{% if not embedded %}{% extends 'base/base.html' %}{% endif %} {% import 'input/textbox.html' as textbox with context %} {% import 'blog/macros.html' as blog with context %} {% import 'input/form.html' as form with context %} {% import 'input/field.html' as field with context %} {% block body %}

{% if publish_title is defined %} {{ publish_title }} {% else %} {% trans %}New blog post{% endtrans %} {% endif %}

{% trans %}edit{% endtrans %} {% trans %}preview{% endtrans %}

{% call form.form(id=post_form_id or "blog_post_edit", class="is-flex-grow-1") %} {{ field.text("title", title_label or _("title"), required=title_required, help=_("title is optional") if not title_required)}} {% if not no_tabs %} {{ field.text("tags", _("tags"), placeholder=_("tags are comma separated"))}} {% endif %} {{ field.textarea("body", body_label, rows=12, cols=none, help=_("You can use markdown syntax"), required=true) }} {{ field.submit(_("Publish"), class="is-fullwidth is-outlined has-text-weight-bold") }} {% endcall %}
{% endblock body %}