diff browser/sat_browser/richtext.py @ 1124:28e3eb3bb217

files reorganisation and installation rework: - files have been reorganised to follow other SàT projects and usual Python organisation (no more "/src" directory) - VERSION file is now used, as for other SàT projects - replace the overcomplicated setup.py be a more sane one. Pyjamas part is not compiled anymore by setup.py, it must be done separatly - removed check for data_dir if it's empty - installation tested working in virtual env - libervia launching script is now in bin/libervia
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Sat, 25 Aug 2018 17:59:48 +0200
parents src/browser/sat_browser/richtext.py@2d15b484ca33
children 3048bd137aaf
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/browser/sat_browser/richtext.py	Sat Aug 25 17:59:48 2018 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Libervia: a Salut à Toi frontend
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Adrien Cossa <souliane@mailoo.org>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from sat_frontends.tools import composition
+from sat.core.i18n import _
+from sat.core.log import getLogger
+log = getLogger(__name__)
+from sat.tools.common import data_format
+from pyjamas.ui.TextArea import TextArea
+from pyjamas.ui.Button import Button
+from pyjamas.ui.CheckBox import CheckBox
+from pyjamas.ui.Label import Label
+from pyjamas.ui.FlexTable import FlexTable
+from pyjamas.ui.HorizontalPanel import HorizontalPanel
+from pyjamas.ui.KeyboardListener import KeyboardHandler
+from pyjamas import Window
+from __pyjamas__ import doc
+from constants import Const as C
+import dialog
+import base_panel
+import editor_widget
+import html_tools
+import list_manager
+class RichTextEditor(editor_widget.BaseTextEditor, FlexTable):
+    """Panel for the rich text editor."""
+    STYLE = {'main': 'richTextEditor',
+             'title': 'richTextTitle',
+             'toolbar': 'richTextToolbar',
+             'textarea': 'richTextArea'
+             }
+    def __init__(self, host, content=None, modifiedCb=None, afterEditCb=None, options=None):
+        """
+        @param host (SatWebFrontend): host instance
+        @param content (dict): dict with at least a 'text' key
+        @param modifiedCb (callable): to be called when the text has been modified
+        @param afterEditCb (callable): to be called when the edition is done
+        @param options (list[unicode]): UI options ("read_only", "update_msg")
+        """
+        FlexTable.__init__(self) # FIXME
+        self.host = host
+        self.wysiwyg = False
+        self.read_only = 'read_only' in options
+        self.update_msg = 'update_msg' in options
+        indices = (-1, -1, 0, -1, -1) if self.read_only else (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
+        self.title_offset, self.toolbar_offset, self.content_offset, self.tags_offset, self.command_offset = indices
+        self.addStyleName(self.STYLE['main'])
+        editor_widget.BaseTextEditor.__init__(self, content, None, modifiedCb, afterEditCb)
+    def addEditListener(self, listener):
+        """Add a method to be called whenever the text is edited.
+        @param listener: method taking two arguments: sender, keycode
+        """
+        editor_widget.BaseTextEditor.addEditListener(self, listener)
+        if hasattr(self, 'display'):
+            self.display.addEditListener(listener)
+    def refresh(self, edit=None):
+        """Refresh the UI for edition/display mode.
+        @param edit: set to True to display the edition mode
+        """
+        if edit is None:
+            edit = hasattr(self, 'textarea') and self.textarea.getVisible()
+        for widget in ['title_panel', 'tags_panel', 'command']:
+            if hasattr(self, widget):
+                getattr(self, widget).setVisible(edit)
+        if hasattr(self, 'toolbar'):
+            self.toolbar.setVisible(False)
+        if not hasattr(self, 'display'):
+            self.display = editor_widget.HTMLTextEditor(options={'enhance_display': False, 'listen_keyboard': False})  # for display mode
+            for listener in self.edit_listeners:
+                self.display.addEditListener(listener)
+        if not self.read_only and not hasattr(self, 'textarea'):
+            self.textarea = EditTextArea(self)  # for edition mode
+            self.textarea.addStyleName(self.STYLE['textarea'])
+        self.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(self.content_offset, 0, 2)
+        if edit and not self.wysiwyg:
+            self.textarea.setWidth('100%')  # CSS width doesn't do it, don't know why
+            self.setWidget(self.content_offset, 0, self.textarea)
+        else:
+            self.setWidget(self.content_offset, 0, self.display)
+        if not edit:
+            return
+        if not self.read_only and not hasattr(self, 'title_panel'):
+            self.title_panel = base_panel.TitlePanel()
+            self.title_panel.addStyleName(self.STYLE['title'])
+            self.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(self.title_offset, 0, 2)
+            self.setWidget(self.title_offset, 0, self.title_panel)
+        if not self.read_only and not hasattr(self, 'tags_panel'):
+            suggested_tags = []  # TODO: feed this list with tags suggestion
+            self.tags_panel = list_manager.TagsPanel(suggested_tags)
+            self.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(self.tags_offset, 0, 2)
+            self.setWidget(self.tags_offset, 0, self.tags_panel)
+        if not self.read_only and not hasattr(self, 'command'):
+            self.command = HorizontalPanel()
+            self.command.addStyleName("marginAuto")
+            self.command.add(Button("Cancel", lambda: self.edit(True, True)))
+            self.command.add(Button("Update" if self.update_msg else "Send message", lambda: self.edit(False)))
+            self.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(self.command_offset, 0, 2)
+            self.setWidget(self.command_offset, 0, self.command)
+    def setToolBar(self, syntax):
+        """This method is called asynchronously after the parameter
+        holding the rich text syntax is retrieved. It is called at
+        each call of self.edit(True) because the user may
+        have change his setting since the last time."""
+        if syntax is None or syntax not in composition.RICH_SYNTAXES.keys():
+            syntax = composition.RICH_SYNTAXES.keys()[0]
+        if hasattr(self, "toolbar") and self.toolbar.syntax == syntax:
+            self.toolbar.setVisible(True)
+            return
+        self.toolbar = HorizontalPanel()
+        self.toolbar.syntax = syntax
+        self.toolbar.addStyleName(self.STYLE['toolbar'])
+        for key in composition.RICH_SYNTAXES[syntax].keys():
+            self.addToolbarButton(syntax, key)
+        self.wysiwyg_button = CheckBox(_('preview'))
+        wysiywgCb = lambda sender: self.setWysiwyg(sender.getChecked())
+        self.wysiwyg_button.addClickListener(wysiywgCb)
+        self.toolbar.add(self.wysiwyg_button)
+        self.syntax_label = Label(_("Syntax: %s") % syntax)
+        self.syntax_label.addStyleName("richTextSyntaxLabel")
+        self.toolbar.add(self.syntax_label)
+        self.toolbar.setCellWidth(self.syntax_label, "100%")
+        self.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(self.toolbar_offset, 0, 2)
+        self.setWidget(self.toolbar_offset, 0, self.toolbar)
+    def setWysiwyg(self, wysiwyg, init=False):
+        """Toggle the edition mode between rich content syntax and wysiwyg.
+        @param wysiwyg: boolean value
+        @param init: set to True to re-init without switching the widgets."""
+        def setWysiwyg():
+            self.wysiwyg = wysiwyg
+            try:
+                self.wysiwyg_button.setChecked(wysiwyg)
+            except (AttributeError, TypeError):
+                pass
+            try:
+                if wysiwyg:
+                    self.syntax_label.addStyleName('transparent')
+                else:
+                    self.syntax_label.removeStyleName('transparent')
+            except (AttributeError, TypeError):
+                pass
+            if not wysiwyg:
+                self.display.removeStyleName('richTextWysiwyg')
+        if init:
+            setWysiwyg()
+            return
+        self.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(self.content_offset, 0, 2)
+        if wysiwyg:
+            def syntaxConvertCb(text):
+                self.display.setContent({'text': text})
+                self.textarea.removeFromParent()  # XXX: force as it is not always done...
+                self.setWidget(self.content_offset, 0, self.display)
+                self.display.addStyleName('richTextWysiwyg')
+                self.display.edit(True)
+            content = self.getContent()
+            if content['text'] and content['syntax'] != C.SYNTAX_XHTML:
+                self.host.bridge.call('syntaxConvert', syntaxConvertCb, content['text'], content['syntax'], C.SYNTAX_XHTML)
+            else:
+                syntaxConvertCb(content['text'])
+        else:
+            syntaxConvertCb = lambda text: self.textarea.setText(text)
+            text = self.display.getContent()['text']
+            if text and self.toolbar.syntax != C.SYNTAX_XHTML:
+                self.host.bridge.call('syntaxConvert', syntaxConvertCb, text)
+            else:
+                syntaxConvertCb(text)
+            self.setWidget(self.content_offset, 0, self.textarea)
+            self.textarea.setWidth('100%')  # CSS width doesn't do it, don't know why
+        setWysiwyg()  # do it in the end because it affects self.getContent
+    def addToolbarButton(self, syntax, key):
+        """Add a button with the defined parameters."""
+        button = Button('<img src="%s" class="richTextIcon" />' %
+                        composition.RICH_BUTTONS[key]["icon"])
+        button.setTitle(composition.RICH_BUTTONS[key]["tip"])
+        button.addStyleName('richTextToolButton')
+        self.toolbar.add(button)
+        def buttonCb():
+            """Generic callback for a toolbar button."""
+            text = self.textarea.getText()
+            cursor_pos = self.textarea.getCursorPos()
+            selection_length = self.textarea.getSelectionLength()
+            data = composition.RICH_SYNTAXES[syntax][key]
+            if selection_length == 0:
+                middle_text = data[1]
+            else:
+                middle_text = text[cursor_pos:cursor_pos + selection_length]
+            self.textarea.setText(text[:cursor_pos]
+                                  + data[0]
+                                  + middle_text
+                                  + data[2]
+                                  + text[cursor_pos + selection_length:])
+            self.textarea.setCursorPos(cursor_pos + len(data[0]) + len(middle_text))
+            self.textarea.setFocus(True)
+            self.textarea.onKeyDown()
+        def wysiwygCb():
+            """Callback for a toolbar button while wysiwyg mode is enabled."""
+            data = composition.COMMANDS[key]
+            def execCommand(command, arg):
+                self.display.setFocus(True)
+                doc().execCommand(command, False, arg.strip() if arg else '')
+            # use Window.prompt instead of dialog.PromptDialog to not loose the focus
+            prompt = lambda command, text: execCommand(command, Window.prompt(text))
+            if isinstance(data, tuple) or isinstance(data, list):
+                if data[1]:
+                    prompt(data[0], data[1])
+                else:
+                    execCommand(data[0], data[2])
+            else:
+                execCommand(data, False, '')
+            self.textarea.onKeyDown()
+        button.addClickListener(lambda: wysiwygCb() if self.wysiwyg else buttonCb())
+    def getContent(self):
+        assert(hasattr(self, 'textarea'))
+        assert(hasattr(self, 'toolbar'))
+        if self.wysiwyg:
+            content = {'text': self.display.getContent()['text'], 'syntax': C.SYNTAX_XHTML}
+        else:
+            content = {'text': self.strproc(self.textarea.getText()), 'syntax': self.toolbar.syntax}
+        if hasattr(self, 'title_panel'):
+            content.update({'title': self.strproc(self.title_panel.getText())})
+        if hasattr(self, 'tags_panel'):
+            data_format.iter2dict('tag', self.tags_panel.getTags(), content)
+        return content
+    def edit(self, edit=False, abort=False, sync=False):
+        """
+        Remark: the editor must be visible before you call this method.
+        @param edit: set to True to edit the content or False to only display it
+        @param abort: set to True to cancel the edition and loose the changes.
+        If edit and abort are both True, self.abortEdition can be used to ask for a
+        confirmation. When edit is False and abort is True, abortion is actually done.
+        @param sync: set to True to cancel the edition after the content has been saved somewhere else
+        """
+        if not (edit and abort):
+            self.refresh(edit)  # not when we are asking for a confirmation
+        editor_widget.BaseTextEditor.edit(self, edit, abort, sync)  # after the UI has been refreshed
+        if (edit and abort):
+            return  # self.abortEdition is called by editor_widget.BaseTextEditor.edit
+        self.setWysiwyg(False, init=True)  # after editor_widget.BaseTextEditor (it affects self.getContent)
+        if sync:
+            return
+        # the following must NOT be done at each UI refresh!
+        content = self._original_content
+        if edit:
+            def getParamCb(syntax):
+                # set the editable text in the current user-selected syntax
+                def syntaxConvertCb(text=None):
+                    if text is not None:
+                        # Important: this also update self._original_content
+                        content.update({'text': text})
+                    content.update({'syntax': syntax})
+                    self.textarea.setText(content['text'])
+                    if hasattr(self, 'title_panel') and 'title' in content:
+                        self.title_panel.setText(content['title'])
+                        self.title_panel.setStackVisible(0, content['title'] != '')
+                    if hasattr(self, 'tags_panel'):
+                        tags = list(data_format.dict2iter('tag', content))
+                        self.tags_panel.setTags(tags)
+                        self.tags_panel.setStackVisible(0, len(tags) > 0)
+                    self.setToolBar(syntax)
+                if content['text'] and content['syntax'] != syntax:
+                    self.host.bridge.call('syntaxConvert', syntaxConvertCb, content['text'], content['syntax'])
+                else:
+                    syntaxConvertCb()
+            self.host.bridge.call('asyncGetParamA', getParamCb, composition.PARAM_NAME_SYNTAX, composition.PARAM_KEY_COMPOSITION)
+        else:
+            if not self.initialized:
+                # set the display text in XHTML only during init because a new MicroblogEntry instance is created after each modification
+                self.setDisplayContent()
+            self.display.edit(False)
+    def setDisplayContent(self):
+        """Set the content of the editor_widget.HTMLTextEditor which is used for display/wysiwyg"""
+        content = self._original_content
+        text = content['text']
+        if 'title' in content and content['title']:
+            title = '<h2>%s</h2>' % html_tools.html_sanitize(content['title'])
+        else:
+            title = ""
+        tags = ""
+        for tag in data_format.dict2iter('tag', content):
+            tags += "<li><a>%s</a></li>" % html_tools.html_sanitize(tag)
+        if tags:
+            tags = '<ul class="mblog_tags">%s</ul>' % tags
+        self.display.setContent({'text': "%s%s%s" % (title, tags, text)})
+    def setFocus(self, focus):
+        self.textarea.setFocus(focus)
+    def abortEdition(self, content):
+        """Ask for confirmation before closing the dialog."""
+        def confirm_cb(answer):
+            if answer:
+                self.edit(False, True)
+        _dialog = dialog.ConfirmDialog(confirm_cb, text="Do you really want to %s?" % ("cancel your changes" if self.update_msg else "cancel this message"))
+        _dialog.cancel_button.setText(_("No"))
+        _dialog.show()
+class EditTextArea(TextArea, KeyboardHandler):
+    def __init__(self, _parent):
+        TextArea.__init__(self)
+        self._parent = _parent
+        KeyboardHandler.__init__(self)
+        self.addKeyboardListener(self)
+    def onKeyDown(self, sender=None, keycode=None, modifiers=None):
+        for listener in self._parent.edit_listeners:
+            listener(self, keycode, modifiers) # FIXME: edit_listeners must either be removed, or send an action instead of keycode/modifiers