diff browser_side/menu.py @ 78:12680e220b35

browser side: refactoring: menu is now in its own module
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Sun, 19 Jun 2011 01:33:29 +0200
children d57e0d6b1ced
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/browser_side/menu.py	Sun Jun 19 01:33:29 2011 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Libervia: a Salut à Toi frontend
+Copyright (C) 2011  Jérôme Poisson <goffi@goffi.org>
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import pyjd # this is dummy in pyjs
+from pyjamas.ui.SimplePanel import SimplePanel
+from pyjamas.ui.VerticalPanel import VerticalPanel
+from pyjamas.ui.HorizontalPanel import HorizontalPanel
+from pyjamas.ui.DialogBox import DialogBox
+from pyjamas.ui.MenuBar import MenuBar
+from pyjamas.ui.MenuItem import MenuItem
+from pyjamas.ui.ListBox import ListBox
+from pyjamas.ui.Label import Label
+from pyjamas.ui.TextBox import TextBox
+from pyjamas.ui.Button import Button
+from pyjamas.ui.HTML import HTML
+from pyjamas.ui.Frame import Frame
+from pyjamas import Window
+from jid import JID
+from tools import html_sanitize
+import dialog
+import re
+class MenuCmd:
+    def __init__(self, object, handler):
+        self._object  = object
+        self._handler = handler
+    def execute(self):
+        handler = getattr(self._object, self._handler)
+        handler()
+class LiberviaMenuBar(MenuBar):
+    def __init__(self):
+        MenuBar.__init__(self, vertical=False)
+    def doItemAction(self, item, fireCommand):
+        MenuBar.doItemAction(self, item, fireCommand)
+        if item == self.items[-1] and self.popup:
+            self.popup.setPopupPosition(Window.getClientWidth() -
+               self.popup.getOffsetWidth() - 22,
+               self.getAbsoluteTop() +
+               self.getOffsetHeight() - 1)
+            self.popup.addStyleName('menuLastPopup')
+class Menu(SimplePanel):
+    def __init__(self, host):
+        self.host = host
+        SimplePanel.__init__(self)
+        self.setStyleName('menuContainer')
+        menu_general = MenuBar(vertical=True)
+        menu_general.addItem("Social contract", MenuCmd(self, "onSocialContract"))
+        menu_general.addItem("About", MenuCmd(self, "onAbout"))
+        menu_contacts = MenuBar(vertical=True)
+        menu_contacts.addItem("add contact", MenuCmd(self, "onAddContact"))
+        menu_contacts.addItem("update contact", MenuCmd(self, "onUpdateContact"))
+        menu_contacts.addItem("remove contact", MenuCmd(self, "onRemoveContact"))
+        menu_group = MenuBar(vertical=True)
+        menu_group.addItem("join room", MenuCmd(self, "onJoinRoom"))
+        menu_games = MenuBar(vertical=True)
+        menu_games.addItem("Tarot", MenuCmd(self, "onTarotGame"))
+        menu_games.addItem("Xiangqi", MenuCmd(self, "onXiangqiGame"))
+        menubar = LiberviaMenuBar()
+        menubar.addItem(MenuItem("General", menu_general))
+        menubar.addItem(MenuItem("Contacts", menu_contacts))
+        menubar.addItem(MenuItem("Groups", menu_group))
+        _separator = MenuItem('', None)
+        _separator.setStyleName('menuSeparator')
+        menubar.addItem(_separator, None)
+        menubar.addItem(MenuItem("Games", True, menu_games))
+        self.add(menubar)
+    #General menu
+    def onSocialContract(self):
+        _frame = Frame('contrat_social.html')
+        _frame.setStyleName('infoFrame')
+        _dialog = dialog.GenericDialog("Contrat Social", _frame)
+        _dialog.setSize('80%', '80%')
+        _dialog.show()
+    def onAbout(self):
+        _about = HTML("""<b>Libervia</b>, a Salut à Toi project<br />
+<br />
+You can contact the author at <a href="mailto:goffi@goffi.org">goffi@goffi.org</a><br />
+Blog available (mainly in french) at <a href="http://www.goffi.org" target="_blank">http://www.goffi.org</a><br />
+Project page: <a href="http://wiki.goffi.org/wiki/Salut_à_Toi"target="_blank">http://wiki.goffi.org/wiki/Salut_à_Toi</a><br />
+<br />
+Any help welcome :)
+<p style='font-size:small;text-align:center'>This project is dedicated to Roger Poisson</p>
+        _dialog = dialog.GenericDialog("About", _about)
+        _dialog.show()
+    #Contact menu
+    def onAddContact(self):
+        """Q&D contact addition"""
+        _dialog = None
+        edit = TextBox()
+        def addContactCb(sender):
+            if not re.match(r'^.+@.+\..+',edit.getText(), re.IGNORECASE):
+                Window.alert('You must enter a valid contact JID (like "contact@libervia.org")')
+                _dialog.show()
+            else:
+                self.host.bridge.call('addContact', None, edit.getText(), '', _dialog.getSelectedGroups() )
+        label = Label("new contact identifier (JID):")
+        edit.setText('@libervia.org')
+        edit.setWidth('100%')
+        _dialog = dialog.GroupSelector([label, edit], self.host.contact_panel.getGroups(), [], addContactCb)
+        _dialog.setHTML('Adding contact')
+        _dialog.show()
+    def onUpdateContact(self):
+        _dialog = None
+        _contacts_list = ListBox()
+        def updateContactCb(sender):
+            _jid = _contacts_list.getValue(_contacts_list.getSelectedIndex())
+            self.host.bridge.call('updateContact', None, _jid, '', _dialog.getSelectedGroups())
+        def onContactChange(_list):
+            _jid = _contacts_list.getValue(_contacts_list.getSelectedIndex())
+            groups = self.host.contact_panel.getContactGroups(_jid)
+            _dialog.setGroupsSelected(groups)
+        for contact in self.host.contact_panel.getContacts():
+            _contacts_list.addItem(contact)
+        _contacts_list.addChangeListener(onContactChange)
+        _jid = _contacts_list.getValue(_contacts_list.getSelectedIndex())
+        _selected_groups = self.host.contact_panel.getContactGroups(_jid)
+        _dialog = dialog.GroupSelector([Label('Which contact do you want to update ?'), _contacts_list],
+                                       self.host.contact_panel.getGroups(), _selected_groups, updateContactCb)
+        _dialog.setHTML('Updating contact')
+        _dialog.show()
+    def onRemoveContact(self):
+        _dialog = None
+        _contacts_list = ListBox()
+        def secondConfirmCb(confirm):
+            if confirm:
+                for contact in _contacts_list.getSelectedValues():
+                    self.host.bridge.call('delContact', None, contact)
+            else:
+                _dialog.show()
+        def dialogCb(confirm):
+            if confirm:
+                html_list = ''.join(['<li>%s</li>' % html_sanitize(contact) for contact in _contacts_list.getSelectedValues()])
+                html_body = "Are you sure to remove the following contacts from your contact list ?<ul>%s</ul>" % html_list
+                dialog.ConfirmDialog(secondConfirmCb, html_body).show()
+        for contact in self.host.contact_panel.getContacts():
+            _contacts_list.addItem(contact)
+        _dialog = dialog.GenericConfirmDialog([_contacts_list], dialogCb, "Who do you want to remove from your contacts ?")
+        _dialog.show()
+    #Group menu
+    def onJoinRoom(self):
+        _dialog = None
+        _edit = None
+        def onOK(sender):
+            if not _edit.getText():
+                Window.alert('You must enter a room jid in the form libervia@conference.libervia.org')
+            if self.host.whoami:
+                nick = self.host.whoami.node
+                self.host.bridge.call('joinMUC', None, _edit.getText(), nick)
+            _dialog.hide()
+        def onCancel(sender):
+            _dialog.hide()
+        _main_panel = VerticalPanel()
+        _label = Label("Discussion room:")
+        _edit = TextBox()
+        _edit.setText('libervia@conference.libervia.org')
+        hpanel = HorizontalPanel()
+        hpanel.add(_label)
+        hpanel.add(_edit)
+        _main_panel.add(hpanel)
+        button_panel = HorizontalPanel()
+        button_panel.add(Button("Join", onOK))
+        button_panel.add(Button("Cancel", onCancel))
+        _main_panel.add(button_panel)
+        _dialog = DialogBox(centered=True)
+        _dialog.setHTML('Group discussions')
+        _dialog.setWidget(_main_panel)
+        _dialog.show()
+    #Game menu
+    def onTarotGame(self):
+        #Window.alert("Tarot selected")
+        #self.host.tab_panel.add(EmptyPanel(self.host), "Tarot")
+        def onPlayersSelected(other_players):
+            self.host.bridge.call('launchTarotGame', None, other_players)
+        dialog.ContactsChooser(self.host, onPlayersSelected, 3, text="Please select 3 other players").getContacts() 
+    def onXiangqiGame(self):
+        Window.alert("A Xiangqi game is planed, but not available yet")