{# FIXME: Q&D way to add a CSS from node_modules, it should be imported directly with the python module #} {{ css_files.append(build_path+"node_modules/swiper/swiper-bundle.min.css") or "" }} {% extends 'base/base.html' %} {% import 'components/avatar.html' as avatar with context %} {% import 'input/textbox.html' as textbox with context %} {% import 'blog/macros.html' as blog with context %} {% block body %} {{ icon_defs('comment-empty', 'trash-empty') }} {% if directory_affiliation == 'owner' %}
{{ component.action_button("#", label=_("manage invitations"), icon="group", id="button_manage") }}
{% endif %}
{% set ns_photos = namespace(empty=true) %} {% for file in files_data %} {% if file.type == C.FILE_TYPE_FILE %} {% set ns_photos.empty = false %} {% include 'photo/item.html' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% if directory_affiliation == 'owner' %}
{% trans %} Drop photos here {% endtrans %}


{% endif %} {% endblock body %}