This is the first try at rewriting Idavoll using Twisted Python. What is Idavoll =============== A pubsub service, as defined in JEP-0060, aiming to be fully compliant and mostly complete. The goal is to build a /generic/ pubsub service, but of which parts can be reused for building custom pubsub services for specific applications. Current Status ============== It is still very experimental, has hardcoded nodes and subscriptions and no storage for items. It does implement the mimimal requirements of JEP-0060 version 1.4. It also returns the following features defined in version 1.5 of the specification: It lacks support for requesting the current affiliations, and doesn't allow for discoing for meta-data of nodes. Therefore it is not compliant with 1.5, yet. Requirements ============ - Twisted >= 1.2.0 - The following patches to the twisted/xish directory: - A jabber server like jabberd 1.4 Usage ===== For jabberd 1.4 configuration, put the following in jabber.xml: 1238 mysecret and restart jabberd. Then, in the same directory as this file run: mktap idavoll --rport=1238 --jid=pubsub.localhost --secret=1238 twistd -rf idavoll.tap