server & browser side: microblogging refactoring first draft
- use of new getLastGroupBlogs and getMassiveLastGroupBlogs methods
- microblgos browser's cache is temporarily deactivated
- last 10 microblogs for everybody are requested on new meta microblog widget
48SàT (plugin_xep_0065) use nearly all the code from proxy65 ( wich was coded by Dave Smith (2002-2004) and maintained by Fabio Forno (2007-2008).
52SàT (jp) use ProgressBar (, a class coded by Nilton Volpato which allow the textual representation of progression.
55SàT is heavily based on the twisted framework (, a very great tool which offer a lot of protocols management. There are too many contributors to name them here, so take a look on the website :).
58SàT use a library with high level enhancements on top of twisted, which is called wokkel ( Lot of thanks to Ralph Meijer and all other contributors.
61The Wix frontend is made with wxWidgets ( and its python version wxPython (wxPython), which is a really handy UI toolkit who works on most popular platforms. It can be found on probably all major Gnu/Linux distributions.
67LiberviaisbuiltwithaPyjamas(,aGoogleWebToolkitportforpython,includingPythontoJavascriptcompiler,andPyjamasDesktopwhichallowtoexecutethesameapplicationonthedesktoporthroughtabrowser.It's really an amazing tool.
70SàT core and Libervia use pyfeed and xe (, 2 libraries made Steve R. Hastings really useful to parse/generate xml stuff as atom feeds.