{% if not embedded %}{% extends 'base/base.html' %}{% endif %}
{% set single = items|length == 1 %}
{% set dates_format='relative' if single else 'short' %}
{% import 'components/avatar.html' as avatar with context %}
{% import 'blog/macros.html' as blog with context %}
{% import 'input/navigation.html' as navigation with context %}
{%- block title scoped -%}
{%- if not embedded -%}
{%- if single -%}
{{- items[0].title|default(items[0].content, true)|truncate(60, True, '…') + ' - ' + C.APP_NAME -}}
{%- else -%}
{# {{- super() -}}
FIXME: super() is failing if blog is embedded (i.e. base/base.html is not its direct parent)
not sure what's the best way to avoid that, so just using C.APP_NAME for now #}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endblock title -%}
{% block body %}
{{ icon_defs('angle-double-left', 'angle-double-right') }}
{% if items %}
{{ blog.show_items(items, expanded=single) }}
{% else %}
{% trans %}No articles found in this blog!{% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
{{ navigation.prev_next(_("newer articles"), _("older articles")) }}
{% endblock body %}