diff libervia/server/blog.py @ 1124:28e3eb3bb217

files reorganisation and installation rework: - files have been reorganised to follow other SàT projects and usual Python organisation (no more "/src" directory) - VERSION file is now used, as for other SàT projects - replace the overcomplicated setup.py be a more sane one. Pyjamas part is not compiled anymore by setup.py, it must be done separatly - removed check for data_dir if it's empty - installation tested working in virtual env - libervia launching script is now in bin/libervia
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Sat, 25 Aug 2018 17:59:48 +0200
parents src/server/blog.py@cdd389ef97bc
children 2af117bfe6cc
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/libervia/server/blog.py	Sat Aug 25 17:59:48 2018 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,894 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Libervia: a Salut à Toi frontend
+# Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Jérôme Poisson <goffi@goffi.org>
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Adrien Cossa <souliane@mailoo.org>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from sat.core.i18n import _, D_
+from sat_frontends.tools.strings import addURLToText, fixXHTMLLinks
+from sat.core.log import getLogger
+log = getLogger(__name__)
+from sat.tools.common import data_format
+from sat.tools import xml_tools
+from dbus.exceptions import DBusException
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.web import server
+from twisted.web.resource import Resource
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid import JID
+from twisted.words.xish import domish
+from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader
+from datetime import datetime
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+import urllib
+from libervia.server.html_tools import sanitizeHtml, convertNewLinesToXHTML
+from libervia.server.constants import Const as C
+NS_ATOM = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
+re_strip_empty_div = re.compile(r"<div ?/>|<div> *?</div>")
+# TODO: check disco features and use max_items when RSM is not available
+# FIXME: change navigation links handling, this is is fragile
+# XXX: this page will disappear, LiberviaPage will be used instead
+# TODO: delete this page and create a compatibility page for links
+def getDefaultQueryData(request):
+    """Return query data which must be present in all links
+    @param request(twisted.web.http.Request): request instance comming from render
+    @return (dict): a dict with values as expected by urllib.urlencode
+    """
+    default_query_data = {}
+    try:
+        default_query_data["tag"] = request.extra_dict[
+            "mam_filter_{}".format(C.MAM_FILTER_CATEGORY)
+        ].encode("utf-8")
+    except KeyError:
+        pass
+    return default_query_data
+def _quote(value):
+    """Quote a value for use in url
+    @param value(unicode): value to quote
+    @return (str): quoted value
+    """
+    return urllib.quote(value.encode("utf-8"), "")
+def _unquote(quoted_value):
+    """Unquote a value coming from url
+    @param unquote_value(str): value to unquote
+    @return (unicode): unquoted value
+    """
+    assert not isinstance(quoted_value, unicode)
+    return urllib.unquote(quoted_value).decode("utf-8")
+def _urlencode(query):
+    """Same as urllib.urlencode, but use '&amp;' instead of '&'"""
+    return "&amp;".join(
+        [
+            "{}={}".format(urllib.quote_plus(str(k)), urllib.quote_plus(str(v)))
+            for k, v in query.iteritems()
+        ]
+    )
+class TemplateProcessor(object):
+    THEME = "default"
+    def __init__(self, host):
+        self.host = host
+        # add Libervia's themes directory to the python path
+        sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(self.host.themes_dir)))
+        themes = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(self.host.themes_dir))
+        self.env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader(themes, self.THEME))
+    def useTemplate(self, request, tpl, data=None):
+        theme_url = os.path.join("/", C.THEMES_URL, self.THEME)
+        data_ = {
+            "images": os.path.join(theme_url, "images"),
+            "styles": os.path.join(theme_url, "styles"),
+        }
+        if data:
+            data_.update(data)
+        template = self.env.get_template("{}.html".format(tpl))
+        return template.render(**data_).encode("utf-8")
+class MicroBlog(Resource, TemplateProcessor):
+    isLeaf = True
+    def __init__(self, host):
+        self.host = host
+        Resource.__init__(self)
+        TemplateProcessor.__init__(self, host)
+        self.avatars_cache = {}
+    def _avatarPathToUrl(self, avatar, request, bare_jid_s):
+        filename = os.path.basename(avatar)
+        avatar_url = os.path.join(self.host.service_cache_url, filename)
+        self.avatars_cache[bare_jid_s] = avatar_url
+        return avatar_url
+    def getAvatarURL(self, pub_jid, request):
+        """Return avatar of a jid if in cache, else ask for it.
+        @param pub_jid (JID): publisher JID
+        @return: deferred avatar URL (unicode)
+        """
+        bare_jid_s = pub_jid.userhost()
+        try:
+            url = self.avatars_cache[bare_jid_s]
+        except KeyError:
+            self.avatars_cache[
+                bare_jid_s
+            ] = ""  # avoid to request the vcard several times
+            d = self.host.bridgeCall(
+                "avatarGet", bare_jid_s, False, False, C.SERVICE_PROFILE
+            )
+            d.addCallback(self._avatarPathToUrl, request, bare_jid_s)
+            return d
+        return defer.succeed(url if url else C.DEFAULT_AVATAR_URL)
+    def render_GET(self, request):
+        if not request.postpath or len(request.postpath) > 2:
+            return self.useTemplate(
+                request, "static_blog_error", {"message": "You must indicate a nickname"}
+            )
+        prof_requested = _unquote(request.postpath[0])
+        try:
+            prof_found = self.host.bridge.profileNameGet(prof_requested)
+        except DBusException:
+            prof_found = None
+        if not prof_found or prof_found == C.SERVICE_PROFILE:
+            return self.useTemplate(
+                request, "static_blog_error", {"message": "Invalid nickname"}
+            )
+        d = defer.Deferred()
+        # TODO: jid caching
+        self.host.bridge.asyncGetParamA(
+            "JabberID",
+            "Connection",
+            "value",
+            profile_key=prof_found,
+            callback=d.callback,
+            errback=d.errback,
+        )
+        d.addCallback(self.render_gotJID, request, prof_found)
+        return server.NOT_DONE_YET
+    def render_gotJID(self, pub_jid_s, request, profile):
+        pub_jid = JID(pub_jid_s)
+        request.extra_dict = {}  # will be used for RSM and MAM
+        self.parseURLParams(request)
+        if request.item_id:
+            # FIXME: this part seems useless
+            # we want a specific item
+            # item_ids = [request.item_id]
+            # max_items = 1
+            max_items = C.NO_LIMIT  # FIXME
+        else:
+            # max_items = int(request.extra_dict['rsm_max']) # FIXME
+            max_items = C.NO_LIMIT
+            # TODO: use max_items only when RSM is not available
+        if request.atom:
+            request.extra_dict.update(request.mam_extra)
+            self.getAtom(
+                pub_jid,
+                max_items,
+                request.extra_dict,
+                request.extra_comments_dict,
+                request,
+                profile,
+            )
+        elif request.item_id:
+            # we can't merge mam_extra now because we'll use item_ids
+            self.getItemById(
+                pub_jid,
+                request.item_id,
+                request.extra_dict,
+                request.extra_comments_dict,
+                request,
+                profile,
+            )
+        else:
+            request.extra_dict.update(request.mam_extra)
+            self.getItems(
+                pub_jid,
+                max_items,
+                request.extra_dict,
+                request.extra_comments_dict,
+                request,
+                profile,
+            )
+    ## URL parsing
+    def parseURLParams(self, request):
+        """Parse the request URL parameters.
+        @param request: HTTP request
+        """
+        if len(request.postpath) > 1:
+            if request.postpath[1] == "atom.xml":  # return the atom feed
+                request.atom = True
+                request.item_id = None
+            else:
+                request.atom = False
+                request.item_id = _unquote(request.postpath[1])
+        else:
+            request.item_id = None
+            request.atom = False
+        self.parseURLParamsRSM(request)
+        # XXX: request.display_single is True when only one blog post is visible
+        request.display_single = (request.item_id is not None) or int(
+            request.extra_dict["rsm_max"]
+        ) == 1
+        self.parseURLParamsCommentsRSM(request)
+        self.parseURLParamsMAM(request)
+    def parseURLParamsRSM(self, request):
+        """Parse RSM request data from the URL parameters for main items
+        fill request.extra_dict accordingly
+        @param request: HTTP request
+        """
+        if request.item_id:  # XXX: item_id and RSM are not compatible
+            return
+        try:
+            rsm_max = int(request.args["max"][0])
+            if rsm_max > C.STATIC_RSM_MAX_LIMIT:
+                log.warning(u"Request with rsm_max over limit ({})".format(rsm_max))
+                rsm_max = C.STATIC_RSM_MAX_LIMIT
+            request.extra_dict["rsm_max"] = unicode(rsm_max)
+        except (ValueError, KeyError):
+            request.extra_dict["rsm_max"] = unicode(C.STATIC_RSM_MAX_DEFAULT)
+        try:
+            request.extra_dict["rsm_index"] = request.args["index"][0]
+        except (ValueError, KeyError):
+            try:
+                request.extra_dict["rsm_before"] = request.args["before"][0].decode(
+                    "utf-8"
+                )
+            except KeyError:
+                try:
+                    request.extra_dict["rsm_after"] = request.args["after"][0].decode(
+                        "utf-8"
+                    )
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass
+    def parseURLParamsCommentsRSM(self, request):
+        """Parse RSM request data from the URL parameters for comments
+        fill request.extra_dict accordingly
+        @param request: HTTP request
+        """
+        request.extra_comments_dict = {}
+        if request.display_single:
+            try:
+                rsm_max = int(request.args["comments_max"][0])
+                if rsm_max > C.STATIC_RSM_MAX_LIMIT:
+                    log.warning(u"Request with rsm_max over limit ({})".format(rsm_max))
+                    rsm_max = C.STATIC_RSM_MAX_LIMIT
+                request.extra_comments_dict["rsm_max"] = unicode(rsm_max)
+            except (ValueError, KeyError):
+                request.extra_comments_dict["rsm_max"] = unicode(
+                )
+        else:
+            request.extra_comments_dict["rsm_max"] = "0"
+    def parseURLParamsMAM(self, request):
+        """Parse MAM request data from the URL parameters for main items
+        fill request.extra_dict accordingly
+        @param request: HTTP request
+        """
+        # XXX: we use a separate dict for MAM as the filters are not used
+        #      when display_single is set (because it then use item_ids which
+        #      can't be used with MAM), but it is still used in this case
+        #      for navigation links.
+        request.mam_extra = {}
+        try:
+            request.mam_extra[
+                "mam_filter_{}".format(C.MAM_FILTER_CATEGORY)
+            ] = request.args["tag"][0].decode("utf-8")
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+    ## Items retrieval
+    def getItemById(
+        self, pub_jid, item_id, extra_dict, extra_comments_dict, request, profile
+    ):
+        """
+        @param pub_jid (jid.JID): publisher JID
+        @param item_id(unicode): ID of the item to retrieve
+        @param extra_dict (dict): extra configuration for initial items only
+        @param extra_comments_dict (dict): extra configuration for comments only
+        @param request: HTTP request
+        @param profile
+        """
+        def gotItems(items):
+            items, metadata = items
+            item = items[0]  # assume there's only one item
+            def gotMetadata(result):
+                dummy, rsm_metadata = result
+                try:
+                    metadata["rsm_count"] = rsm_metadata["rsm_count"]
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass
+                try:
+                    metadata["rsm_index"] = unicode(int(rsm_metadata["rsm_index"]) - 1)
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass
+                metadata["rsm_first"] = metadata["rsm_last"] = item["id"]
+                def gotComments(comments):
+                    # at this point we can merge mam dict
+                    request.extra_dict.update(request.mam_extra)
+                    # build the items as self.getItems would do it (and as self.renderHTML expects them to be)
+                    comments = [
+                        (
+                            item["comments_service"],
+                            item["comments_node"],
+                            "",
+                            comments[0],
+                            comments[1],
+                        )
+                    ]
+                    self.renderHTML(
+                        [(item, comments)], metadata, request, pub_jid, profile
+                    )
+                # get the comments
+                # max_comments = int(extra_comments_dict['rsm_max']) # FIXME
+                max_comments = C.NO_LIMIT
+                # TODO: use max_comments only when RSM is not available
+                self.host.bridge.mbGet(
+                    item["comments_service"],
+                    item["comments_node"],
+                    max_comments,
+                    [],
+                    extra_comments_dict,
+                    C.SERVICE_PROFILE,
+                    callback=gotComments,
+                    errback=lambda failure: self.renderError(failure, request, pub_jid),
+                )
+            # XXX: retrieve RSM information related to the main item. We can't do it while
+            # retrieving the item, because item_ids and rsm should not be used together.
+            self.host.bridge.mbGet(
+                pub_jid.userhost(),
+                "",
+                0,
+                [],
+                {"rsm_max": "1", "rsm_after": item["id"]},
+                C.SERVICE_PROFILE,
+                callback=gotMetadata,
+                errback=lambda failure: self.renderError(failure, request, pub_jid),
+            )
+        # get the main item
+        self.host.bridge.mbGet(
+            pub_jid.userhost(),
+            "",
+            0,
+            [item_id],
+            extra_dict,
+            C.SERVICE_PROFILE,
+            callback=gotItems,
+            errback=lambda failure: self.renderError(failure, request, pub_jid),
+        )
+    def getItems(
+        self, pub_jid, max_items, extra_dict, extra_comments_dict, request, profile
+    ):
+        """
+        @param pub_jid (jid.JID): publisher JID
+        @param max_items(int): maximum number of item to get, C.NO_LIMIT for no limit
+        @param extra_dict (dict): extra configuration for initial items only
+        @param extra_comments_dict (dict): extra configuration for comments only
+        @param request: HTTP request
+        @param profile
+        """
+        def getResultCb(data, rt_session):
+            remaining, results = data
+            # we have requested one node only
+            assert remaining == 0
+            assert len(results) == 1
+            service, node, failure, items, metadata = results[0]
+            if failure:
+                self.renderError(failure, request, pub_jid)
+            else:
+                self.renderHTML(items, metadata, request, pub_jid, profile)
+        def getResult(rt_session):
+            self.host.bridge.mbGetFromManyWithCommentsRTResult(
+                rt_session,
+                C.SERVICE_PROFILE,
+                callback=lambda data: getResultCb(data, rt_session),
+                errback=lambda failure: self.renderError(failure, request, pub_jid),
+            )
+        # max_comments = int(extra_comments_dict['rsm_max']) # FIXME
+        max_comments = 0
+        # TODO: use max_comments only when RSM is not available
+        self.host.bridge.mbGetFromManyWithComments(
+            C.JID,
+            [pub_jid.userhost()],
+            max_items,
+            max_comments,
+            extra_dict,
+            extra_comments_dict,
+            C.SERVICE_PROFILE,
+            callback=getResult,
+        )
+    def getAtom(
+        self, pub_jid, max_items, extra_dict, extra_comments_dict, request, profile
+    ):
+        """
+        @param pub_jid (jid.JID): publisher JID
+        @param max_items(int): maximum number of item to get, C.NO_LIMIT for no limit
+        @param extra_dict (dict): extra configuration for initial items only
+        @param extra_comments_dict (dict): extra configuration for comments only
+        @param request: HTTP request
+        @param profile
+        """
+        def gotItems(data):
+            # Generate a clean atom feed with uri linking to this blog
+            # from microblog data
+            items, metadata = data
+            feed_elt = domish.Element((NS_ATOM, u"feed"))
+            title = _(u"{user}'s blog").format(user=profile)
+            feed_elt.addElement(u"title", content=title)
+            base_blog_url = self.host.getExtBaseURL(
+                request, u"blog/{user}".format(user=profile)
+            )
+            # atom link
+            link_feed_elt = feed_elt.addElement("link")
+            link_feed_elt["href"] = u"{base}/atom.xml".format(base=base_blog_url)
+            link_feed_elt["type"] = u"application/atom+xml"
+            link_feed_elt["rel"] = u"self"
+            # blog link
+            link_blog_elt = feed_elt.addElement("link")
+            link_blog_elt["rel"] = u"alternate"
+            link_blog_elt["type"] = u"text/html"
+            link_blog_elt["href"] = base_blog_url
+            # blog link XMPP uri
+            blog_xmpp_uri = metadata["uri"]
+            link_blog_elt = feed_elt.addElement("link")
+            link_blog_elt["rel"] = u"alternate"
+            link_blog_elt["type"] = u"application/atom+xml"
+            link_blog_elt["href"] = blog_xmpp_uri
+            feed_elt.addElement("id", content=_quote(blog_xmpp_uri))
+            updated_unix = max([float(item["updated"]) for item in items])
+            updated_dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(updated_unix)
+            feed_elt.addElement(
+                u"updated", content=u"{}Z".format(updated_dt.isoformat("T"))
+            )
+            for item in items:
+                entry_elt = feed_elt.addElement(u"entry")
+                # Title
+                try:
+                    title = item["title"]
+                except KeyError:
+                    # for microblog (without title), we use an abstract of content as title
+                    title = u"{}…".format(u" ".join(item["content"][:70].split()))
+                entry_elt.addElement(u"title", content=title)
+                # HTTP link
+                http_link_elt = entry_elt.addElement(u"link")
+                http_link_elt["rel"] = u"alternate"
+                http_link_elt["type"] = u"text/html"
+                http_link_elt["href"] = u"{base}/{quoted_id}".format(
+                    base=base_blog_url, quoted_id=_quote(item["id"])
+                )
+                # XMPP link
+                xmpp_link_elt = entry_elt.addElement(u"link")
+                xmpp_link_elt["rel"] = u"alternate"
+                xmpp_link_elt["type"] = u"application/atom+xml"
+                xmpp_link_elt["href"] = u"{blog_uri};item={item_id}".format(
+                    blog_uri=blog_xmpp_uri, item_id=item["id"]
+                )
+                # date metadata
+                entry_elt.addElement(u"id", content=item["atom_id"])
+                updated = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(item["updated"]))
+                entry_elt.addElement(
+                    u"updated", content=u"{}Z".format(updated.isoformat("T"))
+                )
+                published = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(item["published"]))
+                entry_elt.addElement(
+                    u"published", content=u"{}Z".format(published.isoformat("T"))
+                )
+                # author metadata
+                author_elt = entry_elt.addElement(u"author")
+                author_elt.addElement("name", content=item.get("author", profile))
+                try:
+                    author_elt.addElement(
+                        "uri", content=u"xmpp:{}".format(item["author_jid"])
+                    )
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass
+                try:
+                    author_elt.addElement("email", content=item["author_email"])
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass
+                # categories
+                for tag in data_format.dict2iter("tag", item):
+                    category_elt = entry_elt.addElement(u"category")
+                    category_elt["term"] = tag
+                # content
+                try:
+                    content_xhtml = item["content_xhtml"]
+                except KeyError:
+                    content_elt = entry_elt.addElement("content", content="content")
+                    content_elt["type"] = "text"
+                else:
+                    content_elt = entry_elt.addElement("content")
+                    content_elt["type"] = "xhtml"
+                    content_elt.addChild(
+                        xml_tools.ElementParser()(content_xhtml, namespace=C.NS_XHTML)
+                    )
+            atom_feed = u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n{}'.format(
+                feed_elt.toXml()
+            )
+            self.renderAtomFeed(atom_feed, request),
+        self.host.bridge.mbGet(
+            pub_jid.userhost(),
+            "",
+            max_items,
+            [],
+            extra_dict,
+            C.SERVICE_PROFILE,
+            callback=gotItems,
+        )
+    ## rendering
+    def _updateDict(self, value, dict_, key):
+        dict_[key] = value
+    def _getImageParams(self, options, key, default, alt):
+        """regexp from http://answers.oreilly.com/topic/280-how-to-validate-urls-with-regular-expressions/"""
+        url = options[key] if key in options else ""
+        regexp = (
+            r"^(https?|ftp)://[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)+(/[\w-]+)*/[\w-]+\.(gif|png|jpg)$"
+        )
+        if re.match(regexp, url):
+            url = url
+        else:
+            url = default
+        return BlogImage(url, alt)
+    def renderError(self, failure, request, pub_jid):
+        request.setResponseCode(500)
+        request.write(
+            self.useTemplate(
+                request, "static_blog_error", {"message": "Can't access requested data"}
+            )
+        )
+        request.finish()
+    def renderHTML(self, items, metadata, request, pub_jid, profile):
+        """Retrieve the user parameters before actually rendering the static blog
+        @param items(list[tuple(dict, list)]): same as in self._renderHTML
+        @param metadata(dict): original node metadata
+        @param request: HTTP request
+        @param pub_jid (JID): publisher JID
+        @param profile (unicode): %(doc_profile)s
+        """
+        d_list = []
+        options = {}
+        d = self.getAvatarURL(pub_jid, request)
+        d.addCallback(self._updateDict, options, "avatar")
+        d.addErrback(self.renderError, request, pub_jid)
+        d_list.append(d)
+        for param_name in PARAMS_TO_GET:
+            d = defer.Deferred()
+            self.host.bridge.asyncGetParamA(
+                param_name,
+                C.STATIC_BLOG_KEY,
+                "value",
+                C.SERVER_SECURITY_LIMIT,
+                profile,
+                callback=d.callback,
+                errback=d.errback,
+            )
+            d.addCallback(self._updateDict, options, param_name)
+            d.addErrback(self.renderError, request, pub_jid)
+            d_list.append(d)
+        dlist_d = defer.DeferredList(d_list)
+        dlist_d.addCallback(
+            lambda dummy: self._renderHTML(items, metadata, options, request, pub_jid)
+        )
+    def _renderHTML(self, items, metadata, options, request, pub_jid):
+        """Actually render the static blog.
+        If mblog_data is a list of dict, we are missing the comments items so we just
+        display the main items. If mblog_data is a list of couple, each couple is
+        associating a main item data with the list of its comments, so we render all.
+        @param items(list[tuple(dict, list)]): list of 2-tuple with
+            - item(dict): item microblog data
+            - comments_list(list[tuple]): list of 5-tuple with
+                - service (unicode): pubsub service where the comments node is
+                - node (unicode): comments node
+                - failure (unicode): empty in case of success, else error message
+                - comments(list[dict]): list of microblog data
+                - comments_metadata(dict): metadata of the comment node
+        @param metadata(dict): original node metadata
+        @param options: dict defining the blog's parameters
+        @param request: the HTTP request
+        @param pub_jid (JID): publisher JID
+        """
+        if not isinstance(options, dict):
+            options = {}
+        user = sanitizeHtml(pub_jid.user)
+        base_url = os.path.join("/blog/", user)
+        def getOption(key):
+            return sanitizeHtml(options[key]) if key in options else ""
+        avatar = os.path.normpath("/{}".format(getOption("avatar")))
+        title = getOption(C.STATIC_BLOG_PARAM_TITLE) or user
+        query_data = _urlencode(getDefaultQueryData(request)).decode("utf-8")
+        xmpp_uri = metadata["uri"]
+        if len(items) == 1:
+            # FIXME: that's really not a good way to get item id
+            #        this must be changed after static blog refactorisation
+            item_id = items[0][0]["id"]
+            xmpp_uri += u";item={}".format(_quote(item_id))
+        data = {
+            "url_base": base_url,
+            "xmpp_uri": xmpp_uri,
+            "url_query": u"?{}".format(query_data) if query_data else "",
+            "keywords": getOption(C.STATIC_BLOG_PARAM_KEYWORDS),
+            "description": getOption(C.STATIC_BLOG_PARAM_DESCRIPTION),
+            "title": title,
+            "favicon": avatar,
+            "banner_img": self._getImageParams(
+                options, C.STATIC_BLOG_PARAM_BANNER, avatar, title
+            ),
+        }
+        data["navlinks"] = NavigationLinks(request, items, metadata, base_url)
+        data["messages"] = []
+        for item in items:
+            item, comments_list = item
+            comments, comments_count = [], 0
+            for node_comments in comments_list:
+                comments.extend(node_comments[3])
+                try:
+                    comments_count += int(node_comments[4]["rsm_count"])
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass
+            data["messages"].append(
+                BlogMessage(request, base_url, item, comments, comments_count)
+            )
+        request.write(self.useTemplate(request, "static_blog", data))
+        request.finish()
+    def renderAtomFeed(self, feed, request):
+        request.write(feed.encode("utf-8"))
+        request.finish()
+class NavigationLinks(object):
+    def __init__(self, request, items, metadata, base_url):
+        """Build the navigation links.
+        @param items (list): list of items
+        @param metadata (dict): rsm data
+        @param base_url (unicode): the base URL for this user's blog
+        @return: dict
+        """
+        # FIXME: this code must be refactorized, it is fragile
+        #        and difficult to maintain
+        # query data which must be present in all links
+        default_query_data = getDefaultQueryData(request)
+        # which links we need to display
+        if request.display_single:
+            links = ("later_message", "older_message")
+            # key must exist when using the template
+            self.later_messages = self.older_messages = ""
+        else:
+            links = ("later_messages", "older_messages")
+            self.later_message = self.older_message = ""
+        # now we set the links according to RSM
+        for key in links:
+            query_data = default_query_data.copy()
+            if key.startswith("later_message"):
+                try:
+                    index = int(metadata["rsm_index"])
+                except (KeyError, ValueError):
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    if index == 0:
+                        # we don't show this link on first page
+                        setattr(self, key, "")
+                        continue
+                try:
+                    query_data["before"] = metadata["rsm_first"].encode("utf-8")
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass
+            else:
+                try:
+                    index = int(metadata["rsm_index"])
+                    count = int(metadata.get("rsm_count"))
+                except (KeyError, ValueError):
+                    # XXX: if we don't have index or count, we can't know if we
+                    #      are on the last page or not
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    # if we have index, we don't show the after link
+                    # on the last page
+                    if index + len(items) >= count:
+                        setattr(self, key, "")
+                        continue
+                try:
+                    query_data["after"] = metadata["rsm_last"].encode("utf-8")
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass
+            if request.display_single:
+                query_data["max"] = 1
+            link = "{}?{}".format(base_url, _urlencode(query_data))
+            setattr(self, key, BlogLink(link, key, key.replace("_", " ")))
+class BlogImage(object):
+    def __init__(self, url_, alt):
+        self.url = url_
+        self.alt = alt
+class BlogLink(object):
+    def __init__(self, url_, style, text):
+        self.url = url_
+        self.style = style
+        self.text = text
+class BlogMessage(object):
+    def __init__(self, request, base_url, entry, comments=None, comments_count=0):
+        """
+        @param request: HTTP request
+        @param base_url (unicode): the base URL
+        @param entry(dict): item microblog data
+        @param comments(list[dict]): list of microblog data
+        @param comments_count (int): total number of comments
+        """
+        if comments is None:
+            comments = []
+        timestamp = float(entry.get("published", 0))
+        # FIXME: for now we assume that the comments' depth is only 1
+        is_comment = not entry.get("comments", False)
+        self.date = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
+        self.type = "comment" if is_comment else "main_item"
+        self.style = "mblog_comment" if is_comment else ""
+        self.content = self.getText(entry, "content")
+        if is_comment:
+            self.author = _(u"from {}").format(entry["author"])
+        else:
+            self.author = "&nbsp;"
+            self.url = "{}/{}".format(base_url, _quote(entry["id"]))
+            query_data = getDefaultQueryData(request)
+            if query_data:
+                self.url += "?{}".format(_urlencode(query_data))
+            self.title = self.getText(entry, "title")
+            self.tags = [sanitizeHtml(tag) for tag in data_format.dict2iter("tag", entry)]
+            count_text = lambda count: D_(u"comments") if count > 1 else D_(u"comment")
+            self.comments_text = u"{} {}".format(
+                comments_count, count_text(comments_count)
+            )
+            delta = comments_count - len(comments)
+            if request.display_single and delta > 0:
+                prev_url = "{}?{}".format(
+                    self.url, _urlencode({"comments_max": comments_count})
+                )
+                prev_text = D_(u"show {count} previous {comments}").format(
+                    count=delta, comments=count_text(delta)
+                )
+                self.all_comments_link = BlogLink(prev_url, "comments_link", prev_text)
+        if comments:
+            self.comments = [
+                BlogMessage(request, base_url, comment) for comment in comments
+            ]
+    def getText(self, entry, key):
+        try:
+            xhtml = entry["{}_xhtml".format(key)]
+        except KeyError:
+            try:
+                processor = addURLToText if key.startswith("content") else sanitizeHtml
+                return convertNewLinesToXHTML(processor(entry[key]))
+            except KeyError:
+                return None
+        else:
+            # FIXME: empty <div /> elements provoke rendering issue
+            #        this regex is a temporary workadound, need more investigation
+            xhtml = re_strip_empty_div.sub("", xhtml)
+            return fixXHTMLLinks(xhtml)