diff libervia/web/pages/calls/_browser/__init__.py @ 1549:e47c24204449

browser (calls): update call to handle search, control buttons, and better UI/UX: - adapt to backend changes - UI and WebRTC parts are not separated - users can now be searched - add mute/fullscreen buttons - ring - cancellable dialog when a call is received - status of the call - animations - various UI/UX improvments rel 423
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Wed, 09 Aug 2023 00:22:18 +0200
parents eb00d593801d
children 83c2a6faa2ae
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/libervia/web/pages/calls/_browser/__init__.py	Wed Aug 09 00:22:16 2023 +0200
+++ b/libervia/web/pages/calls/_browser/__init__.py	Wed Aug 09 00:22:18 2023 +0200
@@ -1,279 +1,150 @@
 import json
-import re
 from bridge import AsyncBridge as Bridge
-from browser import aio, console as log, document, timer, window
-import errors
+from browser import aio, console as log, document, window
+from cache import cache
+import dialog
+from jid import JID
+from jid_search import JidSearch
 import loading
+from template import Template
+from webrtc import WebRTC
 log.warning = log.warn
 profile = window.profile or ""
 bridge = Bridge()
+ALLOWED_STATUSES = (None, "dialing")
+AUDIO = 'audio'
+VIDEO = 'video'
-class WebRTCCall:
+class CallUI:
     def __init__(self):
-        self.reset_instance()
-    def reset_instance(self):
-        """Inits or resets the instance variables to their default state."""
-        self._peer_connection = None
-        self._media_types = None
-        self.sid = None
-        self.local_candidates = None
-        self.remote_stream = None
-        self.candidates_buffer = {
-            "audio": {"candidates": []},
-            "video": {"candidates": []},
-        }
-        self.media_candidates = {}
-        self.candidates_gathered = aio.Future()
-    @property
-    def media_types(self):
-        if self._media_types is None:
-            raise Exception("self._media_types should not be None!")
-        return self._media_types
-    def get_sdp_mline_index(self, media_type):
-        """Gets the sdpMLineIndex for a given media type.
-        @param media_type: The type of the media.
-        """
-        for index, m_type in self.media_types.items():
-            if m_type == media_type:
-                return index
-        raise ValueError(f"Media type '{media_type}' not found")
-    def extract_pwd_ufrag(self, sdp):
-        """Retrieves ICE password and user fragment for SDP offer.
-        @param sdp: The Session Description Protocol offer string.
-        """
-        ufrag_line = re.search(r"ice-ufrag:(\S+)", sdp)
-        pwd_line = re.search(r"ice-pwd:(\S+)", sdp)
-        if ufrag_line and pwd_line:
-            return ufrag_line.group(1), pwd_line.group(1)
-        else:
-            log.error(f"SDP with missing ice-ufrag or ice-pwd:\n{sdp}")
-            raise ValueError("Can't extract ice-ufrag and ice-pwd from SDP")
-    def extract_fingerprint_data(self, sdp):
-        """Retrieves fingerprint data from an SDP offer.
+        self.webrtc = WebRTC()
+        self.mode = "search"
+        self._status = None
+        self._callee = None
+        self.contacts_elt = document["contacts"]
+        self.search_container_elt = document["search_container"]
+        self.call_container_elt = document["call_container"]
+        self.call_box_elt = document["call_box"]
+        self.call_avatar_wrapper_elt = document["call_avatar_wrapper"]
+        self.call_status_wrapper_elt = document["call_status_wrapper"]
+        self.call_avatar_tpl = Template("call/call_avatar.html")
+        self.call_status_tpl = Template("call/call_status.html")
+        self.audio_player_elt = document["audio_player"]
+        bridge.register_signal("action_new", self._on_action_new)
+        bridge.register_signal("call_setup", self._on_call_setup)
+        bridge.register_signal("call_ended", self._on_call_ended)
-        @param sdp: The Session Description Protocol offer string.
-        @return: A dictionary containing the fingerprint data.
-        """
-        fingerprint_line = re.search(r"a=fingerprint:(\S+)\s+(\S+)", sdp)
-        if fingerprint_line:
-            algorithm, fingerprint = fingerprint_line.groups()
-            fingerprint_data = {
-                "hash": algorithm,
-                "fingerprint": fingerprint
-            }
-            setup_line = re.search(r"a=setup:(\S+)", sdp)
-            if setup_line:
-                setup = setup_line.group(1)
-                fingerprint_data["setup"] = setup
-            return fingerprint_data
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("fingerprint should not be missing")
-    def parse_ice_candidate(self, candidate_string):
-        """Parses the ice candidate string.
+        # call/hang up buttons
+        self._call_mode = VIDEO
+        self.call_button_tpl = Template("call/call_button.html")
+        self._update_call_button()
+        document['toggle_call_mode_btn'].bind('click', self.switch_call_mode)
+        document["hangup_btn"].bind(
+            "click",
+            lambda __: aio.run(self.hang_up())
+        )
-        @param candidate_string: The ice candidate string to be parsed.
-        """
-        pattern = re.compile(
-            r"candidate:(?P<foundation>\S+) (?P<component_id>\d+) (?P<transport>\S+) "
-            r"(?P<priority>\d+) (?P<address>\S+) (?P<port>\d+) typ "
-            r"(?P<type>\S+)(?: raddr (?P<rel_addr>\S+) rport "
-            r"(?P<rel_port>\d+))?(?: generation (?P<generation>\d+))?"
+        # other buttons
+        document["full_screen_btn"].bind(
+            "click",
+            lambda __: self.toggle_fullscreen()
+        )
+        document["exit_full_screen_btn"].bind(
+            "click",
+            lambda __: self.toggle_fullscreen()
-        match = pattern.match(candidate_string)
-        if match:
-            candidate_dict = match.groupdict()
-            # Apply the correct types to the dictionary values
-            candidate_dict["component_id"] = int(candidate_dict["component_id"])
-            candidate_dict["priority"] = int(candidate_dict["priority"])
-            candidate_dict["port"] = int(candidate_dict["port"])
+        document["mute_audio_btn"].bind(
+            "click",
+            self.toggle_audio_mute
+        )
+        document["mute_video_btn"].bind(
+            "click",
+            self.toggle_video_mute
+        )
-            if candidate_dict["rel_port"]:
-                candidate_dict["rel_port"] = int(candidate_dict["rel_port"])
-            if candidate_dict["generation"]:
-                candidate_dict["generation"] = candidate_dict["generation"]
-            # Remove None values
-            return {k: v for k, v in candidate_dict.items() if v is not None}
-        else:
-            log.warning(f"can't parse candidate: {candidate_string!r}")
-            return None
-    def build_ice_candidate(self, parsed_candidate):
-        """Builds ICE candidate
-        @param parsed_candidate: Dictionary containing parsed ICE candidate
-        """
-        base_format = (
-            "candidate:{foundation} {component_id} {transport} {priority} "
-            "{address} {port} typ {type}"
+        # search
+        self.jid_search = JidSearch(
+            document["search"],
+            document["contacts"],
+            click_cb = self._on_entity_click
-        if ((parsed_candidate.get('rel_addr')
-             and parsed_candidate.get('rel_port'))):
-            base_format += " raddr {rel_addr} rport {rel_port}"
+        # incoming call dialog
+        self.incoming_call_dialog_elt = None
-        if parsed_candidate.get('generation'):
-            base_format += " generation {generation}"
-        return base_format.format(**parsed_candidate)
-    def on_ice_candidate(self, event):
-        """Handles ICE candidate event
+    @property
+    def sid(self) -> str|None:
+        return self.webrtc.sid
-        @param event: Event containing the ICE candidate
-        """
-        log.debug(f"on ice candidate {event.candidate=}")
-        if event.candidate and event.candidate.candidate:
-            window.last_event = event
-            parsed_candidate = self.parse_ice_candidate(event.candidate.candidate)
-            if parsed_candidate is None:
-                return
-            try:
-                media_type = self.media_types[event.candidate.sdpMLineIndex]
-            except (TypeError, IndexError):
-                log.error(
-                    f"Can't find media type.\n{event.candidate=}\n{self._media_types=}"
-                )
-                return
-            self.media_candidates.setdefault(media_type, []).append(parsed_candidate)
-            log.debug(f"ICE candidate [{media_type}]: {event.candidate.candidate}")
-        else:
-            log.debug("All ICE candidates gathered")
+    @sid.setter
+    def sid(self, new_sid) -> None:
+        self.webrtc.sid = new_sid
+    @property
+    def status(self):
+        return self._status
-    def _set_media_types(self, offer):
-        """Sets media types from offer SDP
-        @param offer: RTC session description containing the offer
-        """
-        sdp_lines = offer.sdp.splitlines()
-        media_types = {}
-        mline_index = 0
-        for line in sdp_lines:
-            if line.startswith("m="):
-                media_types[mline_index] = line[2:line.find(" ")]
-                mline_index += 1
-        self._media_types = media_types
-    def on_ice_gathering_state_change(self, event):
-        """Handles ICE gathering state change
-        @param event: Event containing the ICE gathering state change
-        """
-        connection = event.target
-        log.debug(f"on_ice_gathering_state_change {connection.iceGatheringState=}")
-        if connection.iceGatheringState == "complete":
-            log.info("ICE candidates gathering done")
-            self.candidates_gathered.set_result(None)
-    async def _create_peer_connection(
-        self,
-    ):
-        """Creates peer connection"""
-        if self._peer_connection is not None:
-            raise Exception("create_peer_connection can't be called twice!")
-        external_disco = json.loads(await bridge.external_disco_get(""))
-        ice_servers = []
+    @status.setter
+    def status(self, new_status):
+        if new_status != self._status:
+            if new_status not in ALLOWED_STATUSES:
+                raise Exception(
+                    f"INTERNAL ERROR: this status is not allowed: {new_status!r}"
+                )
+            tpl_data = {
+                "entity": self._callee,
+                "status": new_status
+            }
+            if self._callee is not None:
+                try:
+                    tpl_data["name"] = cache.identities[self._callee]["nicknames"][0]
+                except (KeyError, IndexError):
+                    tpl_data["name"] = str(self._callee)
+            status_elt = self.call_status_tpl.get_elt(tpl_data)
+            self.call_status_wrapper_elt.clear()
+            self.call_status_wrapper_elt <= status_elt
-        for server in external_disco:
-            ice_server = {}
-            if server["type"] == "stun":
-                ice_server["urls"] = f"stun:{server['host']}:{server['port']}"
-            elif server["type"] == "turn":
-                ice_server["urls"] = (
-                    f"turn:{server['host']}:{server['port']}?transport={server['transport']}"
-                )
-                ice_server["username"] = server["username"]
-                ice_server["credential"] = server["password"]
-            ice_servers.append(ice_server)
-        rtc_configuration = {"iceServers": ice_servers}
-        peer_connection = window.RTCPeerConnection.new(rtc_configuration)
-        peer_connection.addEventListener("track", self.on_track)
-        peer_connection.addEventListener("negotiationneeded", self.on_negotiation_needed)
-        peer_connection.addEventListener("icecandidate", self.on_ice_candidate)
-        peer_connection.addEventListener("icegatheringstatechange", self.on_ice_gathering_state_change)
+        self._status = new_status
-        self._peer_connection = peer_connection
-        window.pc = self._peer_connection
-    async def _get_user_media(
-        self,
-        audio: bool = True,
-        video: bool = True
-    ):
-        """Gets user media
-        @param audio: True if an audio flux is required
-        @param video: True if a video flux is required
-        """
-        media_constraints = {'audio': audio, 'video': video}
-        local_stream = await window.navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(media_constraints)
-        document["local_video"].srcObject = local_stream
-        for track in local_stream.getTracks():
-            self._peer_connection.addTrack(track)
+    @property
+    def call_mode(self):
+        return self._call_mode
-    async def _gather_ice_candidates(self, is_initiator: bool, remote_candidates=None):
-        """Get ICE candidates and wait to have them all before returning them
-        @param is_initiator: Boolean indicating if the user is the initiator of the connection
-        @param remote_candidates: Remote ICE candidates, if any
-        """
-        if self._peer_connection is None:
-            raise Exception("The peer connection must be created before gathering ICE candidates!")
-        self.media_candidates.clear()
-        gather_timeout = timer.set_timeout(
-            lambda: self.candidates_gathered.set_exception(
-                errors.TimeoutError("ICE gathering time out")
-            ),
-            GATHER_TIMEOUT
-        )
+    @call_mode.setter
+    def call_mode(self, mode):
+        if mode in ALLOWED_CALL_MODES:
+            if self._call_mode == mode:
+                return
+            self._call_mode = mode
+            self._update_call_button()
+            with_video = mode == VIDEO
+            for elt in self.call_box_elt.select(".is-video-only"):
+                if with_video:
+                    elt.classList.remove("is-hidden")
+                else:
+                    elt.classList.add("is-hidden")
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid call mode")
-        if is_initiator:
-            offer = await self._peer_connection.createOffer()
-            self._set_media_types(offer)
-            await self._peer_connection.setLocalDescription(offer)
-        else:
-            answer = await self._peer_connection.createAnswer()
-            self._set_media_types(answer)
-            await self._peer_connection.setLocalDescription(answer)
+    def switch_call_mode(self, ev):
+        self.call_mode = AUDIO if self.call_mode == VIDEO else VIDEO
-        if not is_initiator:
-            log.debug(self._peer_connection.localDescription.sdp)
-        await self.candidates_gathered
-        log.debug(self._peer_connection.localDescription.sdp)
-        timer.clear_timeout(gather_timeout)
-        ufrag, pwd = self.extract_pwd_ufrag(self._peer_connection.localDescription.sdp)
-        return {
-            "ufrag": ufrag,
-            "pwd": pwd,
-            "candidates": self.media_candidates,
-        }
+    def _update_call_button(self):
+        new_button = self.call_button_tpl.get_elt({"call_mode": self.call_mode})
+        new_button.bind(
+            "click",
+            lambda __: aio.run(self.make_call(video=not self.call_mode == AUDIO))
+        )
+        document['call_btn'].replaceWith(new_button)
-    def on_action_new(
+    def _on_action_new(
         self, action_data_s: str, action_id: str, security_limit: int, profile: str
     ) -> None:
         """Called when a call is received
@@ -286,6 +157,9 @@
         action_data = json.loads(action_data_s)
         if action_data.get("type") != "call":
+        aio.run(self.on_action_new(action_data, action_id))
+    async def on_action_new(self, action_data: dict, action_id: str) -> None:
         peer_jid = action_data["from_jid"]
             f"{peer_jid} wants to start a call ({action_data['sub_type']})"
@@ -296,21 +170,50 @@
-        self.sid = action_data["session_id"]
-        log.debug(f"Call SID: {self.sid}")
+        sid = self.sid = action_data["session_id"]
+        await cache.fill_identities([peer_jid])
+        identity = cache.identities[peer_jid]
+        peer_name = identity['nicknames'][0]
-        # Answer the call
-        offer_sdp = action_data["sdp"]
-        aio.run(self.answer_call(offer_sdp, action_id))
+        # we start the ring
+        self.audio_player_elt.play()
-    def _on_call_accepted(self, session_id: str, sdp: str, profile: str) -> None:
-        """Called when we have received answer SDP from responder
+        # and ask user if we take the call
+        try:
+            self.incoming_call_dialog_elt = dialog.Confirm(
+                f"{peer_name} is calling you.",
+                ok_label="Answer",
+                cancel_label="Reject"
+            )
+            accepted = await self.incoming_call_dialog_elt.ashow()
+        except dialog.CancelError:
+            log.info("Call has been cancelled")
+            self.incoming_call_dialog_elt = None
+            self.sid = None
+            dialog.notification.show(
+                f"{peer_name} has cancelled the call",
+                level="info"
+            )
+            return
-        @param session_id: Session identifier
-        @param sdp: Session Description Protocol data
-        @param profile: Profile associated with the action
-        """
-        aio.run(self.on_call_accepted(session_id, sdp, profile))
+        self.incoming_call_dialog_elt = None
+        # we stop the ring
+        self.audio_player_elt.pause()
+        self.audio_player_elt.currentTime = 0
+        if accepted:
+            log.debug(f"Call SID: {sid}")
+            # Answer the call
+            self.switch_mode("call")
+        else:
+            log.info(f"your are declining the call from {peer_jid}")
+            self.sid = None
+        await bridge.action_launch(
+            action_id,
+            json.dumps({"cancelled": not accepted})
+        )
     def _on_call_ended(self, session_id: str, data_s: str, profile: str) -> None:
         """Call has been terminated
@@ -327,13 +230,24 @@
                 f"ignoring call_ended not linked to our call ({self.sid}): {session_id}"
-        aio.run(self.end_call())
+        aio.run(self.end_call(json.loads(data_s)))
+    def _on_call_setup(self, session_id: str, setup_data_s: str, profile: str) -> None:
+        """Called when we have received answer SDP from responder
-    async def on_call_accepted(self, session_id: str, sdp: str, profile: str) -> None:
+        @param session_id: Session identifier
+        @param sdp: Session Description Protocol data
+        @param profile: Profile associated with the action
+        """
+        aio.run(self.on_call_setup(session_id, json.loads(setup_data_s), profile))
+    async def on_call_setup(self, session_id: str, setup_data: dict, profile: str) -> None:
         """Call has been accepted, connection can be established
         @param session_id: Session identifier
-        @param sdp: Session Description Protocol data
+        @param setup_data: Data with following keys:
+            role: initiator or responser
+            sdp: Session Description Protocol data
         @param profile: Profile associated
         if self.sid != session_id:
@@ -341,103 +255,25 @@
                 f"Call ignored due to different session ID ({self.sid=} {session_id=})"
-        await self._peer_connection.setRemoteDescription({
-            "type": "answer",
-            "sdp": sdp
-        })
-        await self.on_ice_candidates_new(self.candidates_buffer)
-        self.candidates_buffer.clear()
-    def _on_ice_candidates_new(self, sid: str, candidates_s: str, profile: str) -> None:
-        """Called when new ICE candidates are received
-        @param sid: Session identifier
-        @param candidates_s: ICE candidates serialized
-        @param profile: Profile associated with the action
-        """
-        if sid != self.sid:
-            log.debug(
-                f"ignoring peer ice candidates for {sid=} ({self.sid=})."
+        try:
+            role = setup_data["role"]
+            sdp = setup_data["sdp"]
+        except KeyError:
+            dialog.notification.show(
+                f"Invalid setup data received: {setup_data}",
+                level="error"
-        candidates = json.loads(candidates_s)
-        aio.run(self.on_ice_candidates_new(candidates))
-    async def on_ice_candidates_new(self, candidates: dict) -> None:
-        """Called when new ICE canidates are received from peer
-        @param candidates: Dictionary containing new ICE candidates
-        """
-        log.debug(f"new peer candidates received: {candidates}")
-        if (
-            self._peer_connection is None
-            or self._peer_connection.remoteDescription is None
-        ):
-            for media_type in ("audio", "video"):
-                media_candidates = candidates.get(media_type)
-                if media_candidates:
-                    buffer = self.candidates_buffer[media_type]
-                    buffer["candidates"].extend(media_candidates["candidates"])
+        if role == "initiator":
+            await self.webrtc.accept_call(session_id, sdp, profile)
+        elif role == "responder":
+            await self.webrtc.answer_call(session_id, sdp, profile)
+        else:
+            dialog.notification.show(
+                f"Invalid role received during setup: {setup_data}",
+                level="error"
+            )
-        for media_type, ice_data in candidates.items():
-            for candidate in ice_data["candidates"]:
-                candidate_sdp = self.build_ice_candidate(candidate)
-                try:
-                    sdp_mline_index = self.get_sdp_mline_index(media_type)
-                except Exception as e:
-                    log.warning(e)
-                    continue
-                ice_candidate = window.RTCIceCandidate.new({
-                    "candidate": candidate_sdp,
-                    "sdpMLineIndex": sdp_mline_index
-                }
-                                                           )
-                await self._peer_connection.addIceCandidate(ice_candidate)
-    def on_track(self, event):
-        """New track has been received from peer
-        @param event: Event associated with the new track
-        """
-        if event.streams and event.streams[0]:
-            remote_stream = event.streams[0]
-            document["remote_video"].srcObject = remote_stream
-        else:
-            if self.remote_stream is None:
-                self.remote_stream = window.MediaStream.new()
-                document["remote_video"].srcObject = self.remote_stream
-            self.remote_stream.addTrack(event.track)
-        document["call_btn"].classList.add("is-hidden")
-        document["hangup_btn"].classList.remove("is-hidden")
-    def on_negotiation_needed(self, event) -> None:
-        log.debug(f"on_negotiation_needed {event=}")
-        # TODO
-    async def answer_call(self, offer_sdp: str, action_id: str):
-        """We respond to the call"""
-        log.debug("answering call")
-        await self._create_peer_connection()
-        await self._peer_connection.setRemoteDescription({
-            "type": "offer",
-            "sdp": offer_sdp
-        })
-        await self.on_ice_candidates_new(self.candidates_buffer)
-        self.candidates_buffer.clear()
-        await self._get_user_media()
-        # Gather local ICE candidates
-        local_ice_data = await self._gather_ice_candidates(False)
-        self.local_candidates = local_ice_data["candidates"]
-        await bridge.action_launch(
-            action_id,
-            json.dumps({
-                "sdp": self._peer_connection.localDescription.sdp,
-            })
-        )
     async def make_call(self, audio: bool = True, video: bool = True) -> None:
         """Start a WebRTC call
@@ -445,69 +281,207 @@
         @param audio: True if an audio flux is required
         @param video: True if a video flux is required
-        await self._create_peer_connection()
-        await self._get_user_media(audio, video)
-        await self._gather_ice_candidates(True)
-        callee_jid = document["callee_jid"].value
+        try:
+            callee_jid = JID(document["search"].value.strip())
+            if not callee_jid.is_valid:
+                raise ValueError
+        except ValueError:
+            dialog.notification.show(
+                "Invalid identifier, please use a valid callee identifier",
+                level="error"
+            )
+            return
-        call_data = {
-            "sdp": self._peer_connection.localDescription.sdp
-        }
-        log.info(f"calling {callee_jid!r}")
-        self.sid = await bridge.call_start(
-            callee_jid,
-            json.dumps(call_data)
-        )
-        log.debug(f"Call SID: {self.sid}")
+        self._callee = callee_jid
+        await cache.fill_identities([callee_jid])
+        self.status = "dialing"
+        call_avatar_elt = self.call_avatar_tpl.get_elt({
+            "entity": str(callee_jid),
+            "identities": cache.identities,
+        })
+        self.call_avatar_wrapper_elt.clear()
+        self.call_avatar_wrapper_elt <= call_avatar_elt
-    async def end_call(self) -> None:
+        self.switch_mode("call")
+        await self.webrtc.make_call(callee_jid, audio, video)
+    async def end_call(self, data: dict) -> None:
         """Stop streaming and clean instance"""
-        document["hangup_btn"].classList.add("is-hidden")
-        document["call_btn"].classList.remove("is-hidden")
-        if self._peer_connection is None:
-            log.debug("There is currently no call to end.")
-        else:
-            self._peer_connection.removeEventListener("track", self.on_track)
-            self._peer_connection.removeEventListener("negotiationneeded", self.on_negotiation_needed)
-            self._peer_connection.removeEventListener("icecandidate", self.on_ice_candidate)
-            self._peer_connection.removeEventListener("icegatheringstatechange", self.on_ice_gathering_state_change)
+        # if there is any ringing, we stop it
+        self.audio_player_elt.pause()
+        self.audio_player_elt.currentTime = 0
+        if self.incoming_call_dialog_elt is not None:
+            self.incoming_call_dialog_elt.cancel()
+            self.incoming_call_dialog_elt = None
+        self.switch_mode("search")
-            local_video = document["local_video"]
-            remote_video = document["remote_video"]
-            if local_video.srcObject:
-                for track in local_video.srcObject.getTracks():
-                    track.stop()
-            if remote_video.srcObject:
-                for track in remote_video.srcObject.getTracks():
-                    track.stop()
+        if data.get("reason") == "busy":
+            assert self._callee is not None
+            peer_name = cache.identities[self._callee]["nicknames"][0]
+            dialog.notification.show(
+                f"{peer_name} can't answer your call",
+                level="info",
+            )
-            self._peer_connection.close()
-            self.reset_instance()
+        await self.webrtc.end_call()
-    async def hand_up(self) -> None:
+    async def hang_up(self) -> None:
         """Terminate the call"""
         session_id = self.sid
-        await self.end_call()
+        if not session_id:
+            log.warning("Can't hand_up, not call in progress")
+            return
+        await self.end_call({"reason": "terminated"})
         await bridge.call_end(
+    def _handle_animation_end(
+        self,
+        element,
+        remove = None,
+        add = None,
+    ):
+        """Return a handler that removes specified classes and the event handler.
-webrtc_call = WebRTCCall()
+        @param element: The element to operate on.
+        @param remove: List of class names to remove from the element.
+        @param add: List of class names to add to the element.
+        """
+        def handler(__, remove=remove, add=add):
+            log.info(f"animation end OK {element=}")
+            if add:
+                if isinstance(add, str):
+                    add = [add]
+                element.classList.add(*add)
+            if remove:
+                if isinstance(remove, str):
+                    remove = [remove]
+                element.classList.remove(*remove)
+            element.unbind('animationend', handler)
+        return handler
-    "click",
-    lambda __: aio.run(webrtc_call.make_call())
-    "click",
-    lambda __: aio.run(webrtc_call.hand_up())
+    def switch_mode(self, mode: str) -> None:
+        """Handles the user interface changes"""
+        if mode == self.mode:
+            return
+        if mode == "call":
+            # Hide contacts with fade-out animation and bring up the call box
+            self.search_container_elt.classList.add("fade-out-y")
+            self.search_container_elt.bind(
+                'animationend',
+                self._handle_animation_end(
+                    self.search_container_elt,
+                    remove="fade-out-y",
+                    add="is-hidden"
+                )
+            )
+            self.call_container_elt.classList.remove("is-hidden")
+            self.call_container_elt.classList.add("slide-in")
+            self.call_container_elt.bind(
+                'animationend',
+                self._handle_animation_end(
+                    self.call_container_elt,
+                    remove="slide-in"
+                )
+            )
+            self.mode = mode
+        elif mode == "search":
+            self.toggle_fullscreen(False)
+            self.search_container_elt.classList.add("fade-out-y", "animation-reverse")
+            self.search_container_elt.classList.remove("is-hidden")
+            self.search_container_elt.bind(
+                'animationend',
+                self._handle_animation_end(
+                    self.search_container_elt,
+                    remove=["fade-out-y", "animation-reverse"],
+                )
+            )
+            self.call_container_elt.classList.add("slide-in", "animation-reverse")
+            self.call_container_elt.bind(
+                'animationend',
+                self._handle_animation_end(
+                    self.call_container_elt,
+                    remove=["slide-in", "animation-reverse"],
+                    add="is-hidden"
+                )
+            )
+            self.mode = mode
+        else:
+            log.error(f"Internal Error: Unknown call mode: {mode}")
+    def toggle_fullscreen(self, fullscreen: bool|None = None):
+        """Toggle fullscreen mode for video elements.
+        @param fullscreen: if set, determine the fullscreen state; otherwise,
+        the fullscreen mode will be toggled.
+        """
+        do_fullscreen = (
+            document.fullscreenElement is None if fullscreen is None else fullscreen
+        )
-bridge.register_signal("action_new", webrtc_call.on_action_new)
-bridge.register_signal("call_accepted", webrtc_call._on_call_accepted)
-bridge.register_signal("call_ended", webrtc_call._on_call_ended)
-bridge.register_signal("ice_candidates_new", webrtc_call._on_ice_candidates_new)
+        try:
+            if do_fullscreen:
+                if document.fullscreenElement is None:
+                    self.call_box_elt.requestFullscreen()
+                    document["full_screen_btn"].classList.add("is-hidden")
+                    document["exit_full_screen_btn"].classList.remove("is-hidden")
+            else:
+                if document.fullscreenElement is not None:
+                    document.exitFullscreen()
+                    document["full_screen_btn"].classList.remove("is-hidden")
+                    document["exit_full_screen_btn"].classList.add("is-hidden")
+        except Exception as e:
+            dialog.notification.show(
+                f"An error occurred while toggling fullscreen: {e}",
+                level="error"
+            )
+    def toggle_audio_mute(self, evt):
+        is_muted = self.webrtc.toggle_audio_mute()
+        btn_elt = evt.currentTarget
+        if is_muted:
+            btn_elt.classList.remove("is-success")
+            btn_elt.classList.add("muted", "is-warning")
+            dialog.notification.show(
+                f"audio is now muted",
+                level="info",
+                delay=2,
+            )
+        else:
+            btn_elt.classList.remove("muted", "is-warning")
+            btn_elt.classList.add("is-success")
+    def toggle_video_mute(self, evt):
+        is_muted = self.webrtc.toggle_video_mute()
+        btn_elt = evt.currentTarget
+        if is_muted:
+            btn_elt.classList.remove("is-success")
+            btn_elt.classList.add("muted", "is-warning")
+            dialog.notification.show(
+                f"video is now muted",
+                level="info",
+                delay=2,
+            )
+        else:
+            btn_elt.classList.remove("muted", "is-warning")
+            btn_elt.classList.add("is-success")
+    def _on_entity_click(self, item: dict) -> None:
+        aio.run(self.on_entity_click(item))
+    async def on_entity_click(self, item: dict) -> None:
+        """Set entity JID to search bar, and start the call"""
+        document["search"].value = item["entity"]
+        await self.make_call()