{% import 'input/form.html' as form with context %} {% import 'input/field.html' as field with context %} {% macro head(service, node, type="textbox") %} {# include data needed to identify the node to use for commenting #} {% endmacro %} {% macro textbox(service, node, action='', placeholder='', submit_label=_("Send"), type="textbox", class='', ta_class='') %} {# generic content area for comments/blog posts/etc. Only a body by default, but new elements can be added by using this macro with call #} {% set extra_content = caller() if caller is defined else '' %} {% call form.form(action=action, class="textbox " + class) %} {{ head(service, node, type) }} {{ extra_content }}
{% if identities is defined and own_jid is defined %} {% if avatar is defined %}
{{ avatar.avatar(own_jid.userhost()) }}
{% endif %} {% endif %}
{{ field.textarea("body", placeholder=placeholder, required=True) }}
{# {{ field.textarea("body", placeholder=placeholder, required=True, class=ta_class) }} {{ submit(label=submit_label) }} #} {% endcall %} {% endmacro %} {% macro blog_text(service, node, action='', placeholder=_("Your comment")) %} {{ textbox(service, node, action=action, placeholder=placeholder, type="comment") }} {% endmacro %} {% macro comment(service, node, action='', placeholder=_("Your comment"), class='box--medium') %} {{ textbox(service, node, action=action, placeholder=placeholder, type="comment", class=class) }} {% endmacro %} {% macro comment_or_login(service, node, action='', placeholder=none) %} {# show comment form a a message asking to log in login is checked using profile #} {% if profile %} {% if placeholder is none %} {{ comment(service, node, action) }} {% else %} {{ comment(service, node, action, placeholder=placeholder) }} {% endif %} {% else %}

{% trans %}You are not logged. You need to log in to comment.{% endtrans %}

{% if login_url is defined %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro search() %} {% call form.form(method="get", use_csrf_token=false) %} {% call field.text("search", class="has-addons", required=true, icon_left="search") %} {{ field.submit(_("Search")) }} {% endcall %} {% endcall %} {% endmacro %}