diff sat_pubsub/backend.py @ 405:c56a728412f1

file organisation + setup refactoring: - `/src` has been renamed to `/sat_pubsub`, this is the recommended naming convention - revamped `setup.py` on the basis of SàT's `setup.py` - added a `VERSION` which is the unique place where version number will now be set - use same trick as in SàT to specify dev version (`D` at the end) - use setuptools_scm to retrieve Mercurial hash when in dev version
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Fri, 16 Aug 2019 12:00:02 +0200
parents src/backend.py@1dc606612405
children ccb2a22ea0fc
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sat_pubsub/backend.py	Fri Aug 16 12:00:02 2019 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1792 @@
+#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2019 Jérôme Poisson
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Adrien Cossa
+# Copyright (c) 2003-2011 Ralph Meijer
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# --
+# This program is based on Idavoll (http://idavoll.ik.nu/),
+# originaly written by Ralph Meijer (http://ralphm.net/blog/)
+# It is sublicensed under AGPL v3 (or any later version) as allowed by the original
+# license.
+# --
+# Here is a copy of the original license:
+# Copyright (c) 2003-2011 Ralph Meijer
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+Generic publish-subscribe backend.
+This module implements a generic publish-subscribe backend service with
+business logic as per
+U{XEP-0060<http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0060.html>} that interacts with
+a given storage facility. It also provides an adapter from the XMPP
+publish-subscribe protocol.
+import copy
+import uuid
+from zope.interface import implements
+from twisted.application import service
+from twisted.python import components, log
+from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.error import StanzaError
+# from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid import JID, InvalidFormat
+from twisted.words.xish import domish, utility
+from wokkel import disco
+from wokkel import data_form
+from wokkel import rsm
+from wokkel import iwokkel
+from wokkel import pubsub
+from wokkel.subprotocols import XMPPHandler
+from sat_pubsub import error
+from sat_pubsub import iidavoll
+from sat_pubsub import const
+from sat_pubsub import container
+def _getAffiliation(node, entity):
+    d = node.getAffiliation(entity)
+    d.addCallback(lambda affiliation: (node, affiliation))
+    return d
+def elementCopy(element):
+    """Make a copy of a domish.Element
+    The copy will have its own children list, so other elements
+    can be added as direct children without modifying orignal one.
+    Children are not deeply copied, so if an element is added to a child or grandchild,
+    it will also affect original element.
+    @param element(domish.Element): Element to clone
+    """
+    new_elt = domish.Element(
+        (element.uri, element.name),
+        defaultUri = element.defaultUri,
+        attribs = element.attributes,
+        localPrefixes = element.localPrefixes)
+    new_elt.parent = element.parent
+    new_elt.children = element.children[:]
+    return new_elt
+def itemDataCopy(item_data):
+    """Make a copy of an item_data
+    deep copy every element of the tuple but item
+    do an elementCopy of item_data.item
+    @param item_data(ItemData): item data to copy
+    @return (ItemData): copied data
+    """
+    return container.ItemData(*[elementCopy(item_data.item)]
+                              + [copy.deepcopy(d) for d in item_data[1:]])
+class BackendService(service.Service, utility.EventDispatcher):
+    """
+    Generic publish-subscribe backend service.
+    @cvar nodeOptions: Node configuration form as a mapping from the field
+                       name to a dictionary that holds the field's type, label
+                       and possible options to choose from.
+    @type nodeOptions: C{dict}.
+    @cvar defaultConfig: The default node configuration.
+    """
+    implements(iidavoll.IBackendService)
+    nodeOptions = {
+            const.OPT_PERSIST_ITEMS:
+                {"type": "boolean",
+                 "label": "Persist items to storage"},
+            const.OPT_DELIVER_PAYLOADS:
+                {"type": "boolean",
+                 "label": "Deliver payloads with event notifications"},
+            const.OPT_SEND_LAST_PUBLISHED_ITEM:
+                {"type": "list-single",
+                 "label": "When to send the last published item",
+                 "options": {
+                     "never": "Never",
+                     "on_sub": "When a new subscription is processed"}
+                },
+            const.OPT_ACCESS_MODEL:
+                {"type": "list-single",
+                 "label": "Who can subscribe to this node",
+                 "options": {
+                     const.VAL_AMODEL_OPEN: "Public node",
+                     const.VAL_AMODEL_PRESENCE: "Node restricted to entites subscribed to owner presence",
+                     const.VAL_AMODEL_PUBLISHER_ROSTER: "Node restricted to some groups of publisher's roster",
+                     const.VAL_AMODEL_WHITELIST: "Node restricted to some jids",
+                     }
+                },
+            const.OPT_ROSTER_GROUPS_ALLOWED:
+                {"type": "list-multi",
+                 "label": "Groups of the roster allowed to access the node",
+                },
+            const.OPT_PUBLISH_MODEL:
+                {"type": "list-single",
+                 "label": "Who can publish to this node",
+                 "options": {
+                     const.VAL_PMODEL_OPEN: "Everybody can publish",
+                     const.VAL_PMODEL_PUBLISHERS: "Only owner and publishers can publish",
+                     const.VAL_PMODEL_SUBSCRIBERS: "Everybody which subscribed to the node",
+                     }
+                },
+            const.OPT_SERIAL_IDS:
+                {"type": "boolean",
+                 "label": "Use serial ids"},
+            const.OPT_CONSISTENT_PUBLISHER:
+                {"type": "boolean",
+                 "label": "Keep publisher on update"},
+            }
+    subscriptionOptions = {
+            "pubsub#subscription_type":
+                {"type": "list-single",
+                 "options": {
+                     "items": "Receive notification of new items only",
+                     "nodes": "Receive notification of new nodes only"}
+                },
+            "pubsub#subscription_depth":
+                {"type": "list-single",
+                 "options": {
+                     "1": "Receive notification from direct child nodes only",
+                     "all": "Receive notification from all descendent nodes"}
+                },
+            }
+    def __init__(self, storage, config):
+        utility.EventDispatcher.__init__(self)
+        self.storage = storage
+        self._callbackList = []
+        self.config = config
+        self.admins = config[u'admins_jids_list']
+    def isAdmin(self, entity_jid):
+        """Return True if an entity is an administrator"""
+        return entity_jid.userhostJID() in self.admins
+    def supportsPublishOptions(self):
+        return True
+    def supportsPublisherAffiliation(self):
+        return True
+    def supportsGroupBlog(self):
+        return True
+    def supportsOutcastAffiliation(self):
+        return True
+    def supportsPersistentItems(self):
+        return True
+    def supportsPublishModel(self):
+        return True
+    def getNodeType(self, nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient=None):
+        # FIXME: manage pep and recipient
+        d = self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(lambda node: node.getType())
+        return d
+    def _getNodesIds(self, subscribed, pep, recipient):
+        # TODO: filter whitelist nodes
+        # TODO: handle publisher-roster (should probably be renamed to owner-roster for nodes)
+        if not subscribed:
+            allowed_accesses = {'open', 'whitelist'}
+        else:
+            allowed_accesses = {'open', 'presence', 'whitelist'}
+        return self.storage.getNodeIds(pep, recipient, allowed_accesses)
+    def getNodes(self, requestor, pep, recipient):
+        if pep:
+            d = self.privilege.isSubscribedFrom(requestor, recipient)
+            d.addCallback(self._getNodesIds, pep, recipient)
+            return d
+        return self.storage.getNodeIds(pep, recipient)
+    def getNodeMetaData(self, nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient=None):
+        # FIXME: manage pep and recipient
+        d = self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(lambda node: node.getMetaData())
+        d.addCallback(self._makeMetaData)
+        return d
+    def _makeMetaData(self, metaData):
+        options = []
+        for key, value in metaData.iteritems():
+            if key in self.nodeOptions:
+                option = {"var": key}
+                option.update(self.nodeOptions[key])
+                option["value"] = value
+                options.append(option)
+        return options
+    def _checkAuth(self, node, requestor):
+        """ Check authorisation of publishing in node for requestor """
+        def check(affiliation):
+            d = defer.succeed((affiliation, node))
+            configuration = node.getConfiguration()
+            publish_model = configuration[const.OPT_PUBLISH_MODEL]
+            if publish_model == const.VAL_PMODEL_PUBLISHERS:
+                if affiliation not in ['owner', 'publisher']:
+                    raise error.Forbidden()
+            elif publish_model == const.VAL_PMODEL_SUBSCRIBERS:
+                if affiliation not in ['owner', 'publisher']:
+                    # we are in subscribers publish model, we must check that
+                    # the requestor is a subscriber to allow him to publish
+                    def checkSubscription(subscribed):
+                        if not subscribed:
+                            raise error.Forbidden()
+                        return (affiliation, node)
+                    d.addCallback(lambda ignore: node.isSubscribed(requestor))
+                    d.addCallback(checkSubscription)
+            elif publish_model != const.VAL_PMODEL_OPEN:
+                raise ValueError('Unexpected value') # publish_model must be publishers (default), subscribers or open.
+            return d
+        d = node.getAffiliation(requestor)
+        d.addCallback(check)
+        return d
+    def parseItemConfig(self, item):
+        """Get and remove item configuration information
+        @param item (domish.Element): item to parse
+        @return (tuple[unicode, dict)): (access_model, item_config)
+        """
+        item_config = None
+        access_model = const.VAL_AMODEL_DEFAULT
+        for idx, elt in enumerate(item.elements()):
+            if elt.uri != data_form.NS_X_DATA or elt.name != 'x':
+                continue
+            form = data_form.Form.fromElement(elt)
+            if form.formNamespace == const.NS_ITEM_CONFIG:
+                item_config = form
+                del item.children[idx] #we need to remove the config from item
+                break
+        if item_config:
+            access_model = item_config.get(const.OPT_ACCESS_MODEL, const.VAL_AMODEL_DEFAULT)
+        return (access_model, item_config)
+    def parseCategories(self, item_elt):
+        """Check if item contain an atom entry, and parse categories if possible
+        @param item_elt (domish.Element): item to parse
+        @return (list): list of found categories
+        """
+        categories = []
+        try:
+            entry_elt = item_elt.elements(const.NS_ATOM, "entry").next()
+        except StopIteration:
+            return categories
+        for category_elt in entry_elt.elements(const.NS_ATOM, 'category'):
+            category = category_elt.getAttribute('term')
+            if category:
+                categories.append(category)
+        return categories
+    def enforceSchema(self, item_elt, schema, affiliation):
+        """modifify item according to element, or refuse publishing
+        @param item_elt(domish.Element): item to check/modify
+        @param schema(domish.Eement): schema to enfore
+        @param affiliation(unicode): affiliation of the publisher
+        """
+        try:
+            x_elt = next(item_elt.elements(data_form.NS_X_DATA, 'x'))
+            item_form = data_form.Form.fromElement(x_elt)
+        except (StopIteration, data_form.Error):
+            raise pubsub.BadRequest(text="node has a schema but item has no form")
+        else:
+            item_elt.children.remove(x_elt)
+        schema_form = data_form.Form.fromElement(schema)
+        # we enforce restrictions
+        for field_elt in schema.elements(data_form.NS_X_DATA, 'field'):
+            var = field_elt['var']
+            for restrict_elt in field_elt.elements(const.NS_SCHEMA_RESTRICT, 'restrict'):
+                write_restriction = restrict_elt.attributes.get('write')
+                if write_restriction is not None:
+                    if write_restriction == 'owner':
+                        if affiliation != 'owner':
+                            # write is not allowed on this field, we use default value
+                            # we can safely use Field from schema_form because
+                            # we have created this instance only for this method
+                            try:
+                                item_form.removeField(item_form.fields[var])
+                            except KeyError:
+                                pass
+                            item_form.addField(schema_form.fields[var])
+                    else:
+                        raise StanzaError('feature-not-implemented', text='unknown write restriction {}'.format(write_restriction))
+        # we now remove every field which is not in data schema
+        to_remove = set()
+        for item_var, item_field in item_form.fields.iteritems():
+            if item_var not in schema_form.fields:
+                to_remove.add(item_field)
+        for field in to_remove:
+            item_form.removeField(field)
+        item_elt.addChild(item_form.toElement())
+    def _checkOverwrite(self, node, itemIdentifiers, publisher):
+        """Check that publisher can overwrite items
+        current publisher must correspond to each item publisher
+        """
+        def doCheck(item_pub_map):
+            for item_publisher in item_pub_map.itervalues():
+                if item_publisher.userhost() != publisher.userhost():
+                    raise error.ItemForbidden()
+        d = node.getItemsPublishers(itemIdentifiers)
+        d.addCallback(doCheck)
+        return d
+    def publish(self, nodeIdentifier, items, requestor, pep, recipient):
+        d = self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(self._checkAuth, requestor)
+        #FIXME: owner and publisher are not necessarly the same. So far we use only owner to get roster.
+        #FIXME: in addition, there can be several owners: that is not managed yet
+        d.addCallback(self._doPublish, items, requestor, pep, recipient)
+        return d
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def _doPublish(self, result, items, requestor, pep, recipient):
+        affiliation, node = result
+        if node.nodeType == 'collection':
+            raise error.NoPublishing()
+        configuration = node.getConfiguration()
+        persistItems = configuration[const.OPT_PERSIST_ITEMS]
+        deliverPayloads = configuration[const.OPT_DELIVER_PAYLOADS]
+        if items and not persistItems and not deliverPayloads:
+            raise error.ItemForbidden()
+        elif not items and (persistItems or deliverPayloads):
+            raise error.ItemRequired()
+        items_data = []
+        check_overwrite = False
+        ret_payload = None  # payload returned, None or domish.Element
+        for item in items:
+            # we enforce publisher (cf XEP-0060 §
+            item['publisher'] = requestor.full()
+            if persistItems or deliverPayloads:
+                item.uri = None
+                item.defaultUri = None
+                if not item.getAttribute("id"):
+                    item["id"] = yield node.getNextId()
+                    new_item = True
+                    if ret_payload is None:
+                        ret_pubsub_elt = domish.Element((pubsub.NS_PUBSUB, u'pubsub'))
+                        ret_publish_elt = ret_pubsub_elt.addElement(u'publish')
+                        ret_publish_elt[u'node'] = node.nodeIdentifier
+                        ret_payload = ret_pubsub_elt
+                    ret_publish_elt = ret_payload.publish
+                    ret_item_elt = ret_publish_elt.addElement(u'item')
+                    ret_item_elt["id"] = item[u"id"]
+                else:
+                    check_overwrite = True
+                    new_item = False
+            access_model, item_config = self.parseItemConfig(item)
+            categories = self.parseCategories(item)
+            schema = node.getSchema()
+            if schema is not None:
+                self.enforceSchema(item, schema, affiliation)
+            items_data.append(container.ItemData(item, access_model, item_config, categories, new=new_item))
+        if persistItems:
+            if check_overwrite:
+                itemIdentifiers = [item['id'] for item in items
+                                   if item.getAttribute('id')]
+                if affiliation == 'owner' or self.isAdmin(requestor):
+                    if configuration[const.OPT_CONSISTENT_PUBLISHER]:
+                        pub_map = yield node.getItemsPublishers(itemIdentifiers)
+                        publishers = set(pub_map.values())
+                        if len(publishers) != 1:
+                            # TODO: handle multiple items publishing (from several
+                            #       publishers)
+                            raise error.NoPublishing(
+                                u"consistent_publisher is currently only possible when "
+                                u"publishing items from a single publisher. Try to "
+                                u"publish one item at a time")
+                        # we replace requestor and new payload's publisher by original
+                        # item publisher to keep publisher consistent
+                        requestor = publishers.pop()
+                        for item in items:
+                            item['publisher'] = requestor.full()
+                else:
+                    # we don't want a publisher to overwrite the item
+                    # of an other publisher
+                    yield self._checkOverwrite(node, itemIdentifiers, requestor)
+            # TODO: check conflict and recalculate max id if serial_ids is set
+            yield node.storeItems(items_data, requestor)
+        yield self._doNotify(node, items_data, deliverPayloads, pep, recipient)
+        defer.returnValue(ret_payload)
+    def _doNotify(self, node, items_data, deliverPayloads, pep, recipient):
+        if items_data and not deliverPayloads:
+            for item_data in items_data:
+                item_data.item.children = []
+        self.dispatch({'items_data': items_data, 'node': node, 'pep': pep, 'recipient': recipient},
+                      '//event/pubsub/notify')
+    def getNotifications(self, node, items_data):
+        """Build a list of subscriber to the node
+        subscribers will be associated with subscribed items,
+        and subscription type.
+        """
+        def toNotifications(subscriptions, items_data):
+            subsBySubscriber = {}
+            for subscription in subscriptions:
+                if subscription.options.get('pubsub#subscription_type',
+                                            'items') == 'items':
+                    subs = subsBySubscriber.setdefault(subscription.subscriber,
+                                                       set())
+                    subs.add(subscription)
+            notifications = [(subscriber, subscriptions_, items_data)
+                             for subscriber, subscriptions_
+                             in subsBySubscriber.iteritems()]
+            return notifications
+        def rootNotFound(failure):
+            failure.trap(error.NodeNotFound)
+            return []
+        d1 = node.getSubscriptions('subscribed')
+        # FIXME: must add root node subscriptions ?
+        # d2 = self.storage.getNode('', False) # FIXME: to check
+        # d2.addCallback(lambda node: node.getSubscriptions('subscribed'))
+        # d2.addErrback(rootNotFound)
+        # d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
+        # d.addCallback(lambda result: result[0] + result[1])
+        d1.addCallback(toNotifications, items_data)
+        return d1
+    def registerPublishNotifier(self, observerfn, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.addObserver('//event/pubsub/notify', observerfn, *args, **kwargs)
+    def registerRetractNotifier(self, observerfn, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.addObserver('//event/pubsub/retract', observerfn, *args, **kwargs)
+    def subscribe(self, nodeIdentifier, subscriber, requestor, pep, recipient):
+        subscriberEntity = subscriber.userhostJID()
+        if subscriberEntity != requestor.userhostJID():
+            return defer.fail(error.Forbidden())
+        d = self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(_getAffiliation, subscriberEntity)
+        d.addCallback(self._doSubscribe, subscriber, pep, recipient)
+        return d
+    def _doSubscribe(self, result, subscriber, pep, recipient):
+        node, affiliation = result
+        if affiliation == 'outcast':
+            raise error.Forbidden()
+        access_model = node.getAccessModel()
+        if access_model == const.VAL_AMODEL_OPEN:
+            d = defer.succeed(None)
+        elif access_model == const.VAL_AMODEL_PRESENCE:
+            d = self.checkPresenceSubscription(node, subscriber)
+        elif access_model == const.VAL_AMODEL_PUBLISHER_ROSTER:
+            d = self.checkRosterGroups(node, subscriber)
+        elif access_model == const.VAL_AMODEL_WHITELIST:
+            d = self.checkNodeAffiliations(node, subscriber)
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError
+        def trapExists(failure):
+            failure.trap(error.SubscriptionExists)
+            return False
+        def cb(sendLast):
+            d = node.getSubscription(subscriber)
+            if sendLast:
+                d.addCallback(self._sendLastPublished, node, pep, recipient)
+            return d
+        d.addCallback(lambda _: node.addSubscription(subscriber, 'subscribed', {}))
+        d.addCallbacks(lambda _: True, trapExists)
+        d.addCallback(cb)
+        return d
+    def _sendLastPublished(self, subscription, node, pep, recipient):
+        def notifyItem(items_data):
+            if items_data:
+                reactor.callLater(0, self.dispatch,
+                                     {'items_data': items_data,
+                                      'node': node,
+                                      'pep': pep,
+                                      'recipient': recipient,
+                                      'subscription': subscription,
+                                     },
+                                     '//event/pubsub/notify')
+        config = node.getConfiguration()
+        sendLastPublished = config.get('pubsub#send_last_published_item',
+                                       'never')
+        if sendLastPublished == 'on_sub' and node.nodeType == 'leaf':
+            entity = subscription.subscriber.userhostJID()
+            d = self.getItemsData(node.nodeIdentifier, entity, recipient, maxItems=1, ext_data={'pep': pep})
+            d.addCallback(notifyItem)
+            d.addErrback(log.err)
+        return subscription
+    def unsubscribe(self, nodeIdentifier, subscriber, requestor, pep, recipient):
+        if subscriber.userhostJID() != requestor.userhostJID():
+            return defer.fail(error.Forbidden())
+        d = self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(lambda node: node.removeSubscription(subscriber))
+        return d
+    def getSubscriptions(self, requestor, nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient):
+        """retrieve subscriptions of an entity
+        @param requestor(jid.JID): entity who want to check subscriptions
+        @param nodeIdentifier(unicode, None): identifier of the node
+            node to get all subscriptions of a service
+        @param pep(bool): True if it's a PEP request
+        @param recipient(jid.JID, None): recipient of the PEP request
+        """
+        return self.storage.getSubscriptions(requestor, nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+    def supportsAutoCreate(self):
+        return True
+    def supportsCreatorCheck(self):
+        return True
+    def supportsInstantNodes(self):
+        return True
+    def createNode(self, nodeIdentifier, requestor, options = None, pep=False, recipient=None):
+        if not nodeIdentifier:
+            nodeIdentifier = 'generic/%s' % uuid.uuid4()
+        if not options:
+            options = {}
+        # if self.supportsCreatorCheck():
+        #     groupblog = nodeIdentifier.startswith(const.NS_GROUPBLOG_PREFIX)
+        #     try:
+        #         nodeIdentifierJID = JID(nodeIdentifier[len(const.NS_GROUPBLOG_PREFIX):] if groupblog else nodeIdentifier)
+        #     except InvalidFormat:
+        #         is_user_jid = False
+        #     else:
+        #         is_user_jid = bool(nodeIdentifierJID.user)
+        #     if is_user_jid and nodeIdentifierJID.userhostJID() != requestor.userhostJID():
+        #         #we have an user jid node, but not created by the owner of this jid
+        #         print "Wrong creator"
+        #         raise error.Forbidden()
+        nodeType = 'leaf'
+        config = self.storage.getDefaultConfiguration(nodeType)
+        config['pubsub#node_type'] = nodeType
+        config.update(options)
+        # TODO: handle schema on creation
+        d = self.storage.createNode(nodeIdentifier, requestor, config, None, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(lambda _: nodeIdentifier)
+        return d
+    def getDefaultConfiguration(self, nodeType):
+        d = defer.succeed(self.storage.getDefaultConfiguration(nodeType))
+        return d
+    def getNodeConfiguration(self, nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient):
+        if not nodeIdentifier:
+            return defer.fail(error.NoRootNode())
+        d = self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(lambda node: node.getConfiguration())
+        return d
+    def setNodeConfiguration(self, nodeIdentifier, options, requestor, pep, recipient):
+        if not nodeIdentifier:
+            return defer.fail(error.NoRootNode())
+        d = self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(_getAffiliation, requestor)
+        d.addCallback(self._doSetNodeConfiguration, requestor, options)
+        return d
+    def _doSetNodeConfiguration(self, result, requestor, options):
+        node, affiliation = result
+        if affiliation != 'owner' and not self.isAdmin(requestor):
+            raise error.Forbidden()
+        return node.setConfiguration(options)
+    def getNodeSchema(self, nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient):
+        if not nodeIdentifier:
+            return defer.fail(error.NoRootNode())
+        d = self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(lambda node: node.getSchema())
+        return d
+    def setNodeSchema(self, nodeIdentifier, schema, requestor, pep, recipient):
+        """set or remove Schema of a node
+        @param nodeIdentifier(unicode): identifier of the pubusb node
+        @param schema(domish.Element, None): schema to set
+            None to remove schema
+        @param requestor(jid.JID): entity doing the request
+        @param pep(bool): True if it's a PEP request
+        @param recipient(jid.JID, None): recipient of the PEP request
+        """
+        if not nodeIdentifier:
+            return defer.fail(error.NoRootNode())
+        d = self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(_getAffiliation, requestor)
+        d.addCallback(self._doSetNodeSchema, requestor, schema)
+        return d
+    def _doSetNodeSchema(self, result, requestor, schema):
+        node, affiliation = result
+        if affiliation != 'owner' and not self.isAdmin(requestor):
+            raise error.Forbidden()
+        return node.setSchema(schema)
+    def getAffiliations(self, entity, nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient):
+        return self.storage.getAffiliations(entity, nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+    def getAffiliationsOwner(self, nodeIdentifier, requestor, pep, recipient):
+        d = self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(_getAffiliation, requestor)
+        d.addCallback(self._doGetAffiliationsOwner, requestor)
+        return d
+    def _doGetAffiliationsOwner(self, result, requestor):
+        node, affiliation = result
+        if affiliation != 'owner' and not self.isAdmin(requestor):
+            raise error.Forbidden()
+        return node.getAffiliations()
+    def setAffiliationsOwner(self, nodeIdentifier, requestor, affiliations, pep, recipient):
+        d = self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(_getAffiliation, requestor)
+        d.addCallback(self._doSetAffiliationsOwner, requestor, affiliations)
+        return d
+    def _doSetAffiliationsOwner(self, result, requestor, affiliations):
+        # Check that requestor is allowed to set affiliations, and delete entities
+        # with "none" affiliation
+        # TODO: return error with failed affiliations in case of failure
+        node, requestor_affiliation = result
+        if requestor_affiliation != 'owner' and not self.isAdmin(requestor):
+            raise error.Forbidden()
+        # we don't allow requestor to change its own affiliation
+        requestor_bare = requestor.userhostJID()
+        if requestor_bare in affiliations and affiliations[requestor_bare] != 'owner':
+            # FIXME: it may be interesting to allow the owner to ask for ownership removal
+            #        if at least one other entity is owner for this node
+            raise error.Forbidden("You can't change your own affiliation")
+        to_delete = [jid_ for jid_, affiliation in affiliations.iteritems() if affiliation == 'none']
+        for jid_ in to_delete:
+            del affiliations[jid_]
+        if to_delete:
+            d = node.deleteAffiliations(to_delete)
+            if affiliations:
+                d.addCallback(lambda dummy: node.setAffiliations(affiliations))
+        else:
+            d = node.setAffiliations(affiliations)
+        return d
+    def getSubscriptionsOwner(self, nodeIdentifier, requestor, pep, recipient):
+        d = self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(_getAffiliation, requestor)
+        d.addCallback(self._doGetSubscriptionsOwner, requestor)
+        return d
+    def _doGetSubscriptionsOwner(self, result, requestor):
+        node, affiliation = result
+        if affiliation != 'owner' and not self.isAdmin(requestor):
+            raise error.Forbidden()
+        return node.getSubscriptions()
+    def setSubscriptionsOwner(self, nodeIdentifier, requestor, subscriptions, pep, recipient):
+        d = self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(_getAffiliation, requestor)
+        d.addCallback(self._doSetSubscriptionsOwner, requestor, subscriptions)
+        return d
+    def unwrapFirstError(self, failure):
+        failure.trap(defer.FirstError)
+        return failure.value.subFailure
+    def _doSetSubscriptionsOwner(self, result, requestor, subscriptions):
+        # Check that requestor is allowed to set subscriptions, and delete entities
+        # with "none" subscription
+        # TODO: return error with failed subscriptions in case of failure
+        node, requestor_affiliation = result
+        if requestor_affiliation != 'owner' and not self.isAdmin(requestor):
+            raise error.Forbidden()
+        d_list = []
+        for subscription in subscriptions.copy():
+            if subscription.state == 'none':
+                subscriptions.remove(subscription)
+                d_list.append(node.removeSubscription(subscription.subscriber))
+        if subscriptions:
+            d_list.append(node.setSubscriptions(subscriptions))
+        d = defer.gatherResults(d_list, consumeErrors=True)
+        d.addCallback(lambda _: None)
+        d.addErrback(self.unwrapFirstError)
+        return d
+    def filterItemsWithSchema(self, items_data, schema, owner):
+        """check schema restriction and remove fields/items if they don't comply
+        @param items_data(list[ItemData]): items to filter
+            items in this list will be modified
+        @param schema(domish.Element): node schema
+        @param owner(bool): True is requestor is a owner of the node
+        """
+        fields_to_remove = set()
+        for field_elt in schema.elements(data_form.NS_X_DATA, 'field'):
+            for restrict_elt in field_elt.elements(const.NS_SCHEMA_RESTRICT, 'restrict'):
+                read_restriction = restrict_elt.attributes.get('read')
+                if read_restriction is not None:
+                    if read_restriction == 'owner':
+                        if not owner:
+                            fields_to_remove.add(field_elt['var'])
+                    else:
+                        raise StanzaError('feature-not-implemented', text='unknown read restriction {}'.format(read_restriction))
+        items_to_remove = []
+        for idx, item_data in enumerate(items_data):
+            item_elt = item_data.item
+            try:
+                x_elt = next(item_elt.elements(data_form.NS_X_DATA, 'x'))
+            except StopIteration:
+                log.msg("WARNING, item {id} has a schema but no form, ignoring it")
+                items_to_remove.append(item_data)
+                continue
+            form = data_form.Form.fromElement(x_elt)
+            # we remove fields which are not visible for this user
+            for field in fields_to_remove:
+                try:
+                    form.removeField(form.fields[field])
+                except KeyError:
+                    continue
+            item_elt.children.remove(x_elt)
+            item_elt.addChild(form.toElement())
+        for item_data in items_to_remove:
+            items_data.remove(item_data)
+    def checkPresenceSubscription(self, node, requestor):
+        """check if requestor has presence subscription from node owner
+        @param node(Node): node to check
+        @param requestor(jid.JID): entity who want to access node
+        """
+        def gotRoster(roster):
+            if roster is None:
+                raise error.Forbidden()
+            if requestor not in roster:
+                raise error.Forbidden()
+            if not roster[requestor].subscriptionFrom:
+                raise error.Forbidden()
+        d = self.getOwnerRoster(node)
+        d.addCallback(gotRoster)
+        return d
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def checkRosterGroups(self, node, requestor):
+        """check if requestor is in allowed groups of a node
+        @param node(Node): node to check
+        @param requestor(jid.JID): entity who want to access node
+        """
+        roster = yield self.getOwnerRoster(node)
+        if roster is None:
+            raise error.Forbidden()
+        if requestor not in roster:
+            raise error.Forbidden()
+        authorized_groups = yield node.getAuthorizedGroups()
+        if not roster[requestor].groups.intersection(authorized_groups):
+            # requestor is in roster but not in one of the allowed groups
+            raise error.Forbidden()
+    def checkNodeAffiliations(self, node, requestor):
+        """check if requestor is in white list of a node
+        @param node(Node): node to check
+        @param requestor(jid.JID): entity who want to access node
+        """
+        def gotAffiliations(affiliations):
+            try:
+                affiliation = affiliations[requestor.userhostJID()]
+            except KeyError:
+                raise error.Forbidden()
+            else:
+                if affiliation not in ('owner', 'publisher', 'member'):
+                    raise error.Forbidden()
+        d = node.getAffiliations()
+        d.addCallback(gotAffiliations)
+        return d
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def checkNodeAccess(self, node, requestor):
+        """check if a requestor can access data of a node
+        @param node(Node): node to check
+        @param requestor(jid.JID): entity who want to access node
+        @return (tuple): permissions data with:
+            - owner(bool): True if requestor is owner of the node
+            - roster(None, ): roster of the requestor
+                None if not needed/available
+            - access_model(str): access model of the node
+        @raise error.Forbidden: access is not granted
+        @raise error.NotLeafNodeError: this node is not a leaf
+        """
+        node, affiliation = yield _getAffiliation(node, requestor)
+        if not iidavoll.ILeafNode.providedBy(node):
+            raise error.NotLeafNodeError()
+        if affiliation == 'outcast':
+            raise error.Forbidden()
+        # node access check
+        owner = affiliation == 'owner'
+        access_model = node.getAccessModel()
+        roster = None
+        if access_model == const.VAL_AMODEL_OPEN or owner:
+            pass
+        elif access_model == const.VAL_AMODEL_PRESENCE:
+            yield self.checkPresenceSubscription(node, requestor)
+        elif access_model == const.VAL_AMODEL_PUBLISHER_ROSTER:
+            # FIXME: for node, access should be renamed owner-roster, not publisher
+            yield self.checkRosterGroups(node, requestor)
+        elif access_model == const.VAL_AMODEL_WHITELIST:
+            yield self.checkNodeAffiliations(node, requestor)
+        else:
+            raise Exception(u"Unknown access_model")
+        defer.returnValue((affiliation, owner, roster, access_model))
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def getItemsIds(self, nodeIdentifier, requestor, authorized_groups, unrestricted, maxItems=None, ext_data=None, pep=False, recipient=None):
+        # FIXME: items access model are not checked
+        # TODO: check items access model
+        node = yield self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        affiliation, owner, roster, access_model = yield self.checkNodeAccess(node, requestor)
+        ids = yield node.getItemsIds(authorized_groups,
+                                     unrestricted,
+                                     maxItems,
+                                     ext_data)
+        defer.returnValue(ids)
+    def getItems(self, nodeIdentifier, requestor, recipient, maxItems=None,
+                       itemIdentifiers=None, ext_data=None):
+        d = self.getItemsData(nodeIdentifier, requestor, recipient, maxItems, itemIdentifiers, ext_data)
+        d.addCallback(lambda items_data: [item_data.item for item_data in items_data])
+        return d
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def getOwnerRoster(self, node, owners=None):
+        # FIXME: roster of publisher, not owner, must be used
+        if owners is None:
+            owners = yield node.getOwners()
+        if len(owners) != 1:
+            log.msg('publisher-roster access is not allowed with more than 1 owner')
+            return
+        owner_jid = owners[0]
+        try:
+            roster = yield self.privilege.getRoster(owner_jid)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.msg("Error while getting roster of {owner_jid}: {msg}".format(
+                owner_jid = owner_jid.full(),
+                msg = e))
+            return
+        defer.returnValue(roster)
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def getItemsData(self, nodeIdentifier, requestor, recipient, maxItems=None,
+                       itemIdentifiers=None, ext_data=None):
+        """like getItems but return the whole ItemData"""
+        if maxItems == 0:
+            log.msg("WARNING: maxItems=0 on items retrieval")
+            defer.returnValue([])
+        if ext_data is None:
+            ext_data = {}
+        node = yield self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, ext_data.get('pep', False), recipient)
+        try:
+            affiliation, owner, roster, access_model = yield self.checkNodeAccess(node, requestor)
+        except error.NotLeafNodeError:
+            defer.returnValue([])
+        # at this point node access is checked
+        if owner:
+            # requestor_groups is only used in restricted access
+            requestor_groups = None
+        else:
+            if roster is None:
+                # FIXME: publisher roster should be used, not owner
+                roster = yield self.getOwnerRoster(node)
+                if roster is None:
+                    roster = {}
+            roster_item = roster.get(requestor.userhostJID())
+            requestor_groups = tuple(roster_item.groups) if roster_item else tuple()
+        if itemIdentifiers:
+            items_data = yield node.getItemsById(requestor_groups, owner, itemIdentifiers)
+        else:
+            items_data = yield node.getItems(requestor_groups, owner, maxItems, ext_data)
+        if owner:
+            # Add item config data form to items with roster access model
+            for item_data in items_data:
+                if item_data.access_model == const.VAL_AMODEL_OPEN:
+                    pass
+                elif item_data.access_model == const.VAL_AMODEL_PUBLISHER_ROSTER:
+                    form = data_form.Form('submit', formNamespace=const.NS_ITEM_CONFIG)
+                    access = data_form.Field(None, const.OPT_ACCESS_MODEL, value=const.VAL_AMODEL_PUBLISHER_ROSTER)
+                    allowed = data_form.Field(None, const.OPT_ROSTER_GROUPS_ALLOWED, values=item_data.config[const.OPT_ROSTER_GROUPS_ALLOWED])
+                    form.addField(access)
+                    form.addField(allowed)
+                    item_data.item.addChild(form.toElement())
+                elif access_model == const.VAL_AMODEL_WHITELIST:
+                    #FIXME
+                    raise NotImplementedError
+                else:
+                    raise error.BadAccessTypeError(access_model)
+        schema = node.getSchema()
+        if schema is not None:
+            self.filterItemsWithSchema(items_data, schema, owner)
+        yield self._items_rsm(items_data, node, requestor_groups, owner, itemIdentifiers, ext_data)
+        defer.returnValue(items_data)
+    def _setCount(self, value, response):
+        response.count = value
+    def _setIndex(self, value, response, adjust):
+        """Set index in RSM response
+        @param value(int): value of the reference index (i.e. before or after item)
+        @param response(RSMResponse): response instance to fill
+        @param adjust(int): adjustement term (i.e. difference between reference index and first item of the result)
+        """
+        response.index = value + adjust
+    def _items_rsm(self, items_data, node, authorized_groups, owner,
+                   itemIdentifiers, ext_data):
+        # FIXME: move this to a separate module
+        # TODO: Index can be optimized by keeping a cache of the last RSM request
+        #       An other optimisation would be to look for index first and use it as offset
+        try:
+            rsm_request = ext_data['rsm']
+        except KeyError:
+            # No RSM in this request, nothing to do
+            return items_data
+        if itemIdentifiers:
+            log.msg("WARNING, itemIdentifiers used with RSM, ignoring the RSM part")
+            return items_data
+        response = rsm.RSMResponse()
+        d_count = node.getItemsCount(authorized_groups, owner, ext_data)
+        d_count.addCallback(self._setCount, response)
+        d_list = [d_count]
+        if items_data:
+            response.first = items_data[0].item['id']
+            response.last = items_data[-1].item['id']
+            # index handling
+            if rsm_request.index is not None:
+                response.index = rsm_request.index
+            elif rsm_request.before:
+                # The last page case (before == '') is managed in render method
+                d_index = node.getItemsIndex(rsm_request.before, authorized_groups, owner, ext_data)
+                d_index.addCallback(self._setIndex, response, -len(items_data))
+                d_list.append(d_index)
+            elif rsm_request.after is not None:
+                d_index = node.getItemsIndex(rsm_request.after, authorized_groups, owner, ext_data)
+                d_index.addCallback(self._setIndex, response, 1)
+                d_list.append(d_index)
+            else:
+                # the first page was requested
+                response.index = 0
+        def render(result):
+            if rsm_request.before == '':
+                # the last page was requested
+                response.index = response.count - len(items_data)
+            items_data.append(container.ItemData(response.toElement()))
+            return items_data
+        return defer.DeferredList(d_list).addCallback(render)
+    def retractItem(self, nodeIdentifier, itemIdentifiers, requestor, notify, pep, recipient):
+        d = self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(_getAffiliation, requestor)
+        d.addCallback(self._doRetract, itemIdentifiers, requestor, notify, pep, recipient)
+        return d
+    def _doRetract(self, result, itemIdentifiers, requestor, notify, pep, recipient):
+        node, affiliation = result
+        persistItems = node.getConfiguration()[const.OPT_PERSIST_ITEMS]
+        if not persistItems:
+            raise error.NodeNotPersistent()
+        # we need to get the items before removing them, for the notifications
+        def removeItems(items_data):
+            """Remove the items and keep only actually removed ones in items_data"""
+            d = node.removeItems(itemIdentifiers)
+            d.addCallback(lambda removed: [item_data for item_data in items_data if item_data.item["id"] in removed])
+            return d
+        def checkPublishers(publishers_map):
+            """Called when requestor is neither owner neither publisher of the Node
+            We check that requestor is publisher of all the items he wants to retract
+            and raise error.Forbidden if it is not the case
+            """
+            # TODO: the behaviour should be configurable (per node ?)
+            if (any((requestor.userhostJID() != publisher.userhostJID()
+                    for publisher in publishers_map.itervalues()))
+                and not self.isAdmin(requestor)
+               ):
+                raise error.Forbidden()
+        if affiliation in ['owner', 'publisher']:
+            # the requestor is owner or publisher of the node
+            # he can retract what he wants
+            d = defer.succeed(None)
+        else:
+            # the requestor doesn't have right to retract on the whole node
+            # we check if he is a publisher for all items he wants to retract
+            # and forbid the retraction else.
+            d = node.getItemsPublishers(itemIdentifiers)
+            d.addCallback(checkPublishers)
+        d.addCallback(lambda dummy: node.getItemsById(None, True, itemIdentifiers))
+        d.addCallback(removeItems)
+        if notify:
+            d.addCallback(self._doNotifyRetraction, node, pep, recipient)
+        return d
+    def _doNotifyRetraction(self, items_data, node, pep, recipient):
+        self.dispatch({'items_data': items_data,
+                       'node': node,
+                       'pep': pep,
+                       'recipient': recipient},
+                      '//event/pubsub/retract')
+    def purgeNode(self, nodeIdentifier, requestor, pep, recipient):
+        d = self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(_getAffiliation, requestor)
+        d.addCallback(self._doPurge, requestor)
+        return d
+    def _doPurge(self, result, requestor):
+        node, affiliation = result
+        persistItems = node.getConfiguration()[const.OPT_PERSIST_ITEMS]
+        if affiliation != 'owner' and not self.isAdmin(requestor):
+            raise error.Forbidden()
+        if not persistItems:
+            raise error.NodeNotPersistent()
+        d = node.purge()
+        d.addCallback(self._doNotifyPurge, node.nodeIdentifier)
+        return d
+    def _doNotifyPurge(self, result, nodeIdentifier):
+        self.dispatch(nodeIdentifier, '//event/pubsub/purge')
+    def registerPreDelete(self, preDeleteFn):
+        self._callbackList.append(preDeleteFn)
+    def getSubscribers(self, nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient):
+        def cb(subscriptions):
+            return [subscription.subscriber for subscription in subscriptions]
+        d = self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(lambda node: node.getSubscriptions('subscribed'))
+        d.addCallback(cb)
+        return d
+    def deleteNode(self, nodeIdentifier, requestor, pep, recipient, redirectURI=None):
+        d = self.storage.getNode(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(_getAffiliation, requestor)
+        d.addCallback(self._doPreDelete, requestor, redirectURI, pep, recipient)
+        return d
+    def _doPreDelete(self, result, requestor, redirectURI, pep, recipient):
+        node, affiliation = result
+        if affiliation != 'owner' and not self.isAdmin(requestor):
+            raise error.Forbidden()
+        data = {'node': node,
+                'redirectURI': redirectURI}
+        d = defer.DeferredList([cb(data, pep, recipient)
+                                for cb in self._callbackList],
+                               consumeErrors=1)
+        d.addCallback(self._doDelete, node.nodeDbId)
+    def _doDelete(self, result, nodeDbId):
+        dl = []
+        for succeeded, r in result:
+            if succeeded and r:
+                dl.extend(r)
+        d = self.storage.deleteNodeByDbId(nodeDbId)
+        d.addCallback(self._doNotifyDelete, dl)
+        return d
+    def _doNotifyDelete(self, result, dl):
+        for d in dl:
+            d.callback(None)
+class PubSubResourceFromBackend(pubsub.PubSubResource):
+    """
+    Adapts a backend to an xmpp publish-subscribe service.
+    """
+    features = [
+        "config-node",
+        "create-nodes",
+        "delete-any",
+        "delete-nodes",
+        "item-ids",
+        "meta-data",
+        "publish",
+        "purge-nodes",
+        "retract-items",
+        "retrieve-affiliations",
+        "retrieve-default",
+        "retrieve-items",
+        "retrieve-subscriptions",
+        "subscribe",
+    ]
+    discoIdentity = disco.DiscoIdentity('pubsub',
+                                        'service',
+                                        u'Salut à Toi pubsub service')
+    pubsubService = None
+    _errorMap = {
+        error.NodeNotFound: ('item-not-found', None, None),
+        error.NodeExists: ('conflict', None, None),
+        error.Forbidden: ('forbidden', None, None),
+        error.NotAuthorized: ('not-authorized', None, None),
+        error.ItemNotFound: ('item-not-found', None, None),
+        error.ItemForbidden: ('bad-request', 'item-forbidden', None),
+        error.ItemRequired: ('bad-request', 'item-required', None),
+        error.NoInstantNodes: ('not-acceptable',
+                               'unsupported',
+                               'instant-nodes'),
+        error.NotSubscribed: ('unexpected-request', 'not-subscribed', None),
+        error.InvalidConfigurationOption: ('not-acceptable', None, None),
+        error.InvalidConfigurationValue: ('not-acceptable', None, None),
+        error.NodeNotPersistent: ('feature-not-implemented',
+                                  'unsupported',
+                                  'persistent-node'),
+        error.NoRootNode: ('bad-request', None, None),
+        error.NoCollections: ('feature-not-implemented',
+                              'unsupported',
+                              'collections'),
+        error.NoPublishing: ('feature-not-implemented',
+                             'unsupported',
+                             'publish'),
+    }
+    def __init__(self, backend):
+        pubsub.PubSubResource.__init__(self)
+        self.backend = backend
+        self.hideNodes = False
+        self.backend.registerPublishNotifier(self._notifyPublish)
+        self.backend.registerRetractNotifier(self._notifyRetract)
+        self.backend.registerPreDelete(self._preDelete)
+        # FIXME: to be removed, it's not useful anymore as PEP is now used
+        # if self.backend.supportsCreatorCheck():
+        #     self.features.append("creator-jid-check")  #SàT custom feature: Check that a node (which correspond to
+                                                       #                    a jid in this server) is created by the right jid
+        if self.backend.supportsAutoCreate():
+            self.features.append("auto-create")
+        if self.backend.supportsPublishOptions():
+            self.features.append("publish-options")
+        if self.backend.supportsInstantNodes():
+            self.features.append("instant-nodes")
+        if self.backend.supportsOutcastAffiliation():
+            self.features.append("outcast-affiliation")
+        if self.backend.supportsPersistentItems():
+            self.features.append("persistent-items")
+        if self.backend.supportsPublisherAffiliation():
+            self.features.append("publisher-affiliation")
+        if self.backend.supportsGroupBlog():
+            self.features.append("groupblog")
+        # if self.backend.supportsPublishModel():       #XXX: this feature is not really described in XEP-0060, we just can see it in examples
+        #     self.features.append("publish_model")     #     but it's necessary for microblogging comments (see XEP-0277)
+    def getFullItem(self, item_data):
+        """ Attach item configuration to this item
+        Used to give item configuration back to node's owner (and *only* to owner)
+        """
+        # TODO: a test should check that only the owner get the item configuration back
+        item, item_config = item_data.item, item_data.config
+        if item_config:
+            new_item = elementCopy(item)
+            new_item.addChild(item_config.toElement())
+            return new_item
+        else:
+            return item
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def _notifyPublish(self, data):
+        items_data = data['items_data']
+        node = data['node']
+        pep = data['pep']
+        recipient = data['recipient']
+        owners, notifications_filtered = yield self._prepareNotify(items_data, node, data.get('subscription'), pep, recipient)
+        # we notify the owners
+        # FIXME: check if this comply with XEP-0060 (option needed ?)
+        # TODO: item's access model have to be sent back to owner
+        # TODO: same thing for getItems
+        for owner_jid in owners:
+            notifications_filtered.append(
+                (owner_jid,
+                 {pubsub.Subscription(node.nodeIdentifier,
+                                      owner_jid,
+                                      'subscribed')},
+                 [self.getFullItem(item_data) for item_data in items_data]))
+        if pep:
+            defer.returnValue(self.backend.privilege.notifyPublish(
+                recipient,
+                node.nodeIdentifier,
+                notifications_filtered))
+        else:
+            defer.returnValue(self.pubsubService.notifyPublish(
+                self.serviceJID,
+                node.nodeIdentifier,
+                notifications_filtered))
+    def _notifyRetract(self, data):
+        items_data = data['items_data']
+        node = data['node']
+        pep = data['pep']
+        recipient = data['recipient']
+        def afterPrepare(result):
+            owners, notifications_filtered = result
+            #we add the owners
+            for owner_jid in owners:
+                notifications_filtered.append(
+                    (owner_jid,
+                     {pubsub.Subscription(node.nodeIdentifier,
+                                          owner_jid,
+                                          'subscribed')},
+                     [item_data.item for item_data in items_data]))
+            if pep:
+                return self.backend.privilege.notifyRetract(
+                    recipient,
+                    node.nodeIdentifier,
+                    notifications_filtered)
+            else:
+                return self.pubsubService.notifyRetract(
+                    self.serviceJID,
+                    node.nodeIdentifier,
+                    notifications_filtered)
+        d = self._prepareNotify(items_data, node, data.get('subscription'), pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(afterPrepare)
+        return d
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def _prepareNotify(self, items_data, node, subscription=None, pep=None, recipient=None):
+        """Do a bunch of permissions check and filter notifications
+        The owner is not added to these notifications,
+        it must be added by the calling method
+        @param items_data(tuple): must contain:
+            - item (domish.Element)
+            - access_model (unicode)
+            - access_list (dict as returned getItemsById, or item_config)
+        @param node(LeafNode): node hosting the items
+        @param subscription(pubsub.Subscription, None): TODO
+        @return (tuple): will contain:
+            - notifications_filtered
+            - node_owner_jid
+            - items_data
+        """
+        if subscription is None:
+            notifications = yield self.backend.getNotifications(node, items_data)
+        else:
+            notifications = [(subscription.subscriber, [subscription], items_data)]
+        if pep and node.getConfiguration()[const.OPT_ACCESS_MODEL] in ('open', 'presence'):
+            # for PEP we need to manage automatic subscriptions (cf. XEP-0163 §4)
+            explicit_subscribers = {subscriber for subscriber, _, _ in notifications}
+            auto_subscribers = yield self.backend.privilege.getAutoSubscribers(recipient, node.nodeIdentifier, explicit_subscribers)
+            for sub_jid in auto_subscribers:
+                 sub = pubsub.Subscription(node.nodeIdentifier, sub_jid, 'subscribed')
+                 notifications.append((sub_jid, [sub], items_data))
+        owners = yield node.getOwners()
+        owner_roster = None
+        # now we check access of subscriber for each item, and keep only allowed ones
+        #we filter items not allowed for the subscribers
+        notifications_filtered = []
+        schema = node.getSchema()
+        for subscriber, subscriptions, items_data in notifications:
+            subscriber_bare = subscriber.userhostJID()
+            if subscriber_bare in owners:
+                # as notification is always sent to owner,
+                # we ignore owner if he is here
+                continue
+            allowed_items = [] #we keep only item which subscriber can access
+            if schema is not None:
+                # we have to copy items_data because different subscribers may receive
+                # different items (e.g. read restriction in schema)
+                items_data = [itemDataCopy(item_data) for item_data in items_data]
+                self.backend.filterItemsWithSchema(items_data, schema, False)
+            for item_data in items_data:
+                item, access_model = item_data.item, item_data.access_model
+                access_list = item_data.config
+                if access_model == const.VAL_AMODEL_OPEN:
+                    allowed_items.append(item)
+                elif access_model == const.VAL_AMODEL_PUBLISHER_ROSTER:
+                    if owner_roster is None:
+                        # FIXME: publisher roster should be used, not owner
+                        owner_roster= yield self.backend.getOwnerRoster(node, owners)
+                    if owner_roster is None:
+                        owner_roster = {}
+                    if not subscriber_bare in owner_roster:
+                        continue
+                    #the subscriber is known, is he in the right group ?
+                    authorized_groups = access_list[const.OPT_ROSTER_GROUPS_ALLOWED]
+                    if owner_roster[subscriber_bare].groups.intersection(authorized_groups):
+                        allowed_items.append(item)
+                else: #unknown access_model
+                    # TODO: white list access
+                    raise NotImplementedError
+            if allowed_items:
+                notifications_filtered.append((subscriber, subscriptions, allowed_items))
+        defer.returnValue((owners, notifications_filtered))
+    def _preDelete(self, data, pep, recipient):
+        nodeIdentifier = data['node'].nodeIdentifier
+        redirectURI = data.get('redirectURI', None)
+        d = self.backend.getSubscribers(nodeIdentifier, pep, recipient)
+        d.addCallback(lambda subscribers: self.pubsubService.notifyDelete(
+                                                self.serviceJID,
+                                                nodeIdentifier,
+                                                subscribers,
+                                                redirectURI))
+        return d
+    def _mapErrors(self, failure):
+        e = failure.trap(*self._errorMap.keys())
+        condition, pubsubCondition, feature = self._errorMap[e]
+        msg = failure.value.msg
+        if pubsubCondition:
+            exc = pubsub.PubSubError(condition, pubsubCondition, feature, msg)
+        else:
+            exc = StanzaError(condition, text=msg)
+        raise exc
+    def getInfo(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier, pep=None, recipient=None):
+        return [] # FIXME: disabled for now, need to manage PEP
+        if not requestor.resource:
+            # this avoid error when getting a disco request from server during namespace delegation
+            return []
+        info = {}
+        def saveType(result):
+            info['type'] = result
+            return nodeIdentifier
+        def saveMetaData(result):
+            info['meta-data'] = result
+            return info
+        def trapNotFound(failure):
+            failure.trap(error.NodeNotFound)
+            return info
+        d = defer.succeed(nodeIdentifier)
+        d.addCallback(self.backend.getNodeType)
+        d.addCallback(saveType)
+        d.addCallback(self.backend.getNodeMetaData)
+        d.addCallback(saveMetaData)
+        d.addErrback(trapNotFound)
+        d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+        return d
+    def getNodes(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier):
+        """return nodes for disco#items
+        Pubsub/PEP nodes will be returned if disco node is not specified
+        else Pubsub/PEP items will be returned
+        (according to what requestor can access)
+        """
+        try:
+            pep = service.pep
+        except AttributeError:
+            pep = False
+        if service.resource:
+            return defer.succeed([])
+        if nodeIdentifier:
+            d = self.backend.getItemsIds(nodeIdentifier,
+                                         requestor,
+                                         [],
+                                         requestor.userhostJID() == service,
+                                         None,
+                                         None,
+                                         pep,
+                                         service)
+            # items must be set as name, not node
+            d.addCallback(lambda items: [(None, item) for item in items])
+        else:
+            d = self.backend.getNodes(requestor.userhostJID(),
+                                      pep,
+                                      service)
+        return d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+    def getConfigurationOptions(self):
+        return self.backend.nodeOptions
+    def _publish_errb(self, failure, request):
+        if failure.type == error.NodeNotFound and self.backend.supportsAutoCreate():
+            print "Auto-creating node %s" % (request.nodeIdentifier,)
+            d = self.backend.createNode(request.nodeIdentifier,
+                                        request.sender,
+                                        pep=self._isPep(request),
+                                        recipient=request.recipient)
+            d.addCallback(lambda ignore,
+                                 request: self.backend.publish(request.nodeIdentifier,
+                                                               request.items,
+                                                               request.sender,
+                                                               self._isPep(request),
+                                                               request.recipient,
+                                                              ),
+                          request)
+            return d
+        return failure
+    def _isPep(self, request):
+        try:
+            return request.delegated
+        except AttributeError:
+            return False
+    def publish(self, request):
+        d = self.backend.publish(request.nodeIdentifier,
+                                 request.items,
+                                 request.sender,
+                                 self._isPep(request),
+                                 request.recipient)
+        d.addErrback(self._publish_errb, request)
+        return d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+    def subscribe(self, request):
+        d = self.backend.subscribe(request.nodeIdentifier,
+                                   request.subscriber,
+                                   request.sender,
+                                   self._isPep(request),
+                                   request.recipient)
+        return d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+    def unsubscribe(self, request):
+        d = self.backend.unsubscribe(request.nodeIdentifier,
+                                     request.subscriber,
+                                     request.sender,
+                                     self._isPep(request),
+                                     request.recipient)
+        return d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+    def subscriptions(self, request):
+        d = self.backend.getSubscriptions(request.sender,
+                                          request.nodeIdentifier,
+                                          self._isPep(request),
+                                          request.recipient)
+        return d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+    def affiliations(self, request):
+        """Retrieve affiliation for normal entity (cf. XEP-0060 §5.7)
+        retrieve all node where this jid is affiliated
+        """
+        d = self.backend.getAffiliations(request.sender,
+                                         request.nodeIdentifier,
+                                         self._isPep(request),
+                                         request.recipient)
+        return d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+    def create(self, request):
+        d = self.backend.createNode(request.nodeIdentifier,
+                                    request.sender, request.options,
+                                    self._isPep(request),
+                                    request.recipient)
+        return d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+    def default(self, request):
+        d = self.backend.getDefaultConfiguration(request.nodeType,
+                                                 self._isPep(request),
+                                                 request.sender)
+        return d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+    def configureGet(self, request):
+        d = self.backend.getNodeConfiguration(request.nodeIdentifier,
+                                              self._isPep(request),
+                                              request.recipient)
+        return d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+    def configureSet(self, request):
+        d = self.backend.setNodeConfiguration(request.nodeIdentifier,
+                                              request.options,
+                                              request.sender,
+                                              self._isPep(request),
+                                              request.recipient)
+        return d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+    def affiliationsGet(self, request):
+        """Retrieve affiliations for owner (cf. XEP-0060 §8.9.1)
+        retrieve all affiliations for a node
+        """
+        d = self.backend.getAffiliationsOwner(request.nodeIdentifier,
+                                              request.sender,
+                                              self._isPep(request),
+                                              request.recipient)
+        return d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+    def affiliationsSet(self, request):
+        d = self.backend.setAffiliationsOwner(request.nodeIdentifier,
+                                              request.sender,
+                                              request.affiliations,
+                                              self._isPep(request),
+                                              request.recipient)
+        return d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+    def subscriptionsGet(self, request):
+        """Retrieve subscriptions for owner (cf. XEP-0060 §8.8.1)
+        retrieve all affiliations for a node
+        """
+        d = self.backend.getSubscriptionsOwner(request.nodeIdentifier,
+                                               request.sender,
+                                               self._isPep(request),
+                                               request.recipient)
+        return d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+    def subscriptionsSet(self, request):
+        d = self.backend.setSubscriptionsOwner(request.nodeIdentifier,
+                                              request.sender,
+                                              request.subscriptions,
+                                              self._isPep(request),
+                                              request.recipient)
+        return d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+    def items(self, request):
+        ext_data = {}
+        if const.FLAG_ENABLE_RSM and request.rsm is not None:
+            if request.rsm.max < 0:
+                raise pubsub.BadRequest(text="max can't be negative")
+            ext_data['rsm'] = request.rsm
+        try:
+            ext_data['pep'] = request.delegated
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        ext_data['order_by'] = request.orderBy or []
+        d = self.backend.getItems(request.nodeIdentifier,
+                                  request.sender,
+                                  request.recipient,
+                                  request.maxItems,
+                                  request.itemIdentifiers,
+                                  ext_data)
+        return d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+    def retract(self, request):
+        d = self.backend.retractItem(request.nodeIdentifier,
+                                     request.itemIdentifiers,
+                                     request.sender,
+                                     request.notify,
+                                     self._isPep(request),
+                                     request.recipient)
+        return d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+    def purge(self, request):
+        d = self.backend.purgeNode(request.nodeIdentifier,
+                                   request.sender,
+                                   self._isPep(request),
+                                   request.recipient)
+        return d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+    def delete(self, request):
+        d = self.backend.deleteNode(request.nodeIdentifier,
+                                    request.sender,
+                                    self._isPep(request),
+                                    request.recipient)
+        return d.addErrback(self._mapErrors)
+                           iidavoll.IBackendService,
+                           iwokkel.IPubSubResource)
+class ExtraDiscoHandler(XMPPHandler):
+    implements(iwokkel.IDisco)
+    # see comment in twisted/plugins/pubsub.py
+    # FIXME: upstream must be fixed so we can use custom (non pubsub#) disco features
+    def getDiscoInfo(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier=''):
+        return [disco.DiscoFeature(pubsub.NS_ORDER_BY)]
+    def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier=''):
+        return []