diff browser/sat_browser/blog.py @ 1124:28e3eb3bb217

files reorganisation and installation rework: - files have been reorganised to follow other SàT projects and usual Python organisation (no more "/src" directory) - VERSION file is now used, as for other SàT projects - replace the overcomplicated setup.py be a more sane one. Pyjamas part is not compiled anymore by setup.py, it must be done separatly - removed check for data_dir if it's empty - installation tested working in virtual env - libervia launching script is now in bin/libervia
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Sat, 25 Aug 2018 17:59:48 +0200
parents src/browser/sat_browser/blog.py@f2170536ba23
children 2af117bfe6cc
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/browser/sat_browser/blog.py	Sat Aug 25 17:59:48 2018 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Libervia: a Salut à Toi frontend
+# Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Jérôme Poisson <goffi@goffi.org>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import pyjd  # this is dummy in pyjs
+from sat.core.log import getLogger
+log = getLogger(__name__)
+from sat.tools.common import data_format
+from sat.core.i18n import _ #, D_
+from pyjamas.ui.SimplePanel import SimplePanel
+from pyjamas.ui.VerticalPanel import VerticalPanel
+from pyjamas.ui.ScrollPanel import ScrollPanel
+from pyjamas.ui.HorizontalPanel import HorizontalPanel
+from pyjamas.ui.Label import Label
+from pyjamas.ui.HTML import HTML
+from pyjamas.ui.Image import Image
+from pyjamas.ui.ClickListener import ClickHandler
+from pyjamas.ui.FlowPanel import FlowPanel
+from pyjamas.ui import KeyboardListener as keyb
+from pyjamas.ui.KeyboardListener import KeyboardHandler
+from pyjamas.ui.FocusListener import FocusHandler
+from pyjamas.ui.MouseListener import MouseHandler
+from pyjamas.Timer import Timer
+from datetime import datetime
+import html_tools
+import dialog
+import richtext
+import editor_widget
+import libervia_widget
+from constants import Const as C
+from sat_frontends.quick_frontend import quick_widgets
+from sat_frontends.quick_frontend import quick_blog
+unicode = str # XXX: pyjamas doesn't manage unicode
+class Entry(quick_blog.Entry, VerticalPanel, ClickHandler, FocusHandler, KeyboardHandler):
+    """Graphical representation of a quick_blog.Item"""
+    def __init__(self, manager, item_data=None, comments_data=None, service=None, node=None):
+        quick_blog.Entry.__init__(self, manager, item_data, comments_data, service, node)
+        VerticalPanel.__init__(self)
+        self.panel = FlowPanel()
+        self.panel.setStyleName('mb_entry')
+        self.header = HorizontalPanel(StyleName='mb_entry_header')
+        self.panel.add(self.header)
+        self.entry_actions = VerticalPanel()
+        self.entry_actions.setStyleName('mb_entry_actions')
+        self.panel.add(self.entry_actions)
+        entry_avatar = SimplePanel()
+        entry_avatar.setStyleName('mb_entry_avatar')
+        author_jid = self.author_jid
+        self.avatar = Image(self.blog.host.getAvatarURL(author_jid) if author_jid is not None else C.DEFAULT_AVATAR_URL)
+        # TODO: show a warning icon if author is not validated
+        entry_avatar.add(self.avatar)
+        self.panel.add(entry_avatar)
+        self.entry_dialog = VerticalPanel()
+        self.entry_dialog.setStyleName('mb_entry_dialog')
+        self.panel.add(self.entry_dialog)
+        self.comments_panel = None
+        self._current_comment = None
+        self.add(self.panel)
+        ClickHandler.__init__(self)
+        self.addClickListener(self)
+        self.refresh()
+        self.displayed = False # True when entry is added to parent
+        if comments_data:
+            self.addComments(comments_data)
+    def refresh(self):
+        self.comment_label = None
+        self.update_label = None
+        self.delete_label = None
+        self.header.clear()
+        self.entry_dialog.clear()
+        self.entry_actions.clear()
+        self._setHeader()
+        self._setBubble()
+        self._setIcons()
+    def _setHeader(self):
+        """Set the entry header."""
+        if not self.new:
+            author = html_tools.html_sanitize(unicode(self.item.author))
+            author_jid = html_tools.html_sanitize(unicode(self.item.author_jid))
+            if author_jid and not self.item.author_verified:
+                author_jid += u' <span style="color:red; font-weight: bold;">⚠</span>'
+            if author:
+                author += " &lt;%s&gt;" % author_jid
+            elif author_jid:
+                author = author_jid
+            else:
+                author = _("<unknown author>")
+            update_text = u" — ✍ " + "<span class='mb_entry_timestamp'>%s</span>" % datetime.fromtimestamp(self.item.updated)
+            self.header.add(HTML("""<span class='mb_entry_header_info'>
+                                      <span class='mb_entry_author'>%(author)s</span> on
+                                      <span class='mb_entry_timestamp'>%(published)s</span>%(updated)s
+                                    </span>""" % {'author': author,
+                                                  'published': datetime.fromtimestamp(self.item.published) if self.item.published is not None else '',
+                                                  'updated': update_text if self.item.published != self.item.updated else ''
+                                                  }))
+            if self.item.comments:
+                self.show_comments_link = HTML('')
+                self.header.add(self.show_comments_link)
+    def _setBubble(self):
+        """Set the bubble displaying the initial content."""
+        content = {'text': self.item.content_xhtml if self.item.content_xhtml else self.item.content or '',
+                   'title': self.item.title_xhtml if self.item.title_xhtml else self.item.title or ''}
+        data_format.iter2dict('tag', self.item.tags, content)
+        if self.mode == C.ENTRY_MODE_TEXT:
+            # assume raw text message have no title
+            self.bubble = editor_widget.LightTextEditor(content, modifiedCb=self._modifiedCb, afterEditCb=self._afterEditCb, options={'no_xhtml': True})
+        elif self.mode in ENTRY_RICH:
+            content['syntax'] = C.SYNTAX_XHTML
+            if self.new:
+                options = []
+            elif self.item.author_jid == self.blog.host.whoami.bare:
+                options = ['update_msg']
+            else:
+                options = ['read_only']
+            self.bubble = richtext.RichTextEditor(self.blog.host, content, modifiedCb=self._modifiedCb, afterEditCb=self._afterEditCb, options=options)
+        else:
+            log.error("Bad entry mode: %s" % self.mode)
+        self.bubble.addStyleName("bubble")
+        self.entry_dialog.add(self.bubble)
+        self.bubble.addEditListener(self._showWarning) # FIXME: remove edit listeners
+        self.setEditable(self.editable)
+    def _setIcons(self):
+        """Set the entry icons (delete, update, comment)"""
+        if self.new:
+            return
+        def addIcon(label, title):
+            label = Label(label)
+            label.setTitle(title)
+            label.addClickListener(self)
+            self.entry_actions.add(label)
+            return label
+        if self.item.comments:
+            self.comment_label = addIcon(u"↶", "Comment this message")
+            self.comment_label.setStyleName('mb_entry_action_larger')
+        else:
+            self.comment_label = None
+        is_publisher = self.item.author_jid == self.blog.host.whoami.bare
+        if is_publisher:
+            self.update_label = addIcon(u"✍", "Edit this message")
+            # TODO: add delete button if we are the owner of the node
+            self.delete_label = addIcon(u"✗", "Delete this message")
+        else:
+            self.update_label = self.delete_label = None
+    def _createCommentsPanel(self):
+        """Create the panel if it doesn't exists"""
+        if self.comments_panel is None:
+            self.comments_panel = VerticalPanel()
+            self.comments_panel.setStyleName('microblogPanel')
+            self.comments_panel.addStyleName('subPanel')
+            self.add(self.comments_panel)
+    def setEditable(self, editable=True):
+        """Toggle the bubble between display and edit mode.
+        @param editable (bool)
+        """
+        self.editable = editable
+        self.bubble.edit(self.editable)
+        self.updateIconsAndButtons()
+    def updateIconsAndButtons(self):
+        """Set the visibility of the icons and the button to switch between blog and microblog."""
+        try:
+            self.bubble_commands.removeFromParent()
+        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
+            pass
+        if self.editable:
+            if self.mode == C.ENTRY_MODE_TEXT:
+                html = _(u'<a style="color: blue;">switch to blog</a>')
+                title = _(u'compose a rich text message with a title - suitable for writing articles')
+            else:
+                html = _(u'<a style="color: blue;">switch to microblog</a>')
+                title = _(u'compose a short message without title - suitable for sharing news')
+            toggle_syntax_button = HTML(html, Title=title)
+            toggle_syntax_button.addClickListener(self.toggleContentSyntax)
+            toggle_syntax_button.addStyleName('mb_entry_toggle_syntax')
+            toggle_syntax_button.setStyleAttribute('top', '-20px')  # XXX: need to force CSS
+            toggle_syntax_button.setStyleAttribute('left', '-20px')
+            self.bubble_commands = HorizontalPanel(Width="100%")
+            if self.mode == C.ENTRY_MODE_TEXT:
+                publish_button = HTML(_(u'<a style="color: blue;">shift + enter to publish</a>'), Title=_(u"... or click here"))
+                publish_button.addStyleName('mb_entry_publish_button')
+                publish_button.addClickListener(lambda dummy: self.bubble.edit(False))
+                publish_button.setStyleAttribute('top', '-20px')  # XXX: need to force CSS
+                publish_button.setStyleAttribute('left', '20px')
+                self.bubble_commands.add(publish_button)
+            self.bubble_commands.add(toggle_syntax_button)
+            self.entry_dialog.add(self.bubble_commands)
+        # hide these icons while editing
+        try:
+            self.delete_label.setVisible(not self.editable)
+        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
+            pass
+        try:
+            self.update_label.setVisible(not self.editable)
+        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
+            pass
+        try:
+            self.comment_label.setVisible(not self.editable)
+        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
+            pass
+    def onClick(self, sender):
+        if sender == self:
+            self.blog.setSelectedEntry(self)
+        elif sender == self.delete_label:
+            self._onRetractClick()
+        elif sender == self.update_label:
+            self.setEditable(True)
+        elif sender == self.comment_label:
+            self._onCommentClick()
+        # elif sender == self.show_comments_link:
+        #     self._blog_panel.loadAllCommentsForEntry(self)
+    def _modifiedCb(self, content):
+        """Send the new content to the backend
+        @return: False to restore the original content if a deletion has been cancelled
+        """
+        if not content['text']:  # previous content has been emptied
+            if not self.new:
+                self._onRetractClick()
+            return False
+        self.item.content = self.item.content_rich = self.item.content_xhtml = None
+        self.item.title = self.item.title_rich = self.item.title_xhtml = None
+        if self.mode in ENTRY_RICH:
+            # TODO: if the user change his parameters after the message edition started,
+            # the message syntax could be different then the current syntax: pass the
+            # message syntax in mb_data for the frontend to use it instead of current syntax.
+            self.item.content_rich = content['text']  # XXX: this also works if the syntax is XHTML
+            self.item.title = content['title']
+            self.item.tags = list(data_format.dict2iter('tag', content))
+        else:
+            self.item.content = content['text']
+        self.send()
+        return True
+    def _afterEditCb(self, content):
+        """Post edition treatments
+        Remove the entry if it was an empty one (used for creating a new blog post).
+        Data for the actual new blog post will be received from the bridge
+        @param content(dict): edited content
+        """
+        if self.new:
+            if self.level == 0:
+                # we have a main item, we keep the edit entry
+                self.reset(None)
+                # FIXME: would be better to reset bubble
+                # but bubble.setContent() doesn't seem to work
+                self.bubble.removeFromParent()
+                self._setBubble()
+            else:
+                # we don't keep edit entries for comments
+                self.delete()
+        else:
+            self.editable = False
+            self.updateIconsAndButtons()
+    def _showWarning(self, sender, keycode, modifiers):
+        if keycode == keyb.KEY_ENTER & keyb.MODIFIER_SHIFT: # FIXME: fix edit_listeners, it's dirty (we have to check keycode/modifiers twice !)
+            self.blog.host.showWarning(None, None)
+        else:
+            # self.blog.host.showWarning(*self.blog.getWarningData(self.type == 'comment'))
+            self.blog.host.showWarning(*self.blog.getWarningData(False)) # FIXME: comments are not yet reimplemented
+    def _onRetractClick(self):
+        """Ask confirmation then retract current entry."""
+        assert not self.new
+        def confirm_cb(answer):
+            if answer:
+                self.retract()
+        entry_type = _("message") if self.level == 0 else _("comment")
+        and_comments = _(" All comments will be also deleted!") if self.item.comments else ""
+        text = _("Do you really want to delete this {entry_type}?{and_comments}").format(
+                entry_type=entry_type, and_comments=and_comments)
+        dialog.ConfirmDialog(confirm_cb, text=text).show()
+    def _onCommentClick(self):
+        """Add an empty entry for a new comment"""
+        if self._current_comment is None:
+            if not self.item.comments_service or not self.item.comments_node:
+                log.warning("Invalid service and node for comments, can't create a comment")
+            self._current_comment = self.addEntry(editable=True, service=self.item.comments_service, node=self.item.comments_node, edit_entry=True)
+        self.blog.setSelectedEntry(self._current_comment, True)
+        self._current_comment.bubble.setFocus(True)  # FIXME: should be done elsewhere (automatically)?
+    def _changeMode(self, original_content, text):
+        self.mode = C.ENTRY_MODE_RICH if self.mode == C.ENTRY_MODE_TEXT else C.ENTRY_MODE_TEXT
+        if self.mode in ENTRY_RICH and not text:
+            text = ' ' # something different than empty string is needed to initialize the rich text editor
+        self.item.content = text
+        if self.mode in ENTRY_RICH:
+            self.item.content_rich = text  # XXX: this also works if the syntax is XHTML
+            self.bubble.setDisplayContent()  # needed in case the edition is aborted, to not end with an empty bubble
+        else:
+            self.item.content_xhtml = ''
+        self.bubble.removeFromParent()
+        self._setBubble()
+        self.bubble.setOriginalContent(original_content)
+    def toggleContentSyntax(self):
+        """Toggle the editor between raw and rich text"""
+        original_content = self.bubble.getOriginalContent()
+        rich = self.mode in ENTRY_RICH
+        if rich:
+            original_content['syntax'] = C.SYNTAX_XHTML
+        text = self.bubble.getContent()['text']
+        if not text.strip():
+            self._changeMode(original_content,'')
+        else:
+            if rich:
+                def confirm_cb(answer):
+                    if answer:
+                        self.blog.host.bridge.syntaxConvert(text, C.SYNTAX_CURRENT, C.SYNTAX_TEXT, profile=None,
+                                                            callback=lambda converted: self._changeMode(original_content, converted))
+                dialog.ConfirmDialog(confirm_cb, text=_("Do you really want to lose the title and text formatting?")).show()
+            else:
+                self.blog.host.bridge.syntaxConvert(text, C.SYNTAX_TEXT, C.SYNTAX_XHTML, profile=None,
+                                                    callback=lambda converted: self._changeMode(original_content, converted))
+    def update(self, entry=None):
+        """Update comments"""
+        self._createCommentsPanel()
+        self.entries.sort(key=lambda entry: entry.item.published)
+        # we put edit_entry at the end
+        edit_entry = [] if self.edit_entry is None else [self.edit_entry]
+        for idx, entry in enumerate(self.entries + edit_entry):
+            if not entry.displayed:
+                self.comments_panel.insert(entry, idx)
+                entry.displayed = True
+    def delete(self):
+        quick_blog.Entry.delete(self)
+        # _current comment is specific to libervia, we remove it
+        if isinstance(self.manager, Entry):
+            self.manager._current_comment = None
+        # now we remove the pyjamas widgets
+        parent = self.parent
+        assert isinstance(parent, VerticalPanel)
+        self.removeFromParent()
+        if not parent.children:
+            # the vpanel is empty, we remove it
+            parent.removeFromParent()
+            try:
+                if self.manager.comments_panel == parent:
+                    self.manager.comments_panel = None
+            except AttributeError:
+                assert isinstance(self.manager, quick_blog.QuickBlog)
+class Blog(quick_blog.QuickBlog, libervia_widget.LiberviaWidget, MouseHandler):
+    """Panel used to show microblog"""
+    warning_msg_public = "This message will be <b>PUBLIC</b> and everybody will be able to see it, even people you don't know"
+    warning_msg_group = "This message will be published for all the people of the following groups: <span class='warningTarget'>%s</span>"
+    def __init__(self, host, targets, profiles=None):
+        quick_blog.QuickBlog.__init__(self, host, targets, C.PROF_KEY_NONE)
+        title = ", ".join(targets) if targets else "Blog"
+        libervia_widget.LiberviaWidget.__init__(self, host, title, selectable=True)
+        MouseHandler.__init__(self)
+        self.vpanel = VerticalPanel()
+        self.vpanel.setStyleName('microblogPanel')
+        self.setWidget(self.vpanel)
+        if ((self._targets_type == C.ALL and self.host.mblog_available) or
+            (self._targets_type == C.GROUP and self.host.groupblog_available)):
+            self.addEntry(editable=True, edit_entry=True)
+        self.getAll()
+        # self.footer = HTML('', StyleName='microblogPanel_footer')
+        # self.footer.waiting = False
+        # self.footer.addClickListener(self)
+        # self.footer.addMouseListener(self)
+        # self.vpanel.add(self.footer)
+        # self.next_rsm_index = 0
+    def __str__(self):
+        return u"Blog Widget [targets: {}, profile: {}]".format(", ".join(self.targets) if self.targets else "meta blog", self.profile)
+    def update(self):
+        self.entries.sort(key=lambda entry: entry.item.published, reverse=True)
+        start_idx = 0
+        if self.edit_entry is not None:
+            start_idx = 1
+            if not self.edit_entry.displayed:
+                self.vpanel.insert(self.edit_entry, 0)
+                self.edit_entry.displayed = True
+        # XXX: enumerate is buggued in pyjamas (start is not used)
+        #       we have to use idx
+        idx = start_idx
+        for entry in self.entries:
+            if not entry.displayed:
+                self.vpanel.insert(entry, idx)
+                entry.displayed = True
+            idx += 1
+    # def onDelete(self):
+    #     quick_widgets.QuickWidget.onDelete(self)
+    #     self.host.removeListener('avatar', self.avatarListener)
+    # def onAvatarUpdate(self, jid_, hash_, profile):
+    #     """Called on avatar update events
+    #     @param jid_: jid of the entity with updated avatar
+    #     @param hash_: hash of the avatar
+    #     @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
+    #     """
+    #     whoami = self.host.profiles[self.profile].whoami
+    #     if self.isJidAccepted(jid_) or jid_.bare == whoami.bare:
+    #         self.updateValue('avatar', jid_, hash_)
+    @staticmethod
+    def onGroupDrop(host, targets):
+        """Create a microblog panel for one, several or all contact groups.
+        @param host (SatWebFrontend): the SatWebFrontend instance
+        @param targets (tuple(unicode)): tuple of groups (empty for "all groups")
+        @return: the created MicroblogPanel
+        """
+        # XXX: pyjamas doesn't support use of cls directly
+        widget = host.displayWidget(Blog, targets, dropped=True)
+        return widget
+    # @property
+    # def accepted_groups(self):
+    #     """Return a set of the accepted groups"""
+    #     return set().union(*self.targets)
+    def getWarningData(self, comment):
+        """
+        @param comment: set to True if the composed message is a comment
+        @return: a couple (type, msg) for calling self.host.showWarning"""
+        if comment:
+            return ("PUBLIC", "This is a <span class='warningTarget'>comment</span> and keep the initial post visibility, so it is potentialy public")
+        elif self._targets_type == C.ALL:
+            # we have a meta MicroblogPanel, we publish publicly
+            return ("PUBLIC", self.warning_msg_public)
+        else:
+            # FIXME: manage several groups
+            return (self._targets_type, self.warning_msg_group % ' '.join(self.targets))
+    def ensureVisible(self, entry):
+        """Scroll to an entry to ensure its visibility
+        @param entry (MicroblogEntry): the entry
+        """
+        current = entry
+        while True:
+            parent = current.getParent()
+            if parent is None:
+                log.warning("Can't find any parent ScrollPanel")
+                return
+            elif isinstance(parent, ScrollPanel):
+                parent.ensureVisible(entry)
+                return
+            else:
+                current = parent
+    def setSelectedEntry(self, entry, ensure_visible=False):
+        """Select an entry.
+        @param entry (MicroblogEntry): the entry to select
+        @param ensure_visible (boolean): if True, also scroll to the entry
+        """
+        if ensure_visible:
+            self.ensureVisible(entry)
+        entry.addStyleName('selected_entry')  # blink the clicked entry
+        clicked_entry = entry  # entry may be None when the timer is done
+        Timer(500, lambda timer: clicked_entry.removeStyleName('selected_entry'))
+    # def updateValue(self, type_, jid_, value):
+    #     """Update a jid value in entries
+    #     @param type_: one of 'avatar', 'nick'
+    #     @param jid_(jid.JID): jid concerned
+    #     @param value: new value"""
+    #     assert isinstance(jid_, jid.JID) # FIXME: temporary
+    #     def updateVPanel(vpanel):
+    #         avatar_url = self.host.getAvatarURL(jid_)
+    #         for child in vpanel.children:
+    #             if isinstance(child, MicroblogEntry) and child.author == jid_:
+    #                 child.updateAvatar(avatar_url)
+    #             elif isinstance(child, VerticalPanel):
+    #                 updateVPanel(child)
+    #     if type_ == 'avatar':
+    #         updateVPanel(self.vpanel)
+    # def onClick(self, sender):
+    #     if sender == self.footer:
+    #         self.loadMoreMainEntries()
+    # def onMouseEnter(self, sender):
+    #     if sender == self.footer:
+    #         self.loadMoreMainEntries()
+libervia_widget.LiberviaWidget.addDropKey("GROUP", lambda host, item: Blog.onGroupDrop(host, (item,)))
+libervia_widget.LiberviaWidget.addDropKey("CONTACT_TITLE", lambda host, item: Blog.onGroupDrop(host, ()))
+quick_blog.registerClass("ENTRY", Entry)
+quick_widgets.register(quick_blog.QuickBlog, Blog)