+ − 1 Libervia 's installation is currently a bit tricky. Full installation and
+ − 2 configuration instructions are given on the Salut à Toi wiki:
+ − 3
+ − 4 http://wiki.goffi.org/w/index.php?title=Libervia/en
+ − 5
+ − 6
+ − 7 == Prerequesites ==
+ − 8
+ − 9 These steps are detailed on the Salut à Toi wiki:
+ − 10
+ − 11 * install and configure Salut à Toi
+ − 12 * install and configure a local XMPP server (we recommend using Prosody)
+ − 13 * install sat_pubsub
+ − 14
+ − 15 == Dependencies ==
+ − 16
+ − 17 * you need to install the txJSON-RPC dependency. The installation script of the current
+ − 18 stable release is buggy , and it 's fixed on the Bazaar repository, so you need to install
+ − 19 Bazaar or git and clone the repository:
+ − 20
+ − 21 bzr branch lp:txjsonrpc
+ − 22
+ − 23 or
+ − 24
+ − 25 git clone git://github.com/oubiwann/txjsonrpc
+ − 26
+ − 27 Then you can install it:
+ − 28
+ − 29 cd txjsonrpc
+ − 30 python setup .py install '''(as root, "sudo python setup.py install" for *buntu)'''
+ − 31
+ − 32 * install python2 - gobject2 from your distribution repositories
+ − 33 * install the git version of pyjamas ( http :// pyj .be ) :
+ − 34
+ − 35 git clone git :// pyjs .org / git / pyjamas .git
+ − 36 cd pyjamas
+ − 37 python boostrap .py
+ − 38
+ − 39 You can need to force a python version if libervia 's compilation doesn' t work , for example :
+ − 40
+ − 41 python2 .7 boostrap .py
+ − 42
+ − 43 Salut à Toi and Libervia are being developped with Python 2 .7 .3 .
+ − 44 You can check that it works by compiling the helloworld example :
+ − 45
+ − 46 cd examples / helloworld
+ − 47 ./ build .sh
+ − 48
+ − 49 If you have no error message , it should be allright .
+ − 50
+ − 51 == Install Libervia ==
+ − 52
+ − 53 * to install Libervia using setuptools , the pyjsbuild executable should be accessible
+ − 54 from your environment variable "PATH" . The easiest would be :
+ − 55
+ − 56 cd pyjamas
+ − 57 sudo ln - sf bin / pyjsbuild / usr / bin / pyjsbuild
+ − 58
+ − 59 * clone libervia repository :
+ − 60
+ − 61 hg clone http :// repos .goffi .org / libervia
+ − 62
+ − 63 * install Libervia :
+ − 64
+ − 65 cd libervia
+ − 66 python setup .py install
+ − 67
+ − 68 * create an account "libervia@yourserver.tld" ( replace "yourserver.tld" by "example.net"
+ − 69 or something else ) on your XMPP server , create a profile on S àT named "libervia" , and
+ − 70 plug the S àT profile to this account .
+ − 71
+ − 72 == Usage ==
+ − 73
+ − 74 The four components must be launched in the following order :
+ − 75
+ − 76 * prosody
+ − 77 * sat_pubsub ( with the xmpp domain and password as declared in prosodi .cfg .lua )
+ − 78 * sat
+ − 79 * libervia 's web server
+ − 80
+ − 81 Your command input would look like that:
+ − 82
+ − 83 cd prosody && prosodyctl start
+ − 84 twistd sat_pubsub --jid=sat-pubsub.<xmpp_domain> --secret=<password>
+ − 85 sat
+ − 86 libervia
+ − 87
+ − 88 You can now drop your web browser on http://localhost:8080/libervia.html
+ − 89
+ − 90 If you encounter any issue, you can ask for help on MUC room sat@chat.jabberfr.org
+ − 91 or use the dev mailing list: http://lists.goffi.org