diff libervia/web/pages/_browser/invitation.py @ 1518:eb00d593801d

refactoring: rename `libervia` to `libervia.web` + update imports following backend changes
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Fri, 02 Jun 2023 16:49:28 +0200
parents libervia/pages/_browser/invitation.py@5ea06e8b06ed
children d7c78722e4f8
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/libervia/web/pages/_browser/invitation.py	Fri Jun 02 16:49:28 2023 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+from browser import document, window, timer
+from bridge import Bridge
+from template import Template
+import dialog
+from cache import cache
+import javascript
+bridge = Bridge()
+# we use JS RegExp because Python's re is really long to import in Brython
+# FIXME: this is a naive JID regex, a more accurate should be used instead
+jid_re = javascript.RegExp.new(r"^\w+@\w+\.\w+")
+class InvitationManager:
+    def __init__(self, invitation_type, invitation_data):
+        self.invitation_type = invitation_type
+        self.invitation_data = invitation_data
+        manager_panel_tpl = Template('invitation/manager.html')
+        self.manager_panel_elt = manager_panel_tpl.get_elt()
+        self.invite_by_email_tpl = Template('invitation/invite_by_email.html')
+        self.affiliation_tpl = Template('invitation/affiliation_item.html')
+        self.new_item_tpl = Template('invitation/new_item.html')
+        # list of item passing filter when adding a new contact
+        self._filtered_new_items = {}
+        self._active_new_item = None
+        self._idx = 0
+    def attach(self, affiliations=None):
+        if affiliations is None:
+            affiliations = {}
+        self.affiliations = affiliations
+        self.side_panel = self.manager_panel_elt.select_one(
+            '.invitation_manager_side_panel')
+        self.open()
+        for close_elt in self.manager_panel_elt.select('.click_to_close'):
+            close_elt.bind("click", self.on_manager_close)
+        self.side_panel.bind("click", lambda evt: evt.stopPropagation())
+        cache.fill_identities(affiliations.keys(), callback=self._set_affiliations)
+        contact_elt = self.manager_panel_elt.select_one('input[name="contact"]')
+        contact_elt.bind("input", self.on_contact_input)
+        contact_elt.bind("keydown", self.on_contact_keydown)
+        contact_elt.bind("focus", self.on_contact_focus)
+        contact_elt.bind("blur", self.on_contact_blur)
+        document['invite_email'].bind('click', self.on_invite_email_click)
+    def _set_affiliations(self):
+        for entity_jid, affiliation in self.affiliations.items():
+            self.set_affiliation(entity_jid, affiliation)
+    def open(self):
+        """Re-attach and show a closed panel"""
+        self._body_ori_style = document.body.style.height, document.body.style.overflow
+        document.body.style.height = '100vh'
+        document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden'
+        document.body <= self.manager_panel_elt
+        timer.set_timeout(lambda: self.side_panel.classList.add("open"), 0)
+    def _on_close_transition_end(self, evt):
+        self.manager_panel_elt.remove()
+        # FIXME: not working with Brython, to report upstream
+        # self.side_panel.unbind("transitionend", self._on_close_transition_end)
+        self.side_panel.unbind("transitionend")
+    def close(self):
+        """Hide the panel"""
+        document.body.style.height, document.body.style.overflow = self._body_ori_style
+        self.side_panel.classList.remove('open')
+        self.side_panel.bind("transitionend", self._on_close_transition_end)
+    def _invite_jid(self, entity_jid, callback, errback=None):
+        if errback is None:
+            errback = lambda e: dialog.notification.show(f"invitation failed: {e}", "error")
+        if self.invitation_type == 'photos':
+            service = self.invitation_data["service"]
+            path = self.invitation_data["path"]
+            album_name = path.rsplit('/')[-1]
+            print(f"inviting {entity_jid}")
+            bridge.fis_invite(
+                entity_jid,
+                service,
+                "photos",
+                "",
+                path,
+                album_name,
+                '',
+                callback=callback,
+                errback=errback
+            )
+        elif self.invitation_type == 'pubsub':
+            service = self.invitation_data["service"]
+            node = self.invitation_data["node"]
+            name = self.invitation_data.get("name")
+            namespace = self.invitation_data.get("namespace")
+            extra = {}
+            if namespace:
+                extra["namespace"] = namespace
+            print(f"inviting {entity_jid}")
+            bridge.ps_invite(
+                entity_jid,
+                service,
+                node,
+                '',
+                name,
+                javascript.JSON.stringify(extra),
+                callback=callback,
+                errback=errback
+            )
+        else:
+            print(f"error: unknown invitation type: {self.invitation_type}")
+    def invite_by_jid(self, entity_jid):
+        self._invite_jid(
+            entity_jid,
+            callback=lambda entity_jid=entity_jid: self._on_jid_invitation_success(entity_jid),
+        )
+    def on_manager_close(self, evt):
+        self.close()
+    def _on_jid_invitation_success(self, entity_jid):
+        form_elt = document['invitation_form']
+        contact_elt = form_elt.select_one('input[name="contact"]')
+        contact_elt.value = ""
+        contact_elt.dispatchEvent(window.Event.new('input'))
+        dialog.notification.show(
+            f"{entity_jid} has been invited",
+            level="success",
+        )
+        if entity_jid not in self.affiliations:
+            self.set_affiliation(entity_jid, "member")
+    def on_contact_invite(self, evt, entity_jid):
+        """User is adding a contact"""
+        form_elt = document['invitation_form']
+        contact_elt = form_elt.select_one('input[name="contact"]')
+        contact_elt.value = ""
+        contact_elt.dispatchEvent(window.Event.new('input'))
+        self.invite_by_jid(entity_jid)
+    def on_contact_keydown(self, evt):
+        if evt.key == "Escape":
+            evt.target.value = ""
+            evt.target.dispatchEvent(window.Event.new('input'))
+        elif evt.key == "ArrowDown":
+            evt.stopPropagation()
+            evt.preventDefault()
+            content_elt = document['invitation_contact_search'].select_one(
+                ".search_dialog__content")
+            if self._active_new_item == None:
+                self._active_new_item = content_elt.firstElementChild
+                self._active_new_item.classList.add('selected')
+            else:
+                next_item = self._active_new_item.nextElementSibling
+                if next_item is not None:
+                    self._active_new_item.classList.remove('selected')
+                    self._active_new_item = next_item
+                    self._active_new_item.classList.add('selected')
+        elif evt.key == "ArrowUp":
+            evt.stopPropagation()
+            evt.preventDefault()
+            content_elt = document['invitation_contact_search'].select_one(
+                ".search_dialog__content")
+            if self._active_new_item == None:
+                self._active_new_item = content_elt.lastElementChild
+                self._active_new_item.classList.add('selected')
+            else:
+                previous_item = self._active_new_item.previousElementSibling
+                if previous_item is not None:
+                    self._active_new_item.classList.remove('selected')
+                    self._active_new_item = previous_item
+                    self._active_new_item.classList.add('selected')
+        elif evt.key == "Enter":
+            evt.stopPropagation()
+            evt.preventDefault()
+            if self._active_new_item is not None:
+                entity_jid = self._active_new_item.dataset.entityJid
+                self.invite_by_jid(entity_jid)
+            else:
+                if jid_re.exec(evt.target.value):
+                    self.invite_by_jid(evt.target.value)
+                    evt.target.value = ""
+    def on_contact_focus(self, evt):
+        search_dialog = document['invitation_contact_search']
+        search_dialog.classList.add('open')
+        self._active_new_item = None
+        evt.target.dispatchEvent(window.Event.new('input'))
+    def on_contact_blur(self, evt):
+        search_dialog = document['invitation_contact_search']
+        search_dialog.classList.remove('open')
+        for elt in self._filtered_new_items.values():
+            elt.remove()
+        self._filtered_new_items.clear()
+    def on_contact_input(self, evt):
+        text = evt.target.value.strip().lower()
+        search_dialog = document['invitation_contact_search']
+        content_elt = search_dialog.select_one(".search_dialog__content")
+        for (entity_jid, identity) in cache.identities.items():
+            if not cache.match_identity(entity_jid, text, identity):
+                # if the entity was present in last pass, we remove it
+                try:
+                    filtered_item = self._filtered_new_items.pop(entity_jid)
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    filtered_item.remove()
+                continue
+            if entity_jid not in self._filtered_new_items:
+                # we only create a new element if the item was not already there
+                new_item_elt = self.new_item_tpl.get_elt({
+                    "entity_jid": entity_jid,
+                    "identities": cache.identities,
+                })
+                content_elt <= new_item_elt
+                self._filtered_new_items[entity_jid] = new_item_elt
+                for elt in new_item_elt.select('.click_to_ok'):
+                    # we use mousedown instead of click because otherwise it would be
+                    # ignored due to "blur" event manager (see
+                    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/9335401)
+                    elt.bind(
+                        "mousedown",
+                        lambda evt, entity_jid=entity_jid: self.on_contact_invite(
+                            evt, entity_jid),
+                    )
+        if ((self._active_new_item is not None
+             and not self._active_new_item.parentElement)):
+            # active item has been filtered out
+            self._active_new_item = None
+    def _on_email_invitation_success(self, invitee_jid, email, name):
+        self.set_affiliation(invitee_jid, "member")
+        dialog.notification.show(
+            f"{name} has been invited, he/she has received an email with a link",
+            level="success",
+        )
+    def invitation_simple_create_cb(self, invitation_data, email, name):
+        invitee_jid = invitation_data['jid']
+        self._invite_jid(
+            invitee_jid,
+            callback=lambda: self._on_email_invitation_success(invitee_jid, email, name),
+            errback=lambda e: dialog.notification.show(
+                f"invitation failed for {email}: {e}",
+                "error"
+            )
+        )
+        # we update identities to have the name instead of the invitation jid in
+        # affiliations
+        cache.identities[invitee_jid] = {'nicknames': [name]}
+        cache.update()
+    def invite_by_email(self, email, name):
+        guest_url_tpl = f'{window.URL.new("/g", document.baseURI).href}/{{uuid}}'
+        bridge.invitation_simple_create(
+            email,
+            name,
+            guest_url_tpl,
+            '',
+            callback=lambda data: self.invitation_simple_create_cb(data, email, name),
+            errback=lambda e: window.alert(f"can't send email invitation: {e}")
+        )
+    def on_invite_email_submit(self, evt, invite_email_elt):
+        evt.stopPropagation()
+        evt.preventDefault()
+        form = document['email_invitation_form']
+        try:
+            reportValidity = form.reportValidity
+        except AttributeError:
+            print("reportValidity is not supported by this browser!")
+        else:
+            if not reportValidity():
+                return
+        email = form.select_one('input[name="email"]').value
+        name = form.select_one('input[name="name"]').value
+        self.invite_by_email(email, name)
+        invite_email_elt.remove()
+        self.open()
+    def on_invite_email_close(self, evt, invite_email_elt):
+        evt.stopPropagation()
+        evt.preventDefault()
+        invite_email_elt.remove()
+        self.open()
+    def on_invite_email_click(self, evt):
+        evt.stopPropagation()
+        evt.preventDefault()
+        invite_email_elt = self.invite_by_email_tpl.get_elt()
+        document.body <= invite_email_elt
+        document['email_invitation_submit'].bind(
+            'click', lambda evt: self.on_invite_email_submit(evt, invite_email_elt)
+        )
+        for close_elt in invite_email_elt.select('.click_to_close'):
+            close_elt.bind(
+                "click", lambda evt: self.on_invite_email_close(evt, invite_email_elt))
+        self.close()
+    ## affiliations
+    def _add_affiliation_bindings(self, entity_jid, affiliation_elt):
+        for elt in affiliation_elt.select(".click_to_delete"):
+            elt.bind(
+                "click",
+                lambda evt, entity_jid=entity_jid, affiliation_elt=affiliation_elt:
+                self.on_affiliation_remove(entity_jid, affiliation_elt)
+            )
+        for elt in affiliation_elt.select(".click_to_set_publisher"):
+            try:
+                name = cache.identities[entity_jid]["nicknames"][0]
+            except (KeyError, IndexError):
+                name = entity_jid
+            elt.bind(
+                "click",
+                lambda evt, entity_jid=entity_jid, name=name,
+                    affiliation_elt=affiliation_elt:
+                    self.on_affiliation_set(
+                        entity_jid, name, affiliation_elt, "publisher"
+                    ),
+            )
+        for elt in affiliation_elt.select(".click_to_set_member"):
+            try:
+                name = cache.identities[entity_jid]["nicknames"][0]
+            except (KeyError, IndexError):
+                name = entity_jid
+            elt.bind(
+                "click",
+                lambda evt, entity_jid=entity_jid, name=name,
+                    affiliation_elt=affiliation_elt:
+                    self.on_affiliation_set(
+                        entity_jid, name, affiliation_elt, "member"
+                    ),
+            )
+    def set_affiliation(self, entity_jid, affiliation):
+        if affiliation not in ('owner', 'member', 'publisher'):
+            raise NotImplementedError(
+                f'{affiliation} affiliation can not be set with this method for the '
+                'moment')
+        if entity_jid not in self.affiliations:
+            self.affiliations[entity_jid] = affiliation
+        affiliation_elt = self.affiliation_tpl.get_elt({
+            "entity_jid": entity_jid,
+            "affiliation": affiliation,
+            "identities": cache.identities,
+        })
+        document['affiliations'] <= affiliation_elt
+        self._add_affiliation_bindings(entity_jid, affiliation_elt)
+    def _on_affiliation_remove_success(self, affiliation_elt, entity_jid):
+        affiliation_elt.remove()
+        del self.affiliations[entity_jid]
+    def on_affiliation_remove(self, entity_jid, affiliation_elt):
+        if self.invitation_type == 'photos':
+            path = self.invitation_data["path"]
+            service = self.invitation_data["service"]
+            bridge.fis_affiliations_set(
+                service,
+                "",
+                path,
+                {entity_jid: "none"},
+                callback=lambda: self._on_affiliation_remove_success(
+                    affiliation_elt, entity_jid),
+                errback=lambda e: dialog.notification.show(
+                    f"can't remove affiliation: {e}", "error")
+            )
+        elif self.invitation_type == 'pubsub':
+            service = self.invitation_data["service"]
+            node = self.invitation_data["node"]
+            bridge.ps_node_affiliations_set(
+                service,
+                node,
+                {entity_jid: "none"},
+                callback=lambda: self._on_affiliation_remove_success(
+                    affiliation_elt, entity_jid),
+                errback=lambda e: dialog.notification.show(
+                    f"can't remove affiliation: {e}", "error")
+            )
+        else:
+            dialog.notification.show(
+                f"error: unknown invitation type: {self.invitation_type}",
+                "error"
+            )
+    def _on_affiliation_set_success(self, entity_jid, name, affiliation_elt, affiliation):
+        dialog.notification.show(f"permission updated for {name}")
+        self.affiliations[entity_jid] = affiliation
+        new_affiliation_elt = self.affiliation_tpl.get_elt({
+            "entity_jid": entity_jid,
+            "affiliation": affiliation,
+            "identities": cache.identities,
+        })
+        affiliation_elt.replaceWith(new_affiliation_elt)
+        self._add_affiliation_bindings(entity_jid, new_affiliation_elt)
+    def _on_affiliation_set_ok(self, entity_jid, name, affiliation_elt, affiliation):
+        if self.invitation_type == 'pubsub':
+            service = self.invitation_data["service"]
+            node = self.invitation_data["node"]
+            bridge.ps_node_affiliations_set(
+                service,
+                node,
+                {entity_jid: affiliation},
+                callback=lambda: self._on_affiliation_set_success(
+                    entity_jid, name, affiliation_elt, affiliation
+                ),
+                errback=lambda e: dialog.notification.show(
+                    f"can't set affiliation: {e}", "error")
+            )
+        else:
+            dialog.notification.show(
+                f"error: unknown invitation type: {self.invitation_type}",
+                "error"
+            )
+    def _on_affiliation_set_cancel(self, evt, notif_elt):
+        notif_elt.remove()
+        self.open()
+    def on_affiliation_set(self, entity_jid, name, affiliation_elt, affiliation):
+        if affiliation == "publisher":
+            message = f"Give autorisation to publish to {name}?"
+        elif affiliation == "member":
+            message = f"Remove autorisation to publish from {name}?"
+        else:
+            dialog.notification.show(f"unmanaged affiliation: {affiliation}", "error")
+            return
+        dialog.Confirm(message).show(
+            ok_cb=lambda evt, notif_elt:
+                self._on_affiliation_set_ok(
+                    entity_jid, name, affiliation_elt, affiliation
+                ),
+            cancel_cb=self._on_affiliation_set_cancel
+        )
+        self.close()