+ − 1 {# create a new event #}
+ − 2
+ − 3 {% extends 'base/base.html' %}
+ − 4 {% import 'input/form.html' as form with context %}
+ − 5 {% import 'input/field.html' as field with context %}
+ − 6
+ − 7 {% block body %}
+ − 8 < section class = "section" >
+ − 9 < h3 class = 'title is-3' >
+ − 10 {% trans %} Create an event{% endtrans %}
+ − 11 </ h3 >
+ − 12 {% call form.form ( class = "form--paper form__panel--vertical" ) %}
+ − 13 {{ field.text ( "name" , _ ( "name" ), required = true ) }}
+ − 14 {{ field.text ( "location" , _ ( "location" ), required = true ) }}
+ − 15 {{ field.textarea ( "body" ,
+ − 16 _ ( "description of the event" ),
+ − 17 required = true ,
+ − 18 ) }}
+ − 19 {{ field.date ( "date" , _ ( "date of the event" ), required = true ) }}
+ − 20 {{ field.url ( "main_image" , _ ( "event image URL (https)" ),
+ − 21 title = _ ( "you can enter here the URL to a JPEG or PNG image to use as representation of your event" ),
+ − 22 placeholder = _ ( "JPEG or PNG image URL" ),
+ − 23 pattern = 'http.*(jpg|jpeg|png)' ) }}
+ − 24 {{ field.url ( "bg_image" , _ ( "background image URL (https)" ),
+ − 25 title = _ ( "you can enter here the URL to a JPEG or PNG image to use repeating background" ),
+ − 26 placeholder = _ ( "JPEG or PNG image URL" ),
+ − 27 pattern = 'http.*(jpg|jpeg|png)' ) }}
+ − 28 {{ field.submit ( _ ( "Create event" )) }}
+ − 29 {% endcall %}
+ − 30 </ section >
+ − 31 {% endblock body %}