view .p4a @ 354:aa860c10acfc

chat: new chat selector: Using the new ScreenManager feature, a widget to select a chat to display is shown when a user opens the chat (except if an entity jid is specified, in which case it opens directly the Chat widget), or when user presses ESC. When on ChatSelector, pressing ESC brings to the root widget (i.e. default widget). The ChatSelect is a first draft, it is planned to show opened chats, rooms, and a way to create new chats.
author Goffi <>
date Fri, 17 Jan 2020 18:44:35 +0100
parents 89b17a841c2f
children a1f3af7c0b67
line wrap: on
line source

--sdk-dir /home/goffi/dev/android/sdk_26.1.1
--ndk-dir /home/goffi/dev/android/android-ndk-r19b
--android-api 28
--dist-name cagou_dev_build
--requirements "hostpython3, kivy, kivy_garden.modernmenu, kivy_garden.contextmenu>=0.1.0.dev1, sqlite3, omemo, omemo-backend-signal, service_identity, automat, attrs, twisted, wokkel, hg+, hg+, pillow, pyxdg, markdown, html2text, python-dateutil, pycrypto, git+, android, python-potr, shortuuid, babel, lxml, pudb, urwid, cryptography, openssl, pyopenssl, pyasn1, pyasn1-modules"
--private . --package=org.salutatoi.cagou --name "Cagou"
--version 0.1
--whitelist .p4a_whitelist
--blacklist .p4a_blacklist
--icon media/icons/muchoslava/png/cagou_profil_bleu_96.png
--presplash media/icons/muchoslava/png/cagou_profil_bleu_512.png
--orientation fullUser
--arch armeabi-v7a
--service backend:service/
--permission INTERNET
--permission VIBRATE
--permission RECORD_AUDIO
--intent-filters /home/goffi/dev/cagou/android_intents/share.xml