view sat_templates/templates/default/input/field.html @ 382:c573917ce388

bulma (call): redesign of call box: - hang up button has be moved next to other action buttons, and is now just an icon with no text, this save room and is coherent with usual A/V calls UIs - actions buttons (mute, desktop sharing, camera switching, hang up) and local video have been redesign to avoid overlapping on small screen. Local video is now a little higher. - remore video border has been suppressed
author Goffi <>
date Fri, 18 Aug 2023 18:01:31 +0200 (18 months ago)
parents aa37750c2617
line wrap: on
line source
{# macros to create form fields #}

{% macro field(type, name, label="", required=false) %}
    {# generic field
       "class" keyword can be used to add classes
       additional kwargs will be passed as attributes #}
    <span class="form_input {{kwargs.pop('class', '')}}">
        {% set cur_id = name|next_gidx %}
        {% if label %}
            <label for="{{cur_id}}" {{'class="required"'|safe if required}}>{{label}}</label>
        {% endif %}
        <input id="{{cur_id}}" type="{{type}}" name="{{name}}" {{"required" if required}} {{kwargs|xmlattr}}>
{% endmacro %}

{% macro select(name, options_list, selected=none, required=false, multiple=false) %}
    {# selection of elements with <select>

    @param name: name of the field
    @param options_list(list[str, str]): list of name, label of options
    @param selected(none, list): list of select elements
    @param required(bool): true this field is required
    @param multiple(bool): true is multiple selection is possible
    <select name="{{name}}" class="form_input {{kwargs.pop('class', '')}}" {{"required" if required}}>
    {% for value, label in options_list %}
         <option value="{{value}}" {{'selected' if selected and value in selected}}>{{label}}</option>
    {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro choices(name, choices_list, checked=none) %}
    {% for choice, label in choices_list %}
        <div class="form_input {{kwargs.pop('class', '')}}">
            <input id="{{name|next_gidx}}" type="radio" name="{{name}}" value="{{choice}}"{{" checked" if checked==choice}}><label for="{{name|cur_gidx}}">{{label}}</label>
    {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro int(name, label="", init=0) %}
    {{ field("number", name=name, label=label, value=init, step=1, min=0, **kwargs) }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro checkbox(name, label="", checked=false) %}
    {% if checked %}
        {{ field("checkbox", name=name, label=label, checked="checked", **kwargs) }}
    {% else %}
        {{ field("checkbox", name=name, label=label, **kwargs) }}
    {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro text(name, label="", placeholder="", required=false) %}
    {{ field("text", name=name, label=label, required=required, placeholder=placeholder, **kwargs) }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro password(name, label="", required=false) %}
    {{ field("password", name=name, label=label, required=required, **kwargs) }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro email(name, label="", required=false) %}
    {{ field("email", name=name, label=label, required=required, **kwargs) }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro date(name, label="", required=false) %}
    {{ field("date", name=name, label=label, required=required, **kwargs) }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro url(name, label="", required=false) %}
    {{ field("url", name=name, label=label, required=required, **kwargs) }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro file(name, label="", required=false) %}
    {{ field("file", name=name, label=label, required=required, **kwargs) }}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro textarea(name, label="", rows=10, cols=50, placeholder='', required=false) %}
    <div class="form_input {{kwargs.pop('class', '')}}">
        {% set cur_id = name|next_gidx %}
        {% if label %}
            <label for="{{cur_id}}" {{'class="required"'|safe if required}}>{{label}}</label>
        {% endif %}
        <textarea id="{{cur_id}}" name="{{name}}" rows="{{rows}}" cols="{{cols}}" placeholder="{{placeholder}}" {{"required" if required}} class="{{kwargs.pop('class', '')}}"></textarea>
{% endmacro %}

{% macro meta(name, value) %}
    <input type="hidden" name="{{name}}" value="{{value}}">
{% endmacro %}

{% macro submit(text=_("Send"), id=none) %}
    {# submit button

    @param text(str): label of the button
    @param id(none, str): id of the element
    <input {{ 'id="{id}"'.format(id=id)|safe if id }} class="form_submit btn {{kwargs.pop('class', '')}}" type="submit" value="{{text}}">
{% endmacro %}