{# base template managing common layout, blocks, links or scripts except for special pages, this template should always be extended. @variable menu_fixed_top(bool): if true, the menu will always stay on top, and padding will be added to body accordingly. #} {# embedded is set to avoid including base.html several times if a generic page is included (e.g. blog/articles.html) #} {% set embedded = True %} {% import 'components/common.html' as component with context %} {{ script.include('common', '') }} {# common.js is, as its name states, a common script, so it's useful to import it here #} {# using SVG directly doesn't always play well with Bulma, so we also use the icon font #} {% if norobots %} {% endif %} {% block title %}{{C.APP_NAME}}{% endblock %} {% if css_content is defined %} {% if css_content_noscript is defined %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% for css_file in css_files %} {% endfor %} {% if css_files_noscript %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if links is defined %} {% for link_data in links %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if xmpp_uri is defined %} {% endif %} {% if dynamic_style is defined %} {# be extra careful about dynamic style, insure escaping if you use untrusted values ! #} {% endif %} {% if csrf_token is defined %} {% endif %} {{ script.generate_scripts() }} {% for script in scripts %} {{script.content|safe}} {% endfor %} {% block favicon %} {% endblock favicon %} {% if atom_url is defined %} {{ icon_defs('feed') }} {% endif %} {% if loading_screen %} {% endif %} {% if main_menu %} {% block main_menu %} {{ component.menu(main_menu) }} {% endblock main_menu %} {% endif %} {% block body_wrapper %}
{% if breadcrumbs and not no_breadcrumps and breadcrumbs|length > 1 %} {% endif %} {% if confirm %}
{% trans %}Success{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}Your data has been sent correctly.{% endtrans %}
{% endif %} {% if notifications %} {% for notification in notifications %}
{% trans %}Notification{% endtrans %}
{{ notification.message }}
{% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% block body %} {% endblock body %}
{% endblock body_wrapper%} {% block footer %} {% endblock footer %}