diff browser_side/dialog.py @ 268:79970bf6af93

browser_side: added class RoomAndContactsChooser: - unified UI for all the MUC menu items callbacks to join a room, invite people and start a game
author souliane <souliane@mailoo.org>
date Sun, 17 Nov 2013 17:57:14 +0100
parents 30c01671e338
children d868181d0649
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/browser_side/dialog.py	Sun Nov 17 17:53:37 2013 +0100
+++ b/browser_side/dialog.py	Sun Nov 17 17:57:14 2013 +0100
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 from pyjamas.ui.VerticalPanel import VerticalPanel
+from pyjamas.ui.Grid import Grid
 from pyjamas.ui.HorizontalPanel import HorizontalPanel
 from pyjamas.ui.PopupPanel import PopupPanel
 from pyjamas.ui.DialogBox import DialogBox
@@ -28,30 +29,79 @@
 from pyjamas.ui.TextBox import TextBox
 from pyjamas.ui.Label import Label
 from pyjamas.ui.HTML import HTML
-from pyjamas.ui.Frame import Frame
+from pyjamas.ui.RadioButton import RadioButton
 from pyjamas.ui import HasAlignment
 from pyjamas.ui.KeyboardListener import KEY_ESCAPE, KEY_ENTER
 from pyjamas.ui.MouseListener import MouseWheelHandler
-from pyjamas import DOM
 from pyjamas import Window
+from browser_side import panels
+from sat.tools.frontends.misc import DEFAULT_MUC
 # List here the patterns that are not allowed in contact group names
-class ContactsChooser(DialogBox):
+class RoomChooser(Grid):
+    """Select a room from the rooms you already joined, or create a new one"""
+    GENERATE_MUC = "<use random name>"
+    def __init__(self, host, default_room=DEFAULT_MUC):
+        Grid.__init__(self, 2, 2, Width='100%')
+        self.host = host
+        self.exist_radio = RadioButton("room", "Select discussion room:")
+        self.rooms_list = ListBox(Width='100%')
+        self.setRooms()
+        self.add(self.exist_radio, 0, 0)
+        self.add(self.rooms_list, 0, 1)
+        self.new_radio = RadioButton("room", "New discussion room:")
+        self.new_radio.setChecked(True)
+        self.box = TextBox(Width='100%')
+        self.box.setText(self.GENERATE_MUC if default_room == "" else default_room)
+        self.add(self.new_radio, 1, 0)
+        self.add(self.box, 1, 1)
+        self.rooms_list.addFocusListener(self)
+        self.box.addFocusListener(self)
-    def __init__(self, host, callback, nb_contact=None, text='Please select contacts'):
+    def onFocus(self, sender):
+        if sender == self.rooms_list:
+            self.exist_radio.setChecked(True)
+        elif sender == self.box:
+            if self.box.getText() == self.GENERATE_MUC:
+                self.box.setText("")
+            self.new_radio.setChecked(True)
+    def onLostFocus(self, sender):
+        if sender == self.box:
+            if self.box.getText() == "":
+                self.box.setText(self.GENERATE_MUC)
+    def setRooms(self, room_data):
+        for room in self.host.room_list:
+            self.rooms_list.addItem(room.bare)
+    def getRoom(self):
+        if self.exist_radio.getChecked():
+            values = self.rooms_list.getSelectedValues()
+            return "" if values == [] else values[0]
+        value = self.box.getText()
+        return "" if value == self.GENERATE_MUC else value
+class ContactsChooser(VerticalPanel):
+    """Select one or several connected contacts"""
+    def __init__(self, host, nb_contact=None, ok_button=None):
-        ContactsChooser allow to select one or several connected contacts
         @param host: SatWebFrontend instance
-        @param callback: method to call when contacts have been choosed
         @param nb_contact: number of contacts that have to be selected, None for no limit
         If a tuple is given instead of an integer, nb_contact[0] is the minimal and
         nb_contact[1] is the maximal number of contacts to be chosen.
         self.host = host
-        self.callback = callback
         if isinstance(nb_contact, tuple):
             if len(nb_contact) == 0:
                 nb_contact = None
@@ -64,48 +114,108 @@
             print "Need to select between %d and %d contacts" % nb_contact
         self.nb_contact = nb_contact
-        DialogBox.__init__(self, centered=True)
-        content = VerticalPanel()
-        content.setWidth('100%')
+        self.ok_button = ok_button
+        VerticalPanel.__init__(self, Width='100%')
         self.contacts_list = ListBox()
-        self.contacts_list.setVisibleItemCount(10)
-        self.contacts_list.setWidth("100%")
-        self.contacts_list.setStyleName('contactsChooser')
+        self.contacts_list.setWidth("95%")
+        self.contacts_list.addStyleName('contactsChooser')
-        content.add(self.contacts_list)
+        self.add(self.contacts_list)
+        self.setContacts()
+        self.onChange()
+    def onChange(self, sender=None):
+        if self.ok_button is None:
+            return
+        if self.nb_contact:
+            selected = len(self.contacts_list.getSelectedValues(True))
+            if  selected >= self.nb_contact[0] and selected <= self.nb_contact[1]:
+                self.ok_button.setEnabled(True)
+            else:
+                self.ok_button.setEnabled(False)
+    def setContacts(self, selected=[]):
+        """Fill the list with the connected contacts
+        @param select: list of the contacts to select by default
+        """
+        self.contacts_list.clear()
+        contacts = self.host.contact_panel.getConnected()
+        self.contacts_list.setVisibleItemCount(10 if len(contacts) > 5 else 5)
+        self.contacts_list.addItem("")
+        for contact in contacts:
+            if contact not in [room.bare for room in self.host.room_list]:
+                self.contacts_list.addItem(contact)
+        self.contacts_list.setItemTextSelection(selected)
+    def getContacts(self):
+        return self.contacts_list.getSelectedValues(True)
+class RoomAndContactsChooser(DialogBox):
+    """Select a room and some users to invite in"""
+    def __init__(self, host, callback, nb_contact=None, ok_button="OK", title="Group discussions",
+                 title_room="Join room", title_invite="Invite contacts", visible=(True, True)):
+        DialogBox.__init__(self, centered=True)
+        self.host = host
+        self.callback = callback
+        self.title_room = title_room
+        self.title_invite = title_invite
         button_panel = HorizontalPanel()
-        self.choose_button = Button("Choose", self.onChoose)
-        if nb_contact and nb_contact[0] > 0:
-            self.choose_button.setEnabled(False)
-        button_panel.add(self.choose_button)
+        ok_button = Button("OK", self.onOK)
+        button_panel.add(ok_button)
         button_panel.add(Button("Cancel", self.onCancel))
-        content.add(button_panel)
-        self.setHTML(text)
-        self.setWidget(content)
+        self.room_panel = RoomChooser(host, "" if visible == (False, True) else DEFAULT_MUC)
+        self.contact_panel = ContactsChooser(host, nb_contact, ok_button)
-    def onChange(self, sender):
-        if self.nb_contact:
-            selected = len(self.contacts_list.getSelectedValues())
-            if  selected >= self.nb_contact[0] and selected <= self.nb_contact[1]:
-                self.choose_button.setEnabled(True)
-            else:
-                self.choose_button.setEnabled(False)
+        self.stack_panel = panels.ToggleStackPanel(Width="100%")
+        self.stack_panel.add(self.room_panel, title_room, visible=visible[0])
+        self.stack_panel.add(self.contact_panel, title_invite, visible=visible[1])
+        self.stack_panel.addStackChangeListener(self)
+        main_panel = VerticalPanel()
+        main_panel.setStyleName("room-contact-chooser")
+        main_panel.add(self.stack_panel)
+        main_panel.add(button_panel)
-    def getContacts(self):
-        """
-        Actually ask to choose the contacts
-        """
-        self.contacts_list.clear()
-        for contact in self.host.contact_panel.getConnected():
-            if contact not in [room.bare for room in self.host.room_list]:
-                self.contacts_list.addItem(contact)
+        self.setWidget(main_panel)
+        self.setHTML(title)
-    def onChoose(self, sender):
+    def getRoom(self, asSuffix=False):
+        room = self.room_panel.getRoom()
+        if asSuffix:
+            return room if room == "" else ": %s" % room
+        else:
+            return room
+    def getContacts(self, asSuffix=False):
+        contacts = self.contact_panel.getContacts()
+        if asSuffix:
+            return "" if contacts == [] else ": %s" % ", ".join(contacts)
+        else:
+            return contacts
+    def onStackChanged(self, sender, index, visible=None):
+        if visible is None:
+            visible = sender.getWidget(index).getVisible()
+        if index == 0:
+            sender.setStackText(0, self.title_room + ("" if visible else self.getRoom(True)))
+        elif index == 1:
+            sender.setStackText(1, self.title_invite + ("" if visible else self.getContacts(True)))
+            if visible:
+                # update the contacts list in case someone recently logged in/out
+                self.contact_panel.setContacts(self.getContacts())
+    def onOK(self, sender):
+        room_jid = self.getRoom()
+        if room_jid != "" and "@" not in room_jid:
+            Window.alert('You must enter a room jid in the form room@chat.%s' % self.host._defaultDomain)
-        self.callback(self.contacts_list.getSelectedValues())
+        self.callback(room_jid, self.getContacts())
     def onCancel(self, sender):