diff cagou/backport/carousel.py @ 323:5bd583d00594

backport: added a new "backport" module for using unreleased code from Kivy: Carousel has been backported from Kivy 2.0, because a couple of bugs hitting Cagou are fixed there (notably https://github.com/kivy/kivy/issues/6370). The issue was specially visible when sliding chat widgets. If a version >= 2.0 of kivy is used, a warning will be displayed to indicated that the backport can be removed.
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Fri, 06 Dec 2019 13:23:03 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cagou/backport/carousel.py	Fri Dec 06 13:23:03 2019 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,690 @@
+.. image:: images/carousel.gif
+    :align: right
+.. versionadded:: 1.4.0
+The :class:`Carousel` widget provides the classic mobile-friendly carousel view
+where you can swipe between slides.
+You can add any content to the carousel and have it move horizontally or
+vertically. The carousel can display pages in a sequence or a loop.
+    from kivy.app import App
+    from kivy.uix.carousel import Carousel
+    from kivy.uix.image import AsyncImage
+    class CarouselApp(App):
+        def build(self):
+            carousel = Carousel(direction='right')
+            for i in range(10):
+                src = "http://placehold.it/480x270.png&text=slide-%d&.png" % i
+                image = AsyncImage(source=src, allow_stretch=True)
+                carousel.add_widget(image)
+            return carousel
+    CarouselApp().run()
+Kv Example::
+    Carousel:
+        direction: 'right'
+        AsyncImage:
+            source: 'http://placehold.it/480x270.png&text=slide-1.png'
+        AsyncImage:
+            source: 'http://placehold.it/480x270.png&text=slide-2.png'
+        AsyncImage:
+            source: 'http://placehold.it/480x270.png&text=slide-3.png'
+        AsyncImage:
+            source: 'http://placehold.it/480x270.png&text=slide-4.png'
+.. versionchanged:: 1.5.0
+    The carousel now supports active children, like the
+    :class:`~kivy.uix.scrollview.ScrollView`. It will detect a swipe gesture
+    according to the :attr:`Carousel.scroll_timeout` and
+    :attr:`Carousel.scroll_distance` properties.
+    In addition, the slide container is no longer exposed by the API.
+    The impacted properties are
+    :attr:`Carousel.slides`, :attr:`Carousel.current_slide`,
+    :attr:`Carousel.previous_slide` and :attr:`Carousel.next_slide`.
+__all__ = ('Carousel', )
+from functools import partial
+from kivy.clock import Clock
+from kivy.factory import Factory
+from kivy.animation import Animation
+from kivy.uix.stencilview import StencilView
+from kivy.uix.relativelayout import RelativeLayout
+from kivy.properties import BooleanProperty, OptionProperty, AliasProperty, \
+    NumericProperty, ListProperty, ObjectProperty, StringProperty
+class Carousel(StencilView):
+    '''Carousel class. See module documentation for more information.
+    '''
+    slides = ListProperty([])
+    '''List of slides inside the Carousel. The slides are the
+    widgets added to the Carousel using the :attr:`add_widget` method.
+    :attr:`slides` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and is
+    read-only.
+    '''
+    def _get_slides_container(self):
+        return [x.parent for x in self.slides]
+    slides_container = AliasProperty(_get_slides_container, bind=('slides',))
+    direction = OptionProperty('right',
+                               options=('right', 'left', 'top', 'bottom'))
+    '''Specifies the direction in which the slides are ordered. This
+    corresponds to the direction from which the user swipes to go from one
+    slide to the next. It
+    can be `right`, `left`, `top`, or `bottom`. For example, with
+    the default value of `right`, the second slide is to the right
+    of the first and the user would swipe from the right towards the
+    left to get to the second slide.
+    :attr:`direction` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and
+    defaults to 'right'.
+    '''
+    min_move = NumericProperty(0.2)
+    '''Defines the minimum distance to be covered before the touch is
+    considered a swipe gesture and the Carousel content changed.
+    This is a expressed as a fraction of the Carousel's width.
+    If the movement doesn't reach this minimum value, the movement is
+    cancelled and the content is restored to its original position.
+    :attr:`min_move` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and
+    defaults to 0.2.
+    '''
+    anim_move_duration = NumericProperty(0.5)
+    '''Defines the duration of the Carousel animation between pages.
+    :attr:`anim_move_duration` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty`
+    and defaults to 0.5.
+    '''
+    anim_cancel_duration = NumericProperty(0.3)
+    '''Defines the duration of the animation when a swipe movement is not
+    accepted. This is generally when the user does not make a large enough
+    swipe. See :attr:`min_move`.
+    :attr:`anim_cancel_duration` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty`
+    and defaults to 0.3.
+    '''
+    loop = BooleanProperty(False)
+    '''Allow the Carousel to loop infinitely. If True, when the user tries to
+    swipe beyond last page, it will return to the first. If False, it will
+    remain on the last page.
+    :attr:`loop` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and
+    defaults to False.
+    '''
+    def _get_index(self):
+        if self.slides:
+            return self._index % len(self.slides)
+        return None
+    def _set_index(self, value):
+        if self.slides:
+            self._index = value % len(self.slides)
+        else:
+            self._index = None
+    index = AliasProperty(_get_index, _set_index,
+                          bind=('_index', 'slides'),
+                          cache=True)
+    '''Get/Set the current slide based on the index.
+    :attr:`index` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.AliasProperty` and defaults
+    to 0 (the first item).
+    '''
+    def _prev_slide(self):
+        slides = self.slides
+        len_slides = len(slides)
+        index = self.index
+        if len_slides < 2:  # None, or 1 slide
+            return None
+        if self.loop and index == 0:
+            return slides[-1]
+        if index > 0:
+            return slides[index - 1]
+    previous_slide = AliasProperty(_prev_slide,
+                                   bind=('slides', 'index', 'loop'),
+                                   cache=True)
+    '''The previous slide in the Carousel. It is None if the current slide is
+    the first slide in the Carousel. This ordering reflects the order in which
+    the slides are added: their presentation varies according to the
+    :attr:`direction` property.
+    :attr:`previous_slide` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.AliasProperty`.
+    .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0
+        This property no longer exposes the slides container. It returns
+        the widget you have added.
+    '''
+    def _curr_slide(self):
+        if len(self.slides):
+            return self.slides[self.index or 0]
+    current_slide = AliasProperty(_curr_slide,
+                                  bind=('slides', 'index'),
+                                  cache=True)
+    '''The currently shown slide.
+    :attr:`current_slide` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.AliasProperty`.
+    .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0
+        The property no longer exposes the slides container. It returns
+        the widget you have added.
+    '''
+    def _next_slide(self):
+        if len(self.slides) < 2:  # None, or 1 slide
+            return None
+        if self.loop and self.index == len(self.slides) - 1:
+            return self.slides[0]
+        if self.index < len(self.slides) - 1:
+            return self.slides[self.index + 1]
+    next_slide = AliasProperty(_next_slide,
+                               bind=('slides', 'index', 'loop'),
+                               cache=True)
+    '''The next slide in the Carousel. It is None if the current slide is
+    the last slide in the Carousel. This ordering reflects the order in which
+    the slides are added: their presentation varies according to the
+    :attr:`direction` property.
+    :attr:`next_slide` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.AliasProperty`.
+    .. versionchanged:: 1.5.0
+        The property no longer exposes the slides container.
+        It returns the widget you have added.
+    '''
+    scroll_timeout = NumericProperty(200)
+    '''Timeout allowed to trigger the :attr:`scroll_distance`, in milliseconds.
+    If the user has not moved :attr:`scroll_distance` within the timeout,
+    no scrolling will occur and the touch event will go to the children.
+    :attr:`scroll_timeout` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and
+    defaults to 200 (milliseconds)
+    .. versionadded:: 1.5.0
+    '''
+    scroll_distance = NumericProperty('20dp')
+    '''Distance to move before scrolling the :class:`Carousel` in pixels. As
+    soon as the distance has been traveled, the :class:`Carousel` will start
+    to scroll, and no touch event will go to children.
+    It is advisable that you base this value on the dpi of your target device's
+    screen.
+    :attr:`scroll_distance` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and
+    defaults to 20dp.
+    .. versionadded:: 1.5.0
+    '''
+    anim_type = StringProperty('out_quad')
+    '''Type of animation to use while animating to the next/previous slide.
+    This should be the name of an
+    :class:`~kivy.animation.AnimationTransition` function.
+    :attr:`anim_type` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and
+    defaults to 'out_quad'.
+    .. versionadded:: 1.8.0
+    '''
+    ignore_perpendicular_swipes = BooleanProperty(False)
+    '''Ignore swipes on axis perpendicular to direction.
+    :attr:`ignore_perpendicular_swipes` is a
+    :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults to False.
+    .. versionadded:: 1.10.0
+    '''
+    # private properties, for internal use only ###
+    _index = NumericProperty(0, allownone=True)
+    _prev = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True)
+    _current = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True)
+    _next = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True)
+    _offset = NumericProperty(0)
+    _touch = ObjectProperty(None, allownone=True)
+    _change_touch_mode_ev = None
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        self._trigger_position_visible_slides = Clock.create_trigger(
+            self._position_visible_slides, -1)
+        super(Carousel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+        self._skip_slide = None
+        self.touch_mode_change = False
+        self._prioritize_next = False
+        self.fbind('loop', lambda *args: self._insert_visible_slides())
+    def load_slide(self, slide):
+        '''Animate to the slide that is passed as the argument.
+        .. versionchanged:: 1.8.0
+        '''
+        slides = self.slides
+        start, stop = slides.index(self.current_slide), slides.index(slide)
+        if start == stop:
+            return
+        self._skip_slide = stop
+        if stop > start:
+            self._prioritize_next = True
+            self._insert_visible_slides(_next_slide=slide)
+            self.load_next()
+        else:
+            self._prioritize_next = False
+            self._insert_visible_slides(_prev_slide=slide)
+            self.load_previous()
+    def load_previous(self):
+        '''Animate to the previous slide.
+        .. versionadded:: 1.7.0
+        '''
+        self.load_next(mode='prev')
+    def load_next(self, mode='next'):
+        '''Animate to the next slide.
+        .. versionadded:: 1.7.0
+        '''
+        if self.index is not None:
+            w, h = self.size
+            _direction = {
+                'top': -h / 2,
+                'bottom': h / 2,
+                'left': w / 2,
+                'right': -w / 2}
+            _offset = _direction[self.direction]
+            if mode == 'prev':
+                _offset = -_offset
+            self._start_animation(min_move=0, offset=_offset)
+    def get_slide_container(self, slide):
+        return slide.parent
+    @property
+    def _prev_equals_next(self):
+        return self.loop and len(self.slides) == 2
+    def _insert_visible_slides(self, _next_slide=None, _prev_slide=None):
+        get_slide_container = self.get_slide_container
+        previous_slide = _prev_slide if _prev_slide else self.previous_slide
+        if previous_slide:
+            self._prev = get_slide_container(previous_slide)
+        else:
+            self._prev = None
+        current_slide = self.current_slide
+        if current_slide:
+            self._current = get_slide_container(current_slide)
+        else:
+            self._current = None
+        next_slide = _next_slide if _next_slide else self.next_slide
+        if next_slide:
+            self._next = get_slide_container(next_slide)
+        else:
+            self._next = None
+        if self._prev_equals_next:
+            setattr(self, '_prev' if self._prioritize_next else '_next', None)
+        super_remove = super(Carousel, self).remove_widget
+        for container in self.slides_container:
+            super_remove(container)
+        if self._prev and self._prev.parent is not self:
+            super(Carousel, self).add_widget(self._prev)
+        if self._next and self._next.parent is not self:
+            super(Carousel, self).add_widget(self._next)
+        if self._current:
+            super(Carousel, self).add_widget(self._current)
+    def _position_visible_slides(self, *args):
+        slides, index = self.slides, self.index
+        no_of_slides = len(slides) - 1
+        if not slides:
+            return
+        x, y, width, height = self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height
+        _offset, direction = self._offset, self.direction[0]
+        _prev, _next, _current = self._prev, self._next, self._current
+        get_slide_container = self.get_slide_container
+        last_slide = get_slide_container(slides[-1])
+        first_slide = get_slide_container(slides[0])
+        skip_next = False
+        _loop = self.loop
+        if direction in 'rl':
+            xoff = x + _offset
+            x_prev = {'l': xoff + width, 'r': xoff - width}
+            x_next = {'l': xoff - width, 'r': xoff + width}
+            if _prev:
+                _prev.pos = (x_prev[direction], y)
+            elif _loop and _next and index == 0:
+                # if first slide is moving to right with direction set to right
+                # or toward left with direction set to left
+                if ((_offset > 0 and direction == 'r') or
+                        (_offset < 0 and direction == 'l')):
+                    # put last_slide before first slide
+                    last_slide.pos = (x_prev[direction], y)
+                    skip_next = True
+            if _current:
+                _current.pos = (xoff, y)
+            if skip_next:
+                return
+            if _next:
+                _next.pos = (x_next[direction], y)
+            elif _loop and _prev and index == no_of_slides:
+                if ((_offset < 0 and direction == 'r') or
+                        (_offset > 0 and direction == 'l')):
+                    first_slide.pos = (x_next[direction], y)
+        if direction in 'tb':
+            yoff = y + _offset
+            y_prev = {'t': yoff - height, 'b': yoff + height}
+            y_next = {'t': yoff + height, 'b': yoff - height}
+            if _prev:
+                _prev.pos = (x, y_prev[direction])
+            elif _loop and _next and index == 0:
+                if ((_offset > 0 and direction == 't') or
+                        (_offset < 0 and direction == 'b')):
+                    last_slide.pos = (x, y_prev[direction])
+                    skip_next = True
+            if _current:
+                _current.pos = (x, yoff)
+            if skip_next:
+                return
+            if _next:
+                _next.pos = (x, y_next[direction])
+            elif _loop and _prev and index == no_of_slides:
+                if ((_offset < 0 and direction == 't') or
+                        (_offset > 0 and direction == 'b')):
+                    first_slide.pos = (x, y_next[direction])
+    def on_size(self, *args):
+        size = self.size
+        for slide in self.slides_container:
+            slide.size = size
+        self._trigger_position_visible_slides()
+    def on_pos(self, *args):
+        self._trigger_position_visible_slides()
+    def on_index(self, *args):
+        self._insert_visible_slides()
+        self._trigger_position_visible_slides()
+        self._offset = 0
+    def on_slides(self, *args):
+        if self.slides:
+            self.index = self.index % len(self.slides)
+        self._insert_visible_slides()
+        self._trigger_position_visible_slides()
+    def on__offset(self, *args):
+        self._trigger_position_visible_slides()
+        # if reached full offset, switch index to next or prev
+        direction = self.direction[0]
+        _offset = self._offset
+        width = self.width
+        height = self.height
+        index = self.index
+        if self._skip_slide is not None or index is None:
+            return
+        # Move to next slide?
+        if (direction == 'r' and _offset <= -width) or \
+                (direction == 'l' and _offset >= width) or \
+                (direction == 't' and _offset <= - height) or \
+                (direction == 'b' and _offset >= height):
+            if self.next_slide:
+                self.index += 1
+        # Move to previous slide?
+        elif (direction == 'r' and _offset >= width) or \
+                (direction == 'l' and _offset <= -width) or \
+                (direction == 't' and _offset >= height) or \
+                (direction == 'b' and _offset <= -height):
+            if self.previous_slide:
+                self.index -= 1
+        elif self._prev_equals_next:
+            new_value = (_offset < 0) is (direction in 'rt')
+            if self._prioritize_next is not new_value:
+                self._prioritize_next = new_value
+                if new_value is (self._next is None):
+                    self._prev, self._next = self._next, self._prev
+    def _start_animation(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        # compute target offset for ease back, next or prev
+        new_offset = 0
+        direction = kwargs.get('direction', self.direction)[0]
+        is_horizontal = direction in 'rl'
+        extent = self.width if is_horizontal else self.height
+        min_move = kwargs.get('min_move', self.min_move)
+        _offset = kwargs.get('offset', self._offset)
+        if _offset < min_move * -extent:
+            new_offset = -extent
+        elif _offset > min_move * extent:
+            new_offset = extent
+        # if new_offset is 0, it wasnt enough to go next/prev
+        dur = self.anim_move_duration
+        if new_offset == 0:
+            dur = self.anim_cancel_duration
+        # detect edge cases if not looping
+        len_slides = len(self.slides)
+        index = self.index
+        if not self.loop or len_slides == 1:
+            is_first = (index == 0)
+            is_last = (index == len_slides - 1)
+            if direction in 'rt':
+                towards_prev = (new_offset > 0)
+                towards_next = (new_offset < 0)
+            else:
+                towards_prev = (new_offset < 0)
+                towards_next = (new_offset > 0)
+            if (is_first and towards_prev) or (is_last and towards_next):
+                new_offset = 0
+        anim = Animation(_offset=new_offset, d=dur, t=self.anim_type)
+        anim.cancel_all(self)
+        def _cmp(*l):
+            if self._skip_slide is not None:
+                self.index = self._skip_slide
+                self._skip_slide = None
+        anim.bind(on_complete=_cmp)
+        anim.start(self)
+    def _get_uid(self, prefix='sv'):
+        return '{0}.{1}'.format(prefix, self.uid)
+    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
+        if not self.collide_point(*touch.pos):
+            touch.ud[self._get_uid('cavoid')] = True
+            return
+        if self.disabled:
+            return True
+        if self._touch:
+            return super(Carousel, self).on_touch_down(touch)
+        Animation.cancel_all(self)
+        self._touch = touch
+        uid = self._get_uid()
+        touch.grab(self)
+        touch.ud[uid] = {
+            'mode': 'unknown',
+            'time': touch.time_start}
+        self._change_touch_mode_ev = Clock.schedule_once(
+            self._change_touch_mode, self.scroll_timeout / 1000.)
+        self.touch_mode_change = False
+        return True
+    def on_touch_move(self, touch):
+        if not self.touch_mode_change:
+            if self.ignore_perpendicular_swipes and \
+                    self.direction in ('top', 'bottom'):
+                if abs(touch.oy - touch.y) < self.scroll_distance:
+                    if abs(touch.ox - touch.x) > self.scroll_distance:
+                        self._change_touch_mode()
+                        self.touch_mode_change = True
+            elif self.ignore_perpendicular_swipes and \
+                    self.direction in ('right', 'left'):
+                if abs(touch.ox - touch.x) < self.scroll_distance:
+                    if abs(touch.oy - touch.y) > self.scroll_distance:
+                        self._change_touch_mode()
+                        self.touch_mode_change = True
+        if self._get_uid('cavoid') in touch.ud:
+            return
+        if self._touch is not touch:
+            super(Carousel, self).on_touch_move(touch)
+            return self._get_uid() in touch.ud
+        if touch.grab_current is not self:
+            return True
+        ud = touch.ud[self._get_uid()]
+        direction = self.direction[0]
+        if ud['mode'] == 'unknown':
+            if direction in 'rl':
+                distance = abs(touch.ox - touch.x)
+            else:
+                distance = abs(touch.oy - touch.y)
+            if distance > self.scroll_distance:
+                ev = self._change_touch_mode_ev
+                if ev is not None:
+                    ev.cancel()
+                ud['mode'] = 'scroll'
+        else:
+            if direction in 'rl':
+                self._offset += touch.dx
+            if direction in 'tb':
+                self._offset += touch.dy
+        return True
+    def on_touch_up(self, touch):
+        if self._get_uid('cavoid') in touch.ud:
+            return
+        if self in [x() for x in touch.grab_list]:
+            touch.ungrab(self)
+            self._touch = None
+            ud = touch.ud[self._get_uid()]
+            if ud['mode'] == 'unknown':
+                ev = self._change_touch_mode_ev
+                if ev is not None:
+                    ev.cancel()
+                super(Carousel, self).on_touch_down(touch)
+                Clock.schedule_once(partial(self._do_touch_up, touch), .1)
+            else:
+                self._start_animation()
+        else:
+            if self._touch is not touch and self.uid not in touch.ud:
+                super(Carousel, self).on_touch_up(touch)
+        return self._get_uid() in touch.ud
+    def _do_touch_up(self, touch, *largs):
+        super(Carousel, self).on_touch_up(touch)
+        # don't forget about grab event!
+        for x in touch.grab_list[:]:
+            touch.grab_list.remove(x)
+            x = x()
+            if not x:
+                continue
+            touch.grab_current = x
+            super(Carousel, self).on_touch_up(touch)
+        touch.grab_current = None
+    def _change_touch_mode(self, *largs):
+        if not self._touch:
+            return
+        self._start_animation()
+        uid = self._get_uid()
+        touch = self._touch
+        ud = touch.ud[uid]
+        if ud['mode'] == 'unknown':
+            touch.ungrab(self)
+            self._touch = None
+            super(Carousel, self).on_touch_down(touch)
+            return
+    def add_widget(self, widget, index=0, canvas=None):
+        container = RelativeLayout(
+            size=self.size, x=self.x - self.width, y=self.y)
+        container.add_widget(widget)
+        super(Carousel, self).add_widget(container, index, canvas)
+        if index != 0:
+            self.slides.insert(index - len(self.slides), widget)
+        else:
+            self.slides.append(widget)
+    def remove_widget(self, widget, *args, **kwargs):
+        # XXX be careful, the widget.parent refer to the RelativeLayout
+        # added in add_widget(). But it will break if RelativeLayout
+        # implementation change.
+        # if we passed the real widget
+        slides = self.slides
+        if widget in slides:
+            if self.index >= slides.index(widget):
+                self.index = max(0, self.index - 1)
+            container = widget.parent
+            slides.remove(widget)
+            super(Carousel, self).remove_widget(container)
+            return container.remove_widget(widget, *args, **kwargs)
+        return super(Carousel, self).remove_widget(widget, *args, **kwargs)
+    def clear_widgets(self):
+        for slide in self.slides[:]:
+            self.remove_widget(slide)
+        super(Carousel, self).clear_widgets()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    from kivy.app import App
+    class Example1(App):
+        def build(self):
+            carousel = Carousel(direction='left',
+                                loop=True)
+            for i in range(4):
+                src = "http://placehold.it/480x270.png&text=slide-%d&.png" % i
+                image = Factory.AsyncImage(source=src, allow_stretch=True)
+                carousel.add_widget(image)
+            return carousel
+    Example1().run()