view default/input/xmlui.html @ 84:b2ef34e602cf

base, js (websocket), css (main style): dynamic pages implementation, first draft: this patch introduces the browser part of dynamic pages. Dynamic pages work by establishing a websocket between server and the current page, if requested by server (which means that needed arguments are present in template). Once the connection is established, the server can, for now, reload the page, append HTML elements, or receive arbitrary data (without reloading the page, in opposition to data post). If connection can't be established, a popup will be displayed and connection will be retried many times after variable timeouts. The browser will finally give up and display an alert to client if the number of retries is too high (20 for now).
author Goffi <>
date Wed, 03 Jan 2018 01:12:16 +0100
parents 6f1686723472
children cc36a5b990ab
line wrap: on
line source

{% import 'input/field.html' as field %}

{# generate methods #}

{% macro generate_container(cont, config) %}
    {% if cont.type == 'vertical' %}
        {{ vertical_container(cont, config) }}
    {% elif cont.type == 'pairs' %}
        {{ pairs_container(cont, config) }}
    {% elif cont.type == 'label' %}
        {{ label_container(cont, config) }}
    {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro generate_widget(wid, config, id=none) %}
    {% if wid.type == 'text' %}
        {{ text_widget(wid, config, id=id) }}
    {% elif wid.type == 'label' %}
        {{ label_widget(wid, config) }}
    {% elif wid.type == 'string' %}
        {{ string_widget(wid, config, id=id) }}
    {% elif wid.type == 'jid' %}
        {# TODO: proper JID widget #}
        {{ string_widget(wid, config, id=id) }}
    {% elif wid.type == 'textbox' %}
        {{ textbox_widget(wid, config, id=id) }}
    {% elif wid.type == 'list' %}
        {{ list_widget(wid, config, id=id) }}
    {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro generate_children(cont, config) %}
    {% for child in cont.children %}
        {% if child.category == 'container' %}
            {{ generate_container(child, config) }}
        {% else %}
            {{ generate_widget(child, config) }}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

{% endmacro %}

{% macro generate(xmlui, form=true, filters=none, attributes=none) %}
{# generate HTML from XMLUI
    @param xmlui(template_xmlui.XMLUIPanel): xmlui to use
    @param form(bool): if true will generate form elements
    @param filters(dict,none): filters as expected by item_filter
    @param attributes(dict,none): extra attributes to put on named widgets
    {% set config = {'form':form, 'filters':filters or {}, 'attrs': attributes or {}} %}
    {{ generate_container(xmlui.main_cont, config) }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro generate_table(xmlui_items, fields, formatters, tr_class_fields, on_click) %}
{# generate a HTML table from requested widgets names
    @param xmlui_items(iterable[unicode]): list of xmlui to show (one per row)
    @param fields(tuple[unicode,unicode]): fields to show (name, label)
    @param formatters(dict): dictionary of templates to format values:
        field_name => template
        if no formatter is set (or None is used) for a field, it will be used unmodified.
        current xmlui items will be set as "item" key
    @param tr_class_fields(iterable[unicode]): name of fields to use as class
        class will be "{name}_{value}" where name is field name, and value field value
        all lowercase/stripped
    @param on_click(data_objects.OnClick): thing to do when clicking on a row
    {% if formatters is undefined %}
        {% set formatters = {} %}
    {% endif %}
                {% for name,label in fields %}
                    <th>{{ label }}</th>
                {% endfor %}
            {% for xmlui in xmlui_items %}
                {% set link=on_click.formatUrl(xmlui.widget_value) if on_click.url else none %}
                <tr {{ {'class': xmlui|xmlui_class(tr_class_fields)}|xmlattr }}>

                    {% for name,label in fields %}
                        <td {{ {'class': 'td_'+name}|xmlattr }}>
                            {% for value in xmlui.widgets[name].values %}
                                <a {{ {'href':link}|xmlattr }}>{{ value|adv_format(formatters.get(name),item=xmlui.widget_value) }}</a>
                            {% endfor %}
                    {% endfor %}
            {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro generate_list(xmlui_items, fields, formatters, item_class_fields, on_click) %}
{# generate a list of rendered XMLUI from requested widgets names
    very similar to generate_table but generate a list instead of a tabme
    @param xmlui_items(iterable[unicode]): list of xmlui to show
    @param fields(tuple[unicode,unicode]): fields to show (name, label)
    @param formatters(dict): dictionary of templates to format values:
        field_name => template
        if no formatter is set (or None is used) for a field, it will be used unmodified.
        current xmlui items will be set as "item" key
    @param item_class_fields(iterable[unicode]): name of fields to use as class
        class will be "{name}_{value}" where name is field name, and value field value
        all lowercase/stripped
    @param on_click(data_objects.OnClick): thing to do when clicking on a row
    {% if formatters is undefined %}
        {% set formatters = {} %}
    {% endif %}
    <ul class="xmlui_list">
        {% for xmlui in xmlui_items %}
            {% set link=on_click.formatUrl(xmlui.widget_value) if on_click.url else none %}
                <a {{ {'class': xmlui|xmlui_class(item_class_fields),
                        'href':link}|xmlattr }}>
                    {% for name,label in fields %}
                        <span {{ {'class': 'xmlui_field__'+name}|xmlattr }}>
                            {% for label in xmlui.widgets[name].labels %}
                                <span>{{ label|adv_format(formatters.get(name),item=xmlui.widget_value) }}</span>
                            {% endfor %}
                    {% endfor %}
        {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

{# containers #}

{% macro vertical_container(cont, config) %}
    <div class="xmlui_cont xmlui_cont_vertical">
        {{ generate_children(cont, config) }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro pairs_container(cont, config) %}
    {# TODO: proper impelmentation (do the same as vertical container for now #}
    <div class="xmlui_cont xmlui_cont_vertical">
        {{ generate_children(cont, config) }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro label_container(cont, config) %}
    <div class="xmlui_cont xmlui_cont_vertical">
        {% for child in cont.children %}
            {% if loop.index is odd %}
                {# label #}
                {% if child.type == 'label' %}
                    {% set for_ = ('wid_' + (child.for_name or or '_noname'))|next_gidx %}
                    {{ label_widget(child, config, for=for_) }}
                {% endif %}
            {% else %}
                {# widget #}
                {% set id = ('wid_' + ( or '_noname'))|cur_gidx %}
                {{ generate_widget(child, config, id=id) }}
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

{# widgets #}

{% macro text_widget(wid, config, id=none) %}
    <p class="xmlui_widget xmlui_text" {{ {'id':id}|xmlattr }}>
        {{- wid|item_filter(config.filters)|default('\u00A0',true) -}}
{% endmacro%}

{% macro label_widget(wid, config, for=none) %}
    {% if config.form %}
        <label class="xmlui_widget xmlui_label" {{ {'for':for}|xmlattr }}>
    {% else %}
        <span class="xmlui_widget xmlui_label" {{ {'id':none if not for else 'label_%s'|format(for)}|xmlattr }}>{{wid|item_filter(config.filters)}}</span>
    {% endif %}
{% endmacro%}

{% macro string_widget(wid, config, id=none) %}
    {% if config.form %}
        <input class="xmlui_widget xmlui_string" type="text" {{ {'name', 'id':id, 'value':wid|item_filter(config.filters)}|dict_ext(config.attrs,|xmlattr }}>
    {% else %}
        <div class="xmlui_widget xmlui_string"  {{ {'id':id}|xmlattr }}>
            {{- wid|item_filter(config.filters)|default('\u00A0',true) -}}
    {% endif %}
{% endmacro%}

{% macro textbox_widget(wid, config, id=none) %}
    {% if config.form %}
        <textarea class="xmlui_widget xmlui_textbox" rows="10" cols="50" {{ {'name', 'id':id}|dict_ext(config.attrs,|xmlattr }}>
            {{- wid|item_filter(config.filters) -}}
    {% else %}
        <p class="xmlui_widget xmlui_textbox" {{ {'id':id}|xmlattr }}>
            {{- wid|item_filter(config.filters) -}}
    {% endif %}
{% endmacro%}

{% macro list_widget(wid, config, id=none) %}
    {% if config.form %}
        <select class="xmlui_widget xmlui_list" {{ {'name', 'id':id}|dict_ext(config.attrs,|xmlattr }}>
            {% for value,label in wid.options %}
                <option {{ {'value':value}|xmlattr }} {{ 'selected' if value in wid.selected }}>
                    {{- label -}}
            {% endfor %}
    {% else %}
        <div class="xmlui_widget xmlui_list" {{ {'id':id}|xmlattr }}>
            {% for value,label in wid.items %}
                <span class="xmlui_list_item value_{{value|attr_escape}}">
                    {{- label -}}
            {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
{% endmacro%}