view .p4a @ 425:13884aac1220

chat: show images in attachments: - if an image is received from somebody in roster, it is automatically displayed (we display only for people in roster to avoid IP address leak) - encrypted files are decrypted and stored in cache before being displayed - GIFs image are shown as attachment because they are badly handle in Kivy (images frequencies is not handled correctly, and memory consumption explode). Instead, a click on it will open the GIF in the appropriate software of the platform. - a click on an attachment image will open it in the gallery
author Goffi <>
date Wed, 26 Feb 2020 16:47:39 +0100
parents 5d994be1161b
children 65958c3c98cb
line wrap: on
line source

--sdk-dir /home/goffi/dev/android/sdk_26.1.1
--ndk-dir /home/goffi/dev/android/android-ndk-r19b
--android-api 28
--dist-name cagou_dev_build
--requirements "hostpython3, kivy, kivy_garden.modernmenu, sqlite3, omemo, omemo-backend-signal, service_identity, automat, attrs, hyperlink, requests, treq, twisted, wokkel, hg+, hg+, pillow, pyxdg, markdown, html2text, python-dateutil, pycrypto, git+, android, python-potr, shortuuid, babel, lxml, pudb, urwid, cryptography, openssl, pyopenssl, pyasn1, pyasn1-modules"
--private . --package=org.salutatoi.cagou --name "Cagou"
--version 0.1
--whitelist .p4a_whitelist
--blacklist .p4a_blacklist
--icon media/icons/muchoslava/png/cagou_profil_bleu_96.png
--presplash media/icons/muchoslava/png/cagou_profil_bleu_512.png
--orientation fullUser
--arch armeabi-v7a
--service backend:service/
--permission INTERNET
--permission VIBRATE
--permission RECORD_AUDIO
--intent-filters /home/goffi/dev/cagou/android_intents/share.xml