diff src/browser/contact_group.py @ 449:981ed669d3b3

/!\ reorganize all the file hierarchy, move the code and launching script to src: - browser_side --> src/browser - public --> src/browser_side/public - libervia.py --> src/browser/libervia_main.py - libervia_server --> src/server - libervia_server/libervia.sh --> src/libervia.sh - twisted --> src/twisted - new module src/common - split constants.py in 3 files: - src/common/constants.py - src/browser/constants.py - src/server/constants.py - output --> html (generated by pyjsbuild during the installation) - new option/parameter "data_dir" (-d) to indicates the directory containing html and server_css - setup.py installs libervia to the following paths: - src/common --> <LIB>/libervia/common - src/server --> <LIB>/libervia/server - src/twisted --> <LIB>/twisted - html --> <SHARE>/libervia/html - server_side --> <SHARE>libervia/server_side - LIBERVIA_INSTALL environment variable takes 2 new options with prompt confirmation: - clean: remove previous installation directories - purge: remove building and previous installation directories You may need to update your sat.conf and/or launching script to update the following options/parameters: - ssl_certificate - data_dir
author souliane <souliane@mailoo.org>
date Tue, 20 May 2014 06:41:16 +0200
parents browser_side/contact_group.py@8ecc5a7062e4
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/browser/contact_group.py	Tue May 20 06:41:16 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Libervia: a Salut à Toi frontend
+# Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Adrien Cossa <souliane@mailoo.org>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from pyjamas.ui.FlexTable import FlexTable
+from pyjamas.ui.DockPanel import DockPanel
+from pyjamas.Timer import Timer
+from pyjamas.ui.Button import Button
+from pyjamas.ui.HorizontalPanel import HorizontalPanel
+from pyjamas.ui.VerticalPanel import VerticalPanel
+from pyjamas.ui.DialogBox import DialogBox
+from pyjamas.ui import HasAlignment
+from dialog import ConfirmDialog, InfoDialog
+from list_manager import ListManager
+import dialog
+import contact
+class ContactGroupManager(ListManager):
+    """A manager for sub-panels to assign contacts to each group."""
+    def __init__(self, parent, keys_dict, contact_list, offsets, style):
+        ListManager.__init__(self, parent, keys_dict, contact_list, offsets, style)
+        self.registerPopupMenuPanel(entries={"Remove group": {}},
+                                    callback=lambda sender, key: Timer(5, lambda timer: self.removeContactKey(sender, key)))
+    def removeContactKey(self, sender, key):
+        key = sender.getText()
+        def confirm_cb(answer):
+            if answer:
+                ListManager.removeContactKey(self, key)
+                self._parent.removeKeyFromAddGroupPanel(key)
+        _dialog = ConfirmDialog(confirm_cb, text="Do you really want to delete the group '%s'?" % key)
+        _dialog.show()
+    def removeFromRemainingList(self, contacts):
+        ListManager.removeFromRemainingList(self, contacts)
+        self._parent.updateContactList(contacts=contacts)
+    def addToRemainingList(self, contacts, ignore_key=None):
+        ListManager.addToRemainingList(self, contacts, ignore_key)
+        self._parent.updateContactList(contacts=contacts)
+class ContactGroupEditor(DockPanel):
+    """Panel for the contact groups manager."""
+    def __init__(self, host, parent=None, onCloseCallback=None):
+        DockPanel.__init__(self)
+        self.host = host
+        # eventually display in a popup
+        if parent is None:
+            parent = DialogBox(autoHide=False, centered=True)
+            parent.setHTML("Manage contact groups")
+        self._parent = parent
+        self._on_close_callback = onCloseCallback
+        self.all_contacts = self.host.contact_panel.getContacts()
+        groups_list = self.host.contact_panel.groups.keys()
+        groups_list.sort()
+        self.add_group_panel = self.getAddGroupPanel(groups_list)
+        south_panel = self.getCloseSaveButtons()
+        center_panel = self.getContactGroupManager(groups_list)
+        east_panel = self.getContactList()
+        self.add(self.add_group_panel, DockPanel.CENTER)
+        self.add(east_panel, DockPanel.EAST)
+        self.add(center_panel, DockPanel.NORTH)
+        self.add(south_panel, DockPanel.SOUTH)
+        self.setCellHorizontalAlignment(center_panel, HasAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT)
+        self.setCellVerticalAlignment(center_panel, HasAlignment.ALIGN_TOP)
+        self.setCellHorizontalAlignment(east_panel, HasAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT)
+        self.setCellVerticalAlignment(east_panel, HasAlignment.ALIGN_TOP)
+        self.setCellVerticalAlignment(self.add_group_panel, HasAlignment.ALIGN_BOTTOM)
+        self.setCellHorizontalAlignment(self.add_group_panel, HasAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT)
+        self.setCellVerticalAlignment(south_panel, HasAlignment.ALIGN_BOTTOM)
+        self.setCellHorizontalAlignment(south_panel, HasAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER)
+        # need to be done after the contact list has been initialized
+        self.groups.setContacts(self.host.contact_panel.groups)
+        self.toggleContacts(showAll=True)
+        # Hide the contacts list from the main panel to not confuse the user
+        self.restore_contact_panel = False
+        if self.host.contact_panel.getVisible():
+            self.restore_contact_panel = True
+            self.host.panel._contactsSwitch()
+        parent.add(self)
+        parent.setVisible(True)
+        if isinstance(parent, DialogBox):
+            parent.center()
+    def getContactGroupManager(self, groups_list):
+        """Set the list manager for the groups"""
+        flex_table = FlexTable(len(groups_list), 2)
+        flex_table.addStyleName('contactGroupEditor')
+        # overwrite the default style which has been set for rich text editor
+        style = {
+           "keyItem": "group",
+           "popupMenuItem": "popupMenuItem",
+           "removeButton": "contactGroupRemoveButton",
+           "buttonCell": "contactGroupButtonCell",
+           "keyPanel": "contactGroupPanel"
+        }
+        self.groups = ContactGroupManager(flex_table, groups_list, self.all_contacts, style=style)
+        self.groups.createWidgets()  # widgets are automatically added to FlexTable
+        # FIXME: clean that part which is dangerous
+        flex_table.updateContactList = self.updateContactList
+        flex_table.removeKeyFromAddGroupPanel = self.add_group_panel.groups.remove
+        return flex_table
+    def getAddGroupPanel(self, groups_list):
+        """Add the 'Add group' panel to the FlexTable"""
+        def add_group_cb(text):
+            self.groups.addContactKey(text)
+            self.add_group_panel.textbox.setFocus(True)
+        add_group_panel = dialog.AddGroupPanel(groups_list, add_group_cb)
+        add_group_panel.addStyleName("addContactGroupPanel")
+        return add_group_panel
+    def getCloseSaveButtons(self):
+        """Add the buttons to close the dialog / save the groups"""
+        buttons = HorizontalPanel()
+        buttons.addStyleName("marginAuto")
+        buttons.add(Button("Save", listener=self.closeAndSave))
+        buttons.add(Button("Cancel", listener=self.cancelWithoutSaving))
+        return buttons
+    def getContactList(self):
+        """Add the contact list to the DockPanel"""
+        self.toggle = Button("", self.toggleContacts)
+        self.toggle.addStyleName("toggleAssignedContacts")
+        self.contacts = contact.GenericContactList(self.host)
+        for contact_ in self.all_contacts:
+            self.contacts.add(contact_)
+        contact_panel = VerticalPanel()
+        contact_panel.add(self.toggle)
+        contact_panel.add(self.contacts)
+        return contact_panel
+    def toggleContacts(self, sender=None, showAll=None):
+        """Callback for the toggle button"""
+        if sender is None:
+            sender = self.toggle
+        sender.showAll = showAll if showAll is not None else not sender.showAll
+        if sender.showAll:
+            sender.setText("Hide assigned")
+        else:
+            sender.setText("Show assigned")
+        self.updateContactList(sender)
+    def updateContactList(self, sender=None, contacts=None):
+        """Update the contact list regarding the toggle button"""
+        if not hasattr(self, "toggle") or not hasattr(self.toggle, "showAll"):
+            return
+        sender = self.toggle
+        if contacts is not None:
+            if not isinstance(contacts, list):
+                contacts = [contacts]
+            for contact_ in contacts:
+                if contact_ not in self.all_contacts:
+                    contacts.remove(contact_)
+        else:
+            contacts = self.all_contacts
+        for contact_ in contacts:
+            if sender.showAll:
+                self.contacts.getContactLabel(contact_).setVisible(True)
+            else:
+                if contact_ in self.groups.remaining_list:
+                    self.contacts.getContactLabel(contact_).setVisible(True)
+                else:
+                    self.contacts.getContactLabel(contact_).setVisible(False)
+    def __close(self):
+        """Remove the widget from parent or close the popup."""
+        if isinstance(self._parent, DialogBox):
+            self._parent.hide()
+        self._parent.remove(self)
+        if self._on_close_callback is not None:
+            self._on_close_callback()
+        if self.restore_contact_panel:
+            self.host.panel._contactsSwitch()
+    def cancelWithoutSaving(self):
+        """Ask for confirmation before closing the dialog."""
+        def confirm_cb(answer):
+            if answer:
+                self.__close()
+        _dialog = ConfirmDialog(confirm_cb, text="Do you really want to cancel without saving?")
+        _dialog.show()
+    def closeAndSave(self):
+        """Call bridge methods to save the changes and close the dialog"""
+        map_ = {}
+        for contact_ in self.all_contacts:
+            map_[contact_] = set()
+        contacts = self.groups.getContacts()
+        for group in contacts.keys():
+            for contact_ in contacts[group]:
+                try:
+                    map_[contact_].add(group)
+                except KeyError:
+                    InfoDialog("Invalid contact",
+                           "The contact '%s' is not your contact list but it has been assigned to the group '%s'." % (contact_, group) +
+                           "Your changes could not be saved: please check your assignments and save again.", Width="400px").center()
+                    return
+        for contact_ in map_.keys():
+            groups = map_[contact_]
+            current_groups = self.host.contact_panel.getContactGroups(contact_)
+            if groups != current_groups:
+                self.host.bridge.call('updateContact', None, contact_, '', list(groups))
+        self.__close()