entity_jid,
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
477 data=cache,
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
478 profile=profile,
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
479 )
442756495a96 core (common): improved flexibility of jid selector:
Goffi <>
parents: 378
diff changeset
480 item.bind(on_press=partial(self.dispatch, 'on_select'))
f7476818f9fb core (common): JidSelector + behaviors various improvments:
Goffi <>
parents: 397
diff changeset
481 category_layout.add_widget(item)